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Messages - The Seer of Shadows

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Too shy; will not post pictures :) But I currently have short hair.  It's a painfully ordinary hairstyle.  That's why I don't like having it >:( Before I last cut it, my hair was long enough to cover my ears, and that's about as long as I ever let it grow.

My "fail" hairstyle?  I didn't cut my hair for a year once.  It turned out that I have curls.  It almost grew long enough to touch my shoulders at the sides.  Long hair was nice to have, just as long as I didn't look into a mirror too often.  The curls made me look a little... hideous.  Just didn't go with the rest of me :-\

I'm the kind of person who secretly wants to have JordieBo's "previous" hairstyle.  But I don't have the courage to really go for it because I'm afraid of prejudiced treatment.

This topic is way to gay to take seriously. Go on emo fag. theres a place for this.

That's the kind of thing I'm referring to.

The main reason I think, is that the love-in fairy tale has wore off and his limo has turned into a pumpkin.

> Implying that Obama is Cinderella :P

Anyway, I'm unimpressed with the article.  Too much opinion.  Too biased.  I imagine it would be very difficult for Obama to do the right things the right ways, seeing the lovely little mess Bush left behind for him to clear up.  I think the writer of the article is being a bit unfair.  But I guess everyone with public recognition gets criticized every now and again.

Not that Obama is perfect and un-criticizable.  Not at all.  But he was the lesser of two evils, in my opinion.  (Implying that all politicians are evil.)  You live with what you get.

makes me want to... do terribly unstablely dark and horrifying Hellsing/Gantz/Elfen Lied inspired things to her.

This lady sounds like one of those people on the far left of the IQ bell curve who thinks that animals don't have feelings.  If you hunt her down and harm her, at least try not to do anything to her head, or you may threaten those few, precious brain cells that keep her smart enough to breathe.

Of course, I'm assuming I have the full story when I say this.  It could always be that there is some ulterior reason as to why this cat was left behind, other than that its owner doesn't care about it.  By "abandon", are you sure that your neighbor meant "left homeless"?

Happy Birthday, Furzy!!

Not a rap person?  I have something else I think you might like =P

Isn't there a rule about having too many or multiple accounts?

Having more than one account is against the rules.  Mirenheart got a 40% warning level for it some time ago.

All three admins visit somewhat irregularly, Qhimm being the most frequent and Aaron being the least.  I don't think there is any kind of pattern to Qhimm's visits; he just appears every now and then to check up on things.

Oh, okay.

I guess you can always just increase the warning level again if it drops too low.

Apparently, he has caused trouble here before.  If only Jari were still around to tell the story.

But with all due respect, why not simply ban HermoorQT, Matron Orlha the Insane, and Tyr (for that matter)?  If they're just left muted, their warning levels will gradually decrease over time until they'll be able to post again.

... just a coincidence...

Not likely, not likely at all...

Imo, Cait Sith should be a defensive wall (high defense, high HP, maybe high magic defense as well).  Vincent should have high magic and a decent critical hit rate.  Red XIII should be super speedy and have an even higher critical hit rate.

You can always balance characters by making their Limit Breaks better or worse.

Completely Unrelated / Re: My last topic
« on: 2010-08-06 12:35:20 »
This is going to sound a little ironic, but why is this topic still being posted in?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 22:09:26 »
We should avoid anything that makes people think that high posts counts mark some users as better than others.

Problem: That's virtually inevitable.  There's a natural subconscious bias against members with low post counts because they appear to be newer members, who stereotypically don't know what they are doing.  Members with high post counts, however, appear as if they've been around for a while, so they're presumed experts at everything; they know exactly what they're doing at all times.

