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Messages - MoCheese

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-23 20:15:00 »
Very small text bug:

When you can return to Midgar via the Sector 5 key and I assume after Meteor is falling, and go to the small town where Aeris' house is. The one house that has the kid with the money hidden in the drawers and the Turtle's Paradise poster. There's a guy up there who's text box is all jumbled. Words cut off midway and all that. Don't remember what specifically was said but I can go look if ya need me to.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-18 22:29:18 »
I could've sworn that I used Ramuh that way in 1.4 but I suppose not. I'm a fountain of jumbled up memories... well that makes sense for this game I suppose. But just to be clear, Ramuh still does Paralysis and Bahamut DeBarrier etc etc, it just doesn't say it? 

And now time for more bug reports:

- The Turtle's Paradise flyer in the Shinra HQ, at least on Disc 2 are still doing the same thing that I reported on earlier. The one flyer's text box appears on it's own if you get close enough. While that one is up if you go check the Turtle's Paradise flyer the text boxes become all screwy.

- Reno's "Turk Esuna" targetting during the Midgar Raid is a little weird. Sometimes he targets the right character but other times he does not. I have a clip of him targetting Elena with it 5 times in a row even though she was not Poisoned, while he and Rude were.

- When you reach the end of the long underground tunnel during the Midgar Raid, on the screen that has the materia and the save point. The save point's option for "Check SP" says "Unequip everything" instead. If you click it it still checks SP though.

- In the Shinra HQ all of the save points still think they are on Disc 1. Meaning you can't check SP or Rank Up at all. The options are all still "? ? ? ? ? ?"

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-18 04:23:12 »
Mimesis is gone, yeah. Red XIII's innate no longer pops a box when it's maxed due to space, but I think I have a little left over so maybe I could add it again? It'll cap at 255; so if you're close to 255 then there's less potential stat gain over longer fights; it seems to roll back down to 0, rather than continuing up to 510.

World Map fights aren't disabled, unfortunately; there's probably some script that could make it happen but no editor for the World Map exists at present and I've no idea how the hex is arranged for it.

Is the Observatory still playing the wrong scene? When I checked the script the variable was the wrong way round, so I flipped it.

I'll sort the text boxes out in Shinra HQ for that scene; maybe I revisited it after playing through it or something.

I checked the mentioned summons, and they all have their status flags set correctly; Kjata has never dealt status ailments as far as I know. His thing is higher base damage at the cost of 4x elementals meaning it's more likely to fail against certain opponents with elemental affinities.

Ramuh inflicts Paralysis, Bahamut has a Debarrier effect, and Neo-Bahamut inflicts Dual-Drain.

- Whew, was scared there for a minute. I thought my Red was in trouble of becoming a horrible weakling in the long fights still to come. And you don't have to put the box in there if you'd rather leave it out. I was just curious.

- For the observatory, I guess that's the wrong scene? I figured it was just text errors, but yeah, wrong scene then. They all talk about her in the past tense and everything about her being stationary and blocking XIII from leaving all happens. Got a clip of it, it was pretty funny.

- Well something is amiss here because it's not working for me. For example, I'm looking at it right now and Added Effect-Ramuh is not giving me Paralyzing attacks. And when you cursor over Ramuh all it says is "Bolt summon" with nothing about Paralysis. To go further Elemental-Ramuh gives me Lightning attacks so that's working. However when I switch Ramuh with Choco/Mog for example which does mention Confusion, that works fine. Confusion attacks lights up on the status page. I can switch it to any of the summons that mention a status effect and they all work, but not Ramuh. The only summon that doesn't mention the status effect on it's text is the one that doesn't light up on the stats page. Kjaja cool, I couldn't remember if he had anything in 1.4. But Bahamut and Neo-Bahamut again say nothing about their side effect in the text, all they say are: "Shout summon" though I haven't tested these in battle to see if they actually do have their status effects and just don't say or if they don't.

Did you recently update this or something? I see on the first page is a full download for the 17th, and I'm playing on the patches released on the 12th. Was this updated in that time frame?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-18 03:32:20 »
Full Cure has been placed twice, but there wasn't really anything intended for either spot (and the third spot was a catch-all for Comet when that was dropped by the Corel Train in the older version) so it is technically intended, but I'd like to replace the Full Cure in Cosmo with something. It's not a big deal though.

Cloud's old innate text when he rejoins on the Highwind wasn't removed; the effect is always 2nd Wind. I'll remove the text.

Randoms are set through the field's init script; perhaps that particular field doesn't have the init check? Which save point was it?

