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Messages - xLostWingx

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Purposefully so...

Completely Unrelated / Re: Speed Runs Make Me Cry
« on: 2012-05-22 03:15:27 »
As always, very insightful.  Basically, speedruns just aren't my cup of tea.  For those that enjoy them, good for them.  I suppose the skills and planning involved is admirable.  I did keep tabs on Garland's speedrun, so I guess I'm not completely uninterested.  To each their own.

EDIT:  yeah that sonic run is impressive.  Good for them.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Speed Runs Make Me Cry
« on: 2012-05-21 17:08:50 »
I guess doing things very quickly, or faster than Bob and Joe just isn't very fun for me.  I'd rather someone hand everyone here the same 10 materia and have a competition to see who can produce the most damage in a single turn or in 3 minutes or something.  As far a challenges go, I've always tried to handicap myself in a variety of ways without completely eliminating whole categories of options.  I've tried playing No Items No Magic Materia etc. playthroughs and they just bore the hell out of me.  OK, stick Cloud in the back row with Sadness and alternate defending with Limit Breaks....ok now do that 100 more times until the end of the game, Awesome!  How about just don't equip the best everything and don't spend hours training?

Don't get me wrong, if I'm playing NFS then yeah...I'm going to try and get the fastest time I can - because it is part of what makes a racing game fun.  But fast forwarding through an RPG is like saying "I'm gonna smoke some crack and see how fast I can go to sleep!"  or "I'm gonna go swimming and see if I can avoid getting wet!" 

Quote from: Wikipedia
"Selling out" is the compromising of integrity, morality, or principles in exchange for money or "success" (however defined).[1] It is commonly associated with attempts to tailor material to a mainstream audience. Any artist who expands their creative path to encompass a wider audience, as opposed to continuing in the genre and venues of their initial success, may be disdainfully labeled by disapproving fans as a sellout. Sometimes a sellout is seen as a person that is disloyal to a group to which he or she belongs (usually ethnic group) in order to gain money or become "successful". Selling out is often seen as gaining success at the cost of credibility.

Completely Unrelated / Just started VII on grey box
« on: 2012-05-21 03:09:15 »
Playing through seven again.  Got my GSpro and my grey box hooked up.


All Items
Full Menu
No Exp
Enemy Hp 4x
Enemy Level 2x

Going to play through Midgar with No Exp.  At Kalm going to let levels get to 10.  At Cosmo Canyon going to let levels get to 15.  20 at Whirlwind Maze.  25 during second trip to Midgar, and that will be the max.  Going to use equipment responsibly (roughly when you actually get equipment).  Save anywhere.  Let's see what these beasts have to offer.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Speed Runs Make Me Cry
« on: 2012-05-21 02:53:37 »
I can agree that the things that can be done are amazing.

Completely Unrelated / Speed Runs Make Me Cry
« on: 2012-05-20 23:53:03 »
I happened across some speed runs for FFs and non-FFs and I can only think that people who hate the game engage in such blasphemous endeavors.  Speed runs essentially spit in the face of every aspect of what makes any game fun to play.  If I play VII, why...why would I ever want to use the same strategy for every battle, especially when it involves using a freaking item over and over again.  If I play Mario 64, why would I want to glitch through walls to play levels that aren't fun while skipping levels that are fun.

I know some people enjoy the challenge, and have fun doing speed runs...but they really make me want to vomit.  That is all.

The time for a FFVII Remake has come and gone.  I used to look forward to one, but now I fear the thought.

If they do "remake" FFVII I truly hope that they don't call it FFVII.  It might have the same story, but I doubt they would even leave the original materia system intact at this point.  Hell, the story probably wouldn't even be the same.  They'd try to make Sephiroth sane, make Zack alive, include cameos from post-original VII spinoffs, and Limit Breaks would be bizarre laser shows where you try to press X as fast as you can to do 600% more damage. Super Fantasy 7:  XXX-4 The Reckoning.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2012-05-19 21:43:56 »
If you try using the Elemental paired with those materia and check the 'Status' menu (not the Equipment menu) the Elemental Property Should be Applied.  If not, then I guess it does not work.

If the method in the instructions does not work for patching the other disks, that is unfortunate, but once you know how to patch a disk, you should know how to patch the others.  Glad you figured it out. 

Just to be clear, I am not working on this mod anymore.  I've mentioned it several times in this thread, but this was essentially practice for me.  I initially made it for myself, but people expressed an interest in playing it so I made it available, flaws, bugs, and all.  Please continue to post about the mod though, hopefully it will help future players.

@JeMaCheHi - LostWing and Revisited are different.  My youtube videos illustrate some of the differences, and if you read the threads for each mod you will be able to get a better idea about how they are different. Also, only a short demo is available for Revisited right now, but I was considering releasing the updated version that I have.  Unfortunately, I don't think that the PSP conversion will work properly.  Others have tried unsuccessfully to convert my mod for use on PSP, and it is very flattering, but don't get your hopes up.  Good luck.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Trees
« on: 2012-05-14 21:02:16 »
How do I feel about trees...trees are good? 

Not cutting down forests means not destroying the habitats for the animals that live in the forest, so I say keep the trees.

Aside from lumber, most of the things that trees are used to make can be made from hemp.  Trees take decades to grow, hemp takes one growing season.  I'm not some crazy naturist, although I do value nature, or some crazy neo-hippie, but practically speaking, we don't need trees to produce many things that we currently use trees to make.

