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Messages - fuchisasquatch

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Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 16 bit textures
« on: 2004-08-17 06:56:50 »
oh thanks..well i wouldnt have to worry about it then..

no problem... good luck with the rest of the project

extract the files from world_us.lgp from the folder /data/wm and look for a file called "mess" < it has no extension..heres an example of the data contained inside:

Code: [Select]


as you can see it has the world map areas..

and heres something similar to your thing

Code: [Select]


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 16 bit textures
« on: 2004-08-16 09:44:57 »
oh woops sorry...

i didnt specify which game i was talking about..i mean ff7..sorry bout that

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 16 bit textures
« on: 2004-08-16 09:10:05 »
I'm just mucking around and i put this TEX reader in my program and it works perfectly for 4/8 bit textures but i cant test it out on 16 bit textures cuz i cant find any.

So can anybody tell me if they know wheres some are..or even if there are any cuz im having a hard time finding any...

General Discussion / FF7 demo for 3dfx, any takers?
« on: 2004-08-16 09:06:17 »
hmm..i have ff8 demo discs..

One i got from this psx magazine and its that SeeD missio and i also got this other disc..i forget where..may have been with ff7, i cant remember. But its an official disc..and yeah its got that dance scene in an old film style and a modified version of the ff8 intro - guess it would count as a tralier then.

Also when i bought FFVI i got a PS2 demo disc...which sucked because at that time... I DIDNT OWN A FRIGGEN PS2...

Luckily my friend had one and i went over to his house to play.. I was really suprised with the difference it had to the other ff game. I especially liked how you could swim in the water. (I love games with more of a feel of freedom.)

General Discussion / FF7 demo for 3dfx, any takers?
« on: 2004-08-15 12:06:03 »
hey someone upload it to there site..and yeah distribute it..
maybe that main engine could be used in something in the future..
so i think its a must for the ff7 hackers

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Bored programmer
« on: 2004-08-15 12:03:13 »
i dont have ff8 pc version..and yeah i can download of kazaa..but ive seen something like "we dont support pirated copies" and yeah

i dont think its fare though..i own the psx copy of it and what cant i get an inferior copy for free..

and by when you say you dont support pirated copies..thats probably cuz its illlegal..but game hacking/modify is illegal i dont see why any of you people would care..

and anyone out cant tell me that you dont a pirated/illegal copy of anything..i bet everyone of you does..

Troubleshooting / Gears Errata
« on: 2004-08-15 06:34:31 »

Yeah i get that then...

Hmm thats a good idea.. when im doing my filling i normally just write some story that doesnt make sense or ramble on about nothing... so if it was for public viewing i guess that lorem ipsum is better...

Troubleshooting / Gears Errata
« on: 2004-08-15 05:18:28 »
Oh alright then. In the final version are you gonna get rid of that latin crap.. because if not i think its bloody stupid for the readers to have to learn a new language to read the document... especially us programmers...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Bored programmer
« on: 2004-08-15 02:51:11 »
ok..ill give it a try..

one thing that really annoys me is that the fact the battle files dont have any friggen extensions..


i just opened a collection of files in Biturn..and the animation data was there..

what do you mean by your post then..?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Bored programmer
« on: 2004-08-15 02:23:59 »
Hi, i'm a very bored programmer..

almost everything in FF7 has been figured there anything left that i could help in? e.g. writing an editor for something or help cracking some data..

Troubleshooting / About Gears' Save Format
« on: 2004-08-15 02:21:05 »
sorry about you can see i fixed it

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Inside Kernel.bin
« on: 2004-08-15 01:49:14 »
hey if seen alot of stuff come up about using GZip/Zlib whatever..

i went to the site ( and i was prompted with hundreds of downloads.

is there a file which is in a compiled format (othar than activex or binary) that i can use..or do i have to intergrate either of the above into a programming language? lucky they have VB support...

Troubleshooting / Gears Errata
« on: 2004-08-15 01:41:45 »
Also two things..

1. You use alot of hex strings in the format $BD0C and then sometimes you use them in 0xBD0C. It may be kinda confusing to some people about that $ thing and yeah its kinda weird that you jump from the two.

2. Whats with all that writing in some other language... Yeah the same reason you keep jumping between the two. Please make it available to english readers!!

Other than that...very good and interesting document. I'll surely be a fan for a long time.

EDIT: Oh yeah i just remembered. You use "15 bit" to talk about the PC port's graphic support..i thought all resolutions go in the powers of 2...

well i dunno its just weird..

its just kinda a shock to see that the idea may be a possibility..i had never thought of it that way before until i read that post..but yeah

well i wouldnt even buy casablanca anyway.. :P

friggen square...

i still feel ripped off


That seems like a really stupid thing to do. They had access to all the raw data (as i found sprites/gfx/bgm/se on the disc for the bonus crap) why didnt they just put all that data on the disc normally instead of taking it out of the rom

Ok... let me ask why are there numerous calls to that file throughout the game and if its not used in the US version because of that thing you said before why does it matter if the file is swapped or whatever?

Tis the same with the fact that not many can understand that Cloud had a very strong and quite intimate relationship with Zack - what happened afterwards has a strong effect on Cloud's general behaviour

By intimate you mean close friends right... Cloud wasn't gay was he...? He better not be or ill smash my copy of FF7. (Not that i'm a gay hater or anything, but I have always thought Cloud was cool.)

And F.... Sephiroth for killing Aeris now everytime i hear Aeris's theme makes me feel down... anyway.

oh ok..

wow there both really small (in filesize) they should have packed them both with more "bonus features"

and yeah im at the square-enix site im signing up for an account so i can ask them on live support why the chrono trigger game has a rom in it..hehe

oh and i havent been able to try put another rom in the game..i cant find any BIN snes roms all of them are SMC and dont match up with that multiple of 2048 thing so they wont work.

so if anyone has any RAW snes roms PD is just fine please uh..hmm if you could post a link or add to aim, icq or msn and send to me...

what? is that for chrono trigger or ffvi?

or are they on a single disc and its like that..?

Troubleshooting / About Gears' Save Format
« on: 2004-08-14 15:18:30 »
oh hmm..thatd make sense then hope he reads this then so he can fix it up

i checked ff6 before but im not sure about the others: ff1,2,5 ect.

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