The Limit text vs number seems to have been overlapping since I put the new Kernel together; not sure why. I'll check the kernel again to see if I can fix it but I don't remember there being anything in there for it. I put it down to a compression problem of some sort.

Lots to say here:

- Yeah no worries on the Full Cure, was just curious.

- So Mimesis the innate has been removed? I was wondering why Cloud didn't seem to be getting any stronger on fights. This does raise a question I asked earlier to anyone here and I'm actually not sure if anyone answered it? I may have missed it? But does Red XIII's innate still have that pop-up box to inform you when he's at full stacks? I've still yet to see the window. And now that I am much further in the game and actually using him this playthrough, another question needs to be asked. If you push Red's Strength or Magic stats high enough and with the right gear on, does the Attack stat or Magic atk stat go over 255 in a battle or is it capped at 255 no matter what? I ask this because my Red's Attack stat currently sits at 225 so am I actually losing some of the stacks of his innate? I guess if nothing else he gets to max power quicker?

- Oh too many saves to remember. I've gotten into the habit of stepping on the Save Point I just loaded in on and turning battles on, then back off right after whenever I don't want random battles. But let me be more specific because I may not be understand the function fully. When you turn off random battles, only fights NOT on the world map are turned off correct?

Now, for two more bugs and one more question!

- After going to Outer Space and then heading to see Bugen to figure out what to do next, the game text still thinks Aeris is dead even if you keep her alive. This is on the screen where the entire party is with Bugen in his little observatory where you stash the Mega-Materia's. They all talk about her in the past tense even though she's standing right there. And another bug happens because of where she's standing. When everyone starts to leave the room, she doesn't. She just stands there motionless. Because of that, she blocks Red XIII from getting out and he gets stuck running in place trying to. When the elevator button is pressed by Bugen both Aeris and Red get pulled up with it. Looks funny.

- After you beat Pearl and check the Northern Crater, the scene switches to Shinra HQ with Heidegger, Scarlet, and Reeve. You're going to need to go through that whole scene because there are a ton of text box errors in there. Words cut off midway and starting on a new line. Sentences off-centre. And near the end of the scene, when Heidegger is wondering who put Reeve in charge, a lot of what he is saying seems to be missing.

- I'm curious about Summons. A lot has changed since 1.4 and I just wanted to get input. Were so many of their status effects removed on purpose? Many Summons now are just damage dealers.  Ramuh, Bahamut, Neo-Bahamut, Kjata all have no accompanying status effects and there may be more up ahead. Was this a balance change?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-17 17:34:27 »
A couple of more questions/clarifications on tap:

- To be clear, it is your intention for us to find three Full Cure materia's right? (Cosmo Canyon, Corel Train event, and Junon pier)

- Cloud still has Second Wind after the Lifestream? Is he supposed to have both?

EDIT: Two more questions though these may not be able to be fixed because of the game itself:

- When you go into the Limit screen for anyone, the limit number is overlapping with the 'k' in "Break". It may have been like that in 1.4 but I don't remember. Certainly been that way from the start in 1.5 though, can that be fixed?

- When you have random battles turned off at a save point, then quit the game and come back, the game says random battles are still off but they are not. You can run into them anywhere. Can this one be fixed?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-17 03:42:35 »
So MoCheese encountered a serious problem in the Mideel Flashback; if you play through it, the white screen scene will have the final boss handler present meaning you can trigger the last boss early. I recommend that you either skip the flashback, or avoid approaching this NPC if you can.

Or, y'know, have a shot at it and see if you can finish the game early as a kind of challenge thing; I believe in you D;

Well at least that answers that question...

Though I wonder if anyone could even beat him that early at that power level, that Super Nova... good grief... did that ever hurt.. I'm kinda wondering how I'm gonna beat him on Disc 3 now!  :o

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-16 18:05:38 »
Going to bug report but I also have a question that I'll just leave in Spoilers for safety sakes:

Spoiler: show
- When Tifa force joins you at the veery start of the Whirlwind Maze, her Text box is a little weird looking when she says something to the effect of: "Take me with you.". There a period that has its own line followed by the quotes and there's more than enough room to move it back to the end of the 2nd line. Ugh, tough to describe but I think you know what I'm getting at here.

- When you defeat a Wild Wing in Whirlwind Maze the game doesn't play the victory fanfare music. This may have been intentional?