General Discussion / Re: PSX mods working on PS machine
« on: 2012-05-14 20:52:10 »
Thanks guys.  Just graduated again and have a couple of weeks before I start at my new job, figured I'd play through VII once.  Just wanted to know if I could do it on the grey box or not.  Thought I could kill a few birds with one stone by playing through what I have completed of Revisited, and it just feels better to me to play on the real hardware. 

General Discussion / PSX mods working on PS machine
« on: 2012-05-13 23:02:56 »
I was just wondering if anyone had tried to get any of the PSX mods working on the old playstation machine.  I had always assumed that some minor mods might work, but that mods like Rebirth and Lost Wing had no chance of working.  If someone has gotten any PSX mod to work on the machine instead of an emulator, post it here.  Thanks.

Lost Wing is just my first attempt at a mod.  I used it to learn the process of modding VII PSX.  In Lost Wing I just tried to make enemies more difficult, add some new materia and equipment, make stats lower and harder to level up.

Revisited was a much bigger project that I started over a year ago, and haven't been working on lately.  It does everything Lost Wing does, only in a more balanced yet challenging way.  The locations for enemies has been redesigned, so you encounter stronger enemies at lower levels.  The boss fights are a lot more fun.  It is incomplete though.  Right now I only have a small demo up.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2012-05-10 22:23:48 »
About the Flashback.  The enemies come from the Mt. Nibel scene data, which means they are quite a bit more powerful than they used to be and also much more powerful than you.  If you are using codes to control Sephiroth and Young Cloud, then they could potentially have gained levels and equipment.  I also used codes like auto-limit break and ATB always full during this part of the game.  If you are not using any codes, then your Sephiroth and Young Cloud will be very weak compared to the enemies in the area, but Sephiroth is invinsible, so you will not lose any battles.  Sorry if this has caused it to take a long time to make it through the flashback - in my playthrough I had used Sephiroth and Young Cloud prior to the Flashback so they were able to put up a fight.

I can't remember if those status effects are what I intended.  I think that I gave many of the enemies multiple status immunities, so those status effects probably only work on most weaker enemies.  Holy, Water, and Wind Materia should have an elemental effect...I remember that that worked when I played it.

Laser has the 'Shoot' elemental property.  Like Barret's and Vincent's guns.  Some other people have reported finding that blank support materia.  I think it is useless, but you could try pairing it up with Added Effect or Elemental and see what happens in the status menu.

General Discussion / Re: Let's Play Final Fantasy 7
« on: 2012-05-08 07:07:43 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Boxxy
« on: 2012-05-08 06:55:27 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Ciao, MCA
« on: 2012-05-08 06:47:53 »
That sucks.  Why didn't I head about this?

Although I have not worked on Revisited for awhile, and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon, I was considering releasing what work I have done.


Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2012-05-08 06:42:08 »
I imagine you would have to apply.  The character pictures are from some random artworks I had on an old harddrive from many years ago.  Hope you enjoy the mod.

I was "thinking out loud" when I was talking about AI driven characters - for situations with player-controlled enemies battling against the party.  Obviously I was getting ahead of myself, but I thought that someone might have some knowledge about Manipulate.  Some things that would seem incredible/impossible to those unfamiliar with these mods, are quite easy to implement, so I threw it out there to see what I'd get.

These are basically answers I was expecting, thanks Bosola.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Chrono Cross Mini-rant
« on: 2012-04-07 23:49:52 »
I figured out the use for Golden and Trashy Tiaras.

Apparently they are meant to be disassembled in order to gain forging materials.

Golden Tiara = 1 copper, 1 iron, 1 mythril

Trashy Tiara = 1 Bone, 1 Eyeball, 1 Humour, 1 Feather, 1 Scale, 1 Fur, 1 Leather, 1 Fang, 1 Carapace, 1 Screw, 1 Seed

Completely Unrelated / Chrono Cross Mini-rant
« on: 2012-04-05 21:48:10 »
I've just been playing through CC again recently and I am reminded why we need to have some tools for this game.  Aside from needing a difficulty boost, it seems as if very little thought was put into some of the accessories - or I'm missing something.

I have a Silver Pendant, 2 Trashy Tiaras, and a Golden Tiara.  But they all only increase Mdef +1...I got the Silver Pendant way back at Viper Manor (Another) and it was more-or-less useless since even an Ivory Helmet is better;  I got the 2nd Trashy Tiara moments ago by stealing from Dark Serge.  Dark Serge who casts Level 5 and 6 Elements, Drops Pendragon Sigil A, and is ~20 hours later in the game than my acquistion of the Silver Pendant...which does exactly the same thing.  Why is the Golden Tiara the same thing as the Trashy Tiara?  Why are the Tiaras even in the game since you can also find Silver and Gold Pendants?

Anyway...the point is that some modded Equipment and Drops/Steals could make this game a little better.  If someone knows of CC mod tools or of some hidden use for these seemingly useless Accessories, please let me know.  Off to go fight Dario, maybe I can get a Knee Pad off him!!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other ff modded games
« on: 2012-04-05 04:31:11 »
Ha!  Thanks for posting that first link.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2012-04-04 21:14:54 »
Oh Ash..."A Gym Master's giant freaking stone Onyx eh?  Pikachu, Go!!!"

Gameplay / Re: FF7 speed game
« on: 2012-04-03 16:40:32 »
Don't think there is any such 'config file' for the playstation version.  And depending on what your PS1 setup is, how would you play a modded VII on your machine?  If you could speed it up tho, the Time Counter might also speed up. 

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