Maybe not everyone, but most members who've worked their way into the community here are predisposed to respect members more or less based on their post counts.  At least, that is the trend I've observed.  Am I imagining it?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 21:55:52 »
I don't think it's even that important to moderate Completely Unrelated.  The only real problem with it is that it gives people who don't contribute anything to the community a way to up their post counts.  I think it makes sense that mods should have the ability to moderate Completely Unrelated so as to deal with "destructive" posts and spambots, but if posts in Completely Unrelated come not to affect post counts, then no more should need to be done.

In any case, I don't wholly agree with the "this forum is becoming just like every other Final Fantasy forum" argument.  Completely Unrelated can hardly be considered to be a part of the forum.  As long as the other boards maintain their quality, it will be fine as far as I'm concerned.  (Who knows?  Maybe, if Completely Unrelated became a no-count board, people would start putting their Completely Unrelated threads in General Discussion specially to keep their post counts going.  In that case, it'll be obvious that they're in it for the post count.)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 21:23:40 »
Qhimm once "considered closing" Completely Unrelated altogether, although in the end, no (drastic) action was taken on the grounds that people enjoyed having Completely Unrelated there, even if it served no other purpose.  At least, that's how I interpret that situation, which isn't too dissimilar to what we have here.

Just out of interest, how easy would it be to make Completely Unrelated a "no-count" board?  Although that would more than half my unworthy post count, I actually think that's a pretty good idea.  If the post count measures how much a member contributes to the forum, and Completely Unrelated is off the point of the forum, then posts in it would best be uncounted.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 03:15:16 »
Or just outright delete the threads that are considered to be pointless.

In that case, I guess this topic is resolved.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Fox news hacked!
« on: 2010-08-04 12:53:53 »
I wonder what would happen to him if his identity was discovered.

That hacker must've been pretty bored :P The only reason I can think of to hack Fox News is to burn time.  He doesn't seem like someone who wanted to cause harm - he just wanted to... well, do something, and get a laugh out of it in the meantime.

EDIT: Oh, and [/epic facepalm] to those comments on the article.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-08-04 01:34:09 »
I ban you because his post count still isn't the highest.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forums have been quiet lately
« on: 2010-08-03 23:24:50 »
Yeah, now that I've gotten the X Potion from killing Hojo, I have no further interest in those threads

That defeats the point of the X-Potion a bit...

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-08-03 23:23:09 »
I ban you because I have 19 posts to go...!

I don't know the answers to your questions, but you did put this thread in the right place, so don't worry about that.  A more descriptive name for the thread would've been better (e.g. "Does anyone have these mods?"), but oh well.

The 1st Class Colors patch has been dead for ages.  The problem seems to be that the downloads either expired somehow or were taken down for some reason.  The only way to get the patch would be if adventsoldier re-uploaded it.  You can PM him, but keep your fingers crossed.  He's not likely to respond - he's been inactive for over a year.

@Mako: Corrupt member?  You?  Are you depressed or something?  You're far from that!  Though I was unaware that you had anything to do with Jari leaving...

And I'd have thought "corrupt members" = Seifer and Hermoor.  No, doesn't make sense in the context he used...

Anyway, let's forget about this.  There's no benefit in poking at a conflict that's already over.

Completely Unrelated / Re: FF7 Elimination Challenge!
« on: 2010-08-03 01:01:28 »
Attack Rufus
Heal Red

Red XIII=500


Completely Unrelated / Re: Like my new Avatrar?
« on: 2010-08-02 20:15:49 »
@Bosola: Yep, you're doing it.

@Nameless Face: It's not that halkun and Jari are admins.  They're able to do it simply because they know how.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Where did the old members go?
« on: 2010-08-02 13:33:07 »
I read posts before from the skillster, dziugo, scorpicus, otokoshi etc. I just wonder why they aren't active anymore since they contributed good things here in qhimm.

Think of it this way: Will you still be a regular Qhimm member in seven or eight years?

Completely Unrelated / Re: FF7 Elimination Challenge!
« on: 2010-08-02 12:49:55 »
Heal Rufus

Attack Rufus!!
Heal Nanaki XIII

Red XIII=450


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