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Messages - Borde

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General Discussion / Re: Play FF7 CC on PC?
« on: 2009-07-29 21:06:47 »
It took the PCSX2 team several years to get something to go beyond the first couple of screens of any game (not to talk about displaying remotly correct 3d graphics...). Cut them some slack, I think they are actually being pretty speedy. I see some problems though. Maybe It's just me, but I don't see an emulator programmed in java running at decent speeds (unless the machine running it it's a really powerful). Of course I'm talking about games such as Crisis Core, all those simple 2D games can run even on relatively weak machines as we've seen.

General Discussion / Re: Play FF7 CC on PC?
« on: 2009-07-29 11:59:06 »
The PSP can run PSX game through a emulator (just like on the PC). Games aren't translated. It has a somewhat similar main procesor, but as far as I know that's where their likeliness ends. The video hardware definitely has nothing to do.

General Discussion / Re: Play FF7 CC on PC?
« on: 2009-07-29 10:52:51 »
Not yet.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-28 23:48:05 »
Of course. I just joined both model with PCreator though...

Archive / Re: changing default font
« on: 2009-07-28 23:28:56 »
I've never tried photoshop, but I recall at least my of Paint Shop Pro only allowed you to use colors form the picture pallete.
Palletized images are tricky. You should repect strictly the original image layout. I mean, if you have for example a letter filled with solid white and outlined in grey, you should keep it that way. That means you should avoid using any kind of interpolation (antialiasing, bilinear, etc.). Otherwise most likely you will end up getting oddly colored pixels around the edges of the letters. I think there are some filters (2xsai maybe? don't know) that respect strictly the original colors.

Archive / Re: changing default font
« on: 2009-07-28 18:56:50 »
Errr... Img2Tex cannot write BMP files. It could have written a file with .bmp extension, though. If that's the case, just rename it. By the way, Img2Tex SHOULD respect the original pallete. It would be nice to see if it actually does so. :-P

Running FF7Config after applying the reg file will simlpy undo the changes. Don't use FF7Config if you want to use Aali's drivers. It's configuration can only be altered manually changing ff7_opengl.cfg.

FF7 Tools / Re: Image2Tex - 24bits textures for FF7
« on: 2009-07-27 13:51:02 »
Yes, unfortunately by the time Biturn was coded the TEX file format wasn't fully known. Thus it can only open 8bit and 4bit TEX files.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-27 13:44:18 »
Mmmm... it certainly looking strange in kimera08, but not in the same way that image depcits. It looks fine on my WIP, though.

PD: Better now? :-P

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-24 19:34:56 »
Files, please. I possible, of course.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-24 14:37:18 »
Man... how I hoped not to see this again. This used to happen due to a very pesky bug on the groups handling. I thought it was done for good but... well, this seems to prove I was wrong. May I take a closer look to that model (befor it got screwed)?

I'm not really sure about this, but I think a real cartoon filter cannot be implemented with a simple post-processing shader. I mean, usually cell-shaded graphics still retain all the detail of the texture, the only thing that's changed is the vertex color. Since post-processing filters only have acces to the final fragment color, there is no way you can tell what is texture and what is vertex color by then.
I guess you could embed this shader somehow on the main.vert and main.frag files, though.
It would also be helpful to see those images showing the real expected behavior of the shader.

By the way, great job Aali. I'm sure the new hi-resolution backgrounds support will make things bring us some great mods.

FF7 Tools / Re: Palmer
« on: 2009-07-23 23:37:45 »
Congratulations for your excelent work Aali. I still remember the summer tried doing something like this. And failed miserably :-P (as some may remember).

The way I see this, the only way of filetring the backgrounds correctly (without all those green, black, red, etc artifacts) would be filtering the whole image (with all layers applied). Of course, this is problematic. I'd say there are 3 cases regarding the backgrounds:
-Standard static backrounds. Applying the filter directly should suffice.
-Animated backgrounds. You should filter the whole background with every frame of the animation applied. Then save the animated tiles where they belong.
-I think there are some backgrounds that had sliding layers. That would be more troublesome. This would need not only a good filtering, but also a good deal of patience cutting off manually the edges of the layers.

FF7 Tools / Re: Image2Tex - 24bits textures for FF7
« on: 2009-07-23 10:54:39 »
Right. The current version of Kimera only supports up to 8-bit textures. That will change soon, though...
Nice to see it actually worked Millenia :-P. As I said, I didn't test this thing very thoroughly.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-21 23:57:25 »
Mmmm... right Aali, the original models do have normals. The mistery lives on.
Their RSB files also have strange references to MAT and GRP files that are nowhere to be seen. Shouldn't those fields point allways to the .p file?

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-21 23:30:39 »
As far as I know, the only difference between a battle model and a field model is that the first one should have no normals information at all. Actually that makes a lot of sens, because it looks like the bike's minigame models have pre-cooked lighting applied to them (I feel stupid for missing that point). So I guess Nero solved the riddle  :wink:
Nice job, by the way.

Archive / Re: character model files
« on: 2009-07-21 22:31:17 »
There are several model of Cloud and Barret on the field.lgp. Suggest you using ifalna to preview them. In an alfabetically sorted list, all files between a .hrc file and the next one belong to a single character. As for the battle models, Cloud is defined by the files rt* and Barret by sb*. Ragnarok is stored in rtcz.

FF7 Tools / Re: Image2Tex - 24bits textures for FF7
« on: 2009-07-21 21:38:28 »
Yes, you SHOULD be able to convert the texture no matter the size (yeah, theorically...).
As for the texture slots, you can have up to 10 textures for every character (I guess you may still end up running out of slots...). Here you have a picture showing what you must modify on the skeleton file (??aa) of the model:

It also works for me (at least in windowed mode)

Troubleshooting / Re: Can I make the Hi-Res patch work?
« on: 2009-07-21 17:45:01 »
The custom graphics driver is an alternative to the hi-resolution patch. You shouldn't mix both. It will still work, but the hi-resolution patch is known to cause additional glitches that will persist.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-20 16:54:36 »
There doesn't seems to be ay obvious problem with those model. Maybe loading again and again those big texture files could cause some problem, but i'd be very surprised if that was the case. It's a real mistery.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-19 00:42:16 »
As far as I know, FF7 will accept any texture size (as long as your card can cope with it). 512x512 textures are supported even by my old TNT2 (bought on 1999).
By the way, I can't see very well. Is the texture messed or is simply completly black?

Could I have a look at the model files? Maybe Kimera is doing something wrong with the RSB files.

Those fractal interpolated pictures look really amazing. I never expected a filter to get such impresive results out of those old low res images.

You can also make that shader filter only the text by rising the width and height variables in the shader.
By the way, I didn't think this shader would be so power demanding. It works fine in my machine (I've got an 8800GT, though).

Well, there are other filters that look less blurry, like 2xSai or HQ2x, but personally I don't like how they look on hi-detail images. Besides, you'd need to write a fragment shader that does the job.

I guessed the the texture sampler should be called tex Aali, but I changed the name to see what happened and it still worked so I didn't care anymore :-P I'll keep it in mind in the future though.

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