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Messages - iDerek759

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-30 05:33:27 »
Overdrive mechanics could be interesting; if his gauge filled when allies take damage might be a good one as well and a counter to Yoshiyuki.

Oh snap, you're right with the Yoshiyuki. That could actually be really cool.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-30 01:22:57 »
Doesn't have to be party-wide, just an idea I was considering. If it was a buff of some kind then it wouldn't interfere but like you said items might make that moot late-game. Something affecting Limit gauges like Renzai said could be nice too; I'll ask around.

What if you pulled a page out of FFX with the Overdrive options, and instead of charging Cloud's limit gauge when receiving damage, he charges his limit gauge when dealing physical damage? Since Cloud primarily is the DPS role, it could work, but I don't know.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-30 00:46:08 »
Ashes (and Gospel Sparks) were supposed to be a very late-game and a limited use item outside of W-Item duping; I think Ash can only be acquired from the super boss Binah (renamed to Netzerachiah because the dudes making FF14 decided to name their small-ass Sephirot adds 'binahs' :l ). But Sparks can be farmed, I think.

I see what you're saying; maybe if it was something unique then that applied to the party. But the obstacle to navigate with that is not interrupting characters with their own stat gains (Barret's would be reset back to his original strength, for instance, when gaining defence stacks).

I sent a PM about a possible flevel fix; and the innate list currently in 1.4 was posted earlier:

Gotcha, I see what you're saying in terms of the obstacles about screwing with other characters stat gains. So it's an innate you definitely want to effect the entire party though, yeah?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-29 23:52:06 »
Some ideas came to mind:

-) Once per battle, using the Defend command gives the Peerless status (so it'd be a temporary invincibility to be used tactically). If not Peerless, then some other temporary buff, maybe even affects the entire party.

-) When attacked in front row (or back row, or while Defending maybe), character counters with/has a chance to counter with Deathblow. Having it on a trigger like Row or Defend means that it can be 'disabled' for Morphing/Stealing.

Hmm, Cid's innate sounds pretty cool. I'm just curious though, for Cloud's wouldn't it be a bit redundant once your party get's a hold of the magitek ashes item you implemented in the game? I just see not many people using the defend command with Cloud once they obtain the more sweeter end-game items, lol.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-29 22:46:35 »
I'm just curious SC, I know the dual status effect can be afflicted on party members, but can it be applied to enemies as well? I only ask cause what if Cloud had some innate ability to where like, whenever he's put into 'critical' state/yellow HP, he has a chance to inflict the dual status on enemies? Almost like he's causing bleeding damage that you might see in other RPG games?
I know that's not really a party buff per say, but Cloud's like a wannabe SOLDIER, so it would seem fitting I think. Of course, obviously this would negate from bosses cause then that would just be too easy, lol.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-28 21:31:06 »
Putting the flevel patch together for tonight. I've been fixing things over the last few weeks but not keeping a note on it;

-) Prior to Junon Raid, player can equip Barret, Cait Sith, and Yuffie altogether so they don't need to do it later.
-) Added proper Save Point + Shop option (instead of Rank Up for this specific save point only) to Junon Raid when Yuffie joins.
-) Fixed the Rocket Town cutscene skip options (options had opposite intended effects)
-) Lost & Found NPC on Highwind updated with correct battle (to activate Cloud's Innate) + key items
-) Various typos fixed in scenes
-) Adjusted volume on sound effects on Mako Cannon scene
-) Fort Condor Teleport NPC's money check script (finally) fixed
-) Ziegfried encounter on field screen
-) Game no longer softlocks when visiting Priscilla with Tifa or Cid as party leader on Disc 3
-) Requirement to start Kalm Traveler sidequest returned to original
-) Various text alignments using max-length names to avoid text-box problems with long custom names (likely more to be made, but all reported instances should be fixed now)
-)  The scorpion has finally been eradicated from the church, for real this time
-) Micro Engine drop added to Love Buster; is also available from Lost & Found NPC on Highwind if enemy was already killed
-) Gold Chocobo script enabled
-) Unequip party member options removed from late-game to prevent loss of Materia
-) Changed the Fort Condor 'all battles won' prize to something worthwhile
-) Item checks for crafting Ultimate Weapons scoured and should be working now

That's what I've done today anyway + could remember from before. If I've missed anything/not mentioned it, then let me know so I can check if it was fixed or not. The patch will be generated and uploaded a few hours from now to give people some time to report unmentioned bugs/make quick suggestions. I'll be trialing some early access to Materia like Added Cut and Slash-All to see if a hybrid build can be utilised earlier in the game; I've an idea for how it could work.

Plan for the scene.bin/enemy patch
-) Implement Morph plan for North Crater enemies (if this fails, I'll re-work it so that one weapon is a drop and the other is a steal).
-) SP Gained text removed from all Midgar enemies (done)
-) Hojo overhaul (in progress)
-) Various boss overhauls/tweaks based on playthrough; Lambda Calcule, Gi Kattan, and COMMANDO squad affected (done)
-) Adjust enemy strength of Junon League Bracket #1 so it can be challenged properly on Disc 1 after getting the buggy (rewards will be adjusted accordingly, with something from each enemy as well).
-) Adjust SP script for all enemies above Lv.44 so that they can work with the Level Synch
-) Corel Train adjustment
-) SOLDIER & COMMANDO enemies had their AI and attacks overhauled so they have some consistency/more attack options
-) Wrong attack issue on Hungry enemy
-) Final Battle (alt) tuned for a solo character, rather than 2 like it was originally.

