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Messages - xLostWingx

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Completely Unrelated / Re: wtf?
« on: 2013-01-09 18:11:15 »
Oh vgr, as few similarities as there are between what you described and what is happening with me, its the thought that counts lol.  Thanks.

Completely Unrelated / Re: 7 yr realtionship over wtf
« on: 2013-01-07 18:20:46 »
My training is in Psychology! - and it makes no sense to me. 

EDIT:  Thinking about playing some VII =D Revisited Kernel with Lost Wing scene, i hear it calling.

Completely Unrelated / Re: 7 yr realtionship over wtf
« on: 2013-01-07 15:39:15 »
Heh, appreciate the responses.  Gonna put it in the bullshit column and keep building my life as I have been.  Unfortunately the blueprint looks like someone scribbled some lines on it and tried to erase them.  Oh FF modding community, the one-stop shop for any and all of life's problems.

Completely Unrelated / wtf?
« on: 2013-01-07 04:23:00 »
All of a sudden she said shes done.  Says no chance in the future.  No Fights.  No Cheating. 7 Years together.   Wtf Mate?

omg, most amazing thing ive seen in a long time!

@Lazy - Those are precisely the codes I mean  ;D

I kind of figured I would get an explanation like the one you provided.  I have essentially zero knowledge concerning code/programming so I can basically only throw ideas at the wall and see if any of them stick.  Although you've explained that resizing might be difficult and that not all enemy parts may be used - I think that there could be an abundance of "weapons" for Barret.  Whether this is useful to you (given the fact you are doing this work for the prequel) I do not know.

You're treading into new territory for VII PSX modding and are unlocking many new possibilities.  Fortunately and Unfortunately, this often occurs when modding VII and you start with one simple project and it branches off into half a dozen.  I respect the fact that you will likely work on completing the prequel, but keep in mind that there are endless other possibilities.  Ok, I'm rambling and daydreaming of the beautiful possibilities - keep up the great work.

I've used enemy size codes before, and I've fought Wolfmeister with these on.  His sword was smaller.  So...could you have a sensibly sized wolfmeister sword wielded by Cloud?  Could be a simple (relatively speaking of course) way to implement new weapons for PSX version.  There could be SOLDIER 1st/2nd/3rd Sword, Wolfmeister sword, Gi Nattak Staff....others I'm sure.  Does it have to be a seperate weapon wielded by enemy? or is it just a piece of the model?  If the later, then holy cow, the possibilities.  Super Sweeper Gun Arm!

Sorry, just thinking aloud - I know this would all be time-consuming and easier said than done.

EDIT:  I must not have fully read your initial post - you've already explained that the above ideas are possible!  Oops.
Well, I would be more than willing to go through all the enemy models and make a list of potentially awesome segments to use.

EDIT 2:  Well, it looks 100 different things would make good Gunarms for Barret, and there is a shortage of Glove's for Tifa (unless you can resize roundish enemies into Glove size [Bomb Gloves!]) and probably nothing for Red.  But here:

Code: [Select]
1st Ray - Gun or Gunarm
Aero Combatant Props - Shuriken
Golem Arm/Fist - Gunarm
Dragon's Wing - Sword?
Bomb - Gunarm
Christopher's Ear - Sword?
Grand Horn Arm/Fist - Gunarm
Corvette Body - Sword?
Crazy Saw Blade - Shuriken
Custom Sweeper Foot - Sword or Gunarm
Custom Sweeper Gun - Gunarm
Dorkyface Pumpkin Head - Gunarm
Dragon Rider Staff - Staff
Edgehead Head/Pincers - Gunarm
Ghirofelgo Blade - Sword or Gunarm
Grosspanzer Cannon/Turrent - Gunarm
Grunt Arm - Gunarm
Hammer Blaster's Hammer - ?
Hell Rider VR2's Hammer - ?
Ochu Tentacle - Sword
Icicle - Gunarm or Sword
Iron Man's Sword - Sword
Jumping's Carrot - Sword
Killbin - Gunarm?
Land Worm's Head - Gunarm
Machine Gun's Gun - Gunarm
Magic Pot's Pot - Gunarm
Magnade's Shield - Shuriken
Marlboro's Head - Gunarm
Manhole's Manhole Cover - Shuriken
Mover - Shuriken (Red version of Superball)
Rilfsak - Sword?
Rocket Launcher's Rocket Launcher - Gunarm
Roulette Cannon!!! - Gunarm or Gun?
Sahagin's Spear - Spear or Staff?
Scremer's Ball & Chain - ?
Materia Keeper's Claw - Gunarm
X-Cannon's Cannon - Gunarm
Guard Scorpion's Tail - Gunarm or Sword?
Guard Scorpion's Gunarm - Gunarm
Reno's Electrorod - Staff?
Airbuster's Arm - Gunarm
Sample HO512's Jaws - Gunarm
Hundred Gunner's Gun - Gunarm
Gi Nattak's Staff - Staff or Spear
Palmer's Materia Gun - Gun
Demon's Gate's Claws - Gunarm
Proud Clod's Claws - Gunarm
Proud Clod's Back Thing - Sword?
Safer Sephiroth's Wing - Sword

