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Messages - halkun

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General Discussion / Re: FF7 Psp
« on: 2010-07-26 20:56:40 »
No-one has ever given me a straight answer about using a modified kernel on the PSP eboot. I've heard people insist it never works, and others insist it's absolutely fine. Frankly, an honest answer to this would mean far more to me than another seventy mediocre threads about AC-like models and Derp of Cerberus ripping, but there I go again on my dreamy little tangent.

Here is the straight answer.
The popstation emulator in a PSP just a PSX emulator, however it's not a very good one. Because of system limitations it must be tweaked to run a particular PSX disc image. There are utilities that can take PSX disc images and turn them into "executables" that the PSP understands, but this requires a hacked PSP to get them to run...

So if your PSX copy of FF7 with a modded kernel.bin works on a normal PSX emulator, then you should be able to convert it to a popstation version and run it on a modded PSP. It's up to you to make the kernel.bin fit on a PSX. It has to be smaller than the original because you can't (easily) move the files around on a PSX disc image.

When you run a PSX game on a PSP, the game does not know it's running on a PSP, and there is no way to "make" it know. There are no escapes or ways to code the PSX code to say "hay, I'm running on a psp, run this awesome graphic command instead". The whole thing is in a sandbox. Actually, they the whole *point* of emulation. You can't have the client program know that it's running on a different computer. When the program does something that the emulator doesn't expect, it will crash because that's what emulators do.

The reason why we can get away with so much on the PC version is for several reasons.

1) Debug info was left in the executable that should of been stripped.  (Not the rooms, but actual information on how the program works)
2) The PC version was poorly coded, leaving lots of "holes" for us to find.
3) The resources available to a PC are an order of magnitude more powerful than a console.
3) The architecture available to a PC is an order of magnitude more open than on a console.

The problem with the PC version is

1) All the modules are hard-coded in the PC version while the in the PSX version they are modular and can be banked in when needed.
2) The PC version is just so rare!

Does that answer your question?

Would looking at the script for this in FF8 help at all, or am I just being an idiot?

The fieldscript module was completely rewritten in FF8 and uses none of the opcodes from FF7. Not only that. The follow-me code is automatic in FF8, and hard-coded into the field system.

Compared to my original answer from 10 years ago.. Some things never change...

(It took three weeks on a 3.0M DSL line to get that whole website)

/Christ! has it been 10 years?

Username:               halkun
Date Registered:     2001-01-09 18:00:00

Oh My God!!!!

I did a wget scrape of abbywint... umm...
you know, never mind  ;)

Completely Unrelated / Re: I like reading old threads!
« on: 2010-07-24 11:44:25 »
Hey, I still have that Yuko Miyamura video too :)

At the ISP I worked at we had 3 OC3s looped from three different states. That was *fast* in the days of dial up.

(That's 156 Meg * 3 so 468 Meg download.)

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-24 11:39:38 »
you can overlap mappings if they have the same texture. Even wonder why the faces on square UVs only have one side, ever notice that the bodies are warped in strange ways. Squish everything together and don't be afraid to overlap and make thingsbigger/smaller so you can cram something in. Just because it's a particular size on the model doesn't mean it has to be the same size in the UV map.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-24 09:10:33 »
UV mapping is a very tricky art. You really want to pack as much data and reuse every textel you can. For example, that layout above is very wasteful! You need to learn how to pack what you have together better. Good start though

Yeah ok. It'll take me a while though. When I've finished do you want me to pm it?


can you take a little time out of your life to make a table that cross-links the two?

Oh, someone renamed the opcodes...  >:(

I was the one who put the original opcode matrix together, The opcodes in the wiki are the same names Square used where they made the fieldscript, they are, therefore, the most "correct" names. Keep in mind fieldscript was also created by Japanese, who don't speak English as a primary language. Also, you don't have a lot of room in a PSX for debugging code, hence the abbreviations.

There are some light changes to the opcode names, for example:
45 MPu
47 MPd
4D HPu
4F HPd
is actually
45 MP+
47 MP-
4D HP+
4F HP-

The reason why I changed the plus to a "u" (For "up") and the minus to a "d" (for down) was because the Wiki had issues with titles ending in a non-character.
It's a little irksome that someone changed the names without making some kind of reference. It makes it look like my original work is "wrong". Does the program you are using reference the opcodes by number? If that's the case I can update the wiki. You can see in every opcode in the wiki there is a "short name" and a "long name". the "long name" is where "human readable" commands are supposed to be listed. If someone goes and renames all the commands, it makes the wiki kind of useless.

I'm willing to help you straighten this out.


BTW the opcode to make the actor solid or walk-though is called SOLID (Opcode C7).

There is an opcode that makes a n actor "transparent" so you can walk though then. Try applying that to the other characters so you can walk though them.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-21 03:00:19 »
There are other reactors :)

Releases / Re: [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-07-19 22:03:57 »
The idea is, did you make it?

If no, you took the sound

Use freesound and made sure you have a compatible CC licence (Noncommercial use, with or without attriution)

I disagree, I'm always open to suggestions. It's really a matter of Qhimm wating to rearrange the forums.

However, we have gone though two major upgrades in forum software, so it may be "stuck" this way without a database rebuild.

Team Avalanche / Re: Verdana Font
« on: 2010-07-19 08:45:00 »
No TA is all about maintaining the original graphics but with a hi-res update.

On a related issue, whats with the dropping of the round borders lately?

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is delicious cake
« on: 2010-07-16 00:28:42 »
Uhhh, just to let you know. The Nazi one is kind of in poor taste. Not so much as it makes the Nazis "cute", but Josef Mengele was an actual real person who preformed sadistic medical experiments to Jews in concentration camps. The scalpels as hair ties is kind of... gross.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-15 23:23:16 »
You can do chibi, but the head is too big and not proportional to chibi standards.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-15 23:07:52 »
...also, head is too big

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-15 22:42:57 »
I think you need to rotate the eyes so they are a little more parallel

ATI x800 doesn't have a 3.0 shader in it. Can that be a problem?

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is delicious cake
« on: 2010-07-15 15:42:11 »
"Quote" and "Modify" are amazingly close together.

=== EDIT ===

It took me forever to find Patchy in that mess above

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is delicious cake
« on: 2010-07-15 15:29:52 »
This is now a Touhou thread!

OMG I didn't even realize it was a Patchouli cake!

All hail Patchy!

(I'm more keen on the Marisa/Alice relationship than anything)

Tohou has spawned some of the most amazing fanart ever created for a video game. One day I'll actually change my background to reflect that, but haven't found a Marisa/Alice picture that is good enough. (I have very high standards when i comes to my backgrounds)

How many characters can you name below.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Hermoor
« on: 2010-07-15 05:30:20 »
This guy is one of the reasons why I very recently got a Level-up in mod powers. I can clean up Unrelated now with a mighty whack of my ban hammer. These tools were something I didn't have before. 

We have another Cloud (and Barret) anyway. Also I just purged the download link for APZ Cloud.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-12 12:22:24 »
Yea, not done yet I think. We can keep the textures and change the hues a bit around the edges.

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