This might be a couple of days, the 2nd and 3rd Hojo scripts are being rewritten from the ground up. Again, if I haven't mentioned something then let me know.

Nice work, SC! The dedication to this project is awesome as always.

7th Heaven / Re: GameConverter didn't find Final Fantasy 7
« on: 2016-06-27 21:13:36 »
I think the problem might be is where you currently have your Steam folder installed.

Try installing it somewhere like "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII"
then try running the Game Converter again and see what happens.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-26 00:47:28 »
It works! Thank you for your help! ;D

It's working? Awesome! Enjoy the mod life now, lol.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-26 00:45:38 »
I don't know where he got that subscription link. That was the old 1.0 Catalog which I have taken down long ago, and it's not used in STEP 3 anymore.

Hey EQ2Alyza! The answer queen right here!  :-D
Yeah, I've just been trying to help him out the best I can, lol.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-26 00:37:43 » here you go. I hope it helps.

Oh man, ya know what? I think your subscription link might be wrong. Here, I'm just gonna throw you a bone, try using this one: iros://Url/http$

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-26 00:23:09 »
Would the problem be caused by the workshop settings?

I'm not entirely sure, can you screen cap what you have in it? Maybe I can see what's going on then.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-26 00:13:00 »
Nope its still not downloading I tried to download the walking animation mod but it dose not download and when i tried to cancel the download it would do nothing and a bunch of error messages popped up on the right side. I still have no idea whats happening.  :(

Hmm, I'm currently downloading the Media - Movies mod and it's working on my end so I don't know what to tell you... :|

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-25 23:24:29 »
okay i deleted everything and ran the ff7 registry cleaner but how do i uninstall or get rid of 7th heaven?

So, I believe you don't have to delete 7th Heaven fully, just do: C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/7thWorkshop and just wipe everything from there. Then just run the Game Converter again from STEP 1 and see if anything new happens. Also, just to make sure, try running everything with admin privileges when you do. That's caused some users some issues in the past and that always ended up fixing issues with 7th Heaven.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-25 22:51:07 »
Welp, the only other option I can think of is try uninstalling everything/wiping everything and starting fresh by running the game converter again and making sure everything is pointing to where it needs to be. Sorry I can't be anymore helpful.  :|

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-25 22:21:05 »
Well, is it happening with all the mods? Or just certain mods in particular? Cause if you can manage to download like a small one say.... Field Models - Objects, and try activating it and launching the game, then 7th Heaven shouldn't be the issue.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods will not download.
« on: 2016-06-25 21:34:51 »
Okay I need some help. I have been trying to download the mods from the 7th Heaven tutorial but when I start downloading one the progress does not go up and it just keeps saying calculating. I did read that if the download is not working you can just cancel it but when I cancel the download it doesn't cancel and it just stays in the download menu doing nothing.  :| :x

If other issues arise, you can try skimming through the FAQ section and see if anything works out for you.
I did notice this post from EQ2Alyza that may help, not sure though...

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven Step 5 Help?
« on: 2016-06-25 20:33:03 »
What is the subscription link?

Your answer is here in STEP 3 of the tutorial.

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven Step 5 Help?
« on: 2016-06-25 19:12:36 »
Have you added the subscription link into the subscription box under settings for 7th Heaven? If you do that and click check subscriptions now, the catalog should then update under the catalog tab.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-23 02:54:16 »
I'm sorry SC, I'm such a grammar nazi! I found another typo if this hasn't already been reported.

Spoiler: show

There needs to be a space between If and Spirit Energy, lol. That is all, I'm just nit-picking at this
point, but I want your mod to be as polished as it can be! I love it too much.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-22 03:36:08 »
That's crazy, lol. I have yet to experience the giant Cloud and I've modded my steam version from head to toe countless times  :-D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-19 19:47:33 »
hey sega chief

when battling guard scrition on rector 1

when its tail goes up, the message should say if you attack while its tail its up, its going to counterattack by knocking 1 of your party members out of battle

Well, you shouldn't be attacking when Scorp's tail goes up regardless. Having either Barret or Cloud getting knocked out of the fight is just a nice little twist SC added into NT, which for me, I personally enjoy. Keeps you on your toes  :wink:

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-19 11:42:42 »
Hey SC, I think I may have spotted another typo in the dialogue.

Spoiler: show

Wouldn't it say, "I don't know much about Jenova."

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] ChaOS -Character Overhaul Seven
« on: 2016-06-10 20:56:02 »
Nice work Kaldarasha! I already liked Jessie's field model to begin with, but this just looks even better! She looks more proportionate now, nice work!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-10 05:19:54 »
Hey SC, just wanted to let you know I spotted another minor text bug.

Spoiler: show

That's it, lol.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-27 23:35:49 »
I really really like this idea actually, it makes sense in a story based way.

I can already think of the perfect place to include it.
Spoiler: show
When Cloud gives his speech to the entire party about what really happened to him 5 years ago. After they all agree, "there ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" When he does that silly stretch animation would be perfect! lol

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