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Messages - Xelane

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Archive / Re: [Release] Otokoshi's Videos
« on: 2009-07-27 12:04:34 »
Otokoshi and I have settled our differences, so this sort of thing won't happen again. In retrospect i shoudn't have come in here the way i did and for that i apologise.

If i remember you have to change your settings for the drivers as well as alter your graphics card (well i and some others have anyway) so that they work with the game and don't crash it like that.

Archive / Re: CC Aeris successfully converted to ff7
« on: 2009-07-27 12:01:08 »
Looks pretty good to me, but what did you do to cloud's model? it doesnt look right if it's AC styled.

Archive / Re: [Release] Otokoshi's Videos
« on: 2009-07-27 11:59:35 »
a noob who didn't know what he was doing

"You still are." otokashi, i would say "i can't believe you would say something like that" but then again i am talking to you and that's to be expected since i have never seen you act decent to me.

though i must admit you have some kind of special ability to pick at everything someone says. There really is no talking to you because you keep doing it at every turn. (and you call ME predictable  :-D)

I can only imagine what you're going to sling at me when i leave after this post. actually i think i will imagine it "good, you get out of my thread with your stupidity and go cry to your momma"

that sounds like something you would say: hateful, mean, and completely uncalled for.

Anyway go ahead and stew in your self centered thread where apparently you have dominion over.

I guess i'll just have to live with your ignorance just like you do. See you later otokoshi. and please feel free to refer to my guess of what you're going to say when i've left.

see you later buddy :wink:

Archive / Re: [Release] Otokoshi's Videos
« on: 2009-07-27 11:20:20 »
Wow oto calm down, i make one small mention that you didnt take issue with his necroposting when you did with mine and you fly off the friggin handle.

yes i did back then make the mistake of not reading the dates for the last entries in threads, but i do not by any means hold a grudge.

"Or "interrupting" as you put it, an almost year and a half old thread with an unrelated post? Interruption?"

i never made any refference to that. unless you are ferrering to my "it was relevant to the topic" bit

"Folks can read on from there to see how this thread started, which lead me to poking fun at your expense for your predictable behavior."

1:why are you going out of your way to to attack me again, it gets old  :|

2:why even bring that up? its like saying "Look what i did, i made fun of a noob who didn't know what he was doing"

"And now with your off-topic post here, are you trying for a six degrees of separation or something?  I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who had problems with your necroposting on this forum.... so please shush, go back to the corner, and quit shoving crayons up your nose."

Now this just proves that you dont have people skills OR that you are just extremely offensive to people whom you dont like.-I never even went near that degree of insulting you, in fact, i didnt insult you period

The reason i mentioned it was because you looked to me like you were picking who you want to harp over rules.

Archive / Re: Yuffie successfully converted into FF7
« on: 2009-07-27 10:44:49 »
YOU do realize that he is a noob right? (not in the offensive way)

Archive / Re: [Release] Otokoshi's Videos
« on: 2009-07-27 04:14:33 »
Oto you had problems when i was necroposting EVEN when it was relevant to the topic.

Archive / Re: Final Boss Encounter Ideas!
« on: 2009-07-26 14:24:37 »
sorry for coming out of the blue and asking this irrelevant question but: drain is the ability to take the hp/mp of the damage you deal and heal yourself right?

if so then what does dual drain do? that has bugged me for awhile now

Archive / Re: A current project
« on: 2009-07-26 14:21:52 »
one question: why?

in depth: why is it that you want to do this? don't get me wrong it sounds interesting and it may be awesome, i just dont see what inspired you to do this?

Archive / Re: Red XIII WIP
« on: 2009-07-26 14:19:59 »
2 questions:

1. when do you think the red model can be done?

2. i cannot for the life of me figure out what IIRC means

Archive / Re: Chocobos in mini game replaced with fernin
« on: 2009-07-26 14:18:56 »
it does indeed provide us with lols.

wouldnt you be able to make it work if you placed the animation files with something like the one from the motorcycle minigame? or if that isnt possible, replacing the chocobo's animation with it being still, but the wheels turning?

that way the motorcycle(s) won't bounce like they do (well i may be way off in my theory)

212 that....yuffie? WTF DID YOU DO TO HER!!!

