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Messages - titeguy3

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Go study as I should be doing right now, you racist!!!

Does not seem to be the problem...
Installed to the standard dir and now I get a black screen instead of the crash.
well that's at least a less severe problem. APP.log or the FF7Music debug console should tell you why the crash is occurring.

Feel free to grab the code out of the nsis script i made that detects 64bit/32bit and grabs the install directory from the registry.

Thanks, but I've got it done for the most part, just have to get around to testing it.

Hi there.
I'm trying to play this with my new win7 install, and I'm getting a few errors.
I made a clean install, aplied the patch, the 2.5 and the 2.5.1 updates, configed and when I tried to play, lame grafics with lots of bugs, no fmvs.
I reaplyed ff7movkeyC64.reg to be sure, and now I get an imediate CTD on start.

The only thing I changed was the vista->7 and moving from the standard dir to a custom one (I changed and corrected all the bat's though).
FF7OpenGL.reg does not fix this now.
Any thoughts?

if you have a custom directory you're going to have to edit the registry manually. I'll fix this in the next version of the installer.

Muslims have far too many extremists
see: on tv. we didn't know sh*t about Muslim extremists prior to 9/11
See: no other religion rioting in the streets accompanied by death threats to those who don't conform to their style of thinking.  At least not in modern day society.

<---Make a wish.

there's a lot of things to do, yes.
balloons!  :P

Don't point the accusing finger at the whole Catholic Church, now.  There are plenty of innocent, well-intending people in there (as there tends to be with a very large group).
"If all the crimes of the catholic church." Are you saying that everyone in the catholic church has committed crimes against humanity? I'll admit, though that you can replace almost any religion there and achieve the same effect. The only reason I said "the catholic church" is because we were talking in the context of the pope.

Christians are annoying as hell
pun intended?

Muslims have far too many extremists
see: on tv. we didn't know shit about Muslim extremists prior to 9/11

Catholics rape little boys
And Hitler had a horrible taste in facial hair. That's the least of their issues.

Excellent, happy to know I'm not crazy.  One more quick one, if I want to go back to the original translations for nostalgia purposes do I just overwrite files form my original discs?  If so which ones?

flevel.lgp, kernel.bin, kernel2.bin, and scene.bin.

Call me old fashioned, but I would very much like to see the pope in a "pound-me-in-the-ass" prison.
If the crimes of the catholic church were to all be amassed onto the pope and prosecuted legally, he wouldn't go to prison, he'd go to Guantanamo.

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2010-04-13 20:09:32 »
I don't really care too much about minor deviations...the man's free to deviate as much as he wants, he's the texturer! I will admit, however, that I'd prefer an Ultima Weapon that preserves it's look-and-feel. The translucence of the Ultima Weapon made it seem as if it were made of some sort of supernatural material, and I'd prefer as much as possible to maintain that feel, if not the translucence outright.

Completely Unrelated / Fingertip Tablet Pen..?
« on: 2010-04-13 14:57:42 »
Does anybody know where I can get a hold of one? Or even if such a thing exists?

I've had a Wacom Graphire Pen tablet (they don't make em anymore, but it really is a sweet bluetooth tablet) that I've been using for photoshop, and as a mousepad (it came with an electromagnetic mouse), but the mouse has exceeded it's lifespan, and it only registers clicks 50% of the time, but I was thinking that, instead of replacing the mouse only to have it break again in a year, I'd thoroughly enjoy being able to use my fingertip to click, but 2 problems arise:

1) Human fingers are too stubby to make the precise clicks required to use Windows
2) My tablet is electromagnetic only, meaning it doesn't accept just any type of stylus, otherwise I could use any ordinary non-electronic finger-stylus, it only accepts input from devices designed for it (like tablet pens).

I've browsed the net a tad to no avail, but I was wondering if anyone had ever seen or heard of something like this...or a way to make one at home.


... is planning a legal ambush to have the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain “for crimes against humanity”.
The pair believe they can exploit the same legal principle used to arrest Augusto Pinochet, the late Chilean dictator, when he visited Britain in 1998.

the law vs. the pope, this is gonna turn out strange if someone pulls through with it.
That's funny. But not exactly the right way to handle things. The pope is just a figurehead. All in all he's probably a nice guy--I wouldn't know, I've never met him, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. It's what the Pope stands for--the fact that the concept of a pope even exists that's the problem.
Doing something like arresting the pope will just make a lot of people seriously dislike you. Although who knows, having the Pope go to a white collar prison might send a message to the Catholic Church and make them learn from their mistakes....


......BAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAA oh man I had myself going there... the church... learning from mistakes.... Ha! As if they're not too egocentric to even admit to having made mistakes...