- I'm sure this one's been mentioned but just in case, when you obtain the Highwind and go to the Chocobo Stables and talk to the handler, you are pulled into a fight with Zieg! Very weird. Keeping up with Zieg, the actual fight seemed to work fine! The only thing that you may have to look at was the fact that I acquired the Highwind and immediately found the Zieg glitch, so the fight was with Tifa solo. Zieg has that eject move which he used to eject Tifa and leave no one there, but his battle script kept going? He was fighting and talking to no one but I had to sit and watch the whole thing. I'd assume this would work the same way if you find Zieg normally and there are indeed times when you have just Cloud alone where this could come up. When you first get to Junon after Illuyankas for example. If you did fight Zieg solo normally in the forests and the fight played out the same way, I'm not sure if you'd get the reward or not so I guess I'm just asking for a double check on that? Certainly a fix on the Highwind one though.

And for my question - Can you make the Aeris lives or dies choices before the cinematic a little more clear? The options are somewhat misleading. The first option: "Wake Up" could be misunderstood as to mean you want Aeris to wake up, which she won't obviously. I know the text is red and red is usually a "bad" colour choice, but that leads into the second choice: "Wait" which is the black colour. Black is also usually a "bad" colour choice. Now "Wait" is probably good enough to understand what you're selecting, but the colour does confuse a little bit.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-13 00:46:52 »
To anyone having problems with Shake in the Pagoda. L5 Suicide works great.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-10 21:14:25 »
Buddy has a question which I will put in spoilers.

Spoiler: show
Are you supposed to get a Full Cure materia from the kid after you save Corel in Disc 2? After the whole train deal and the Huge Materia? Cause you can get Full Cure from Cosmo Canyon still.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-10 02:35:01 »
A buddy who's playing the mod just told me that Cloud's "Second Wind" can activate while he's dead! It fully heals him but it doesn't revive him.

That has to be a bug, no?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-09 21:28:38 »
Another bug I missed on my first runthough of the Temple. When Cait Sith is going to get the Black Materia one of his dialogue lines is a little messed up. The line: "'Be Strong', she says. It's not like my life is on the '.      "

I assume that's supposed to say "line" there but it's just a bunch of empty spaces and an apostrophe.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-08 21:30:40 »
Ok, so I have to straight up ask - has anyone beaten Lambda Calcule on Arrange without SP grinding or coming back later? Possible I'm missing a strategy (don't tell me) but it seems impossible right now.

Yes, I most definitely have. Also yes, they are BRUTAL bastards. Sega was evil with these guys. Coming back isn't a bad idea but if you just HAVE to fight them then and there you most certainly can win.

I do have a question about them though Sega or anyone else. Is there a way you can stop the left guy's Algebra healing attack? I could never find a way.

Anyways: more bug reports:

- Zieg is STILL broken! (AHHH!) Zieg now comes with no MP, or not enough to cast anything. So during the multiple times during the fight he's supposed to cast something, he can't. It just goes onto the next scripted thing. When it comes time for Odin, again nothing happens, then he just sits there and you can win without him fighting back and a textbox at the top that has: " :| " in it keeps appearing.

- All of the text boxes from the Golem in the Temple of the Ancients are not working correctly. The first one in the room with gun for Vincent, every option in the chat box is "off by 1". So for example: If "Rest" is the first choice, and "Save" is the second choice. You wouldn't be able to select "Rest" and selecting "Save" will fully heal you. This also means the final option is un-selectable. The second golem by the pool with the rolling boulder thingys, you are only able to select the top three options. The cursor does not go down any further then three choices. As for the final golem in the room with all the doors where you have to catch him, you can only select the first 4 options and "Rank Up" doesn't work at all. Literally nothing happens.

As always if I find more bugs I shall report.

EDIT: One more question for anyone. Can anyone confirm that they have seen Red XIII's innate message when he's at full stacks? I have yet to see it and I've had some 20 minute battles so far. Does it actually take that long? Has anyone seen it?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-04 20:48:04 »
Ok, couple of bugs to report than a comment/questions:

- In the Reno & Rude fight in Gongaga, you can Paralyze and hit Reno with Stop. That should prevent him from taking any actions, however if you then Poison him or Rude, he will still auto cast "Turk Esuna" even though he's stopped or Paralyzed.

- In the Lich GT fight, you can get a pre-empitive Strike. That alone may or may not be a bug, but for sure what definitely is a bug, is that if you do get a pre-empitive strike and start taking actions, you can move the camera from where it normally starts. The camera will than lock in place. I couldn't see any of my characters when this happened and it didn't seem to be able to be fixed afterwords.

