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Messages - Tekkie.X

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Releases / Re: [Project] FF7 Re-animated
« on: 2012-08-04 10:34:38 »
Bend his arms a little closer to 90 degrees, new run almost looks like he's skipping, the transition from the leg moving forward to back ward seems a bit sudden.

Because that's what they're most likely doing, tarting up the original version with some cheevos, modern OS/hardware support and a dumb EZ mode button.

It's similar to what every other company making an HD version of a game is basically doing, making it run at 720 or 1080, maybe update the GUI(MGS:HD did this) and slap achievements on it, quick fix for a quick buck.

If what they show at Gamescom says otherwise then I'll eat my virtual hat.

Is it possible to import Dissidia models in ff8?


Completely Unrelated / Re: Oculus Rift
« on: 2012-08-01 23:40:31 »
After a while the awesomeness of strapping a chunk of plastic and glass to your head will wear off and it'd be put into the attic to collect dust along with your R.O.B, Virtual Boy, 3D Glasses and those Tamagotchi things.

General Discussion / Re: Distant Worlds 2012
« on: 2012-08-01 22:20:19 »
Still unsure if I'm gonna go to the one in Edinburgh on November 4th or not.

Releases / Re: [Project] FF7 Re-animated
« on: 2012-08-01 18:23:55 »
Looks like the Dissidia one.

Team Avalanche / Re: download links.
« on: 2012-07-31 17:49:02 »
Take a very close look at the page, you'll see the password partially hidden right under the link.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Dark Knight Rises
« on: 2012-07-29 09:58:09 »
Joker would have most likely gone to Arkham, they only mentioned releasing the people in Blackgate prison though, Scarecrow hasn't really gone out on a killing spree in Nolan's universe so he probably just got thrown in Blackgate and thus his appearance. Arkham doesn't even get a mention I think.

It's also kinda hard to bring the dead back to life, sure a double with some voice lessons could have been used for Joker but people would have just whined endlessly.

I quite enjoyed the movie, I can forgive the Pit scene, its meant to take place over a couple of months, there's probably a load they cut out to help keep the film much shorter that it could have been so it may seem a little disjointed as a result.

Sticky, not sure why you're saying Hathaway looked too thin, looks perfect healthy too me, about average for a woman, I've seen thinner professional athletes, I'm also quite glad there wasn't loads of "fan service" when she's on screen, there's no blatant skin showing, and only a couple off ass shots and only because of how you sit on the Batpod.

The only part that really annoyed me was "Robin" if they'd used the name of one of the real Robins(Dick Grayson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake) as his real name in the "reveal" it wouldn't have been such a let down since that and Talia have been rumoured and spoiled for months, actually had this not been the last of Nolan's Batman films having him be Jason Todd would have been a great idea bringing Red Hood into play in the future.

I think I remember Aali saying he was looking into getting this sort of stuff working for FF8, if not, then we're boned.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy Versus 13 Cancelled
« on: 2012-07-21 21:30:14 »
Horrible characters in X killed it for me, the voice acting didn't help that much.

@Asmodean, There's a GLSL shader mod for Minecraft which has some nice effects, some of which can be found individually, any chance of taking a look and mabye trying to get Cell(outline) shader working with Aali's, possibly combining with your current shaders?

Don't post warez links please.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-07-09 05:13:45 »
Only his profile, and it has zero info on anything let alone Bloodwork.

I'm looking at the actual Dissidia model, I'd say Halkun has it spot on, it's just the original model with a few tweaks, in fact, the first pic looks unchanged, only the 2nd and 3rd pic have altered geometry or textures.

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Completely Unrelated / Re: BATTLE!!!
« on: 2012-07-08 17:26:01 »
After reading some of this, I loaded up PS1 FFVII on the CRT I keep around for my older consoles, even unmodded, PC version does actually look a bit cleaner, in the end though, it's personal opinion.

Also, FFVII on PS3 looks like ass regardless of using the scaling or not.

Looks like a wetsuit.

Yes, Steam is DRM in that it's required to launch the games, many games bought through Steam can still be launched without Steam running though, but it's not annoying, over complicated, buggy, broken, limiting or intrusive like say, SecuROM and StarForce have been known to be, I bought F.E.A.R day one, took me weeks to get it working because SecuROM either wouldn't recognise my DVD drive or would bug out and crash the game on start up while reading the DVD.

I'll most likely buy it off Steam is it does end up being customisable, so I won't have to send out a search party for my CDs after each format.

For what they're showing, you do need a powerhouse PC, many are saying they're actually showing pre-rendered stuff due to the camera movement.

I really don't see this stuff being used at all for years to come, sure games like Minecraft and Voxelstein 3D have a very basic voxel style setup going for them, but the kind of detail Euclideon are harping on about is so much more advanced that you'd be lucky to see it used in AAA titles in 10+ years time.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2012-06-24 20:30:05 »
It's just the lighting and low res nature of the original pic, ceiling is the same height.

Because the users of DeviantArt have always been a bunch of bland generic teenage furries with bland generic teenaged furry opinions.

Regardless, you will need Steam installed and running to play, since the Source SDK(and every other Valve product since Steam's creation) requires it, it'll only use a small amount of resources while running, even less when it's minimised to the tray,  I have 8GB of RAM and for me it's using 160MB right now with most of the Steam windows open, it uses about 30MB while in the tray, although it varies dependant on other factors.

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2012-06-09 12:10:25 »
It's a program that hooks into FF7 and plays a corresponding high quality MP3/OGG audio track instead of the original midi soundtrack.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-06-06 21:32:22 »
This project is dead it seems, the guy hasn't been here in months.

General Discussion / Re: Luminous Studio engine
« on: 2012-06-06 21:30:51 »
WiiU is current gen, it's running 3 or 4 year old hardware or something like that.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Max Payne 3
« on: 2012-06-04 16:20:43 »
The dive should be more of a last resort, because he time you take getting up gets you killed a lot.

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