Murderer!  :-D

So what i am assuming here is that they are files necessary to run ff7 (or maybe just play it) but they are written poorly which causes them to...copy onto my desktop? the question mark is there because i assume that they are copies because i delete them everytime and there hasnt been a problem from it yet.

this is wierd, it only happens with the high res/v1.02 patch. well i suppose it isnt a big deal since i made the shortcut again and never see the damned files anymore. but what do these files do exactly?

Sorry ofr the double post but i just realized something and there is some kind of glitch that doesnt allow me to post as much text as before.

So i just realized that these files did appear after playing before and that the reason they were appearing on my desktop was becausei  made a COPY of the exe file when before i had a SHORTCUT which made those pesky files appear back in my folders wherei  never saw them.

so they dont appear on my desktop anymore but they still do in my folders, any reason why they even show up at all and what they are there for?

Troubleshooting / Someone shed some light on this please
« on: 2009-07-26 10:56:13 »
So i've been using the v1.02 patch for higher res so i can use this advent children mod. the proeblem is that everytime i finish playing and exit hte game i get all of these annoying files
the files name range from TF2D-SF2D-S3D

that makes no sense to me, as it didnt do so before...
They are all "p" files and i don't see any function that they have. if it helps i also get an app log which i didnt before

so any help on this frustrating issue is appreciated  :x

This started when i had to replace my old exe file on my desktop with a different copy of the same exact file. By that i mean i made a copy of the icon to play ff7, which somehow got deleted, and then i had to grab another one i made.

this only happens if i use the official patch and even then it didnt happen unless the game crashed from the battleswirl issue...

i'm sorry, are you asking for a save file that is for the final battle? because weather or not the person sending the save file is using any patches or not isnt relevant as far as i'm aware.

and i can only get you as close as the final descent right before the final fight, i cant make it go any further without finding some way to hack when and where i can save

Troubleshooting / Re: Crash at start of battle
« on: 2009-07-24 12:40:11 »
Does the image swirl before you go to battle or does it stop working before that? if it does THEN its because you need YAMP

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-24 09:56:22 »
Hey apz how long do you think it will be before you can release a field model? I'm hoping to start playing the game over with the new model. (like ive done a thousand times and loved every moment of)

edit: so you're only going to make a chibi version huh?

well wait i could just........


lol i was hoping for a tall model to fit in cuz i like the tall im wondering if i would want chibi or tall.....problem is that all my chars are tall and if i changed just cloud back to chibi it would look really weird.

is there any way you or someone else could convert the battle model into a field model? i haz no idea how to do it, and from looking at people who try, it looks difficult and time consuming to say the least  :-(

Archive / Re: Barret model
« on: 2009-07-24 01:59:25 »
this isnt a big deal but i think his hair isnt right, if i recal he has like a flat head of hair thing going.

Archive / Re: Red XIII WIP
« on: 2009-07-24 00:25:03 »
i vote for mellenia to texture, he owns at this stuff

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-23 08:52:50 »
How long do you think it will be before you release a field model?

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-23 05:16:18 »
oh im sorry apz i didnt see the newly tweaked model, the newer one looks much better,

and you are really good at what you do, i just didnt get the perfect cloud feel on the older model, the new one looks MUCH closer

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-23 03:23:50 » that you mention it i did want to say something about cloud's face.

i love the model but his face doesnt look like cloud's imo, NOT THAT IT ISNT AWESOME it just strikes me as....not cloud

his lips look off for one thing, and the shape of his face isnt perfect.

I feel like crap for posting this but it bugs me too much not to.

I'm not posting this to be judgemental, i'm just hoping that you could kep it in mind when you do the field model

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-23 02:19:06 »
yes but hte enjoyment i get from having it the whole game outweighs that tiny part in the game

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-07-23 01:39:51 »
OMg i want the field model so badly 0.0, you just take ur time with it tho, i can wait. if you weren't already could you make it so that the buster sword is on his back.

i like the way that looks

lookin forward to it mate

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