And for the opinion/questions:

Now you know I'm normally the one hesitant to call for a nerf on anything, but I MIGHT be calling for one on Lich. So as a general we're weaker at this point in the mod compared to 1.4. Not a ton but there have been some materia moved. To compensate Lich has less health, and that's great. Where I'm a little iffy on the fight is the fact that he can recover so much health so fast. So he absorbs Poison and is Poisoned but that can be remedied with an Antidote. He seems to have a periodic heal that I have no idea how to get rid of, if you even can? But where I think it may be a little too much is the "Blood Sword" attack. It Paralyze's, which is fine, but it also fully leeches too. Lich can hit pretty damn hard. He was doing 800+ on front rows, and 400+ on back rows for me, and he uses it twice in a row. At best there that's 800 - 850 leeched between the two attacks and at worst, over 1500 - 1600 leeched between the two attacks. For a boss that only has 8800 health, for him at best to heal 10% of his health by attacking the player seems like a bit much, especially when you tack on that auto recovery he has. It makes the fight, which you already have to go into defensively minded because of all the status effects bouncing around, feel artificially long. So I guess I'm wondering, am I missing a mechanic with this fight? Is there a way to stop that auto recovery? Stop the Blood Sword leech? Am I totally missing something with this fight? If I'm not, I'd ask for a little tuning down of the health recovery.

Anyone else can share there thoughts too on this, cause I'd like to hear em.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-04 01:53:57 »
Oh I remember what I forgot to mention. In regards to Barbie, I think she's fine personally, she's a hell of a tough fight and it was needed after the previous one in my opinion. Good way to leave Midgar. If you edit her, I'd request not too much changed.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-04 00:50:48 »
I think you missed it Sega in that mess I posted back there so I'll repost it here:
Spoiler: show
Zieg does not work correctly if he supposed to slice himself. He does everything up to Odin but it targets you instead of him. You survive the fight because he ejects you earlier, but yeah. I tried updating the patch but it wouldn't let me so it's the most recent version.

Also want to confirm what others have said regarding Echo Screens. They don't fix Darkness again.

One last thing. In the Corel Prison, you can use your PHS before finding Barret in the house near the truck where you can rest. If you do the game thinks Cait Sith is still in your party, will be invisible in the house and say his dialogue. I don't remember if how this was handled in Vanilla FF7 unfortunately. I guess either PHS was disabled or trying to remove Cait Sith was disabled. Not sure.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-03 03:46:24 »
So I'll put my response in Spoilers

EDIT: Ignore previous post

Spoiler: show
Ok then either it isn't working correctly or my patch update didn't take. He did everything he was supposed to up until Odin, where it hit my team, killing the two remaining characters. Going to ask for a double check on this one, but I'll reinstall that update just to be sure and try again.

-Yeah it won't let me update so I think it may be borked.

EDIT 2: Sorry for the double post, not sure what happened there.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-03 03:39:01 »
Spoiler: show
Zieg goes through a slew of scripted abilities that ends in him casting Odin but getting killed by it. The player doesn't take any action except maybe counter attacks if I remember right and wins by doing nothing

So I'll put my response in Spoilers

Spoiler: show
Ok then either it isn't working correctly or my patch update didn't take. He did everything he was supposed to up until Odin, where it hit my team, killing the two remaining characters. Going to ask for a double check on this one, but I'll reinstall that update just to be sure and try again.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-03 03:09:48 »
You'll still need to use Mimett Greens.

Was that it? I don't remember that at all but thank you sir. I shall give it a go... if only I hadn't gone past the farm already... Alas.

He's right, I checked the script and it clicked; you need Mimett Greens (Sylkis Greens will also work but I don't think they're available by that point). I'll check if the readme says 'any greens'.

Yeah, it just says "greens" What I posted was a copy and paste.

- Also, just ran into Zieg and... what the hell did I just experience? Haha. Just to be clear, you're not supposed to be able to win there, right?(Updated with both patches released today Aug.2)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-03 02:48:19 »
3. Then stop jimmying yourself into closets and toilets D;

Uh, excuse me, there could be buried treasures in those places! Many lost things have been found in the back of closets... or so I've been told..  and I'm not sure what I was looking for in the toilets... Hmm... Anyways, on a side note, it keeps hurting my characters when I attack them with Cloud, fix?!?!

Ok seriously, a question: How does one acquire Chocobuckle? I used L5 Suicide on Chocobo's outside the farm, both when they were eating Greens and not eating Greens. I tried both of those methods on all three different encounters you can get with Chocobo's and they never used it. L5 Suicide hit every single time but they never used it. Was it moved? The method changed? Do I need to use it on a specific Chocobo? Or am I simply remembering incorrectly on how to acquire it?

