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Messages - stavstav

Pages: 1 [2]
Thanks.  Ended up using FF8Audio (java program) which worked great, but still nice to have this tool =)

please re-upload, thanks

Gameplay / Re: Caith Sith Death
« on: 2013-02-28 09:57:14 »
please kill that guy


Gameplay / 99:59
« on: 2013-02-28 09:56:10 »
i have ff7 pc version and i just maxed out the timer at 99:59....

yeah its official i have no life oh but also i left it on without playing it for like a whole day a few times

so is there a patch for this to make it go over that time?  i havent found one by searching.  its not a huge problem but it makes it hard to tell which is my most recent save.   thanks

yes, hello and greetings  :)

just replayed ff7 this time on pc, played the psx version as a kid.  yeah the pc version with a couple patches applied, is much better.  well, this game has probably my favorite battle system of any game, always been a fan of the turn based system where there is actually some strategy involved instead of just mashing on a button like a re-tard

i would have to say that your editors are awesome, im definitely donating, f-ing great work man.

always been a few things i thought needed changing in this game and your programs allow me to do that.  basically the combat is way too easy and everything dies in one hit so i was able to edit the weapons.... and change the rediculous ultimate weapons.  awesome man.  haha its funny, i did not know the weapons gave stat bonuses to magic and spirit etc until i saw it in your editor

now the second thing i wanted to do, and maybe you can help me out with this, is change some of the materia.  basically, i want to change materia like slash-all, mega-all, and such that ruin the difficulty of the game, to be like the ultima materia, in the way that, they cannot even be used until a certain amount of ap is gained.  im going to try to do this by just experimenting possibly copying the ultima materia modifiers and other properties maybe this will break the game i dont know....  im not exactly sure, what the "materia type modifier" at the bottom is or what it does any chance you can shed some light on that

now if only i could also delete most of the cutscenes or make them skippable, is that a word, anyways, and also change some of the music (i have actually figured out how to do this), arhhh that gold saucer music is just horrible, maybe delete cait sith from the game too  :roll:

oh yeah i also wanted to ask you another question about the materia, well i am obviously using a completed game save file to test out the modifications, and some of the materia is like lv2 or 3 or whatever, or mastered... now... lets say my materia is lv2... if i change the ap required to get it to lv2 to be like alot higher, does it lose the star, or what happens exactly... im sure i can figure this out on my own but i havent yet really, i think it retains the star tho... not a real important question just wondering, thanks

appreciate any help.  sorry if i asked any stupid questions or ones that you have already answered on this thread, i did read alot of it but not all 42 pages, ok thanks

oh yeah one more question, i wanted to change the masamune i think its called, which is the awesome looking sword.  well it only has two materia slots and they are not linked, which annoyed me in the game.  now i changed them to be linked.  but i read in the help file (great help file btw) that this will not actually make them linked in the game.  so i assume thats true but can you confirm?

i will most likely figure all this out on my own eventually, but any help will save me time and is highly appreciated :)

oh yeah one more thing, what exactly is kernel2.bin... so this file is opened and modified when i open kernel.bin in WM?  so i need to back it up...?  haha oops too late

Gameplay / ff7/ff8 difficulty mod
« on: 2012-11-08 13:28:38 »
I am wanting to do a mod to ff7 & ff8 that would ramp up the difficulty a bit.  Basically, it would involve editing the amount of points increase or percentage increase of the stats of the characters when they level up.  My issue with these games is that the battles have been a little too easy in most cases.  Eventually your character gets so strong there is no point in using magic because it is always weaker than attacking.  Plus its a little too easy to get 9999 health.

Anyways any ideas on how to do this.  I would assume you would need to de-compile the game and edit the programming code which I am guessing is in C++ language?

I am going to try playing around with the (savegame) character editor...

Thank you

Okay NM about the version#.. you just have to go to the end of the thread.  This forum does not exactly work like others do


A few things I'm not clear on. 

I have downloaded the 0.7.11b driver using search.  When I come to this forum, your driver is posted under the title 0.7.11b, but underneath there is a link to  <----- note the file name.   What is the deal, do I have the correct driver???

When I tried to use openGL the menu came up with (BROKEN) after it????  Is that not the point of this patch?

Does this patch affect Direct3d?  I assume not, in FF7config I have the card set as Riva TNT to allow direct3d.  If I were to change the ff7_opengl.cfg, would it affect the game (with direct3d set)?

There is a line in ff7_opengl.cfg....
# include armor in magic defense calculation
mdef_fix = yes
.... does this indicate the fix is turned on or off.  I thought that ff7 certain armor did provide magic defense but I could be wrong.

Lastly, what does the CUSTOM graphics setting do?

Thank you

Troubleshooting / Re: ff7.exe still runs after quitting
« on: 2012-11-08 10:21:44 »
I can confirm this is also happening to me.  I have a clean install of winXP.  The 1.02 exe has been patched for no cd Im not sure if that matters.

If I do not enable win98 compatibility mode, every time i try and go to the menu, the game will crash.

Must be a simple issue to fix... it is kind of annoying...

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