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Messages - Otokoshi

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Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-11-24 23:00:16 »
The only battle mods I can think of off the top of my head are:

High Quality Cloud

Sephiroth Patch
         Official Topic

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-11-24 22:04:13 »
No battle models are changed, just the field models.

Similar topic found here.

The menu background ( I believe ) is found in the menu_us.lgp.

Another good topic Jari.

I believe it does give the world more outlets for their information (obviously).  It is now up to the user whether they use this potential to their advantage.  To get a wider scope of the news and international relations around us is a great way to get a balanced well informed opinon on current events.  If the general public remains lazy, only reaching out to one or two media outlets on the internet, media giants could eclipse the real story for their own agenda, ie Fox News.

To sum it all up, once people realize there are more than three news sources on the internet regular people might become slightly less idiotic.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Paystation 3 on eBay
« on: 2006-11-17 21:49:08 »
I love the fact that this seller made a point to include a picture of his reciept, to give evidence of how much you're getting screwed.  You can Buy It Now for a mere $15,000.00!  I should have pre-ordered a couple of these, it would have paid off my tuition.


Ah the big hype machine at work.  Anyone remember this advertisement?

The Beginning

One moron I know wanted one the second he saw the ad.  He must have missed the 2078 release date... When the mind wants something it can play some terrible tricks on you.  :-)

Quote from: James
The Civilization series. Makes me feel like the dictator of a mighty empire poised to take over the world. I'm hardcore like that.

That is a great series.  I can't believe I forgot to mention one of my absolute favorite genres, RTS.  I'm also a huge fan of the Total War series.  I like the mix of turn based and real-time strategy.  If you don't care for the RTS element, the CPU can auto-resolve for you.  I'm gonna go knab Medieval II this weekend.  Rome has stayed on my hard drive for two years now.  My friends joke about my love for the RTS genre, and how I have a severe case of megaolmania.  I guess I'm just hardcore like that also.  :-D

I would wait until the first or second quarter of next year.  Vista is not even out yet to take advantage of DirectX 10.  The first DirectX 10 games (to my knowledge) are Crysis and Flight Sim X (with a patch).  Wait until you can actually take advantage of the new tech, by March of next year another generation of the card may be out, 8900?  If you really want top of the line then, at least the hysteria will be down and they will probably be around $500.00 American.  Otherwise get the 8800 for hundreds of dollars cheaper.  :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: World rejoice!
« on: 2006-11-09 12:56:22 »
Quote from: Borde
Excelent news for the world. Finally the US citizens seem to be starting to wake up.

To think all it took was a ridiculous war and the Mark Foley teenage boys page scandal !  :-D

Archive / Re: Kingdom Hearts models
« on: 2006-11-08 19:53:09 »
Quote from: Jari
Do the rest even run commercial software, for that matter?

Sorry for being unclear.

No apology needed.  Your English is better than mine, I missed that.  :-D

Archive / Re: Kingdom Hearts models
« on: 2006-11-08 15:16:51 »
Quote from: Jari
Do the rest even run commercial software, for that matter?

It sure does!  :-D  Check out their game compatability list here.  Currently it lists 422 playable games, but this also counts multiple versions, (US, EUR, JAP).  My guesstimite would be around 350 games.

Quote from: Borde
I think I've seen pictures of KH2 running with the beta version.

That's great news!

Archive / Re: Kingdom Hearts models
« on: 2006-11-08 01:34:47 »
Doh!  My PS2 emulator of choice (PCSX2) does not support Kingdom Hearts II yet.  Anyone know of one that does?

On a side note:
I found that FFXI model viewer and I'm thinking of trying out some of the models in FFVII.  Has anyone had any success with this?  I want to try putting in the high quality chocobos in there and possibly some other characters as npcs.  (Taru kids hooray!)  :-D

Archive / Re: Save Game Request
« on: 2006-11-07 20:09:47 »
Thanks for the help Christian!  :-D

Archive / Re: Kingdom Hearts models
« on: 2006-11-07 05:38:01 »
If the author gets his Kingdom Hearts 2 viewer working, this would become interesting indeed.

