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Messages - Kranmer

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There is mention of it in the battle text in the kernel2.bin for PC. If you get WallMarket and look at the battle texts for PC there's a line that says "Press Ctrl-XXXX to reset" or something like that. I don't remember the text as I'm on my iPad and can't look it up. :) If I get to an actual computer soon I'll type what it says exactly unless someone else beats me to it.

It says "Push CTRL+Q to Reset." That's the text that's there. Give that a try, but it might only work during battles if it works at all.

I am already aware of CTRL+Q but it doesn't reset it Quits (exits to windows)

I am glad to see interest in this again. This project was only for the 1.02 English EXE if you are using a different language version of FF7 that may be the reason it isn't working. But if you are using the English 1.02 EXE it could be a problem with how it detects what key is pressed, i may be able to do something about this but if like jeffdamann says and the in-game reset still exists (i haven't tried but i am gonna be checking this out in a moment) it may be better to use that if we can figure out the keys to press.

EDIT:- i can't seem to get the soft reset to work, i tried the equivalents on my numberpad and my joypad but still no luck, but if anyone has better luck let me know.

I am not sure but i think this is what you are looking for.

General Discussion / Re: Access Debug Menu in FF8 PC
« on: 2011-07-13 00:10:36 »
The main room of the debug room in FF8 simply doesn't exist in the PC version. The other sections, however, do exist.
Thanks for letting me know, Vgr has also told me this on MSN a few minutes ago and even sent me a save in one of the rooms, i now have found out how to move between the debug rooms so i now should be able to access all debug rooms that are still in FF8 PC using a teleport code i have been working on, thanks.

General Discussion / Access Debug Menu in FF8 PC
« on: 2011-07-12 23:16:37 »
Hey guys i have been looking into the debug room for FF8 on PC but when i try to convert a save from PSX to PC in the debug room it just crash's the game, so i was wondering if anyone has managed to get into the FF8 debug room on PC ? or if it even exists for the PC version.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 16:26:50 »
I think i have run out of idea's on this problem, sorry i can't be of more help but if i think of anything i will post back

The eax.dll file included with my driver is not a modified version of the real eax.dll, it requires that the actual eax.dll is installed in the system folder (usually C:\Windows\System32)

If you are missing that file a dialog will popup saying "file not found" and the path it was looking for. Thats where you need to put the *real* eax.dll.
Ah OK thanks for clearing that up, i don't think that is his problem anyway (since he doesn't seem to get the error "File Not Found")

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 15:23:24 »
Well that error shouldn't be a problem although i am wondering why it thinks the shaders are missing, have you checked to make sure they are there ?
I meant in FF8config where it says Use EAX, just unticking that box and seeing what happened.
And i am concerned that it isn't working in Virtual PC either, it should work on XP and if it isn't i am not sure why (also make sure in VirtualPC it is set to software render and NOT hardware render since i don't think virtual PC can emulate graphics properly).

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 14:41:42 »
This really is unusual, it does appear to be a sound problem, did you try disabling EAX in FF8config ? also you could try disabling your soundcard to see if that makes any difference but i am not really sure on what is causing the problem. Also did you get the same problem in Virtual PC when running FF8 in XP mode ? Also have you tried running FF8 in different compatibility modes by right clicking the EXE and clicking on properties then compatibility ?

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 14:17:37 »
well after installing Aali's driver it should produce a App.log, it basically logs all errors and tells you what is going on (then post it here to see if anyone can help) or if you got a error box in the middle of the screen take a screenshot and post it.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 14:08:19 »
Well after installing the patch latest FF8 patch you should be able to just install Aali's driver to your FF8 folder and use Aali's EAX.DLL (its a modified version for loading FF8 in opengl)
you can get Aali's driver from
just download that and extract all the files to your FF8 folder.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 13:38:17 »
well good news you have gotten further, well if you install Aali's custom driver it replaces the EAX.dll, so try that and see if it fixes the problem your having.
EDIT - also try installing the latest patch before Aali's custom driver.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 11:49:45 »
buying another copy seems a little extreme since you will probably get the exact same problem,
You could just try extracting the files from the setup, try a install extractor like "Universal Extractor" (or something similar) to extract the files from the installer so that you don't have to install it (although you will still need to get the registry entries  so you could ask someone for them or if you have access to another computer if ask a friend to install it and get the registry entries off them, or use virtualbox to emulate a different computer like a linux computer and get the entries from that)

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 10:09:22 »
well that's unusual, OK then next is to copy all the files from the installation CD into a folder on your computer and try running setup.exe in that folder, if the same thing happens try replacing the setup.exe with this one
and then see what happens.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 PC not installing
« on: 2011-07-10 09:13:50 »
Lots of people have had problems like this (usually with ff7 though), usually it can be solved by installing in safemode, try that and see if that works first.

