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If that case the case then why didn't he simply inform us that he struck a deal with them and was forced to stop? I checked all of his post not any of them mention such a thing ever happened.

Aali has actually denied this and expressly asked people to stop spreading that rumor.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-14 15:19:40 »
anyone experiencing downloads that middleway disappears for some reason? I tried downloading the Field Textures and I have a pretty stable connection. Is it a server issue? tried to direct download it but for some reason the torrrent downloads are unavailable.

With the remake released, it seems we've hit another big spike in folks wanting to download 7th Heaven and mod the original release again. The server has gotten hit pretty hard again so you might experience some slowness or unavailability at times. It should be humming along a little better for now. The direct download links are available from the main page, but unfortunately we stopped the torrents a couple of weeks back because we didn't think traffic would be this high again.

Edit: The broken links on the site have been fixed.

I'm modding FF7 for the first time and while modding i have come across extremely slow download times in the realm of around 600kbps.
My internet is relatively decent, averaging about 15 Mb/s download speed. I've tried looking on forums and the FAQ and I couldn't find anything about this, so any help would be appreciated.
It's a bit of a pain as it is going to take about 10 hours for some of the larger mods to download.


I'll ask the server admin about it and what kind of loads we're seeing. Others have mentioned some slowness the last day or two as well. It's not on a very fast connection to begin with, but I was getting 4.5MB/s the other day.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-14 01:04:35 »
For downloads that use google drive, like Avalanche Arisen Battle Scenes, can you have a popup with the gdrive link when quota is exceeded? Quota can be bypassed by importing a copy to your own gdrive account. As it is now when quota is exceeded, like it is now, you can't download it.

7th Heaven 2.0 has support for this, but it is up to the catalog creators to take advantage of it (which I don't believe anybody has yet). You could reach out to strife98 for Mods of the Round or EQ2Alyza for the Qhimm Catalog. They would just need to add an additional <Link> tag at the bottom of the list that starts with iros://ExternalURL/ which will prompt the user to open a web browser to the download if there is a problem (such as quota exceeded).

Edit: I apologize for the many posts from me in succession, but they are for support/help purposes to help you guys out and I'm not going to go back and forth 100 times to copy and paste.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-14 00:55:18 »
For some reason and no matter what i do 7th heaven tries to load from my old path which is no longer there. I used to have an "F" drive for the old 7th heaven, well now it's gone and it still tries to load:

It doesn't even give me a chance to change the path, after i click ok 7th heaven closes. I've uninstalled everything multiple times including the game and still nothing.

1. Uninstall FF7 completely (all copies).
2. Delete all of your FF7 install folders completely. (Make sure to back up your save game files first).
3. Run the tool (right click and run as admin) found here:
4. Reinstall a clean copy of FF7 to a non-system folder (like C:\Games, not C:\Program Files).
5. Delete the "7thWorkshop" subfolder under your 7th Heaven install folder. Open 7H again.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-14 00:51:29 »
Looks like I spoke too soon, this is a little embarrassing.  So while outconfig fixes the control problem, I now get a black screen for graphics.  Only thing that pops up are conversation bubbles, with or without mods.  Anyone have a different code or fix they'd recommend?

Are you missing your movies? The movies not being on your hard drive can cause the black screens and/or music to not work properly.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-14 00:45:46 »
Just some recommendations
I know for some of the mods, the ''origin'' is stated in the readme txt file
It'd be better to include the description of the version as well as the related thread of the other mods for understanding of which mods they actually refer to
Will it sound too trouble?

I understand what you mean and wish that would happen also. This thread, though, is for releases/support/development of 7th Heaven. We don't have any control over what mod authors do or don't do with their mods. 7H 2.0 supports different formats of readme files, web site links, descriptions, release notes and other metadata that mod authors can and should take advantage of.  You would need to bring up your concerns with the mod authors themselves.

I've not heard of anyone having an issue like that before. Did you uninstall and delete your entire FF7 folder after you tried setting up everything manually before? Something you installed may have screwed something up. I'd recommend starting fresh with a clean install/directory and just run 7H 2.0 to have it do all the work for you. Then at that point, try clicking play without mods and see if you have the issue on the vanilla game. I'd also be curious about the music possibly causing issues. Try going to Settings>Game Driver>Advanced and change your music option to the Original MIDI.