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Truth Lives
« on: 2012-09-09 23:23:37 »
You suck Bad Coins in Hats?  Never knew that about you.

I bought one of my FFVII PSX versions and discovered that the front paper insert was greatest hits and the back paper insert was original.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Nightmare 7, Beta Testers wanted
« on: 2012-09-01 05:05:30 »
I imagine that this is like hardcore, except you are weaker, enemies are more powerful, items are harder to attain, materia are harder to level,
spells do less damage, exp is harder to earn, etc.  If you can beat Regular VII in 40 hours, hardcore in 70 hours, this will probably take 100+
and you will probably see the game over screen much more often.  You will have to perfect your technique instead of relying on being more
powerful and better equipped than the enemies.  You see a Mechanical Enemy?  You better make sure that every member of your party has
a way of maximizing their ability to do lightning damage without sacrificing your ability to keep your team alive.  Remember the first time you
you played through VII (assuming you hadn't played many RPGs beforehand)?  Probably going to be more difficult than that.  Remember getting
stuck at Jenova Birth and the Materia Keeper and not knowing how the hell to move forward?  Its probably like that for every boss.

I am fairly sure I've made Materia in WM that have only had the Steal or Mug or Throw or Coin abilities.  If you plan on having these materia retain
their ability to split upon MASTER level, you could always just have them MASTER upon attaining the new skill.

i.e. Steal
      +25000 AP -> Mug (MASTER) -> Steal is Born

At least one of these options is a viable, and much less complicated method of accomplishing your intentions.

I honestly don't know if it will help at all, but on the slight chance that it may help a small bit, GarlandTheGreat's "The Most Epic VII Glitch Ever" videos on youtube involve swapping out world map models...

Maybe there's a chance that speaking with him could provide some tidbit of useful information?  If so, awesome.  If not, sorry.

Not to post a comment of little relevance, but I just wanted to say this is excellent work.  I really don't know what most of it means, but it looks substantial and it pertains to VII PSX (maybe PC too?).   I know that there are members here that will find this information useful, and I imagine some ingenious ideas may spring from your findings.

Completely Unrelated / GBC Emu for Android (save states?!)
« on: 2012-08-16 02:58:20 »
So I know I can buy GBCoid full version and do everything I want.  But until mid-September I am gonna be hurting for money (yes to the point that I don't wanna spend $3 on GBCoid full version).  I've spent a good deal of time this evening trying to find an alternate GBC emulator that has the capability to SAVE!!!  I tried about 4 different free gbc emulators and none of them allowed me to save.  So as always, when in doubt, ask ppl on qhimm.  Thanks.

Gameplay / Re: Mod: FF7 Prequel (input requested)
« on: 2012-08-12 00:55:00 »
Hey Lazy, this is a bit late, but welcome to qhimm.

I am a big fan of your work with GSHI (if it is even still called that) and before entering the world of FFVII modification, I was using gameshark hacks from your site and anti-gsc.

If you are still interested in input for prequel ideas, I've always envisioned a Sephiroth's Story prequel based only on the information found in the original VII.  This would primarily include:

-Sephiroth's role in the Wutai War
-Sephiroth's conception (Lucrecia/Vincent/Hojo's story)
-Ilfalna/Gast's story

Of course, these ideas combined with bits involving the Ancient Temple, Ancient City, Jenova's "calamity from the sky", the introduction of WEAPONs, some in-depth exploration of the lifestream (possibly from various perspectives), and even the beginning of ShinRa could make for a game that could rival the original VII.  Zack's story need not be a major component of a prequel given the fact that the vast majority of the events that led to VII's story took place before Zack was involved, but some cameo appearances couldn't hurt.

I don't have much to offer in terms of scripting/coding, but if you needed someone to work on the kernel and scene for a potential project(s), I have a decent amount of experience (perhaps you've seen LostWing or Revisited?).  Anyway, glad to see you here and good luck with any future projects - plz don't let them go to the qhimm graveyard.