The readme says: "Chocobuckle: Any chocobo (world map) Note: Use L5 Suicide after feeding them greens"

Is the Readme accurate and it isn't working, or was it changed/moved and the Readme not updated?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-02 18:44:38 »
I think it is, but I'll double-check just to be sure. What I should probably do is have more of a cue that he's gained immunity, like having Nation cast something on him and himself.

Rubicante GT heals you at the start of the fight, Barbariccia GT isn't as fussed :3

That'd be fine, because it wasn't indicated in any way and I wasn't sure. Also, Barbie did seem to be fussed because she healed just like Rubi did and does. It wasn't a full heal mind you and if memory serves Rubi gave everyone a full recovery? Barbie GT just hit them and they healed 150 - 300 or something close to that. Beneficial if intended, cause that fight is ROUGH.

Also, during the flashback, the piano keys don't work if you "Jam on it", then "I forgot" regarding the keys. The only button that does work is "Start", which gets you off the piano. If you click "I remember" all the keys worked.

EDIT: I seem to have a penchant for finding closets or toilets that you can become stuck in. In Kalm, in the second house on the left, the one with the old man and the dog that you can free from the closet. Well you can get stuck in there forcing a reset.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-02 16:28:29 »
Quick question I'll put in spoilers:


Spoiler: show
Is the Rufus and & Light Nation working as intended on Arranged? IE: Rufus(A human) absorbing Poison, and Light Nation seemingly being invulnerable(Didn't test this one a ton). Also, did Barbariccia heal before the fights in IV, cause she did in Arranged. I've honestly forgotten.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-02 02:08:02 »
The first issue was a wrong encounter; 424 was loaded instead of 423 (I mis-counted formations), and the second is that the bots weren't properly positioned. Hundred Gunner is wider than I anticipated. Nothing's wrong in installation, I'm just a bit of a klutz.

So you're supposed to fight all three at the same time? Well alrighty then.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-01 23:47:23 »
So I just had an interesting experience. Made it to the elevator in the Shinra HQ and Aeris says it's going to get hairy so do you want to save, then you walk to the elevator and there's a new NPC that you can shop from that will also save for you. So you could probably remove the Aeris save prompt. That was not the interesting part though, when I went into the elevator and hit the button, Rufus showed up! The camera angle was just like it is normally and Aeris was totally off screen! So I figured it was time to look for the updates. I downloaded them, installed them, went back into the elevator again and this time it was THREE gunner bots all at the same time! Going to guess this is not how it's supposed to be seeing as how they are all on top of each other. So I did I bork my installation on the updates or does this need a fix?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-08-01 17:00:17 »
Good to know about the Save Point.

I found some sort of text box error in the Shinra HQ. With the Turtle's Paradise advert and the Shinra Inc advert. The Shinra Inc advert plays automatically if you get close while the Turtle's Paradise flyer has to be clicked. If you click the Turtle flyer while the Shinra Inc flyer is on screen, the two text boxes start to get all weird. Letters not showing up and the boxes themselves going off screen, etc.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-07-31 23:44:56 »
So I started 1.5 today, Arranged Mode activated, and all I have to say is WOW! This mode is fantastic! Whenever I could bring it up to anyone I would mention just how great this mod was. This was during 1.4 where Arranged wasn't available, but now with it enabled, this mod, which I thought couldn't get any better, somehow managed to. I'm only a few fights in and so far the changes have been subtle in some spots, VERY noticeable in others. The mod is tougher yet Arranged doesn't feel cheap. I've gotta pay my respects to you Sega, you're one hell of a creator for putting this thing together. I thank you!

So far, I've only found one possible bug and one thing that may need to be looked at? Unsure on both. I haven't been able to duplicate the bug, but at the first save point, in the Reactor, I somehow managed to "take the save state" with me anywhere I went. No matter where I went in the Reactor, the game thought I was standing on a Save Point and I could use a Tent. I tried doing it again and I've tried on different Save Points and I can't get it to happen again. I have no clue what I did the first time, nor do I know if it was a bug with the original or the mod, or if it could be done on any save point or just that one. Vague, I know, wish I could say more.

As for the thing that may need to be looked at. It was already mentioned about how in the Beginner's Hall, the guy says it's 1.4, however also in there the Junon Leagues were mentioned. Memory may be serving me wrong here but was that not removed? If it wasn't then no problem here.

One last note, if you want to see a visible feedback of bosses, how they play and the damage they do in relation to the players powerbase, I've started to upload them on the YouTube's. Other then that, I'll try and find more bugs and things that may be unbalanced and give my thought like before.

Thanks again Sega, This guy am sick!

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