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Messages - The Seer of Shadows

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I live in Asia and I complain about rice :P

Sometimes, I also complain about going off topic.  But not this time 8-)

(Mr. Amazing was off-topic from the beginning.  This topic isn't about Kefka.  This topic isn't about Sephiroth.  It's about the significance of Aerith's death.  Sheesh >:()

Wall of Text

Wall of Text


I would post my own wall of text, but it doesn't look like this is going to progress all that much.  It'd be great if the arguments could be condensed a bit and the "Enter" and "Shift" buttons on the keyboard could be used less sparingly. 

Completely Unrelated / Re: to much FFVII hate
« on: 2010-09-14 09:14:20 »
Kefka's past, as he illustrated it, was not official canon last time I checked.  From what I understand, the point of Kefka is that he does evil and crazy things for no reason.  I don't know where Kefka's backstory came from, but I doubt it came from the people who developed him.

The way he argues bothers me.  He treats Kefka like a real person, addressing things that didn't even happen in the game.  Kefka does not exist outside of the games that he appears in, nor does Sephiroth.  "Kefka had a very upsetting childhood!"  No he did not.  We don't see him as a child in the game and there is no indication that anything happened to knock him off his rocker.

Completely Unrelated / Re: A survey on personal gain...
« on: 2010-09-13 19:28:39 »
I can't say that I've ever kissed anyone's butt physically, but I probably have sucked up to many people without entirely meaning to (just trying to be friendly and get along with people :wink:).

That "you have the right of free will" is, in this instance, just a pitiful excuse to do something unacceptable.

The right of freedom assumes that all human beings have some common sense - some extent of maturity.  Which, sadly, is simply untrue.

The Koran holds deep spiritual significance for many people, as does the Bible.  Burning them, just for the heck of agitation?  There already seems to be a conflict between certain domains of the two religions, and all this is going to do is add fuel to the fire.

Without a storyline, I personally wouldn't enjoy a game for very long.  Even the under-developed storyline of FFI, which basically existed for the purpose of letting you know where to go and when, did a lot for it because it feels like there is some purpose in playing the game.  Even though it's a world of fiction, where nothing exists and nothing matters, it mustn't be allowed to feel meaningless or else many gamers like myself will lose interest.

And I literally just reiterated every other post in this thread :P

Let me use FF6 as an example.  I'll admit it - I thought Kefka was pretty awesome while I was playing through that game, in my own little immature way.  His personality had no dimension, but that was fine by me.  He was the drama and the comic relief at the same time.  He put the characters who did have some personality through a lot of pain and grief.  Yes, he tore apart the world, but I wouldn't have cared about that if it hadn't affected the mood of the game.  In other words, I liked him because he provided a lot of the drama, which was reflected in the other characters.  All the while, his attitude (especially while killing Gestahl) cracked me up.  The way he can get you to laugh as he is through all the terror is the only level of empathy I ever experienced with him directly, and it was enough to make me appreciate him as a villain.  Yet the deeper characters such as Terra and Celes kept me from becoming too emotionally detached from the whole thing.

Troubleshooting / Re: Lock / Delete please D:
« on: 2010-09-08 13:52:50 »
"Whoops, I forgot to do my research."

This topic is kind of funny, actually.  I like how you post your problem, troubleshoot it, and gradually solve your problem, in one post, before anyone replies.  It's kind of like reading an autobiography of sorts :P

The kernel.bin has scene.bin lookups because many monsters in the scene.bin use attack data that's stored in the kernel.bin.  I'm not an expert on how this stuff works exactly, but if you change anything in the scene.bin, the files in it will almost always change size (in bytes), which messes up the lookups, which messes up the encounters.  That's how I understand it (and now, someone will post saying that I'm incorrect and that I haven't done my research, I bet).

Anyway, yeah.  Make sure you really can't figure out what your problem is before you post for help.  Also, people scene.bin edit a lot, so it's only logical that this kind of knowledge is out there and easy to find.

That is quite a lot to commit to.  I'm filled with admiration.

Completely Unrelated / Re: My Shameful Advertisement
« on: 2010-09-07 04:49:10 »
This doesn't look like the kind of thing that will get you warned or the topic locked.  However, I am not a moderator - I could be wrong :)

He didn't admit he was smoking it or anything like that.

Actually, he did make another thread some time ago saying that he smokes marijuana.

I am filled with questionable thoughts on the legality of this issue.  However, as long as he doesn't try to sell it to us, then I guess it's fine.

Oh, and by the way, weed does require 24/7 emotional support.  Neglect it and it will slit itself :P And then it becomes more difficult to smoke the damn thing.

