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Messages - Tekkie.X

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Either that or he's found Dog.

I typed that on purpose, shut up, it's a Rise of the Triad joke.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
« on: 2013-06-23 11:09:02 »
I played maybe 2 hours of this on PS3, while not as bad as XI was, it's still pretty bad and I doubt I'll give it another go.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Xbox 1.0 Reveal: Angry Rant
« on: 2013-06-17 05:30:08 »
And now a follow up to the E3 presentation.

General Discussion / Re: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD pre-order
« on: 2013-06-15 02:25:41 »
Had it pre-ordered from Shopto in the UK for a while now, the link to the Shopto game page is actually broken on that page :D

Can't play the PS3 beta, code doesn't work, I guess it's because I'm not in the US.

While I'm hardly wetting myself in anticipation after I felt 11 was a contender for worst game ever with it's shitty UI and lack of any atmosphere (it was pretty vacant when I tried it a couple of years back), I got my beta keys today, one for PC, one for PS3, gonna try the PS3 version, see how it handles on a console.

General Discussion / Re: Let E3 2013 begin!!!
« on: 2013-06-12 23:54:15 »
The really interesting part is that it will be an actual remake and not just a re-mastered version!

What's a remake? You mean 1.5?

It's a HD remaster of Final Mix with the higher quality models from the PSP and 3DS and some cleaned up textures but with some changes not a from scratch remake, that'd be be asking a little too much.

There's loads of comparison pics and vids on the net, it looks cleaner and sharper but doesn't actually look all that different.

I have an AVERMEDIA AVCPCIH727 Hybrid Capture HD Card.

Only supports up to 1080i/720p but is also half the price of that Hauppauge and doesn't take up desk space since it's an internal card.

Both devices however are unable to record from a PS3 through HDMI because Sony though HDCP was a good idea but they will work fine if you use component cable inputs.

Processing power shouldn't be a worry really as you're not really gonna be using the PC while recording, as for editing, all you're really doing is splitting the footage and adding an into/outro if that's your thing, it's just the rendering/upload times and bitrate that are the main concern if you want it to look even half decent on Youtube.

I'll get round to my own Let's Plays eventually.

I started a Resident Evil 2 LP a couple of years back, got 2 parts done, emulator crapped out and I just gave up.

Here's hoping you actually keep going.

Meh, just rendering at high resolution, no updated textures, they've maybe upscaled the interface stuff but that'll be their limit of effort.

Any DX9 based Emulator and plugin should be able to do it using Tex mod although I think he said only one plugin actually worked with Texmod but was buggy.

Looks like The Walking Dead. Will definitely play.

It might have a semi-similar style of play to the game(although it'll probably play more like Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy) but the actual theme is very different.

BEYOND: Two Souls (tm) is a unique psychological action thriller featuring Academy Award(r) nominee, Ellen Page in the lead role. Experience the incredible life of a person who possesses extraordinary powers through a connection with an invisible entity. Watch as your actions and decisions determine her fate and face incredible emotional challenges never before seen in a video game.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Best Games, Any Platform
« on: 2013-02-23 21:31:21 »

Dungeon Keeper 2
Dues Ex 1 and Human Revolution (Invisible War can be skipped, it's bad)
The entire Hitman series.
Just Cause 2(There's a multiplayer mod for it now that can hold about 2000 people and is still in development)
Thief series
Max Payne series

Consoles: (Actual platform may vary, most are multi-platform games anyway and some are also on PC)

Devil May Cry series(First 3 are in an HD collection,and DmC can be skipped since it's not as good and is just a retelling/reboot)
Halo series(While GoldenEye paved the way for shooter on consoles, Halo 2 revolutionised it with the way they did multipler with the matchmaking and parties that are now pretty much standards in most game)
Uncharted series(Like Tomb Raider only much much better)
Red Dead Redemption(GTA on horseback but with plenty to do outside of the story)
Gran Turismo series(2 and 5 being the notable ones)
Front Mission series(including the third person one from a couple of years ago)
Assassins Creed series
Splinter Cell series
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine
Darksiders 1 and 2(Play as two of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War in 1, Death in 2)
The Lego*insertfranchisehere* games, great fun with a friend sat next to you)
Resident Evil series(Yes, all of them, well except Gaiden which was a GameBoy Colour game and was pretty bad)
Dino Crisis 1 and 2(Avoid 3, they lost the plot and set it in space)
Perfect Dark
Blast Corps
Mario series
Hybrid Heaven(terrible level design but the combat system is semi-turn based and has you learning new moves from opponents)
FIFA 98 (The only football/soccer game you'll ever need since it's pretty much the last one to even include a indoor pitch)

General Discussion / Re: Do you hear what I hear?
« on: 2013-01-08 19:49:06 »
On a related note, there's always the music in Mother/Earthbound being a little bit too similar to various tunes, primarily the Beatles.

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2012-12-27 13:49:13 »
You can use pretty much any controller if you use something like Joy2Key or XPadder.

Team Avalanche / Re: Time to celebrate!
« on: 2012-12-23 17:58:16 »
1. Winter is cold so you stay inside.
2. You get bored
3. You decide to do something about said boredom
4. Wait 9 months
5. Profit
6. Spend many long nights unable to sleep

Fixed that for you.

Team Avalanche / Re: Time to celebrate!
« on: 2012-12-23 17:39:03 »
What is it with this time of year and people popping out bairns? Grats dude. (funny that chrome knows what a bairn is yet doesn't have standard UK English spellings in the same dictionary...)

Sony cared enough when Bleam came out.

I think they only went after Bleem because it sucked  8-), there's plenty other emulators still going strong.

They've been around for over a year though.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Phantom Pain
« on: 2012-12-09 10:43:37 »
I get the feeling this is either set soon after either Peace Walker or MG1.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Phantom Pain
« on: 2012-12-08 21:40:48 »
You mean Metal Gear Solid 5 right(or Ground Zeroes at least)?

It's because Kickstarter is somewhat easy to abuse, idiots will buy anything these days just because it looks cool.

Physics based combat? Plays bad, looks really dumb and is just a dumb idea in general. Using physics for reactions is fine, but not the actual swinging of weapons, I mean, how many times did the guy miss at close range because the arms just flop about.

General Discussion / Re: FFXIV - A Realm Reborn (2.0)
« on: 2012-11-16 22:21:17 »
11 was bad enough, 14 was an utter failure and they're trying to resurrect it, lets all sit back and watch it fail for a second time.

COMODO fo lyfe yo, free but has a premium version. AVG always annoyed the hell out of me by trying to block Steam every time they updated.

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