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Messages - Marc

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Just know this : I wouldn't have bothered if I thought you were a braindead moron and that I was wasting my time.  It's much easier to ignore someone than to try and help them.

As obesebear suggested, take it as a nudge to apply your talent in one specific thing and show us what you can do.

edit : I also thought reading this document halkun posted in technichal might be beneficial.  I found it a very interesting read back in the day :

my post count is pretty low, but that because i save up for really really good ones. such as this post.

also, whats the deal with that busted laptop? If you've changed your mind that's fine, you just kinda left me hanging on the fence here.


Following up on this, I don't really like to call you out jeff but you've mentionned you were gonna help in a few different projects with your incredible skills and hardware and have produced nothing else but 10 minutes half-assed efforts while drunk and a bunch of questions for which answers were readily available through search.

I'd suggest you try and commit yourself to a single project and see it through.  Or don't and don't say you'll help.

Sorry if that sounds harsh but I've seen you go around a couple projects and thought I should say something.

A wise man once told me : don't overpromise and under-deliver, underpromise and over-deliver.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Congratulations Obesebear!
« on: 2010-06-05 05:01:19 »
2 things I'd like :

- split game tweaking into graphics mod and technical mods
- add a release forum were finished patches could be added (that's pyrozen's idea but an awesome one nonetheless)

FF7Voice / Re: Questions regarding the hiatus
« on: 2010-06-05 04:56:22 »
Tsetra isn't kidding about the workload being massive.  Cloud has between 1000 and 2000 lines to record for the entire game.  And a line can consist of over a 100 words.


Next up is Tifa and Barret which also have huge roles.

Sephiroth speaks surprinsingly little.

FF7 Tools / [v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« on: 2010-06-04 01:21:25 »
don't worry about it then.

we'll cross that birdge when we get to it.

i wouldn't want someone to invest time in the project with the state its in now (aka not moving forward).

FF7 Tools / [v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« on: 2010-06-04 01:14:39 »
yes, a tedious process.  It took most time to get the pointers back correct.  All manually....


Do you still have a list of the pointers and to what text they refer to ?  It'd make the process of putting together that part of the program much easier.

This text is used in-game.

Go to the basement of the mansion after Cloud joins back to party in disc 2 and you'll get the scene.

FF7 Tools / [v0.2b] White Choco Shop Editor by titeguy3
« on: 2010-06-03 00:36:20 »
Yo, you reckon you can make a translation tool for the ff7.exe (not sure if I asked this before)?  For the other text that is in there?  Not for me....but just as a retranslation tool.  The exe is one of the only things which is missing, and there are  a lot of text in there.

Just a thought.  This is a good tool btw.

Limit manual dialogue
Battle arena menu
All other menu's

Some of the stuff in there...

I edited with a hex editor.

This is purely academic at this point but is the world map dialog (cid's dialog, cloud's buggy lines) in the exe ?

That's the only text missing from my full script of the game for FF7Voice.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can't find FICEDULA.DLL
« on: 2010-06-01 19:49:57 »

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-06-01 19:43:52 »
i cant export it at all the export button isnt lit up :( just gonna have to remake with different techniques

I'm no expert but there must be a way to convert your bryce file to an .obj file no ?

I actually did a quick search and came up with this :

edit : further details and a tut :

Releases / Final Fantasy VII Aeris patch, born again
« on: 2010-06-01 00:15:27 »
I can provide the script I did for the FF7 Voice project if you'd like.

It's labelled by field name and ID in chronological order.

It'd be easy to add her own speech since as soon as all party members speak for a scene, you'll know you'll need to add some text.  And basically what to say as everyone always says the same thing but "in-character".

PM me with your e-mail if you'd like to get it.

It's an rtf file.

Team Avalanche / Re: Crappy square artists....
« on: 2010-05-31 15:54:24 »
Trust me, I have insider info

I wouldn't have guessed ;)

I really like it.

However its a bit of the same issue with the grass in jeff's other attempt in that the battle characters are too dark and don't stand out against the battle backdrop with the added details ... perhaps adding some kind of a semi-transparent white fog (something like a 90% transparent white overlay) would make the characters stand out a bit more while still retaining all of the details from the scene ?

