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Messages - Millenia

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Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-29 17:34:46 »
Yeah, only the face is mostly done, other parts aren't really even started on.

Here's a model WIP on Vincent's Quicksilver (I just realized it's missing a trigger, will make one soonish)

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-29 12:23:21 »
I would, but I still haven't gotten any of my conversions to work; until I get help with getting these to work or somebody else to convert stuff for me, all you get is pictures :<


Also, thanks to timu sumisu I got the original model in Max, so my gun is now proportionate to Barret's and here's a little comparison of the 3d models without any textures.

E2:/ ALSO, let's do a little poll. Disc through the barrels or no disc?

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-29 11:41:37 »
Well I plan on doing all of the weapons, and possibly all of the characters too. Currently, as you know, I'm working on timu sumisu's stuff (and my own), but if you have some nice models he hasn't done I'll probably texture them at some point.

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-29 02:03:23 »
Good point D:

I hope it won't look too horrible when parts are scaled down, oh well


This better?

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-28 20:44:44 »
Ask and ye shall recieve:

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-25 17:44:58 »

Barret model by Timu Sumisu, heavy work in progress.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-23 17:50:01 »
I just need a new motherboard so I can use my HD4870, but I have no idea when I'm getting one (The RMA process is taking forever D:)

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-22 15:36:02 »
Okay, whatever I do I can't seem to get my conversion to work D:

Can somebody walk me through the process over MSN/Xfire/Skype/Steam chat, or alternatively volunteer to convert models for me so I can focus on the artsy stuff? Any help is welcome  :-D

PS. I saw somebody post all the FF7 weapon concept images a while ago (perhaps from the bonus CD?), if somebody has them, they'd help a LOT.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How old is everyone? v2
« on: 2009-06-22 15:21:29 »
Turning 19 tomorrow :D

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-22 14:41:12 »
Yeah, I didn't even try to recreate the AC/CC ones, we've seen enough of those already :P
I figured I'd rather try the plain old one, I happen to like it more as well.

Not sure what I'll do next, probably the Hardedge or Mythril Saber (or w/e the second weapon for Cloud was)

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-21 19:49:40 »
Ugh, I'm not getting anything ingame with my custom model :/

How do I get things like the scale and positioning right? What do I do with the .tex file? How do I know I'm even doing this whole process right, lol.

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-06-21 17:43:53 »
Thanks for the advice! I'll try this out soon and hopefully post some ingame shots not long after  :-D


All weapons - click on the pic to enlarge!



The man himself (click for bigger pic) - awaiting conversion

Gatling gun - awaiting conversion

Assault gun - awaiting conversion


Quicksilver - awaiting conversion

Shotgun - awaiting conversion

Other stuff:


Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-18 11:44:47 »
Ok, I have a machine that is somewhat similar to yours:

P4 3.0 w/HT
1 GB ddr-400
7800 GS (AGP)

Firstly, you should be using Detonator drivers with that ancient video card, NOT Forceware. Would be much preferable that you upgrade it, but AGP cards are hard to come by anymore. Secondly, you should be using a FRESH install off the CD, and using the Eidos 1.02 patch with Nvidia TNT selected, NOT Riva 128. If you are trying to use some Ultima edition, you are screwed, because it CANNOT be properly patched. Thirdly, Aali's graphic's patch can be applied.. AFTER you configure the sound and graphics in the FF7 Config program. Don't forget to install the registry modifier, and set the FF7.exe to "98/ME compatiablity".

If you have to re-set something in the FF7 Config, you will need to re-install the FF7 Registry hack for Aali's program to work

Yeah I'll try an older driver, the rest I've already done. This PC is just a temporary solution BTW so there's little sense in upgrading - I have a PC with a quad core processor, 4 gigs of RAM and a Radeon 4870 - its motherboard is just fried and I'm waiting for a replacement :/

E:/ Ugh, the older driver doesn't help at all - in fact it makes matters worse by not supporting my screen's native res (1680x1050) :/

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-06-17 16:51:01 »
Hey man, can you share the 3d model with me, I'd love to take a shot at texturing it as well if you don't mind :D

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-17 16:28:08 »
Yeah, the weird thing just is that it runs just fine outside battle, so it really perplexes me why it's only laggy in battle mode :/
Seems like it's capped at 8 FPS or something since it never goes lower than that

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-17 16:19:28 »
Does it with any video mode, be it hardware or software, windowed or fullscreen, 640x480 or 1680x1050.

The drivers are the newest ones available for the GeForce 3.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-17 16:13:56 »
Yeah, although it does the same thing with or without it.

Troubleshooting / FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-17 15:57:12 »
Hey guys, been lurking qhimm's forums for ages (although I kind of feel like a leech for registering this late and asking for help with my first post :< )

So the problem, as the title says, is horribly low FPS in FF7's battle mode. I get a stable 30 FPS in field, but in battle it never goes higher than 7-8. The rig I'm temporarily using isn't exactly cream of the crop, but a GeForce 3 SHOULD be able to handle a game this old more than well..

Full specs:

Pentium 4 1,8GHz
GeForce 3 Ti200
1GB of DDR-400
Windows XP Professional SP3

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