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Completely Unrelated / Re: how do you watch your DVDs?
« on: 2010-08-21 14:08:15 »
Topanga? Does she still act?
imdb says not since '07
I haven't seen the weight loss ads, though.

she has been the host of "The Dish" since 2008. Basically celebrity fashion/culture.

Oops, actually that turned out to be a drunken failure to scroll on my part. If you scroll down it lists The Dish from 2008-2009. My bad!

Actually, I have a question regarding her gameplay element.
It's possible to level her up enough to get her final limit break. Which makes everyone invincible for a set time limit.
Is this going to be kept in tact? I feel as though it might make the gameplay way too easy if you have this ability, at such an early stage, for the remainder of the game.

Note: I don't actually think this is much of a problem, since I only did it once (after I found out it was possible). It still takes a lot of work, and I don't think most people will bother, until later. So it might not really create an issue.

Completely Unrelated / Re: how do you watch your DVDs?
« on: 2010-08-21 01:40:33 »
Topanga? Does she still act?
imdb says not since '07
I haven't seen the weight loss ads, though.

yet another update, you can see warrior at this link
O M G what a cute kitty! He looks like he might be a long-haired (maybe).

What a cutie.
Do want - want, no, allergies... darn it  :x

just to update people, we took the cat in and are trying to introduce him well with the other two, me and my younger brother decided on "Warrior" as a name, and we're getting him to eat
Glad to hear it! Make sure to get Warrior vet checked so that he doesn't spread any nasties to your other kitties. :)

Years ago I race-drank a flaming drink through a straw. I won, but totally deserved the fact that it singed my eyebrows and bangs.

Funny you should post this. I recently had two sad run-ins with cats.

I take the bus to work in the mornings. I was walking to the bus stop the other day, and heard this mewling. As I approached the sound, I realized it was a cat, in the middle of the road, with both of it's back legs broken. It was obvious that someone had hit it, and not bothered to stop.

The cat was scrambling with it's front paws every time a car approached. So I stood in front of the cat and started directing cars around it (it calmed down when it realized the cars were staying away from it, but it didn't stop crying). Finally someone in a car stopped and said they could take it to their vet, who was open early.

- If the person hitting the cat and leaving it wasn't mean enough - while I was standing there assessing the situation, a lady came out of her house (that the cat was in front of) and says, "That cat's been here all morning. It woke me up early with that noise."
WTF? If the noise bothered you so much, call animal control to have it put down! Don't just be annoyed that the cat's agony is inconveniencing you   :x

Story II
I drove to Maryland this weekend for my niece's 1st b-day. Along the highway there was a itty bitty kitty - we're talking weeks old, definitely under eight. There was a car with his flashers on in front of it. A guy gets out of his car, picks up the cat from the road, and puts it in the grassy median area. Why not put it on the side? I have no idea, the thing was stranded between two really busy stretches of highway.

I took an exit and spun around to get on the same side as the kitten. But when I pulled over I couldn't find it again. I ididn't see any splats on the road, so I'm hoping it made it back to his fam.

tl;dr You're lucky that you have a situation where you can help the cat you found.

Archive / Re: [REL]Aerith LeekSpin(v004)
« on: 2010-08-06 16:39:29 »
This is hilarious!

Will Aerith be respawned by some leek spin scene too?

Could`nt you just have her as a Ghost??
Because she does watch over the party for the rest of the game and beyond.
Just have her slightly transparent and then you won`t have to write any dialog or explain anything.
Maybe in fights disable her attack so she can only use Magic.

Actually, this doesn't sound like a bad idea. I don't know if I would have her be transparent, or losing abilities. But if she is still dead, it would make sense why she can more easily commune with the planet at the end.
And we do see her as a ghost in the church and in AC. So it might fit in with the overall storyline. Of course, it might also defeat the point of creating a resurrection patch. So it really just depends on where Espio wants to take his story.

I firmly believe that if nudity were to be more common in public, the unrealistic portrayal of young men and women (especially women), would cease to be, and portrayals of young men and women would be much more suited to reality, thus allowing the youth to be better adjusted, and less self conscious, and their offspring moreso.

Very interesting thought. I think I agree with you. This had never crossed my mind before. But I think if we were all faced with each other's flab on a daily basis we might have more realistic views of what the human body should look like.

As for your entire hipster rant, I don't have any input. While there are plenty to be found in my city, I don't really hang out with them too often. One of my friends dated one for a while. And I really liked her as an individual (he was stupid for breaking up with her). But that's the extent of my exposure.

I also thought this was an interesting thought.
[Art] must be measured by the impact of it's message.  The stronger the message, the more concise the message, the better it is.

Very good post for a video that I can't watch (cause I'm at work), but sounds, well, stupid.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Fox news hacked!
« on: 2010-08-04 14:24:31 »

Thank you for brightening my morning.

