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Messages - James Pond

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Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-19 18:12:21 »
speaking of that, I set up HTTPTunnel and Sockscap last night using the free version of it, and jesus christ.... yay for my 30,000 ping on World of Warcraft, and 5 minute lag between me saying something, and the reply on ventrillo.

I've been told I can get my own ISP either way, so im gonna go for a Wireless one, and let everyone in the flat use it too, for £5 a month.

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-18 18:49:39 »
I need to connect through the UCLAN proxy,, to access the web in the first place, so I cant use another proxy over that.

Is there even a way I can get a program to use a proxy?

Also, I need WoW >_>

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-18 16:19:54 »
;_; That doesnt help me get on WoW :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-18 14:15:04 »
Im right pissed off, I have uni internet now, and it blocks near enough everything except web browsing.

any form of online game
Bit Torrent
FTP servers/downloads.

Hell, I cant even do an ADSL speed test because the network doesnt allow it.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Steve Irwin rememberance.
« on: 2006-09-14 08:53:38 »
Why not?

They could have been very avid fans, but, seemingly went the wrong way about mourning his death, by killing other stingrays.

Completely Unrelated / Re: So.. Evangelion
« on: 2006-09-08 22:51:41 »
Probably didnt help the fact I had never seen any of the Evengellion series before I watch EoE and the other one, Its name escapes me.  Even still, confused the fuck out of me.

although not quite as bad as Akira.   Still not 100% about wtf happens in that film/

Completely Unrelated / Re: Steve Irwin rememberance.
« on: 2006-09-05 16:20:31 »
This one you mean Mark?

>_> Learn your old shows, thats not captain scarlet, thats the boss guy from Stingray!

I perfer this one myself

Im going to hell.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Steve Irwin rememberance.
« on: 2006-09-05 12:15:54 »
Aye, swam over a Sting-ray, which bolted, and stabbed him through that heart :/

Poor guy

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-03 10:53:23 »
>_> Oi.

I've decided that im going to join a fencing club when I get there.

I have never "fenced" before, but it looks funny as fuck >_>

And yes, im gonna go the moment the fair opens and basicly go freebie hunting <_<

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-09-02 22:28:16 »
Freshers Fortnight tbh!

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-08-31 22:08:43 »
Forgot to mention what course it is im doing.

Forensic Computing.

Im excited, dont get me wrong, but the things I take for granted at home will suddenly be gone :<

Completely Unrelated / Re: University
« on: 2006-08-30 09:48:26 »
Lancashire on the 17th september.

Im absaloutly bricking it >_< I've never been away from home for more than 1 week :S

Ahh my appologies, I missread >_>

Am I right in thinking you did a computer course at UClan Mark?

If so, what are you computing facilities like?

I know the library theres is uber, the PC's are good enough to run World of Warcraft.

>_> <_< Not that I tried on my induction or anything <_<

Completely Unrelated / Re: d4 1337 h4x0r pwn5 u
« on: 2006-08-24 09:31:35 »


UCL... Do you mean Uni of Central Lancashire?

If so, looks like we'll now be attending the same Uni.

I just found out they accepted me with a Pass in Forensic Science when I needed a Merit, and an E on Computing when I needed a C.

Im so happy.

Completely Unrelated / Re: V For Vendetta
« on: 2006-08-06 20:57:29 »
I actually just watched it for the first time on saturday myself, Was awesome!

Very good structure and storytelling.

Sorted it, Finally got it fixed, had to manually swap the axes round for the left anf right Tsticks.

Are you playing with a controller?

Im using my Xbox 360 controller, modded with XBCD360, and im still having trouble with the analogue sticks being swapped around

Any ideas?

There is no project, its just knowledge i've accumulated from various forums when I was trying to get my Xbox360 pad to work with the game properly.

Sounds and textures were replaced, and the game becomes near unplayable due to the amount of bugs.

Alkready been tried, and as I recall, it causes alot of crashing problems.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PSP Advice
« on: 2006-07-25 22:09:22 »
I meant, If you corrupt the firmware, the PSP wont boot up, and is therefor royally fucked.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PSP Advice
« on: 2006-07-23 17:25:40 »
If you corrupt the firmware corrupts, the PSP wont boot up.

Its Bricked, you cant fix it without sending it off to Sony (provided its within warrenty)

There are tools to DOWNGRADE firmware, but im almost certain none to fix a bricked PSP

Completely Unrelated / Re: Guitar modification
« on: 2006-07-22 08:44:17 »
First off. 
I envy you.   lots.  I would give anying for a JP MM 7 String >_<

secondly, nah, i've never actually modded a guitar before.

I've been told getting a vibrato system onto an SG is going to be hard, if not impossible.... is this true?

Completely Unrelated / Guitar modification
« on: 2006-07-21 22:14:47 »
I noticed there hasn't been a topic about guitars here, ever ( I think )

So ill start one!

Do you play the guitar?  What setup do you have?

I just bought myself a Epiphone Gibson SG in black

That exact one in fact.

Now to the topic at hand.  I want to mod my guitar to a higher standard to what I have at the moment.

For cosmetics, im thkning about getting the Official Gibson SG dials for the volume and tone settings, and getting a silver (possibly metal) scratchplate, custom made if I have to.

for the actual guitar itself, im thinking of buying some Zakk Wylde signature custom EMG humbuckers, and possibly a chrome vibrato fitting to replace the current non-vibrato setup.

Assuming you understood what I just said, and it hasnt gone over your head, what are your thoughts on my proposed ideas?  Furthermore, has anyone had any experience with this themselfs, and have a favourite online shop they use?



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