Best free ps1 emulator for android?


Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2012-07-17 07:47:55 »
PSX only.
If instructions refer to "patch" and you find a "pratchv2" use it.

General Discussion / Re: Zack Fair (Izs) ?
« on: 2012-06-09 05:46:42 »
Its Zax, didn't you hear?

Lol, have fun.  Asking human beings about their beliefs is prohibited (should be a sticky).

EDIT:  Deleted. lmao

DLPB I am going to try to say this without being offensive.

People played FFVII with the bad localization and grew to love it.  Why is it such a vexxing flaw then?  Personally, I cringe when I see text changes however "more accurate" they may be.  What if I was on some island and someone told me about Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches except they were made with Almond Butter.  I ate Almond Butter and Jelly sandwiches all my life and thought they were the greatest thing ever.  Then someone from the mainland came and said "that i wrong, you are suppose to eat Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches."  Should I enjoy Almond Butter and Jelly sandwiches any less?  Are they necessarily inferior to the intended sandwich?  Whatever laws exist in FFVII, millions of people played it as it was, and love it because of what it was.  Altering it 15 years later to be more faithful to the true intentions of the creators is not necessarily an improvement.  I know it is your opinion, so I'm glad you enjoy better translation.  But if Barret went around saying "Hi Ho the darrio" as a catchphrase and I played the game and loved it even though he was suppose to say "That giant pizza in the sky", most people would probably prefer him to say the incorrect, but initially meaningful phrase, than the after-the-fact accurate phrase.  You probably already know all this, but I figured I'd say something to get your thoughts.

General Discussion / Re: Vision: Final Fantasy 7 ONLINE
« on: 2012-06-07 04:28:18 »
PvP is always something that I thought might be fun, the only problem is that KOR would have to be eliminated and player characters would have to have 100k HP minimum.  1mil HP per character would be more reasonable - At least at max level.  Another problem is that some people would probably develop optimum setups which everyone would use, and everyone would also create 255 stats maxxed out parties which would also get boring fast.

If damage output remained the same, Sources, KOR, and Final Attack were eliminated, then maybe this would be fun.  Right now I imagine a party that had one character with materia slots filled with nothing but Final Attack = Phoenix, one character with Quadra Magic = Comet2 x7 + W-Magic, and one character with 8 Counter = Mimes.  Essentially this team would cause 500,000 damage per turn (if not 4mil per turn once the Counter = Mime got going) and could die 8 times with no issues.  In this scenario PvP becomes something that makes people hate FFVII.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Just started VII on grey box
« on: 2012-06-07 01:38:01 »
This is the Gameshark that I have.

Like I said, my PS1 and Gameshark both still work relatively well.  The only game that I've noticed some troubles with is FFIX, it takes a few extra seconds to load new fields or movies.

EDIT:  My brother once had a PS2 Gameshark which was a disc and some device that plugged into the memory card slot.  I also had a friend who had a Gameshark Lite or something like that, that was a disc-only gameshark.  Personally me and my brother went through two PS2s without using any gamshark product, apparently the lasers in the PS2s were both defective.  Bastard Sony.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Just started VII on grey box
« on: 2012-06-06 02:41:24 »
I don't know.  I've had the same PS1 for 10 or 11 years now and I've had my Gameshark Pro V3.1 for about 8 years and they both still work fine.  Both have exceeded the lifespans that I expected them to have.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Just started VII on grey box
« on: 2012-06-04 19:19:02 »
Haha, yeah grey box is the PS1 console.  And idk why I bothered to post this on qhimm, I must have been very bored and/or slightly inebriated.

I actually ditched this playthrough and started playing through Revisited in hopes that it would revive my interest in completing the mod.  I've been keeping notes on what changes need to be made, but I have to say it is pretty fun.  Apparently I missed quite a few things in initial data though because my characters are leveling up far too quickly.  With any luck, I will begin work on Revisited once I make it to the point where I stopped making changes ~Icicle Inn I think.

I'm going to have to check out the latest versions of WM and as some battles aren't working as intended and Aeris' weapons are not working even remotely close to the way they were designed.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2012-05-22 03:23:39 »
Nice try buddy.

I don't know why specifically, but I imagine it is because Ive modded a massive amount of data.  There has been some disucssion about what mods might be possible for the PSP.  But there are no tangible products.  If you are willing to test, you might be able to see what PSP mods could handle.  It would involve a bit of work.  Up to it?

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