Just an idea.

edit: another idea. maybe just adding light sources where the characters stand would fix that.  That's somwhat what the devs did in the original scene judging from the top image ...

Completely Unrelated / Re: New Admins
« on: 2010-05-31 14:14:59 »
Although I agree an admin (or more mods) is not a bad idea and I have nothing to say on obesebear's character good or bad since I don't pay attention to these things,  I've never seen an admin get promotted after he asked to be.  On any forums.  In the last 10 years I've spent on the net.  Ever.

As for the layout of the forums I would actually leave things as they are right now except I would split game tweaking in two sub-sections : graphical mods and other mods.  I've felt for a while that the graphical mods really overshadow the other mods out there and there's only so many AC models, weapons retexture or Avatar mods I can really care for before it all starts to blend in.

I usually find the engine related mods to be more interesting to me (with a few exceptions like Team Avalanche's efforts and the NPC project for example).

Edit : I thought this would be of some interest to the topic at hand.

Team Avalanche / Re: Crappy square artists....
« on: 2010-05-30 01:02:20 »
Just to let you know many people have already started that texture. You may want to choose another.

If I've been following his progress correctly, this is a battle background asset, not a field one.  Unless both field and battle can share the same textures.

Shinra rebuilt it.

It's explained in a letter to Hojo on Tifa's desk the first time you come across it in the field (when you have the buggy after Cosmo Canyon).  In fact, I encourage you to put Tifa in your party at that point and talk to townspeople.

As to why they did well that's another question entirely.

Completely Unrelated / Re: the time of year of warmth
« on: 2010-05-26 21:37:22 »
Not too bad in ontario today. Not swimming weather though

yeah, indeed, its warm, but the wind is to friggin strong

I hope you,re not complaining about the weather anymore.

It was still 33 at 7 PM last night in Montreal.  Must have been 40 at 1PM!

PS : It's actually quite understandable why it was snowing in Toronto ... the Habs were still in the playoffs.  Can,t be warm when the Habs are still playing!  That's heresy.

Didnt realise it was that hot last night, and didnt realise ye were a montrealer o.o

Greatest city i've ever lived in!

And it clocked 38 a few minutes ago on my car's thermometer.  Scorching.

Completely Unrelated / Re: the time of year of warmth
« on: 2010-05-26 15:56:24 »
Not too bad in ontario today. Not swimming weather though

yeah, indeed, its warm, but the wind is to friggin strong

I hope you,re not complaining about the weather anymore.

It was still 33 at 7 PM last night in Montreal.  Must have been 40 at 1PM!

PS : It's actually quite understandable why it was snowing in Toronto ... the Habs were still in the playoffs.  Can,t be warm when the Habs are still playing!  That's heresy.

General Discussion / Re: f*** My Life...
« on: 2010-05-23 18:09:48 »
Missed it.

Expected it to be way lower in the list.

General Discussion / Re: f*** My Life...
« on: 2010-05-23 16:01:34 »
Now if you REALLY want a perfect game, you'd need to boost every character's stats to 255.

Good luck on morphing all those sources in the gelnika!  :evil:

Completely Unrelated / Re: Users Online
« on: 2010-05-18 20:34:05 »
Where exactly is the hidden option in the profile ?

I haven't found where to remove my hidden status since the board layout changed.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-05-18 20:26:49 »
Not much to go.

Click to enlarge

wow.  i'm speechless.

FF7Voice / Re: Regarding Ficedula's Custom music...
« on: 2010-03-15 13:22:19 »
no, sorry.

Only Tsetra, Dziugo and I have a copy of the program and there's no plan to release it as is.

If somebody else wants to do an international version voiceover, you can ask dziugo for it.

As for me, I won't respond to any request to send out the program to anybody.

thats a shame because i would like to make sure it works right in wine.. before its released

I'm sure dziugo would send it to you.  But it's not MY program so I'll respect the author's wishes not to distribute in its current form.


send me a PM with your contact info.

