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Messages - Squall_1904

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Graphical / Re: [REL] sl1982's Field Enhancement
« on: 2013-09-25 19:00:57 »
The PNG in the Temple of the Ancients has a lot of dark squares all over.  :-\ I've looked all over Qhimm for the most recent field PNG's but nothing's changed. Help.

I don't know if this is the same problem that was written above, but when I'm at the Shinra Mansion and have to input the combination lock, I can't see the numbers at all. It's like I can see only a partial of them but not enough to know what number it is.
Well I don't want to get out of there without getting Vincent, so I guess I must say I'm stuck here with this.

After waiting so long I had to find out on my own I had to disable the use of both pbo and vbo in the ff7_opengl.cfg
I guess it's like talking to a wall (Squall's words) asking nice and gently if there are any gameover screens I can replace for the old "tape-like" one, is there?
And yes, of course I searched the site by the way.

Hi there. It looks like nowadays for some reason the cache is automatically deleted when I quit FF7. (yes I do have "compress_textures = yes" on the ff7_opengl)
But I would like to keep the cache folder after quitting the game. I do know about deleting the cache folder before trying a new installed mod and such.
Is there any way to preserve the cache after quitting the game, just like it was a long time ago? I have a slow processor so that could save me a lot of time every time I play, without watching the game break everytime it needs to save the cache. :/

I think "Added Clean Up of Cache and Remix Artifacts" and "Updated and Optimized OpenGL Mods Folder Generation" (thus since Bootleg 0035) may have something to do with it?

I think the look of his eyes is more lively in the original game. :/ Just like you can see on that image comparison.

I've just seen how the program is. I guess it won't replace anything after all. :D
Thanks gjoerulv.

By doing this, will it replace or delete any attacks or anything else made for this hardcore mod?

Hi. I've seen a video with thew fight against Sephiroth and I noticed that the Supernova attack wasn't used. I mean I know it's nicer and all, specially because it's a really long fight and I haven't even tried that with this hardcore mode but... what about people who would still like to see the Supernova attack? :(
So my question is, is the Supernova attack really left out with this mod? :(

At least that was the impression I had before. I may be mistaken and it's just the soldiers that were changed all along.

Yeah but that changes my Cloud battle model and it's not just the soldier enemy model I want, on my previous installment I had most of the enemies models changed. ...I guess lol.

Just tried and the link works. However, on the game this is just the Cloud model and maybe other character model fixes. Good thing I saved the battle.lgp I had before trying this. xD
Besides this only has 262 files, while the number of files inside battle.lgp is 12397, so it couldn't be enemy models lol.
I thank you anyway though.

Lol hum the link is dead when I try to download. "403 - Forbidden"

Thanks. I will try and report back. :)

Well I had to re-install my Windows so I had to re-install the game and mods aswell. I have everything that I had before, even a little better, but it looks like I missed out one thing. :(
Somehow, it looks like the enemy battle models kept their original form...
The enemy models I'm looking for are the ones like these but I don't know what's the name of the mod that has them. xD
Does someone know and can forward me the download page? I searched everywhere. O.O

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Truth Lives
« on: 2012-10-18 04:10:21 »
I just loved that FF Gangnam style. xD Very awesome!

FF8 Tools / Re: FF8 Battle Model Viewer Repack V2
« on: 2012-10-13 19:58:17 »
Thanks. ^^

FF8 Tools / Re: FF8 Battle Model Viewer Repack V2
« on: 2012-10-10 23:45:30 »
Where can I find this Noesis one?

Releases / Re: [REL/FF8] Project SeeD (FF8 GUI overhaul)
« on: 2012-10-10 02:32:31 »
Well looks like I found a strange solution on the same day I was having this problem. O.O If someone is having this black menu prob just go to your registry, H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Squaresoft, Inc >> FINAL FANTASY VIII >> 1.00 and where is says "Graphics" there should be like "0x10100001". Just change the last 2 numbers to 21 so it'll be like "0x10100021" and the menu prob will be fixed. ^^
I found it by comparing my actual registry with my last installation's registry.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF8] Project SeeD (FF8 GUI overhaul)
« on: 2012-10-08 05:02:56 »
How did you fixed the black screen thing? I can't fix it... My GUI overhaul was great on my previous instalation, but I had to reinstall the game and now I have this kind of black menu and I can't make it right. 

Releases / Re: New RedXIII model
« on: 2012-09-13 18:52:42 »
What's the DLPB's UMI? Is it also a set of NPC's & chatacters models?

@LeonhartGR somehow when I got this avatar I knew you might like it because from a past comment of yours here I noticed you are a FF8 lover and since my avatar is a little big and cool it could get FF8 lover's attention haha. xD I'll pm you a link.

Also, I would like to say that some months ago there was someone interested on working on FF8 and pm'ed me about it talking about creating a group or something. Well I'm back here and I'm gonna stay here for a while so if this person is still here please contact me again because I totally forgot your name. XD I may not be a programmer but FF8 is still my favorite game ever so if I can do anything to help, even if just ideas, I'll be glad to help. ^^ Starting with the musics since I think it's the prior thing.

Releases / Re: New RedXIII model
« on: 2012-09-13 18:28:47 »
Yes, I did got your point. But I'm not really sure if I am using the PRP models. Also, I'm pretty sure I should have it here but I don't remember what .rar name it is. So could you or someone please redirect me to the place where I can download them so I can try this out?

Omg I really want this. *.*

Releases / Re: New RedXIII model
« on: 2012-09-13 02:34:12 »
Ok this is a little odd so I will try to explain it as easy as I can lol...
As you know with the char.lgp I had I opened it with lgp tools, drag&drop the files I wanted to add, and the game crashed. Then I tried with lgp/unlgp tools, dumped the files, copied what I wanted to add,  and then an error occurs when I tried to encode back.
Now, I tried with the original/default char.lgp file. If I drag&drop the game still crashes when it tries to load Red XIII. BUT if I use the lgp/unlgp tools, this time it allows me to encode back, and this modded Red XIII is loaded thus the game does not crash. O.O
To make this short, yes this only seems to work only if I use lgp/unlgp tools, and yes only with the original char.lgp. BUT the reason I guess it works only with the original char-lgp, is because I'm using a mod where all the NPC's and characters are modded. Meaning, that if I add this new Red XIII somehow it conflicts with the one already modded. Thus the crashes.
At least that's what I think. xD Got my point?

Releases / Re: New RedXIII model
« on: 2012-09-12 21:16:16 »
Hum good idea. I'm going out now but will do once I get back and then report back here lol.
Thanks to all of you anyway. ^^

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