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Messages - ManuBBXX

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Gjoerulv, in your first post, yo usay : 'This mod also add some new enemies and bosses to the game. Basically at every summon materia there is a new boss.'
You mean, at each found of a new summon materia( red so ? ), a new boss will pop-up ?
Cause I haven't encountered it at the 4th summon materia found. Nevertheless, I'm sure cause the better difficulty that the hardcore mod works for me. But not the new bosses..

What is the goal of your fix ProtoX ? There are problem with Kela51's RedXIII without it ?

A little question : I always had with my bootleg modded FF7 just ONE black band at the bottom of my display monitor( 27' ), but no black band at the top.. It's appear in the always in the game EXCEPT in battle, where I haven't any black band like this. Here is a screenshot taken in the game showing this :
PS : I play in 1920*1050 screen resolution in Bootloader, and 3840*2160 at Internal resolution, here are screens of my bootloader config :

Uploaded with

Uploaded with

Uploaded with

Any issue with it ?

Okay, I note it ! Thanks a lot to you  :)
A last suggest if I can : in this screen, what do you recommand between thoses 2 choices of field textures ? FacePalmer or Blackfan+SL1982+FacePalmer ?
I always used FacePalmer only, and after bootleg install, replaced the png in the field folder by your complete pack(Omzy).

Uploaded with

The remove glitched textures in bootleg needs to be unchecked as I read. Personnaly, I checked it, before of course reading it, but didn't see a difference in game. When you tell about 'losing playable content' Omzy, what de you mean in particular ?

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 16:51:22 »
I not finished yet all this file, I'll send you when it's done. I still have texts in english. Thanks a lot

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 16:46:19 »
It's not that, the fact is I don't understand well english and so, all of the discussions, but I read all.
Sorry for taking of your time, really..
I'm wondering : the English 1.02.exe file, is NOT the FF7.exe I showed to you in my first screenshot ?( wich is about 6mo )

Edit : Okay, no problem, I undesrtand. Thanks again

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 16:38:28 »
Yes I know, it's text etracted from the ff7.exe, who is the english version, wich is 5745 KO, after all bootleg patches.
I have some ff7_fr.exe, ff7_de.exe, etc.. which are 14006 KO( they are not exe patched )
So I put the ff7_fr.exe in the toughscript folder, renamed in ff7.exe for having toughscript dump working with it. It creates a '0_ff7.exe.txt' in the text folder, but this file is totally blank : 0kb. ( When it's created with ts from the ff7 french exe.
So I thought that I have to replace the english texts in this file with the french texts, and then encode 'E' with ts. But doesn't work

PS : I would mention that I installed FF7 from the new release 2012 in english language, not french, in order to have bootleg patching work.

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 16:27:58 »
Re. Thanks a lot first DLPB for taking time trying to explain me. Thanks a lot. Here is what I did :

Here is my ff7 game folder, with the famous FF7.exe :

Uploaded with

Then, I went to toughscript folder, ran the exe and selected 'D' as you mentionned, for creating the files in text folder :

Uploaded with

After that, I tried to modify some texts in the '0_ff7.exe.txt' in FR, and of course saved it( I dont finished this file entirely, it's coming soon ) :

Uploaded with

And at the final, re-encoded the file with the 'E' option in toughscript :

Uploaded with

I launched the game, but my modifs to the '0_ff7.exe.txt' didn't appear in game, no changes visible.
I think I did as you said to me, doesn't it ?

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 12:24:38 »
Of course I will re read and test again and again. So I use toughscript to reencode the exe with my 1.02.exe.txt and then launch your bat file converter and it's all I have to do to can test my game with fr menu translated menus ?

Edit : Tried to encode my ff7.exe file with the 1.02.exe.txt in fr, and tested with this exe but, still in english in menus.. Where am I wrong for you DLPB ?

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-19 00:26:08 »
Can I give you soon my 1.02.exe.txt fr file too DPLB ?

Releases / Re: [REL] APZ Cloud (Re-Release FINAL)
« on: 2012-09-18 11:39:21 »
Yes it is

Graphical / Re: Grimmy's Tifa retextured
« on: 2012-09-17 12:19:03 »
Would be great !!

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-09-16 09:47:49 »
Perfect job ! I go for the fr version  :)

FF7 Tools / Re: [WIP] Game Converter
« on: 2012-09-16 09:36:03 »
So DLPB, for the fr translation, you need too a modified french exe, containing all fr texts ? Like german.

FF7 Tools / Re: [WIP] Game Converter
« on: 2012-09-16 00:49:55 »
Okay, great. I do the french translation for each line, with a french ff7 opened, for verifying, and then upload to you the .txt file when finished.
I hope I'm not the only french guy here and so that will be usefull !  :)

PS : A ff7_fr.exe can help you ? I mean if you extract the text from a such fr exe, do you have as a result the right lines translated ? Or I have to traduce each ?

FF7 Tools / Re: [WIP] Game Converter
« on: 2012-09-15 23:10:58 »
That isn't a problem at all.  What you need to do is convert all the English entries line by line to the french equivalents. Some of these may prove difficult.  You should do as much as you can.  You will probably need the game open as well.

Download this file >

and get cracking.  You may also need to look at this, as it will help you with the various areas the text appears in:
See the blue text titles on the right side.  It will show you where to look.

Do not make a mistake with the lines.  Do not delete lines or accidentally move them. Make sure the text corresponds exactly to the French equivalent.  Try not to make ANY typo's or mistakes.  Check through each entry 4 times from beginning to end when you have finished.

The above information applies to people who want the German game as well.  Spanish and Italian may already be done.

I searched back and found this I quoted here.
If I understand well, for a future french translation in MenuOverhaul( is it ? Or for the converter Cause I'm not understanding all ), all I have to do is taking the '0_ff7.exe.txt', who contains all the texts that are presents in the ff7_1.02.exe, and giving to you a new '0_ff7.exe.txt', containing the equivalent word, line by line, but in french at the place of english. is it ?

If that could give you the opportunity of a french translation( for my example ), I would be very happy to translate that lines for the community.
Thanks letting me informed.

Very nice work, I tested this cloud, and can't decide between this or APZ's cloud, both are terribly awesome !
Great work sir !  8)

So you vary a lot between Anxious heart and OST remastered ! Looks nice  :)
Personally, I was only on the OST remastered before discovering Anxious heart, and now I have selected this last in FF7Music, cause it sounds so 'woooow', awesome  :D
You have selected each music one by , comparing the best choice between both and configuring it ? It's great !

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2012-09-13 13:58:52 »
For the video card, it's a lot 'old'.. Maybe possible

Well, perfect ! Thank you again EQ2Alyzza :))

I play Felix Style more, but I like them both.

Is it possible to switch style without re-installing bootleg ?

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2012-09-12 20:36:18 »
Lower your internal resolution to 1280x960 and see if that gets rid of your lag.

When I get home from work this evening, I'll see what I can come up with for your Menu. I know what your problem is, and I know what you're asking for, but I have never set it up that way before. I am pretty sure I know what needs to be done though. I'll edit this post after I figure it out.

With a 1920*1080 screen resolution, have I to use more than 3840 x 2160 at Internal Resolution, or it's good like this ?

Okay, thanks again. I tested with FFX style and show the command box and it looks anyway pretty good.
Don't tried the Felix FFIX. Do you prefer it than the FFX style ?

Woww, thank you so much @EQ2Alyza for your quick and nice answer for me  :)
Can I ask you what do you prefer between both ?

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