Thief/Ninja - Yuffie
Skills: Steal, Throw, Escape, Mug, Coin, Morph, Remove
Other Materia: Gil Plus, Pre-Emptive, Speed Plus
Limits: None

Blue Mage - Cait Sith
Skills: All(?) Enemy Skills, Manipulate
Other Materia: Chocobo Lure, Underwater
Limits: None

Black Mage - Red XIII
Skills: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Tremor, Bio, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Quake, Biora, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Earthquake, Bioga, Comet, Freeze, Break, Tornado, Flare, Cometeo, Ultima
Other Materia: Magic Plus, perhaps Magic Counter
Limits: Lv.1 - spell (tier 1) hitting all enemies, Lv.2 W-Magic (tier 2), Lv.3 W-Magic, all enemies (tier 3), Lv.4 Quadra Magic (tier4)

Arcane Mage - Vincent
Skills: Demi, Mini, Blind, Confu, Slow, Demara, Silence, Toad, Berserk, Sleepel, Demaga, Slowaga, Stop, Death
Other Materia: None
Limits: Perhaps Hades or some unique spell that inflicts several status changes, or leave him with his original transformations.

On to the somewhat tougher calls...

Berserker - Barret (I'm not too happy with this, though it wouldn't probably be bad, gameplay-wise.)
Skills: X-Attack (after lots of AP), Flash
Other Materia: HP-Absorb (linked to Slash All), Cover, Counter Attack (probably multiple ones, with different leveling requirements), HP Plus
Limits: None
Notes: Will always wear accessory that inflicts the berserk status.

Monk - Tifa
Skills: Sense, Deathblow, 2xAttack, 4xAttack, W-Item
Other Materia: maybe Long Range (after lots of AP)
Limits: Default ones.

White Mage - Aeris (She would obviously suit a white mage very well, the only downside is her early death, after which the need for a healer doesn't exactly decline, so probably someone else should take over this role from the very beginning. Tifa would be a rather valid option, though it would be sad, regarding her unique weapons and limits.)  :|
Skills: Cure, Poisona, Barrier, MBarrier,Cura, Esuna, Life, Haste, Regen, Curaga, Reflect, Wall, Resist, Hastega, Full Cure, Revive
Other Materia: Magic Plus, perhaps Magic Counter
Limits: Likely the same as the Black Mage.

Summoner - Aeris (might be more appropriate for her, since the usefulness of summons - excluding KOTR - usually decreases towards the endgame anyway.)
Skills: All Summons in the usual order, except of Hades, provided he becomes part of Vincent's setup.
Other Materia: Magic Plus, MP Plus, perhaps MP Turbo
Limits: Either simply free of charge summons or some exclusive ones or W-Summon.

Cloud - Well... hard to decide. I was planning on giving him some elemental swords but that alone won't do. Adding Mime would be an option, but still a bit clumsy for a main character. Then again, there are still some spells to be allotet, such as DeBarrier and Dispell. This and maybe a couple more of some newish skills, which could allow to break enemies stats for example, would be fine, I guess.

Cid - Don't really know, he gets aboard too late to make for an effective white mage, so I'd probably let him have Tifa's part and simply call it Dragoon. This would furthemore be fortunate, in that you wouldn't have to start out with all the melees.

So, any help/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. :)

My own suggestions :

Cloud : Paladin (Knight + White Mage).  Starts out with weak white magic so by the end of disc one he should be a potent replacement for the next character.  You could also give him elemental swords as it fits with the job description.

Aeris : White Mage.  Cloud's later abilities would solve that issue.

Tifa : Monk.

Barret : Tank-type character such as a fighter or a berserker as you suggest.

Red XIII : I see him more as a blue mage/summoner type of character.

Yuffie : Thief works well.

Caith Sith : Bard/Dancer.  So he's as useless at his job as he is in the game.  Plus it kinda works with the megaphone.

Vincent : Black Mage.  So much more fitting for Vinny.

Cid : Dragoon.  All his limits fit too.

I actually love the ipad's concept.

Not sure if its executed properly but a middle sized light touch only portable device with extra long battery life sounds awesome to me.  I'm thinking like Star Terk enterprise's tablets here.

It's actually a device I've been waiting for since forever.

Not sure if apple's execution is on the money but I can certainly see this spurring other companies to try their hand at it and perfect this to the point where it could be a must.

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