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Messages - satsuki

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I found the problem. Let me explain. I installed 7th Heaven to try to load the game that way, without any mods, and it worked. I then ran SYW Settings, selected the features I wanted and clicked 'Play' and that also worked. Turns out, while installing 7th Heaven, that installer downloads and installs 'vcredist2022' and 'dotnet80desktop' runtime packages, both x86 and x64, so four packages in total. Without one or a combination of those packages, SYW 1.05 will not work properly, for me at least. I can only assume other people already have sufficient runtime packages installed before they use SYW 1.05 and it works fine for them.

Thanks for continuing to improve and support this mod.
It's not related to that at all because :
-If it was due to .net framework (witch is included inside AIO exe) the launcher won't even launch itseft
-If it was du to some vs reditribuable for either FFNx or my pack, you won't be able to launch it even in low resolution
Great for you it solved this way, but it's nothing related to some 'missing libs'

Thanks. You are very kind to answer. So let me ask you another question: where are the game saves placed?
Thanks again.

However, the problem above is not really serious, it is unbearable. If you can't, or it complicates things for you, forget it, that's fine.
I need to solve it as it's a real bug, it could impact other future modsfound and solved, will be fixed in 1.06 update
The save are mod dependant, for exemple for italian translation it's in : Mods\Gameplay\50-Italian-Translation\save so each gameplay mod have it own save folder to avoid possible bug

looks like it's 16/9 stretched option related, i'll trys to replicate that asap
[edit]it is related to combination of italian translation + 16/9 stretched FFNx's option. i'll correct if for upcomming release[/edit]

FF7_SYW_Unified.exe's closing when you launch the game is not a bug.
if ff7.exe open then close, look at FFNx's log in the 'game' folder it can help solving the issue.
if you're only changing the game's default folder then the game launch without any option, it's probably related to right management on your computer, nothing i can do here

no only a full version (an update weigth would have been more than 7go anyway)

italian translation is included in version 1.0.5, go to 'gameplay mod' then choose 'italian translation'

Version 1.05 page 1:
-Updated FFNx version
-Updated New Threat mod version 2.099993
-Fixed strange issues with windows scaling > 100% (also benefits to Steam's deck game mode)
-Fixed some English minigames texts
-Fixed FMV opening music if Como Memory is used
-Fixed a bad rendering of ealin_2 field (black box and doors bug)
-Optimised some Honey Bee Inn bragrounds
-Optimised lots of German textures and alignements (plus some generic textures)
-Optimised launcher UI
-Optimised world map placement depending choosen aspect ratio
-Added patch to skip introduction FMV
-Added selector for windows tranparency
-Added Italian translation (by using a gameplay mod)
-Added Portuguese translation (by using a gameplay mod)
-Added German UI and installer.
-Added new worldmap map (Cosmos Gaia v1.01)
-Added extented to 16:9 for all fields (Cosmos Limit Break v1.24 - some minor bug will be solved in futures updates)
-Added several patch (gameplay and driver)

Hello ^^
Any ETA about the standalone installer v2.0.99993 ?
I'll need it to update the NT mod in my AIO pack (big release coming so if i can get your lastest version too, it would be cool)

Thanks for allllllll your great work about this mod !

limit breack is based on this mod.
i'll add it to the AIO pack ASAP.
if you're using 7th you must use limit breack or my mod but not the 2 of them

as it's only for english i probably won't add it, but you can adapt it (and share it), i explained ow to add mod to my pack in its help section.

could you try on a computer, if it's working then it'steam's deck related, you can try to change de rendering, d3d11, vulkan ... as i own no deck for testing i can solve that on my side

Hi everyone!

Satsuki: I cannot begin to express how amazing your project is, and how grateful I am to be playing FF7 in this manner. For me, this is the definitive way to experience the game in 2024. Thank you!!

I have just got this up and running on my Steam Deck OLED (1TB, with the etched screen) and I'm thrilled. I'm running SYW Unified 1.04.

I'm experiencing one graphical issue for which I'm wondering if there's a fix:

I am able to see the lines where some polys meet on characters and some areas of backgrounds. I can reduce this by turning supersampling and AA to x8, but doesn't solve completely. This occurs at any display type or size, and with all 3d model options. Doesn't happen in any other game, so I don't think it's the screen.

Could anyone provide advice, please?
play the game on desktop mode and not game mode and it'll solve that ^^

Manual ff7 modding is not that easy, try to use 7th heaven if you don't wan't to use my pack, most of my work are available with it

The only FMV where i was capable to reproduce this bug is the intro FMV and yes for this one it'll be corrected in 1.0.5

server is saturated ATM, need to way or try one of the direct's link mirror

i won't release a portable version, it's not the goal of the pack, if some antivirus see false positive, i can't do anything about it
1/68 for update and 3/68 for main installer ins't that bad as it's only suspicion and from no realy quality antivirus... if you don't trust me just don't use my work ^^
ps: the pack main exe is also seen as 1/68 false positive so a portable version won't change that ...

Thanks for all your hard work satsuki. I just installed SYW Unified.

Question, without using 7th Heaven, how would I add the Tsunamods Echo-S 7 for voices audio to SYW Unified?
you can't ATM

the italian translation will be included in next release, you'll just have to install thre AIO pack and select the option

it's a standalone, steam install, 1998 version or psx cd is only requiered to validate the install

pack included "", but iro not included ""

After the first boss battle, the countdown has no transparent color.
(The left is the original version and the right is UI Remastered.)

