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Messages - PurpleSmurf

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 19
Archive / New forums!
« on: 2002-04-26 03:51:10 »
welcome to the world of phpBB2 boys and girls. it's gonna be a lot different that 1.4x was. oh btw qhimm. we really new a new theme for this BAD. so many people use the subsilver theme it's not funny. anyway i think this is much better than the last forums was :)

it CAN be. depends on how you use it. but it's mostly it for people who like the drag-drop-type-a-little features. vb is also commonly used for database work.
[edited] 275 2002-04-17 03:56

opps i was thinking marvle vs capcom

arn't ther aalready like 4 of thoes out? for like genises and snes and n64?

General Discussion / Forum rule calification
« on: 2002-03-20 18:36:00 »
i too am a 56k'er also, and i don't mind waiting for websites to load. although this tolerance might be from download 100+meg files basicly all the time   :naughty:   :naughty:   :naughty:   :naughty:

General Discussion / Forum rule calification
« on: 2002-03-19 03:33:00 »
so it would be ok for me to include this in my posts?

General Discussion / Forum rule calification
« on: 2002-03-19 03:01:00 »
i've been wondering about a few things and i'm sure others have too.
here are the things i'm curious about:

1.Why are signatures disabled?
2. Is it ok to manualy out in your own signature? with a graphic?
3. Why is HTML disabled in posts?
4. Why don't we have more smilies? and avatars?

edit: post 666

umm i'm sure i had a few more i thought of but i have temporarly forgotten them. if i think of them i'll post them here.  :naughty:   :evil:   :naughty:   :evil:   :naughty:
[edited] 275 2002-03-19 04:12

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / PHPBB / FF8NV23.11
« on: 2002-03-18 02:21:00 »
you need perl and MySql too

skillster: for 98 and ME maybe, but what i posted is what my boot.ini file has in it currently

ok the file darkness is refering to is the boot.ini looks like this:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect

 now if you had 2 OS's on there it would look lke this:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINNT="Microsoft Windows XP Home" /fastdetect

ok see the number in parenthisis after partition? thats basicly the location i.d. of that os so if yo wanted to hav XP be automaticly selected(not boot right in to though. just at the selection screen it would be highlighted instead of the upper os)  you woud change


now if you wanted say not wait 30 seconds to have it boot in to it you would change
timeout=30 to timeout=<time>
i've never put it at 0 cause i'm not sure if that would cause problems o not..... hope that helps a bit

edit: for got the add the file name :razz:
  :P   :P
[edited] 275 2002-03-16 19:43

General Discussion / Let say about "Kingdom Heart"
« on: 2002-03-15 22:56:00 »
disney can suck my ass. all they do is make pathetic kiddie games. and try and pass outrageous bills. and the way square is about content they'll never get anything done. or it'll be somthing like Americian McGee's Alice in Wonderland. that game scared the sh*t the first time i saw the cover *shudders* but it was a cool gane

General Discussion / Most liked/hated Square/RPG games
« on: 2002-03-15 22:51:00 »
i didn't like chrono cross. the resemblance to zelda bugged me.... but chrono trigger is great game. you freak

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-03-15 22:49:00 »
yes. hell we have a thread game quiz

General Discussion / Terra's Theme. The best remix ever!
« on: 2002-03-12 22:43:00 »
and the link would be.....

General Discussion / When got new FF series for PC ???
« on: 2002-03-11 22:56:00 »
4 i thought. i think you forgot Yuna
[edited] 275 2002-03-11 23:56

General Discussion / Chrono Trigger
« on: 2002-03-11 16:56:00 »
or rather a month on INACTIVITY.

General Discussion / Most liked/hated Square/RPG games
« on: 2002-03-11 03:15:00 »
the new ones more so. the older ones were better about almost being rpgs
[edited] 275 2002-03-11 04:15

General Discussion / Blitzball Question
« on: 2002-03-09 22:56:00 »
never said you couldn't just said you wern't supposed to

General Discussion / Blitzball Question
« on: 2002-03-09 20:21:00 »
darkness: your not supposed to win the first tournament

General Discussion / When got new FF series for PC ???
« on: 2002-03-09 18:43:00 »
so do it your self. dreamcasts are like $30-$40 now

General Discussion / 3D Model
« on: 2002-03-09 17:19:00 »
ahlexx: i'm not sure a russian hacker could do it. i think his fingers would be too cold to type.

that cloud model look great, except the back of the head needs some work. *starts feeling obsolete* i wish i could 3d model like that.... :weep:
[edited] 275 2002-03-09 18:20

General Discussion / Unwritten Rules..........
« on: 2002-03-09 17:15:00 »
i'd eihter goto canada, like i said before, or mexico, i'm just not sure weathere i would live after drinking their water  :wink:

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / ATI Raedeon 8500
« on: 2002-03-09 05:37:00 »
yea, but it's a lot easier to epend somone else's money

General Discussion / When got new FF series for PC ???
« on: 2002-03-09 05:09:00 »
i want an emulator for all of em. then i could play all the games i wanted to on my computer :)

General Discussion / 3D Model
« on: 2002-03-09 04:50:00 »
first, welcome to the board.
second, i refer you to  this post. please try not to post is dead threads. although you have contributed. this conversatino ended almost a week ago. it should be ok, but it's pushing it. thanks
[edited] 275 2002-03-09 05:50

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