Characters Located at Hollow Bastion(off the top of my head)

I'd probably take Squall also, just to replace Cait Sith.  :-D

Archive / Re: Kingdom Hearts models
« on: 2006-11-06 16:43:35 »
So from obj to 3ds to PCreator?  Sounds cool, do you know if it works with Kingdom Hearts 2?

Oh KH2 is in the works, excellent!

With this power Q-Gears could include a secret Qhimm Island!  Just kidding, or am I? *shifty eyes*

Archive / Save Game Request
« on: 2006-11-06 05:58:19 »
Hey everybody!  I was just checking if someone could upload a FF7 save point where the party first leaves midgar.  I wanted to test out a little something I've been working on.  Anyone that might have one can post it here or shoot me an email.  Thanks to any and everybody that can help me out.  :-)

Quote from: Jari
Does immersiveness matter to you?

Absolutely, I've played just about every game genre out there.  For any game to keep my interest it needs a compelling story or great game mechanics.  Notice that I stress great not new game mechanics.  I've been enjoying a lot of the recent Sid Meier releases lately.  I got his updated Pirates (2004) game last year.  It has simple gameplay but is so addictive.  You can pillage the seas for booty to your heart's content!  :-D  When Railroads was released, I rushed out to get it.  Again, it's a simple sim but it is so much fun.  I really want to try out the multiplayer to it.  I just got to convince a friend of mine to go get a copy.

I guess in other words, great gameplay immerses me into a game.  Sorry, I'll get back on topic.  :-)

Quote from: Jari
How your moral choices affect people's attitudes towards you

This is one game component that locks me in.  I loved Deus Ex for this reason, and for the upgrade system. (How cool was that?!  :-D)  One of the first games I played that had this was Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.  Your decisions throughout every mission pulled you closer to either side of the force, until your climatic descision.

Recently, Vampire: Bloodlines incorportated this game mechanic.  I believe it was the best feature for the game, for a game with many flaws.  You could replay the game numerous times as different types of vampires.  One type could seduce any lady, or you could have them running in fear.  The interactions could either be realistic or hilarious, but it definitely immersed me into the game.

Being a self-proclaimed World War II nerd, the Call of Duty series always gets me hooked in.  Both games give very smooth scripted sequences that give you the "Oh #%@!  I gotta get moving!" urgency.  Though anyone who has played Call of Duty 2, by the end you are tired of hearing the soldiers slang for Germans.  :-D

I haven't tried Indigo Prophecy yet, but I've heard it's really good.  I don't recall it having much of a shelf life here, but I might snag a copy from Amazon or GoGamer or something.

Archive / Re: LGPTOOLS ERROR!!!
« on: 2006-11-02 21:48:34 »
You need the ficedula.dll to run many of ficedula's programs.  There are numerous links and probably hundreds of posts with the same question answered next time.

For SaiNt's Hi-Res patch, be sure it is a fresh official 1.02 patch exe.  Check the dialog from SaiNt's patch if it completed the patch successfully.  Also be sure the settings in FF7Config.exe are set correctly.  This is also discussed on his project thread.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaving
« on: 2006-10-29 00:59:44 »
Take care EW, sorry to see you go.

Well Hiro (from the other thread) fixed his problem with a codec conflict, which is what it sounds like.  You could play the movies off your hard drive, and rip the movies to a nicer codec, so everything plays nice.  I'm switching all of mine to Xvid just to save myself from a few headaches and the movies look purdy with that compression.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quite the Situation
« on: 2006-10-19 20:56:26 »
Quote from: mirex
You're not the most important person in the world. You will have to be replaced on the project eventually, somewhere in the future.

I don't believe mirex meant that L. Spiro was saying that he is supreme coder extraordinaire.  He's saying that is what your boss is loading on to you.  He's begging for you to stay, and that's fair.  If you're a good employee most employers will ask you to stay, and maybe and incentives, raises, etc.  It's really not fair for him to lay a guilt trip down on you, that if you leave it will bring the fall of his company.