I'll look at this iro file
About transparency at it's only related to the countdown, it's not related to my pack but the way FFNx deal with external texture transparency

Yah, not using your launcher, using 7th Heaven. To be frank, the advice is to replace those textures in the magic textures you're using because the ones in your pack don't look right. Thanks again.
don't looks right for you ! not for everyone, if so i'would have lots of complain about it, it's not the case.
yes with some effort you can make your own iro for those texture so you can place them in the right order in 7th and even share it for other user who would like to use them to overide the file used by my texture...
you don't even have to mod my iro mod, just need to make your own and place it in the right order in 7th to overide one only files you need.
seems it's always easiyer to complain than to take the time to make a mod witch can profit to all users ....

Thank you again for all the amazing work. I've done some little bit of researches but not been terribly confident in my ability to correctly go about implementing the upscaled original limit break texture without breaking the Unified magic textures in general. I thought maybe at some point you'd consider again the option for it in a future version. I took a short video to showcase both the casting animation texture and the limit break done by Grimmy ages ago....
As said i won't do that, my AIO pack is make to be as simple as possible to the final user.
I won't provide tons of options for each texture/stuff.
If you want to use those textures, look at the help i provided to add them as an "additionnal textures" mod, you can't mess up things by using a mod as it'll have its dedicated folder, if you make mistake, just remove this folder and all'll be restored

I do also sometimes wonder why, in some places, figures are drawn sporadically shuddering rather than persisting in position as the camera moves, especially in the gold saucer speed coaster minigame. I think this happens at the very start of the game as the train pulls in as well, the Shinra guards sort of shake until the sequence settles to a fixed angle, as if to simulate a handheld camera? Is that a bug or intentional? In the speed minigame it definitely looks like a bug.
shake of fmv's model is because of 30fps fmv as the camera data needed to be interpolated, it's like to film a video, if you film in 24fps, the camera shake is way less noticable that if you film it in 60 fps, it's the same here.
About coaster minigame i always seen this like this, probably related to the 60fps minigame.

Hey guys! Amazing mods in this version. but I would like to ask to add the Portuguese language if possible...                                 
to do it properly i need a full description and credit in english, also if the mo have a banner or a long i'll need it

i'll try to add that to next update

need to check that

thanks for this information

Ask 7th support, nothin to do with AIO pack here ^^

i'll check that thanks

it's for Pc version only, those mod can't be use on psp, psx ...

Looks great.  So we should disable SYM Unified Worldmap Textures if we use this?  Same thing with your Limit Break release for field textures?

As this mod uses my texture as a base, if you use an analog controller, juste use this mod (mine is only usefull ATM if you want original game experience or don't own a analog controller)

Hello. Sorry to ask, I'm new. Is this the same as the Tsunamods Unified Textures? Should I download this and not the Tsunamods? Thanks
This mod is based on my texture witch have been extended to 16/9 with AI stuff and lost of manual tweak.
Its a realy awersome mod if you want to use 16/9 option.
But ATM some screen aren't perfect and some are missing animations (minor issues but can be seen ingame) or have been zoomed+cropped to get 16/9.

So long story short, if you want to use real 16/9, pick this mod, it's a game changer, if you want to play 4/3 or bugfree experience , use my pack.

As Comos's Limit Break will become more and more accurate over time, i think (hope) that in some month my pack will be "obsolete" by a bug free version of Cosmos

You're welcome to try but I think it's bound to cause conflicts considering all the hext stuff i added. the reply was mainly for frank since he seemed unaware of it.
Ok i managed to get it work with my AIO pack
Is something like this is ok with you (i need to check the speling but if you want another description, i can add it instead) ?

EDIT : actual description :
Code: [Select]
This project's goal is to retranslate FF7 into Italian using Daniel Burke's Reunion as the English source for the dialogues, while constantly cross-checking with the original Japanese script.

For non-dialogue terms Caledor have been reusing official translations as much as possible.

The goal is not to have a localization that looks only to FF7 as a stand-alone game, Caledor want it to blend well with the other Final Fantasy games that already exists in Italian.

It's hightly recommended to use HD textures with this mod.

As this translation is based on english's game version, you MUST choose english as game language in the left menu or it'll wont work as intended

If you want to do a dedicated preview, just send it to me and i'll include it ^^
If you want to translate the AIO to italian i can send you the files to translate too (it's a lot of work so only if you have time and motivation, it's not mandatory ^^)

first of all thank you for this amazing package of a mod, at the moment i think i've got only one issue is that the cosmo memory cutscenes audio track doesn't seems to work(the 2 others works perfectly) best way to notice it: at the start of the game when the mako reactor explode it plays the regular sound not the cosmo memory more bombastic sound. anyway its a minor issue i just hope its not just on my end.

btw is it possible in future update to add the echo s mod to this package?

thank you very much!
I'll check cosmo memory.
echo-s is realy a complex mod, i don't plan to add it anytime soon

so i'll try to add it in next release, probably as a gameplay's mod because as it's based on english's exe it'll do some conflict if i add it as a dedicated language, but i'll try

We can start by doing as little as possible.
Let me explain: for now, shall we try to insert the translation of only the textual part of the game? No UI, No Graphics, No minigames.
Please, we care a lot, all Italian users. Through
sites like WeTransfer can share with you the 2/3 types of Italian translation that exist. I repeat for my part, I am ready to give good compensation.
That not the point of compensation.
It'll be a lots of work to complete and i don't have enought time about that.
If a translation is 100% complete i could add it, but i won't add partial stuff witch'll require frequents update each time a change appens.
And if No UI, No Graphics, No minigames there's no point about the AIO pack, you can juste share le translation so users can use it with their steam folder, no ?

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