General Discussion / Re: [REQUEST, I guess] A few things
« on: 2011-07-09 14:28:46 »
The Menu Overhaul contains kranmer's Save/PHS Anywhere -- are these available in a patch of their own?

Well i am sure i posted the save/phs anywhere patch here somewhere before but after searching i couldn't find it so maybe i didn't, well if you want it here is the save/phs anywhere
also some virus scanners may detect this as a virus, it ISNT A VIRUS, its just a false positive.

did you mean these textures from FFIX ?
(i ripped them awhile ago but only converted them to PNG today)

Troubleshooting / Re: battle error!
« on: 2011-07-03 11:43:15 »
well it does seem to be a RedXIII problem (you can check this by taking him out of your party and seeing if the error still happens), but if you just updated to a new version of Aali's driver the error has probably always been there but only just started showing, you can just add this line to the ff7opengl config file
disable_popup = yes
to stop these messages from appearing in the later versions of his driver (the problem will still be there but it wont show, and since it isn't a major problem this may be the best solution for you).

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2011-07-02 23:34:58 »
Yeah it is a false positive, this happens with all Bat2Exe programs (i have tried demo's of 4 or 5 different programs and all of them give loads of false positives) which is a real shame.
The only way so far i have found of making a BAT to a EXE is first using BAT2COM then using COM2EXE and the output is a EXE that isnt a detected as a virus by any virus scanner.

Also Covarr i made a DLL for anycd so now you shouldn't need to have that in the BAT file anymore (as long as they use the DLL version) since my DLL can be loaded into FF7 with Aali's driver.

Troubleshooting / Re: battle error!
« on: 2011-07-02 23:21:43 »
I am not 100% sure on this but isn't that error due to character and weapon models, you are most likely getting that error due to using custom models, try undoing whatever patch you used on RedXIII and it should solve the problem.

Solved Problems / Re: Adding files to Magic.lgp
« on: 2011-07-02 23:18:59 »
So you have fixed your problem then ?
Yes it was I who compiled Aali's LGP/UNLGP tools (although i think other people have since compiled them).
And i haven't encountered that problem since around version 0.3, but if anyone else could try UNLGP'ing magic.lgp and let me know what happens, if there is a fault in the binary i will recompile it.

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2011-06-29 00:42:54 »
try setting your resoultion to 1024x1024 then run the game and see if you have the same problem.
Also send your EXE to us if your still having problems so we can have a look at it

Releases / Re: [WIP] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2011-06-22 21:10:15 »
Hey Dan just wanted to let you know i updated the window.bin with the changes you wanted, i may or may not be on later (expecting my cousin but he may not turn up) so i uploaded it here instead.

i installed the latest version of fraps 3.4.5 (demo) and had a go at recording at 1280x720 at full-screen on my "AMD Phenom X6 1055T" + "ATI 5770 1GB CuCore" + 4GB of RAM and XP SP3 and had the exact same problem (28fps average but sometimes dropping down to as little as 26fps in field), then i tried messing with the settings in the openGL config for Aali's Custom driver and found that running in full-screen was the problem (for me atleast), using the exact same settings in window and full-screen gave me 2 different sets of results, in a window it ran at 30fps average and from time to time dropped to 29fps (for very short moments),
here is the video showing the difference


Solved Problems / Re: Team Avalanche won't install...
« on: 2011-05-15 18:24:14 »
Odd, what does your registry say for
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics
From what i can see it seems that the TA installer detects what the line "Driver" says, if its 3 the installer works, if its something else it gives the error so if you could post what yours says or a screenshot it may help.

Solved Problems / Re: Team Avalanche won't install...
« on: 2011-05-15 18:07:56 »
Try reading this first
Hopefully that will help.

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