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Messages - NeoS

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General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2005-05-24 10:51:38 »
Well, Yunalesca (or whatever her name is) was less troublesome to defeat. I only died once (cuz of that lame ultra-death spell).
Now for the extra aeons and the celstial weapons ;)

*cries from happiness*

This should be FF7. And you bet your ass that i'd buy the remake!
Would be cool to implement this as the intro movie to the original FF7 :D

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2005-03-08 10:44:11 »
Haven't played this game in a while... I think it sucks in comparison to previous Final Fantasies...

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-07 13:28:02 »
And i just wanted to play FFVII:CC on my mobile phone...

{offtopic} The DS sells in Europe for about 150 Euros. I can't imagine what the PSP will cost.

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-05 12:37:46 »
:o For mobile devices?

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-03 17:13:50 »
Crap. Sometimes i hate Squaresoft for being so Asia-oriented...

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-03 07:58:50 »
Oh, yeah. It's about Vincent and the Turks, right?

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-02 13:22:46 »
Does anyone know if, where and how to get the new FF for mobile phones? I heard something about it and i figured someone here would know. :wink:
I have a symbian smartphone, so it would be kickass if it would be available for that device. :wicked:

General Discussion / Final Fantasy X characters
« on: 2005-01-31 10:34:33 »

General Discussion / Googling pays...
« on: 2005-01-17 13:23:49 »
is there any development going on there anyway?

General Discussion / Voodoo 2 + FF7; Does this look good?
« on: 2005-01-13 22:43:46 »
ehm... that's FF6!!!! :z

General Discussion / Googling pays...
« on: 2004-12-29 08:12:17 »
The problem is: if it becomes too popular, companies like Square will eventually hear about them and issue a cease to exist.

I'd really like to see this MOD working tho. The models are simply stunning.

General Discussion / Googling pays...
« on: 2004-12-27 12:18:29 »
heh. Like the Chrono Resurrection and even Bid For Power stuff. But hey, it IS pretty sweet to see people trying to make FF7 Fans (like me) happy again. :)

Halkun, if you're going to warn them, can you give em some hints like: " hide till you got a playable MOD." or "Don't create a site and only distribute this via Bittorrent." :lol:

Oh well. We'll just have to wait till Square decides to create some new "tuned up" FF7 game. Dirge of Cerberus looks quite promising...

General Discussion / Googling pays...
« on: 2004-12-27 10:37:25 »
Check this out: check the screens and this one too! :P

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-21 21:53:48 »
ok, i'll keep it in mind.

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-19 23:17:03 »
How the hell do you capture monsters? :o

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-16 16:27:14 »
Yeah right, seymour is the most difficult boss...

The sanctuary keeper is a pushover... pff. NOT!

I'm starting to dislike this game. In fact, i AM disliking this game very well indeed!

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-15 10:46:31 »
I already beat Seymour. But i just can't believe the difficulty at this point of the game in comparison with other Final Fantasies. I guess i missed something important, or i rushed the game too much.
And "Weihwasser" is "Holy water" (it's familiar to me cause in Dutch it's translated "wijwater"), your "mute" is "Silence".

Maybe there should be a FFX FAQ topic?

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-14 17:23:08 »
Yeah, that sux. One thing is for sure,  i noticed you'll definitely need strong armor later on. So i hope i'll pass a small town sooner or later so i can buy some stuff. (running outta phoenix downs)

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-14 08:51:29 »
heh, forgot to mention. I got the international version. (EU)
And the best damage my characters can do with physical attacks is +/- 2000. Enemies have at least 10000 HP. Strength varies from 39 to 49 on my characters.
Maybe my choice of weapons is bad? I just can't imagine it is supposed to be this difficult in this stage of the game...

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-13 18:33:09 »
alright! got em! Now i just gotta level up some more. My sphere level sucks. You guys can recommend some spheres to go for?

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-12 13:23:43 »
Yeah, i almost got the bastard today. Then, Total Annihilation... I thought WTF!?
He had 2000 HP left and killed me off after a battle of 45 minutes...

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-08 16:53:37 »
But he casts the banish spell on them, so what use do they have?

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-08 14:00:44 »
Well, my spell progression is minimal. Like in: just haste, cura and all 1st or 2nd level magic. Seymour simply kills my characters in lightspeed...
And the damage my characters do is also not too great. Doesn't the bastard have any weaknesses?

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2004-12-08 12:07:44 »
Hey ppl.

Playing FFX now, but i can't get past Seymour the second time you encounter him. (in the mountains)
He keeps slaying my characters again and again.
Does anyone have a good strategy for this?

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