Now in Junon i've leveled to lvl 45~50 and i'm afraid i won't get problems until Ruby weapon.
I've beaten the game at level 39 before, you do some hardcore leveling. The AI has been "remastered"--meaning that it's still the same AI with the same attacks, they're just smarter than before, and their attacks make more sense and complement each other more. The only significant difficulty increases that resulted from this I'd say were all of the turk encounters (especially the latter ones), Ultima Weapon, and Sepher Sephiroth. (Oh, and cactuer  ;))

Otherwise it's little things that got changed that you'd *really* have to be paying attention to notice, like as someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Aps' tsunami attacks used to hurt him as well as the it heals him while damaging the party. I also fixed certain "bugs" in the the Adamantaimai Big Guard glitch, and the Zolokalters' AI (they attack their allies as well as the party, due to a scripting error).

General Discussion / Re: Cloud's voices?
« on: 2010-04-12 19:05:39 »
I don't know for sure, but the three theories are: Zack, Jenova, and Cloud's inner self.

I've always assumed it was Cloud's inner self, as "Back then, I only got scraped knees" would make most sense in the context of Cloud and Tifa falling off of the bridge at Mt. Nibel, with Tifa being critically injured and Cloud only scraping his knees.

Of course, with the introduction of all this Crisis Core bullshit, people are starting to draw the connection to how Zack fell and landed in the exact same place (from the opposite side of Midgar  ???) and met Aerith in the past, and use it as evidence that it's Zack's spirit talking to Cloud.

To me, these are both perfectly valid explanations, and hell, it could even be that Zack and Cloud's consciousnesses merged somehow after Hojo's experimentation or something, in which case it'd be both, and it'd make sense how Cloud stopped hearing the voices after he got a grasp of who he was and separated his consciousness from Zack's.

Claiming it was Jenova makes no sense to me, unless she's just trying to confuse him...but even that wouldn't really make sense.

The Add On Pack works or not ?  ???

Try it, but back up your world_us.lgp first.

USO is a forced PHS system.  You can switch ANYONE in and out of your party.  You can have just Young Cloud, or Sephiroth and Cait Sith.. or 3 Cid's... whatever combination you can think up
Speaking of which, I've always wanted to be able to switch cloud out of the party, and to be able to choose how many characters to have in your party. It'd be fun to solo it up every now and again, or come up with combinations other than Cloud plus 2.

General Discussion / Re: Juno Area doubt
« on: 2010-04-11 21:31:57 »
You come back here later on in the game to get the huge materia, the submarine, leviathan scales, and shinra beta/shinra alpha (steal from MP's).

Btw, if you hit that red fire alarm in the first room, you can fight some cool enemies and learn matra magic if you haven't done so already.

Well starting from the next version, I'll be using the Nullsoft NSIS scripting language. It basically works like a giant batch file, only with the ability to store variables and native support for file compression/decompression. If you google it, you'll find it.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Summon Mod
« on: 2010-04-11 21:23:20 »
Well the models that have been made thus far are against the rules, but there's nothing wrong with making custom summon models, it's just that nobody's gotten around to it yet.

FF7 Tools / Re: [ALPHA Release] SpeedHack
« on: 2010-04-11 20:03:11 »
i was actually thinking NFITC1's Mdef fix is a must...

The Music still ain't working any fixes for that?


I try'd restalling the patch but still no luck with the sound

while you're playing, alt+tab out of the game and see if FF7Music is running. If it is, copy paste whatever is in the debug console and show me.

FF7 Tools / Re: [ALPHA Release] SpeedHack
« on: 2010-04-11 16:18:46 »
ok guys this hack is no longer needed.
Aali's newest custom driver (0.7.7b) now supports DLL's so i have made prepered the CFG and the DLL needed for the speedhack and attached them to the beginning of this post.

I wonder what other kinds of mods you can make by injecting a DLL like that..?

Archive / AC Custom Models
« on: 2010-04-11 16:17:56 »
I have a problem ... After I copied these files (FF7Config.exe, ff7_opengl.cfg, ff7_opengl.fgd, eax.dll) inside the game folder, when I go on FF7Config.exe opengl section tells me broken ... After that I put that, I open the game in only one quarter of the screen as if it were whole, I see pieces of colorful maps bad, all in all purple or yellow etc ... But I put the mod is ok, but I would avoid this problem
uhm....wut? Post it in the Aali's thread. INB4 your problem is User Account Control.

Hi ive got some problems,

1.I can only run the mod at "quarter screen" or it gets squashed in to a small box and the intro videos lag like hell
2.No music but i get sound effects   :?
3.When i get the 1st boss battle all i get is a black screen  :?

Any help would be lovely  :D

Many thanks

Edit: running Windows 7 32bit, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 series

It sounds like (A) you're not using the shortcuts and (B) you either ran FF7config.exe which uninstalled the FF7OpenGL registry entries or User Account Control blocked the registry entries from going through.

Turning off UAC and reinstalling the patch would probably fix every issue, but you can also fix it yourself by running ff7OpenGL.reg in your FF7 Folder, then using the start menu shortcuts (which would necessitate enabling the classic start menu, you can copy them to your desktop after you've found them) to run the game.

I feel like if anyone takes offense to the things we're saying about the pope, they should seriously re-consider why exactly it is that they hold him with such high regard after reading things like this. I feel like the pope serves for too many people as a "Bible for dummies", but the message of the bible isn't something you can sparknote, it's something you have to come to realize yourself and live by.

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