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Messages - Tenko Kuugen

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I think that's a menu overhaul problem actually. Menu Overhaul is mandatory for this mod after all and while I supply the .exe, I don't supply the window.bin (or whatever it was)
First you could try and check if a bootleg install fixes it.
You could also try to backup my exe, run Menu Overhaul over the game and then put my exe back and see if that helps (or breaks it even more)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Attack on Titan
« on: 2014-02-24 16:57:38 »
consistenly solid? Wizard Barristers that's airing right now comes to mind.
Other than that I would have to go and look at my archive because while it's something I notice it's not something I memorize.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Attack on Titan
« on: 2014-02-22 19:20:17 »
There is a reason AoT is jokingly known as the show that kills animation studios
If you count every studio that was somehow working on the animation you'll arrive at somewhere over 20 or 30

Completely Unrelated / Re: Attack on Titan
« on: 2014-02-22 01:01:52 »
idk dude, it looks pretty good to me?

If you talk about animation quality you have to consider the whole show, not just that part.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Attack on Titan
« on: 2014-02-20 14:56:56 »
Did I travel back in time or something? Shingeki finished airing a while ago.
I wouldn't exactly call anything in the show "Great animation" considering how many slideshows there are in it. Heck, the animation being downright abyssmal in places was a running joke when it actually aired.

Barret can overflow with 8 mastered KOTR materia in his ultimate weapon

Both of them can't overflow anymore (Kills only stack up to 65535 for Vincent and even if you take 8 mastered KOTR from my mod, it wouldn't be enough for Barret to overflow) with the raised overflow cap
I have no save to test this though but the math sounds.... sound.

Considering I'm literal lightyears behind on my own I have no time to learn ASM. In simpler words, NFITC1 might be great enough to write it for me or I will give up on it for now steal it when someone else does it in the coming years.
And I can piece together some AI stuff but that's far from being able to write any confidently.

I'd actually want all damage to be multipled by 150% but it stands to reason I'll do with whatever I'm given. Having the sadness damage and fury accuracy values is a good start but ultimately won't be useful without the limit bar changes. The whole fury damage multipler function is just a bonus. I'd be perfectly happy with just being able to cut accuracy in half, null limit bar increase during sadness and reduce damage by 40%, two of which I've already changed from NFITC1s first post

Bosola and NFITC1 you guys are moving a little over my head
I'm not in a position where I can change functions. I already balanced a whole disc around having specific statuses so I can't just remove frog, mini or another status. Changing sadness and fury however is still within boundaries as they're statuses that are basically only player inflicted (for the most part)

Since replacing fury's accuracy check is not possible, can I null the check and instead clone the sadness damage modifier function (but instead use it for fury) and simply use values that would increase damage? ( for example, times 10 divided by 3, dealing 33% extra damage. Unless I am overseeing some horrible formula thing here )

Of course I have not the slightest damn idea how to do that. Still waiting for NFITC1 to explain how the limit bar values work

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] New Threat Mod v1.0.5 [BETA]
« on: 2014-02-16 07:53:43 »
Finally got the time to look at the files
I'm gonna have to make a documentation for what is where

Also I think I need to cut down a lot on the number of things I'll port over because it's just too many nice things over here.
Already fell victim to scope creep once, second time is game over  8)

That's great work as always NFITC1
Finally Fury and Sadness get the nerf / improve hammer they have needed for a long time.
Hoping you'll tell me how the shifting is manipulated and what the results are. I assume shifting it two paces will either quadruple or null the limit gain entirely.

Would shifting it three paces give you a negative gain on sadness or would it flow over?
Lastly, since it checks for accuracy and damage in those functions, is it possible to replace the accuracy check in fury with a damage check? I.e. instead of decreasing accuracy, increase damage under fury? I have to assume some value defines what it checks against but alas I can only do what people explain to me when it comes to the .exe

I know this has to be handled in the .exe somewhere but don't quite know where to start looking
Sadness reduces damage by 30%, Anger reduces accuracy as far as I remember
I'm not sure on the exact percentage changes to how fast the limit bar changes under those statuses.

What I am looking for is to completely null the limit bar increase under sadness, increase damage taken by 50% under Anger and increase Limit bar gain to 1.5 and halve accuracy under Anger
If all of the values are clean percentage cuts, that should all be possible. If the functions are more complex, I'll need one of the .exe wizards like NFITC to look into the value ranges of those things

Does anyone know where exactly sadness and anger are handled in the .exe?

I have never tested bootleg installing N7 so I can't actually verify if it installs correctly
essentially it should install menu overhaul, aerith revival, gjoerulv hardcore and then override files with the N7 files

To elaborate
you need menu overhaul for the glitch fixes and the damage break
you need aerith revival for the animations and model parts (The flevel changes are included in my flevel)
you need gjoerulv hardcore for the monster models (battle.lgp, scene.bin, kernel.bin, ff7.exe is all covered by N7)

uh, thats not the correct scene.bin for my mod
my mod has it's own scene.bin
check the first post for links. scene.bin is included in the core files.

