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Messages - mav

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Ok, so here's the deal. I wrote recently a program that let you modify texts in mngrp.bin file and some others based on pointer&text structure. With it, I was able to translate some part of menu (not all of it, because I'm not a translator - only a hacker :P). Here:

And I've done this with this program. I hope that it helps you hungarian guys ;).
Edit: Some hints for using the prog: When you load file, you must type offset of text section. The default offset is 24 - which is first section. Second is 824 (offset of byte that represent number of text items in section), etc. Then you can translate each Item's. But beware! Some sections are one after another, and if trasnlated text will be longer, it'll overwrite next section!! You must use it with caution  8).

Fonts in Final Fantasy 8 ? Or you didn't have to ?

Thanks ;). Oh, I have one question: Did you modified the fonts ? And did they work ?

Yes, these are tools for managing LGP archives and translating FF7 ;). I wrote them because cosmo had some nasty bugs :). And yes, when I'll find some time, I'll translate them.
Oh, and congratz about the translation!

Hm... as far as I know, Cosmo doesn't even touch script section. Window sizes are calculated manually (sum of widths of all letters). Anyways, a lot have been done by CZarDragon, and with help of others, we can discover the rest :).

Yea, translhextion is a great tool, I used it some time ago when I edited SNES roms. But it's great to other things (like FF8 ;) ) too :). Glad that my site helped you :).

Hm... what exactly do you changed ? I mean... do you changed size of file for example ? Or expanded some dialog ?

Edit: My friend, Toshiro, developed a FF8 thingy table. If someone want it - get it here

General Discussion / Your Dream Girl ^_^
« on: 2003-10-21 04:45:37 »
I've called it a harem because there's lotsa beautiful girls there ;). It's was a page for ma Final Fantasy Corner Site, which wasn't giving you raw info about FF series, but also things... like this :P.
The texts are funny too, too bad that they're in polish and you can't understand them...

General Discussion / Your Dream Girl ^_^
« on: 2003-10-20 21:22:21 »
You'll probably kill me, but I have to post this link here XD. So... be ready: THE LINK.
Oh, and don't worry about polish text, the images are everything you need :P.

I've written that my program has another bug, and I posted link in my post above. Get the new version ;).

This is some difficult task, but can be done ;). You'll need LGP Tools for it. Simply load some archive, and insert tex file to it. Now dbl click on it, then right click and choose 'Save as BMP' and you have BMP file :). When you fishish edit them, run Tex tool, choose original tex file and modified bmp, and click Import. If you have OK message then everything's ok, you modified your texture :).
Edit: Still, my program wasn't importing compressed files to archive. I've fixed it, and I hope that It'll finally work in game. Someone want's to test it ? :D. Link

Edit2: Yeeeees!!!! It works ^^. Here:

I know the font's are nasty and ugly ^^". But they're working with game!! It's a proof that my program works and translation can be continued!! Polish people are celebrating ^^.

I've developed some small prog to decode this 'FF8 Chineese'. If you want it - it's here. But for prog that can edit files you must wait, because I must understand file's structure first ;).

Encoding isn't hard - you can edit file with Translhextion or Thingy or other hex editor which supports thingy tables. The problem are pointers you see at beginning of every 'section'. If you want to edit these texts you must adjust manually these pointers too. And THIS is a hard work :P. I can write a program for editing the file, but you'll have to wait - I don't have much amount of free time ;). Maybe focus on in-game dialogs now ? :).

So menu texts aren't here, and this keyboard... You can check that if you change some of these texts - will it change in game in controls menu ?
Some text (there are 17Kb's of it) can be found in .msg files within menu archive. They're encoded with the same method as dialogs. I can read there text's like:
"Silences Echo Screen", "Thundaras Dynamo Stone", "G2Returners Dragon Fang", "refines into ..." or "Reverse Revive party member from KO". But still I can't find words "Junction", "Item" and others from menu...

Edit: Found it! It's in mngrp.bin from menu archive. Encoded with same method. I can read there "Item Item Menu Magic Magic Menu GF Guardian Force Menu" and other ;).

Can you paste here some of this text in exe ? :).
And of course, I can help you with FF7, it's no problem :).

If you have problems then tell me, ok ? :).

Srethron: You're talking about FF7 and we're talking about FF8 :P.
BTW, my program has a bug - if you replace a file that is compressed, it'll ruin all files after it. I've repaired it, and here it is:
I still didn't tested it in-game, I've only checked if Eight is able to extract all files from archive I changed.

Indeed, and not only MSVS but this is a standard in saving integers to file. You have allways read them from right ;). But when you write programs to read this integers, program reads it in good way, so it's no problem :).

And where can I find this enemy000.lzs ? :P.

I don't now, I'm new to FF8 :P. You have to check that ;). If I'll find more time, I'll search for that :).
Edit: Oh, forgot to add: In FF7 menu texts were in .exe file. Try to search for them there ;).

Hm... it worked well for me... Weird :P.

Great job man! Glad I could help :). As for the dialogs... They're of course in field.fs. There are sereral (900) archives in it, and in them, you can find .msd files. In this files, you can see some text, but it's completely unreadable. It's because small characters are "shifted" by 2 letters (for eg. a means c), and big characters are shifted by 5 letters back (X means T). Maybe I'll write a program for editing dialogs from single files if I'll find a while or two :).

Here: Link. Hope this'll help ;).

Finally :D. I wrote a program to manage archives in FF8. It can extract and import files to them. Link Here. I translated it to English, but leaved Help menu in Polish, cause I don't have time now :P. Hope this will help you translate the game ^^.

Bspbsp: Yes, i know this diffrences and they're applied to my program. If you want, you can use it, and I can send you a Delphi source eventually ;).

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