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Messages - Xelane

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 ... 19
Troubleshooting / Re: Can I make the Hi-Res patch work?
« on: 2009-07-22 02:15:36 »
i love the high res patch, however some things are glitchy. like ultima and shadowflare having a top left corner issue (there will be a white square occupying it) as well as some random issues like the backround turning white when its supposed to disappear

these things arent a big deal but they can be slightly annoying

Troubleshooting / Re: Swapping models
« on: 2009-07-22 02:11:00 »
well u cant have done the vincent event if you want to use sephy via save editor because they share something. so if you want to hack the real sephy in, dont find vincent in the mansion.

what you need is to take sephiroth's files (saaa-sada) and vincents files (sfaa-sfda)
and to change their menu icon (their faces in the menu screen) you would have to rename sephiroth's menu icon to vincent's. but i dont know which is which.

but i should warn you, that by doing this vincent will still appear on the field and have his same movements and lines, and in battle he will only look and move like sephiroth. for example, if he attacks, he will do so as the real sephiroth would, but it would be just like if you used a gun (long range and damage display)

how you can change it is make his masamune equipable for vincent. also his invincibility will be gone so to fix that you can alter one armor piece to nullify all damage.

for doing the battle changes you should use wallmarket (a program made by nfitc to change battle mechanics like armor and weapon stats, spell names, animation, and effects, etc)

Troubleshooting / Re: Swapping models
« on: 2009-07-21 11:34:26 »
well i managed to swap vincent for sephiroth via looks and then just made him invincible by editing his armor

what you do is extract the battle.lpg, take the character you want to swap's files and then rename them to the character you wish to replace, from **aa to **cz (and da if that isnt included) and then place the new named files into the folder where you extracted all of your battle files to

then you just select the option "create new" click on your new file and then after click on the old battle file

can you provide a screenie?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-07-21 06:14:21 »
but I LOVE you when you're angry  :cry:

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 Crash Disc 1
« on: 2009-07-20 09:26:16 »
OR you could simply request a save where that part has been passed

or if possible you may be able to skip the fmv all together

doesn't the screen fade out when the transition between backrounds happens? if so, maybe your game has a setting where it has issues with fading out.

if that is the case then someone here whom is good with the settings should be able to help you easily

Archive / Re: Barret model
« on: 2009-07-19 09:09:03 »
hey if it isnt too much trouble could you also make an ac barret model? i think he looks much more awesome with his six pack and epic multi gatling gun.

can you clear that up? seemed a bit messy

u could try using yamp even if it is ali's custom driver, that fixed it for me

tho i didnt use this driver

Archive / Re: New project
« on: 2009-07-19 08:53:42 »
That come off as a little bit cross to me.

you dont dislike viashino do you halkun? i think you just hate bikkering..(bikering?...bikkereng...^$^# it)

Completely Unrelated / Re: VIDEO GAMES ARE RACIST!
« on: 2009-07-18 22:38:07 »
you are absolutely racist and i look down on you for being whatever color you are for it!

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-18 10:19:20 »
polaris, if you want i could just send u a kernel file with the limit breaks for vincent that you want to use? i've done stuff like this for people here twice so far, so if you want feel free to ask.

its ur fmv viewer that is screwed up. (or something along those lines)
look for topics about fmv's and it should tell you what you can do

now that i look back i faintly recall the orphanage deal.

can someone remind me the details on that? i can't remember the story for ff8. in fact, i cannot remember how squall ended up in balamb seed...or why seifer went with the sorceress...or why galbadia attacked balamb....

holy $^!* i can't remember more than half of the story!!

you are a true gamer who has no life of his own hellbringer...and i respect and admire you  8-)

yeah it would do just that, remove the videos while allowing you to play.

if u look around these boards theres a way to remove the fmvs altogether

Archive / Re: im new but ima work hard
« on: 2009-07-17 21:07:34 »
instead of diamond flash he uses chocobo flash which reduces ur hp by the number of battles you've fled from ;)

i can send u an email with my ff7.exe and i patched it if u want?

did u put skerb and the other dll file in the same folder?

they have to all be in the same folder to work

Archive / Re: Problem with cid/cloud
« on: 2009-07-16 08:02:50 »
in battle or in field?

but to answer the eyes thing, that has to do with the **ad files and i think **ac as well
(for battle)

also in battle the main characters start at rtaa and from there go in order (cloud, tifa, aries, etc)

i dont know about field though

Hey take offence to that!


Completely Unrelated / Re: VIDEO GAMES ARE RACIST!
« on: 2009-07-16 05:47:02 »
that's america for ya...I think i hate my own country.....


dont forget better camera angles and voice overs  :-D

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