I know I fixed this (twice already) so check if you have the most up-to-date scene.bin file please

pretty sure it's not the field that determines the level range but the actual encounter. There are areas that have mixed encounters, partially fixed level or at least capped and then unlimited, making me believe that this is handled somewhere in the actual encounter file

Sometimes I ask myself why these bugs keep popping up despite fixing them. I'm putting it on the list to look at again.

The last of the 10 items is beyond the save point in the boss room.

I heard reports of this before but wasn't able to reproduce it so I'm not sure what causes it
Do you use the latest flevel (which you can find on my twitter) to play?

So, you mean like the final boss fight in FF10 where you were literally immortal?
Or the final boss fights in FF7, where all you did was cast KOTR over and over? (Or slots)
Or the final boss in FF6 where you Joker'd Kefka to death?

Similarly, any boss can be made silly and easy given eneough preparation. No AI is unfailable. Unless it's already enslaving humans, that might be an unfailable AI.
13-3 can have strategy too. If you overlevel or simply find a cookie cutter chain, there is no need for that. if you look at speedrunning it does offer some pretty good possibilities however.

Most of this thread reads like this:
"I hate change. Unless it's changed exactly the way I wanted it to. Then it's tolerable. But still bad."

I watched something like 80 hours of the game on SRL. The people who say it's worse than 13 or 13-2: I have an image for you.

Approval Dog has rejected your opinions as invalid.

Turn based combat has been what exactly? Press X, press X, press down, press x, press down, press x, wait, wait, wait, repeat. See how you can make any form of combat look bad? X13-3 combat is more akin to Tales of or even more accurate, Breath of Fire 5 combat than to traditional Final Fantasty. Does that mean it's bad? If you're a narrow minded person, of course it does.

This was your regularly scheduled shit-on-your-opinion post by Kuugen.

I have not had anyone else report this so I have to assume this is on your end
Could be the mod not being installed correctly or your steam FF7 not being converted. I know my mod but I'm not good at debugging FF7 in general. Take this to the tech support please, because I have no idea what kind of problem you could have

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] New Threat Mod v1.0.3
« on: 2014-01-26 15:01:35 »
Thanks a bunch.
I'll look through it. I'm particularly interested in how you coded the new quests and the FF10-esque arena (In theory, it's not that hard. Place new NPC, activate NPC dialogue based on variable, have NPC set variable, go to X where set variable comes into effect, bla bla bla. In practice, it's a lot harder than that, and a lot more headache inducing to get it working properly.)

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] New Threat Mod v1.0.3
« on: 2014-01-26 14:30:21 »
God I know what you mean with the animation and script structuring

I would likely implement the additional content like new enemies, bosses and quests, but likely not the party leader changes simply because with so many mods already being combined, it will turn into a clusterfuck the size of the Pegasus Galaxy.

The equipment, item and what else changes I would probably also not touch since I already balanced the game around the existing gear. Rebalancing and implementing new monsters will be challenging, without messing up the balance, to say the least.

How would you rank NT in regards to overall difficulty? Nightmare is clearly aimed at a hardcore crowd and easily twice as hard as the hardcore mod.

I really need to get around reinstalling FF7 and installing NT so I can look at the files, especially the flevel and scene.bin

Or do you have some sort of documentation detailing your changes?
On that note, have you done any particular changes to the ff7.exe?

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] New Threat Mod v1.0.3
« on: 2014-01-26 11:49:13 »
Cheers, Tenko but your Nightmare 7 mod does a lot of neat things with hard-coding and has features like the timed treasures which must've taken a long time to implement. I had to resist the temptation to peak at your flevel and 'borrow' some of that script code  :evil:

I had lots of help from our resident coding masters for those things. You can borrow as much as you want, be my guest. I 'borrowed' a lot of code as well. I don't really care about credit either so you can just take what you need.
I don't even have FF7 installed right now, so I can't check this out but it does sound like a lot of work, especially the models.

Once I restart N7 development I might look into how you did things like the extra battle, the party leader changes (although I'm fairly sure I know how you did that), the movie skips(Let me guess. A dialogue choice that jumps bytes and simply skips the play_fmv command?), and especially the sidequests and AI scripts you added and redesigned.

N7 was always more of a combined mods mod than it's own thing. Because I don't want to have the drama from last time repeated, how do you feel about seeing these things in N7?(although I have no idea when or at what time I will restart development, might be months yet from now.) Of course you'd be credited for everything in the thread, readme and the ingame welcoming message.

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