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Messages - Shankifer

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Soldier. You want to feel like your beatling elite people. Not just goons.  ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Useless Information :D:D:D
« on: 2010-07-23 03:52:02 »
Looks nice lol. I think an awesome asset to any computer (especially looking like an umberella lab comp) would be a new password screen. Also, The fallout 3  "hacking" thing would be cool to have as a password screen, just selecting your password from a lineup, even adding the hints and stuff would be cool lol.

Just rambling because it's late and the setup looks good lol. Sorry for clogging up the thread  ;D

My suggestion is to first do some research on things you need. This is definitely going to take more than one person.

After you've done research, might want to look into making a Project forum thing lol, like you see Team Avalanche and FF7 Voice, Idk what is involved in getting that so ask a moderator =P

After you do that You should compile a list of things needed that you need the most help on (and think  it isn't toooooo much work slave away over a keyboard and mouse) ((Im deff up for helping with storyboards though ^.^ writing is my passion haha)) so that people can sign up and help with.

I know there is a lot of talent on this site, and since TA is only doing a graphical overhaul (we shouldn't need much for modeling and texturing unless you want to add a lot of NPCs or something.

All in all this sounds like a really difficult task, but hey, it would be a hell of an achievement to complete. I'm in for what it's worth lol, I'm willing to dabble in some unknown elements to see what can be done.

To motivation! *raises glass*

Psst, Off topic much?  :P

I just wanted to ask, Do you have any storyboard ideas for side-quests yet?

I've written a lot of short-stories and what-not so I'd love to help out in the story-boarding or dialogue department

PM me or respond here  ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: FFVIII Elimination Challenge
« on: 2010-07-22 02:49:15 »
Attack Dr. Odine
Cure Biggs



Dr. Odine

Completely Unrelated / Re: The sh*t Sucks thread
« on: 2010-07-19 17:54:19 »
hopefully something along the lines of "sh*t sucks"


The game wasn't made for windows 95 (It was >.<), So why would that be your choice in compatibility mode? XP should run it fine. SP2 or 3 would probably be best. Always works for me  :D

Edit: I'm wrong. Don't listen to the nonsense constantly spewing out of my mouth! >.<

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-16 23:05:42 »
Okay, For the Chibi, seeing him in the environment makes the arms seem less weird. But there is a problem with the connection of forearm to the skinny piece there. If you could make that transition a little smoother, and maybe beef those arms up just a little, that would be nice  :)

Another option would be dumbing down the chibi a bit as mentioned earlier.
Sorry for whining so much, It's just that I understand the dedication to the original skeletons but with a new body, a reference to the old model is better than an exact copy with updated textures. Those arms are just hard to look at lol.  ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: FFVIII Elimination Challenge
« on: 2010-07-16 16:23:36 »
Attack Adel
Cure Xu

Dr. Odine=300


Completely Unrelated / Re: The sh*t Sucks thread
« on: 2010-07-16 16:19:47 »
I like this idea.

Well, right now, racking my brain is how I'm going to get through this weekend.  :|

I love my girlfriend to death, but she moved to the U.S. from Uruguay and her birthday was yesterday, so i'm taking the train up to Newark, NJ to spend some time with her. Problem is her whole Family, besides brother and cousins, speak Spanish, and they talk to me and I have no idea what they're saying, and more of her family is supposed to be coming this weekend so there's like a times10 awkwardness scale lol.  :oops:

On top of that I need to get a bunch of stuff for my car butneed to get $$ first and been working like crazy and hoping that the car doesn't die on me before I can afford to fix it.  :-\

Ahhh, This is a good thread. Lol  ;D

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-16 16:02:49 »
Would it be so bad to maybe beef up the arms just a little? I know the scale i supposed to be in line with the original, but I think adding a little meat to the arms might make it look a little more bearable in game. If you've tried it in-game and it looks fine, then shame on me for doubting. I just think that, while sticking to the original model-style is nice, a minor change like that would be for the better.  :)

WHen you run ISO's are you loading them all at once or one at a time. For some reason FF doesn't like to run with all of it's discs in drives. Just a suggestion.