No offense intended, but why should we know this?

Well, anyway.  Have fun with that.  I guess.

I actually enjoy games that make you grind a bit, but within reason.  Too much grinding makes a game boring.

I hated the Cloister of Trials in FFX.  Almost as much as I hated Blitzball.  Throughout both, I was just dying to move on with the game.  Found them too long and tedious.

I suppose that in the end, it comes down to personal preference :-\

Very succinct :)

From a graphical perspective, it also helps that FF7 was in 3D.  If it were made in a similar style to FF6, Aerith's death would've been much less dramatic.

The significance of the moment wouldn't even be obtainable with 2D sprites.  The more moving moments in earlier Final Fantasy games were due to effective dialogue.  The Aerith Death Scene takes a very different approach.

Having read the OP (took a long time >:( at least it was intelligent)...

You've convinced me that there was some thought put into her character, the fact that the character dies, with a specific timing and location.  Thinking about it that way, there was a special impact to her being killed in the Forgotten Capitol, in a very... tranquil scene, I want to say.  (No music, quiet sound effects... and then the sick fact that you have Aerith's joyful theme playing throughout the moments that follow.  That, in particular, defined the "pathos" of the scene.)

To me, it would've been more obvious to make Cloud kill her at the Northern Crater after giving Sephiroth the Black Materia, but even that wouldn't have been dramatic enough.  The way they did it was nearly perfect.

However, the stereotypical Sephiroth-haters (the ones that say, "He killed a flower girl, Kefka killed Cyan's family, hurr durr!") would never come to truly appreciate what the scene is about.  I mean, no one really cared when Cyan's family died.  No one really cared about anyone Kefka successfully killed.  Please catch me out if I'm wrong there.

Kefka is just about global disaster - if we really cared about that, we'd actually try to stop global warming :P No, for us to really react, we need an emotional attachment to whatever's destroyed, and the Aerith-killing scene played on that very effectively.

I'm actually taking some time to watch the FFX review.

Part 2.  I find it interesting how he takes the mick out of Wakka and Seymour's hairstyles.  He's got a pretty poor hairstyle himself :P

Not defending FFX.  All in all, his review is harsh, but hilarious, especially the "ass count" thing he's doing ;D

Whoa, thread derailed :o

Two years and one day off, as far as I can see.  The date on the post says the 19th of August for me.

Yes, it was mean of that woman to put the kitty in a garbage can, and she didn't really have a reason to do it, but deciding "All right, the woman must die!" is just a teeny bit extreme...

But more importantly, Prince Lex!  Where've you been!? :D

No, you posted this in the correct board.

And I think it's a pretty good idea, but we don't need it urgently.

You could give Red Elemental + Status resistances via Accessories, though. And AI, I suppose.

AI is a pain to work with.  But accessories?  Why didn't I think about that?  *slaps forehead*

I still think Red should be given one special, exclusive piece of armor...

Game producers want to make each game somehow different to the last, but they are also running out of creativity.

Like FFXIII.  It's battle system is like an update of the FFXII battle system, only tweaked a bit so that it feels more turn based.  However, I don't feel that it was much better than the FFXII battle system.  (Then again, a purely turn-based or ATB battle system would just look awkward with those graphics...)

And without the armor, where does his materia go? In his "comb"?

Well, yeah.  If he can't equip any armor ingame, then obviously, there are no materia slots in his armor for him to utilize.  But he still has his weapons, which have materia slots for him to make use of.

Removing Red XIII's ability to equip armor will seriously limit him late in the game no matter how high his stats are.  Unlike the other characters, he'll never be able to have any elemental resistances or status immunities without the use of Resist or Shield.  I don't agree with removing his ability to equip armor, but if you do, it only makes sense to make his stat growths super uber.

What I would recommend is perhaps changing one or two pieces of armor so that they are exclusive to Red XIII.  He can have a basic piece of armor that he comes equipped with, and perhaps a better piece of armor that he can acquire later (maybe as a drop from Lifeform Hojo-N, who only drops a measly Power Source by default).

Outright suspending the member seems a bit harsh to me, but otherwise, that sounds like a pretty good rule.

We're all in different time zones here.  When is "really late at night"?

Qhimm appears irregularly, but if you send him a PM, it'll be the first thing he sees when he next signs on.

Only admins can ban people, and only admins can lift bans.  You'd have to convince Qhimm himself to let you go.  Maybe he'll be merciful, but I personally think your chances are slim.  That's why we say that you should reappear anonymously.

Not to mention all the bans were lifted when Ammo/Jari left

Jari only lifted the bans on Mako, Seifer, and Hermoor anyway.

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