Some folks have reported that deleting the file "ff7sound.cfg" has fixed their sound issues for the Steam version, but I can't see that helping with the patched 1998 ff7.exe since it shouldn't be looking for that.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-12 15:06:28 »
So I finally got the game running with mods, but can't get past the initial menu screen,  The game doesn't seem to register any buttons, whether it's keyboard, or controller.  What do I need to do to get this working?  Preferably with a controller.

7H defaults to the original 1998 controls (the Numpad). You can choose other presets for your controls (such as Steam defaults) by going to Settings>Game Launcher>Controls. I find it odd that your controller isn't registering any buttons, but that would be an issue with your controller (driver, mapping software if used, Windows settings, hardware, etc.). See page 6 of this thread where I posted some info that should help you get started with your controller. If you're using an Xbox One controller, it should work out of the box.

can anyone tell me how to make mods work?
today I installed 7 haven some mods worked except those of the characters it gave me insufficient texure memory error and it was a version with previous mods of 2017 so I thought it was for that and I reinstalled the game but now the game does not start with 7 haven again. can anyone tell me if i have to install things before 7 haven is the steam version

This thread is about false positives with A/V software with the Speed Hack. Try asking your question in another thread more targeted to your issue. You should provide more information like what version of 7H you're using and your profile details.

First step is to always disable all of your mods. I assume you're using 7H 2.0. Click the drop down arrow next to the Play button in the menu and choose to play without mods. If it runs fine, then most likely a mod is creating an issue. If it's still broken, most likely something bad happened during your process of installing Remako (which is not necessary to do--Remako options are included in all of the Qhimm catalog mods which are available directly via the Browse Catalog tab)

On a side note, IMHO Remako doesn't hold a candle to the newer Satsuki's upscales and retextures anyway (also an option in all of the Qhimm catalog mods) and I recommend using those.

Try leaving your sound device option set to Auto-Switch (Windows Default) then change your default sound card to your preferred one by clicking the speaker icon in your system tray (notification area) then click the little arrow to switch between different audio devices.

If the old FF7Config.exe is not properly detecting your sound card, most likely similar code is used in the game so therefore will also not work. 7th Heaven is obviously more modern in that regard and can do playback tests correctly with your card, but it can't force the game code to work with it.  If you follow my steps above, you're sort of telling the game to just let the OS handle it and it may work that way (which is why it is the default option in 7H). If still no go, try updating your sound card drivers direct from the manufacturer of the chipset's web site. Windows' built-in audio drivers are notoriously garbage. If your sound card functions with some kind of proprietary non-standard or uncommon voodoo via some added on driver bells and whistles, see if you can disable them or put the card in some kind of legacy/compatibility mode via the driver software and try again.

I am running into an issue with the game freezing sporadically when entering of leaving a battle.
Freezing or crashing? The crashing is occurring when too much RAM is being used, I've found. The game is an old 32-bit game with limited memory available to it. If you see your RAM usage increasing to the 900's or 1 GB, crashing is imminent. Basically, when the driver needs more memory to store textures or 3D models, etc., it sends a request to allocate that memory to the Operating System and the OS responds saying "no, you can't have any more than what I've already given you", then it crashes. I see spikes in RAM usage after battles until it normalizes and is probably why crashing frequently happens after them. You can monitor your memory/cache usage by turning on the Stats Overlay and/or Stats Titlebar options under Settings>Game Driver.

Try switching on and off different mods to see how it affects your memory usage. Sometimes the issue occurs with going over your texture cache limit. By default, that is set to 2GB and shouldn't be set any higher, but if you see the cache approaching that, again, start expecting crashing. Unfortunately the game (Aali) driver is not great at managing RAM or texture cache (cache is completely broken) either. Both issues are being looked at to see if they can be improved, but ultimately, newer mods are pushing the limits of what this old game can handle.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-11 11:29:34 »
Hi Sir,

I encounter a problem when attempting to download the following mod from the 7th Heaven 2.0 app

May I know if this can be solved?
Most people don't have a good experience with downloads from Mega (which those FMVs are hosted on). The author of that mod has an alternate download link at the bottom of his first post here: But, I recommend downloading the "Media" mod from Qhimm Modding Community personally and using the #2 Satsuki option for the movies. I don't see what this old cmh175 pack would have to offer over the newer Satsuki movies.

If you're having trouble downloading any mods from within the 7th Heaven app/catalog, most of them are available on the 7th Heaven website here: The cmh175 movies currently are not one of them, however.

I'm bilingual in brazilian portuguese and english. I could help translate it to b. portuguese, but I would probably need some help with the more technical terms. I'd be glad to help, though.