Quote from: halkun
Managers don't seem to understand that human resource is a *RESOURCE*, and subject to the laws of supply/demand/ROI/and product efficiency. You can't loose people and expect to maintain the same level of output. It's just like if you need wood to make tables and the forest decides to take a job with another firm.

This is another good point.  It is your boss's responsibility to recruit new talent, whether he is set up in California, India, or Thailand, that was his choice for the location and he should have planned accordingly.

Well the Japanese society might be xenophobic, but for a long...long time it was an isolated society.  And to be honest, times have changed in Japan.  It is much more liberal than it once was, and it is common for all types of people.  Sure you'll be a minority there, but it's not like people will point at you, grab their children, and run down the street yelling, "Godzilla! Godzilla!"  It's one thing to fear or be uncomfortable with change, it's another thing to be ignorant.  I've seen enough racism and bigotry here in my short time in the US it disgusts me.  I call Kyoto my home, and I'm sure you would love Japan.

I've heard your strifes with the Thailand police and such trying to rob you.  That doesn't fly in Japan.  If anything, they will think you're a tourist, or in your case their for business, so they would be fair and helpful with you.  Just a while back you were under martial law, the building you were in was bombed, what's next?  More importantly, who is next?  Don't let the next victim be you.

I do think it speaks volumes towards your character that you would care about your employer and stay loyal to him.  You never know when the next opportunity for this dream of yours will come along.  Honestly, it's business not personal.

Completely Unrelated / Re: GHZ Wars with RAM!!!!
« on: 2006-10-11 20:12:49 »
No little one, before socket 478 there was a socket 423... :roll:

Completely Unrelated / Re: GHZ Wars with RAM!!!!
« on: 2006-10-11 15:20:28 »
Quote from: The Skillster
Hey Rhys,
You underestimate the power of the Pentium 2 and 3.
You have to remember that the NetBurst architechture of the Pentium 4 was flawed from the start and was only out for so long because the long execution pipelines allowed Intel to give higher speeds to the CPUs to compensate for the bad design and hense stay ahead of AMD in the speed wars.
The P3 Mobile chip was around for a long time, and the Pentium Mobile and the Intel Core Duo/Solo are based on this older architecture.
Because speed (GHz) is not the basis for fast computer - it is about effeciency per watt and per £

That's true, don't underestimate the earlier Pentiums.  I remember when the first socket 423 P4s came out they had worse benchmarking scores then the Pentium 3s.  That was a pretty embarrassing launch for Intel to say the least.

Quote from: chaoscontrol
Looking to GHZ doesnt make sense at all anyway.

just look at the difference in GHZ between ADM and Intel (though this is mostly because of the memory controller in the cpu itself in amd)

You're right, the GHz war doesn't make smart people.  For the computer illiterate, they like hearing they purchased a Pentium 1000 with 500 Gigflops per cross-cycle optimization with their hard earned money.  High horse-power, large buzz words is what sells.  Obviously for those that are in the know, its better to have a lower clocked, energy efficent, multi-core machine.  Ask an average consumer today if they would want a Pentium 4 3.6GHz CPU or a Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz.  Nine out of ten times they'll go for the Pentium 4 3.6GHz over the Core 2 2.93GHz.

I'm very satisfied with the way the clock speeds have come down as well as the power consumption.  I only hope that GPUs will soon follow the trend.  I really don't want to splurge on a 1 kilowatt PSU on my next PC.  Energy rates in my area went up 72% from last year, I could just imagine the bill...or the horror.  :-D

Creative X-Fi can't be beat in my opinion.  You can get the Creative XtremeGamer at retail for $100 American, so I'm sure you can find it for less if you shop around.  The Creative Audigy series card should also fit your budget.  The Audigy 4 retails for $80 American, and even comes with a remote.  Sorry I couldn't find Canadian prices, but I hope this helps.

General Discussion / Re: FF8 - Squall's Gunblade
« on: 2006-10-06 04:17:31 »

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