Tutorial-wise, Youtube and Autodesk have some great tutorials. Also If you search for some .PDF tutorials using Maya and Autodesk as keywords you can find some good stuff. The program also comes with a few video and text tutorials, kind of like a monkey-see-monkey-do scheme to work with. Hope you figure it out, It didn't take me long with Maya. Practice and experimenting is really the best tutorial.

Trust me. Autodesk is so much bigger than adobe now lol. Mainly because Autodesk made Avatar possible. And their security is effing TIGHT. lol

Adobe definitely turns a blind eye xD

Autodesk makes money from a lot of things, they sponsored the latest highschool worldwide robotics competition lol. =P

Actually, I've used Maya a lot, and you really don't get what you pay for if you pay full price. Blender is a little more complicated but for free, I'm willing to sacrifice some time to learn it to contribute to the forums on here with something other than idiotic questions lol.

Maya is great for those who can get it cheaper from a school or something, but paying full price is crazy for a side-hobby.I don't plan on making a living with my model-making ability, but I like to play around with stuff.

So thanks for the feedback, but unless there is a more user-friendly program like blender for free, I think I've found what I'm looking for  :D

Thank you!    :D

Completely Unrelated / Cheap/Free Reliable Studio Program?
« on: 2010-07-11 16:33:02 »
Is there anything out there like Maya or 3ds that is cheap? or free?

I haven't looked into ordering 3ds much, because I Worked with Maya a lot in school. But looking at Maya prices it's insane.

I have downloaded google sketchup but it doesn't have nearly the same quality, doesn't even seem to be for the same purpose.

If anyone has anything that they use, suggestions would be great.

Not just for me, but for other cheap noobies like me too ^.^

Got the AVALANCHE to install, Now I can't run the game, It tells me to insert disk, the real game disc is inserted, I also Tried running directly from disc and it tells me the same thing. Is this part of the Beta testing, or should I reinstall and try again?

I'm using the Beta 9, I don't know if I installed the custom driver wrong or something, I followed the instructions but the .exe tells me that Aali's Custom Driver cannot be found.

Any Recommendations?

I'm on windows 7 if that makes a difference.

Edit: There is also No registry file, I know that after a certain update you didnt need to use it to install the custom driver, but I thought that was odd, Is there something I have to do to get a registry file?

General Discussion / Re: A new look on the FF7 Projects.
« on: 2010-07-08 20:53:31 »
I see your point. Considering Square will try to squeeze another thirty bucks out of us to buy a DS version of the game eventually lol.

That would make almost all the games up to 7 Portable.

In all honesty though, compressing The game to a smaller screen Won't exactly make the game look better, disregarding the fact that ratios will need to be reworked. It's still the same images, the only thing to gain from compression is portability.

General Discussion / Way to compress to use one disc?
« on: 2010-07-08 08:52:04 »
Is there any way that, besides extracting ISO's and mounting 3 virtual drives, I could Extract all the information from all the discs and compile it onto a DVD disc or something?

I know there is a lot of time between disc changing but wouldn;t it also reduce problems and save disks  if they were all compressed to one disk?

Or would the use of one disk disrupt the use of mods?

General Discussion / Re: A new look on the FF7 Projects.
« on: 2010-07-08 08:38:49 »
sorry for reviving. But can't the DSi be homebrewed, and in turned FF7 could be translated into a .WAD file and installed through an IOS onto and SD card? or an emulator could be run from homebrew to play off an SD card? The DS thing sounds way to simple to spend any time remodeling it.

Correct me if I am wrong though.

 I was just traipsing around the forum and read this, and I figured I'd give 2 cents  :)

Is playing a backup considered legal or no?

General Discussion / Re: Modding the PSX version
« on: 2010-07-07 02:28:50 »
alright, thanks a lot.
Sorry for the hassle.

General Discussion / Re: Modding the PSX version
« on: 2010-07-07 02:01:19 »
is the size a limiting factor for the game or the playstation?

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