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Messages - KnifeTheSky77

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Yea man I didn't really understand any of that, I need to brush up on my British

Completely Unrelated / Re: App ideas
« on: 2015-05-01 21:17:00 »
I'm seeing a trend in short lived board games that you log into via Facebook, and has a built in messaging system. Those are the money makers. Short addictive games that are just barely fun.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Random Links
« on: 2015-04-29 04:27:38 »
The eggs are definitely a stretch, even for me. I'd at least feel guilty about it.

Konami makes slot machines o.O

I'm sure Kojima is being head hunted by lot of studios, I'm more excited to see where he lands than how konami will try to cope with not having their genius game wizard to lean on

pfff well I mean... come on. Bio undergrads don't even need to take differential equations half the time. How trustworthy could they possibly be

I dislike Sheldon because he insists that Physics is superior to Engineering disciplines. Engineering masterrace.

An episode of The Big Bang Theory sans the laugh track - it's pretty painful to watch.

Haters gonna hate

I think you are trying to hate this movie a little hard, so is the guy in that vid. You could make statements like that about any movie trailer and make it look stupid.

"Ooooh look, that person is wearing a wrist watch and they just showed a pile of dirt, this movie must be pointless because I foresee what the plot is and anything canon to the franchise is dumb"

What needs to be recognized is that this new movie isn't going to be The Original Movies v2.0. It is made by mostly different cast, crew and writers while also being produced in a totally different era of film making. It is just a different beast that should probably be judged objectively by how it stands on its own. If the movie really sucks, then fine, I'll join in on this hate party. Until then, this is all just pessimistic speculation.

For the record, I think it is impossible to satisfy a person's "chasing the dragon" of nostalgia for a series, when that feeling itself can only materialize through the passage of time. Any new film wouldn't stand a chance. That nostalgia is what turns fanboys into crude haters.
"This successor isn't giving me the feeling that "X" thing did before, its different therefore it sucks"

When you first played FF7, it wasn't nearly as special or interesting as when you looked back on it several years later amirite?

I hope it blows your mind. I tend to get excited for things first and let down after the fact. Maybe I'm an optimist. CGI is only getting better each year, surely you wouldn't want them to go back to little models on strings for space ships?

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] Nibel Mountains
« on: 2015-04-17 05:12:34 »
That land looks like it had the life sucked out of it even more than the original, good job

Completely Unrelated / Re: Dilly Dally, Shilly Shally
« on: 2015-04-15 05:06:20 »
The dilly dally shilly shally line overtook me in cringe convulsions. I prefer the Japanese audio because:

 a) the voice tones actually match the characters and
 b) since the plot is so bad, the Japanese-alienspeak provides me with an emotional context and I can just make up the dialogue in my head to create a better story.

Do you have any plans to finish some of these off? I'm no expert but it looks like a fair amount of your scenes are >75% done?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Hey guys, what have I missed?
« on: 2015-04-12 08:52:32 »
I contemplated changing my avatar, but then I decided not to.

Q-Gears is going through a revival/refactoring period.

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] Sector 6 Slums
« on: 2015-04-02 23:18:24 »
That hand drawn look is very attractive, it's a real shame he hasn't done more. The Photoshop'd effects look great compared to the blender rendered ones, not that they don't look great in their own right

Q-Gears / Re: How about moving to UNREAL 4.X?
« on: 2015-04-02 19:07:52 »
Getting the original data converted to 'workable' formats is still the primary challenge atm i.e. models and animations, field/battle/world scripts buried in the.exe(?) to LUA, backgrounds... this stuff needs reverse engineered before thinking about moving to a real engine methinks

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7PC] Team Avalanche field scenes
« on: 2015-04-02 04:37:27 »
Not enough pics in this thread

Team Avalanche / Re: Build a 3D engine from scratch
« on: 2015-03-27 20:58:12 »
For what it's worth, you can finagle qgears to run a 3d scene... with recognizable results

Q-Gears / Re: How about moving to UNREAL 4.X?
« on: 2015-03-25 04:18:16 »
Unity 4 has infinitely better documentation and better support for a lot of standard game development stuff... reliable interoperability between a modeling/animating/texturing suites. Qgears is built around ogre3d which isn't technically a game engine, it is a renderer with some extras. Everything else is either coded or handled by another project, such as luabind. Switching over to unity would be a lot of work at this point, not to mention, ffvii wouldn't take advantage of a lot of unity's features

I'm pretty sure it's a result of some kind of fallout with kojima and his team. I mean... when had that guy ever rushed his games

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you give it a go. I'm really glad it isn't like xiii, those personalities were intolerable

Konami just committed suicide, it's like disney firing mickey mouse

If you are implying that xv is a button masher based on what the trailer looks like, you are very wrong. There is a lot of planning and tactical thinking required to play through effectively.

I thought itwas a great game from what I've played of it, it absolutely didn't feel like god of war or something like that

Completely Unrelated / Re: Shining
« on: 2015-03-20 20:49:31 »
Devin's voice doesn't look like what you would expect to come out of his throat, it's pretty trippy to watch

Team Avalanche / Re: Midgar Revival
« on: 2015-03-20 01:58:16 »
Looking good, I wonder who will complete their model first. I imagine the challenging part is creating the stuff on the plates. Keep it up  :mrgreen:

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