That would be fantastic! I've sent you the details in a DM to help you get started. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I can explain any technical terms and/or offer alternative phrasing that may be easier to translate whenever you run into a problem. Thank you for helping out!

FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Trainer and Debug Tool - Ochu (3.4)
« on: 2020-04-09 15:21:53 »
No, it isn't. I've tried your program and it works fine when run w/ 7H. Freezes if ff7 isn't already open, but as long as it is open already, the program works. I've talked to others and it works for them too. Issue is unique to this user.

FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Trainer and Debug Tool - Ochu (3.4)
« on: 2020-04-09 11:25:13 »
Nah - more likely the title "final fantasy vii"  has been changed in 7th heaven but I'll review Ochu again soon to iron out a bug or two and check then.
It hasn't. More likely, he's not running Ochu as admin.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-07 22:59:16 »
I can't describe the joy I felt when I saw the phrases "7th Heaven" and "2020" in the same search summary. I was so hoping someone would pick up the mantle from the old masters, and here you are. May the universe bless you every day for your great contribution to mankind <3

Now, a few questions from an owner of the original 1998 discs (and yes, I did read the entire thread, so if this was answered, I missed it):

1. I have my trusty old ISO's made from rips of my old original discs from 1998 of which the install disc can't be read anymore, so I'm stuck using my ISO's. Will the program count that as piracy?
2. When installing from the old discs, do I still need to install the 1.02 official patch, or is that also included in 7th Heaven?

Thank you so much for the kind words!

1. You're fine. 7H 2.0 still fully supports the original discs.
2. You only need one thing (7H 2.0). Download 7th Heaven 2.0. Run the installer. Start 7th Heaven 2.0. Enjoy.

See the links to the trailer and tutorial videos on the first post to see how easy everything is.

7th Heaven / Re: Crash after battle end
« on: 2020-04-07 22:53:13 »
Known issue. It's being worked on.

Moderators, please move this and ones like it to the Aali thread.

It's a mod that allows you to play the game at a faster (or slower) speed. The error is a false positive. You can add it to your exclusions list. Been discussed many times already. It's an EXE because it's a Cheat Engine trainer. The tool and author can be found here:

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-07 12:20:25 »
how can i use my steam save on this

Steam puts your saves in a weird folder: Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII Steam\user_xxxxxxxx

Copy any "savexx.ff7" files to your C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\save\ folder (or wherever your converted version is stored).

7th Heaven / Re: Certain mods will not finish downloading
« on: 2020-04-07 12:09:23 »
I like to echo the issue that BusterSword is having as well, I can not download the FMV pack either by cmh175. I certainly should not be hitting the download limit of Mega as I have a premium account with them. It gets to 99% complete with 21 seconds left but can not download the last tiny bit.

Your Mega account wouldn't have anything to do with the author's Mega account. If they have a free account, you're subject to their limitations. A quick search brings up the author's page here, where there is what appears to be an alternate (Google Drive) link to download the IRO:

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-04-06 09:37:07 »
Post your Profile Details please.

Just in case you don't know, you do that by clicking Settings>Profiles>the eyeball icon. This will open a window containing all of your profile details. You can copy and paste that here (but please put it in a spoiler block) or upload the file to a file sharing service or something like pastebin.

Straight from the built-in Help and FAQ/Troubleshooting in 7th Heaven:

Q: Why does my volume keep resetting after I change it in the game?
A: That's because 7th Heaven 'pushes' your settings that you configure in the Game Launcher Settings to the game every time you click the 'Play' button. So, if you want to change your volume to be set at a specific volume on game launch, be sure to set it here.

Q: Why do my keyboard or controller settings reset every time after I change them in the game?
A: That's because 7th Heaven 'pushes' your settings that you configure in the Game Launcher Settings to the game every time you click the 'Play' button. So, you should configure your control settings here. For more information on using the presets and/or using your own custom controls, look at Controls.

>>Controls Link:
Controls: The controls you have selected here will automatically be applied every time you start the game. This fixes a problem for some people where FF7 would frequently lose your configuration and make you have to setup your controls over and over. You can select a preset keyboard and gamepad button configuration from the drop down. If you want to add your own controls that you currently have set in the game, simply click [Floppy Disk], give the controls a name, then click 'OK' to save them as a new preset. If you want to delete a custom preset that you have selected, click [Trash Icon]. You cannot delete the included presets.

I'll also mention that the controls section will be expanded and heavily improved in a future update.

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