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Messages - PurpleSmurf

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General Discussion / FF / Dragon Quest?
« on: 2002-01-04 00:13:00 »
darkness: i.e. ff8  :cool:  :lol:  :naughty:  :z. you know it's true

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-04 00:12:00 »
your not going to get a response, i don't think. they just look at it and decide wether or not actualy to listen to you. and the more people that ask for the same thing the more it's wated that they'll do it.

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-04 00:09:00 »
what? if your asking me i saw "The Hobbit" cartton version when i was 11.

sidenote:if anyone actualy had gone to my site it's being "redone" as i just deleted my c: partition and reinstalled everything. seph your gonna have to sign up again 3rd time i think this has happened with the database dying/getting killed.

General Discussion / something weird
« on: 2002-01-04 00:04:00 »
EEEKKK and here i was thinking that the moderators were the only sane people among us. but wwaaaaiiiiiittttt seph was just made a mod. guess that explains something. hehe.

chowderhead: it's too. too means also. like "i'd like a cheeseburger and fries too" hope that helps
[edited] 275 2002-01-04 02:50

General Discussion / "My Favourites"
« on: 2002-01-04 00:01:00 »
yea /say in a drawl i stayed on topic

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-03 03:50:00 »
you know what was a cool movie? the cartoon version of "The Hobbit" that was the coolest. maybe as soon as i redo my harddrive i'll download it. maybe

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-03 03:48:00 »
yes the ps2 is worth buying and the reason i have 26 hors is that i didn't do any sidequests i just ran through the game doing only what i needed to. gonna play it again for blitz ball. i only played 1 game besideds teh tournament and i didn't get the jecht shot either :(

General Discussion / SPAM
« on: 2002-01-03 03:46:00 »
the f***? what typo?

maybe the mayla school system had that elusive "E" grade they we're missing here in the states. maybe  :-? ?

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-03 03:39:00 »
except i didn't only on the third temple. my bro only said that cause he thought i did. oh and i used to to locate items earliy on in the game, after a while you get used to finding them in the game as they follow the same line of logic. i just sat up and played all night and became delerious, basicly the same thing as being creative except with out the cost of art suppilies.

General Discussion / "My Favourites"
« on: 2002-01-03 03:31:00 »
yes yes i know but... oh god i'm not getting across to you and i'm not going to win doing this so i point your direction to an earlier post i made
first, when'd you change your avatar seph? i'll add it to the ffvII avatar section at my site if you want.

why not just REMEMBER which thread you like or posted in? i find it unnessacary but i guess if you feel like using it. oh well
i hope that gets across to you what i'm saying

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-03 02:58:00 »
FFX for pc. good lord i hope not. FFX was far to easy i beat it with barely 26 hours of game time. :o the graphics were wonderful though. i'm thinking about playing it again just for that. they should have gotten better gameplay down then done the graphics or atleast made it multi-cd but nope they didn't and it really ruined the gameplay, far to linear :( but oh well. it's worth playing for the graphics. just wait for the ps2emu and rent it or something.

edit: added puncuation and fixed typos as to seph's indirect request.
[edited] 275 2002-01-03 04:41

General Discussion / "My Favourites"
« on: 2002-01-03 02:53:00 »
darkness: hence the search option.

General Discussion / SPAM
« on: 2002-01-03 02:50:00 »
and another thread falls to joey bashing.  :z

General Discussion / "My Favourites"
« on: 2002-01-02 00:52:00 »
first, when'd you change your avatar seph? i'll add it to the ffvII avatar section at my site if you want.

why not just REMEMVER which thread you like or posted in? i find it unnessacary but i guess if you feel like using it. oh well

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-01 18:01:00 »
i'm going to see it again either today or tommorow and i can look for the mistakes in the move. Here's the link, thanks jedi

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2002-01-01 17:52:00 »
but what about the last episode where the docter was married to that lady and they were planning on having children?  :-?

General Discussion / "My Favourites"
« on: 2002-01-01 17:49:00 »
what's the point of it. i don't use the favorities on my broweser anyway. why would i use the one's on qhimm instead. looks like it's only taking up room on the server. does anyone use it?

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-31 23:55:00 »
Mmmmmm...."Monty Python & and the Holy Grail". that was the best movie. anyway i saw that episode. but in that they has the safety protocols off so maybe holographic sperm could actualy exist and contain genecit coding. that'd be cool is tores had had the baby. half-german/half-klingon/half-human hmm thats to many half but you get the idea. and they should have had a species 8472 join the crew or something close that. they didn't have nearly enough 8472 stuff in that show.

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-31 20:35:00 »
dude lay off the pumpkins. I have a bird called pumpkin, and darkness is scared of her, and she could kick clouds ass. i think. she a meanish little bird but she's cool. anyway just cause i have nothing better to do for the next 20 minutes i went out and looked up the holodeck rules, and didn't find far as i've seen darkness is right you can't be seriously hurt but if you get kick in teh head then you would be sore for like a day. maybe later i'll try again. but now tooooooooo HASTINGS!!! bum bumbumbum
[edited] 275 2001-12-31 21:36

General Discussion / Memory Lane and Qhimm's Site
« on: 2001-12-30 18:28:00 »
OGLSMM: there is the quote code you know. just reminding you.

Ant: How long ago did that happen. I've heard nothing about it.

General Discussion / Memory Lane and Qhimm's Site
« on: 2001-12-30 06:14:00 »
as this is going to be moved to spam i'll just help it along.

how the hell do you spamm yourself?

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-30 02:36:00 »
yea and you would never leave your house. EVER. cause you could buy sunless suntan lotion and just apply it then people would THINK you were goinng outside. and you could just spend hte rest of your time with supermodels :)

not as i've noticed. but i'm having a few problems with it in win2kpro as a standard user. not an admin :(

where do you live it's 1:10 am here. :). oh and if my site isn't accessible then my computer is off. this happens occasinaly.

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