Make that "not so long ago". As in they posted somewhat recently. Well, glad I didn't make that up.

P.S. Miseru, there can never be too much leekspin :)

Didn't someone else have leekspin as their avatar once upon a time?
Am I imagining that? Maybe that was a different board.

Anyhow, Espio, color me interested. I'd follow the progress on twitter. But I might be the only one!

I'm almost certain he was only talking about Seifer
This was my thought, too. But I'm pretty sure this was all settled via PM, as obesebear requested above. So I doubt we'll get any more details. Besides, I haven't seen Seif acting inappropriately since he came back. He's just been contributing positively.
I agree with what Jari did when he did it. He followed the rules of the forum in each instance when he acted. But I am glad that the "once banned = banned forever" is no longer the law. IMO the translation project is a good contribution, and I'm glad I don't have to check another forum anymore to follow its progress.
Just my two cents


That's why. Since texting used to be done exclusively on phones with only a 12 digit keypad words were shortened. There's no excuse anymore to keep typing "thx" or "ne1" when you have a fully functional qwerty alphabet layout. Again, time-savers are our opium. I guess sacrificing clarity for efficiency makes some people happy. Then again, it takes just as much time to decipher as it saved in leaving out "extraneous" (try abbreviating THAT texters! assuming you can spell it in the first place, of course) characters. It's not cool or kewl or leet or l33t or 1337 anymore. That's SOOOO 90's. :P It's just plain wrong.

I didn't mean the limitations of qwerty. I was referring to the fact that my phone can only send a text message containing 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation. If I go over 140, then it will split my message into two texts and send them separately. Not a huge deal, but annoying if your recipient doesn't have a text plan with their cellphone. They'd get charged twice, instead of once. Of course, most people have texting in their plans now. But I still hate it when people send me one message spanning over two texts. I'd rather read shorthand with everything in one text.


Well, it's something I've noticed.
I agree with Bosola. You probably notice it more when it turns out to be a British person because you feel like they're embarrassing you and yours. I certainly notice every time a United-Statesian makes an idiot of themselves. Of course, the rest of the world seems to pick up on that as well...

There shouldn't be one.  You should ALWAYS, speak, write, and text, in proper English, to the best of your abilities.

I disagree only with the texting. Because I am limited to characters, so I have to squeeze a lot in a little.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-29 17:36:56 »
objectionable image
I ban you for quoting an image! Ha, I was waiting a while to do that :-P

And I have used contacts. But I can only pick one on my optical plan. I always end up picking new glasses cause they are more convenient IMO. But those contacts sl has that you can keep in for a month sound interesting - but "not cheap" is my enemy, so I don't know.

After the movie came out I put the fanfare as my ringtone. Yeah, yeah. I know.

I have Verizon, and for a while the snowboard minigame was available for download onto your cellphone. Only my phone wasn't compatible with it at the time. And by the time I got a new phone the game was no longer available. Not like I really needed to pay for a game I can get at the Gold Saucer anyways...

A mix of

"'Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun!''

that is from army of darkness (forget exactly what the game is called evil dead: hail to the king ? IIRC)
Awww I can't believe I didn't get that! Guess it's my turn to shame someone - sorry Bruce :(

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-28 13:15:01 »
You know what's weird?  I'm a seer, but I also wear contact lenses (IRL).  I can see the future, but I can't even see whatever is twenty meters away from me ;D

I ban you because I'm near-sighted and I don't feel happy about it >:(

Ooh, something I feel like banning someone over.
I ban you because I'm near-sighted, and all my fellow near-sighted friends keep getting LASIK. Soon I'm going to be the only one with glasses left >:(

Not to mention that in the zombie apocalypse I'll be the only one needing to rely on glasses. I'll be toast once they break  :|

isn't that from one of the zelda games??
You've shamed Frog.

Travis, I think we need a hint!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nickname Thread
« on: 2010-07-27 13:07:21 »

i've been called, on the internet (sinse i use Jaitsu almost all the time) Jai, big J, Japanese Jaitsu

No one calls you Jai Ho?

Tan: Ooh, one of those prison dancing things.

40 GB of the first Inuyasha series. I was disappointed to learn that it stopped rather abruptly. I found the "final act" series later though. :)
That's how I felt with "Rave Master" and "Berserk"
Shikabane Hime was going to be my all-time favorite anime, because the series was so awesome.
Then I got to the last episode... You want to talk about "abrupt"?
It ends in the middle of someone throwing a punch, in the fight you've been waiting the whole series to see. Wtf?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-23 19:06:20 »

Is III good? I loved one, but hated two. I stopped halfway through, and haven't had the heart to continue.

My guess is that your Intelligence is better than ours so you'll probably know if someone's going to start a cyberwar with you before we would.

"the system is now so massive and unwieldy that it is impossible to determine its effectiveness in keeping the US safe."
Weee disorganization!

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