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Messages - kekko1285

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Hey CaptRobau, are you planning to release a follow up to this release fixing bugs and issues? Would be nice to keep this mod maintained since I think it is the best looking one :D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-06-20 21:12:35 »
Hey Sega, just to report possible bug on innate abilities of 1.5

This streamer: has issues with innate abilities being not triggered (Tifa does not revive, Cloud doesn't get buff etc.)

He mentions that multiple times during his streams, maybe worth having a look at it?

(installed NT 1.5 with 7H)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] ChaOS -Character Overhaul Seven
« on: 2019-06-12 21:55:21 »
Firstly, great work, this new models look amazing.

I've got 2 questions:

1) is there any gameplay video where this mode is used in its last release? If yes, where?
2) is this mod compatible with Remako 1.0 and New Thread 1.5 using 7Heaven? If it is, do I need to follow any particular procedure or order when applying these mods?


Thanks for this update but i've tried it and it's always the same than before, not your fault, but gigapixel is not designed for processing this type of pictures so long story short :
-The quality is very unconsistant between files and also across a single scene
-The texture are messed up with gigapixel as it's using a database of texture so the texture used (mainly for rocks, grass,.. all "natural" elements) are not at all the same as in the original game design
-The "straight lines" desing as in buildings or houses are messed up with lost of blurry noise
-Most of the low quality source fields are overfiltered so it's realy blurry
-Lots of chromatic aberations

Also you don't have done a playthrough of the game so there's lots lighting bugs and no optimised part, for me it's not realy a 1.0 version but a beta+.
You realy should have go for esrgan or sfgan your results would have been realy better (for me better, is more natural, constant and close to original design)

To my mind my pack and the one from Manakaiser (witch is WIP) are clearly the bests choise right now and i think once the one from Manakaiser will be final it will be better than mine.

Sorry to be hard in my observations but as you relased the first an "IA" pack, it's watched by other forum and direct users, and to my mind they must know that there's alternatives...

I disagree with your observations. I still feel the remako bgs are more natural and closer to FF style. Your bg, imo, are too "sharp" and "perfect".

That's a great news! Thanks!

Is there any progress for the 1.0?

Yeah, I'd be very interested in knowing that too!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-04-28 22:08:39 »
It is, I was working on it today. I've been doing scripting through the Midgar section for the revised Arrange mode and I've reworked the scene.bin to bring back a lot of the default enemy formations that I originally cut to make space. New Kernel with the equipment, character stats, spells, etc. has also been finished.

This is amazing. Thank you for all the effort you put in this, it is immensely appreciated. Out of interest, have you ever thought about ?

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2019-04-19 12:05:26 »
Hey Sega, it's simply exciting knowing you are putting (again) a lot of work into a FF mod. I played thoroughly the FF7 NT mod 1.4 and I found it simply amazing. I am now waiting for your next release for the 1.5+ final version of it.

I'm really keen on giving this FF8 NT mod a shot asap and giving you some feedback.

For now, the only suggestion I have is: do you think adding a "skip option" for GF summoning animations is doable/sensible? It happened to me in the past that playing FF8 modded versions where GF are made more "useful" resulted in a lot of time spent watching the same GF animation.

Anyway, feel free to ignore my request, it's more an idea than an actual request tbh.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Just a suggestion, it might worth adding some screenshots in the first thread where also battle and more open world pictures are showed.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] Kela's magics mod
« on: 2019-03-13 20:32:53 »
The pictures in the first thread are not working anymore.

Personally I think this is a good thing to do with a mod. There's a tendency for players to become disengaged from the gameplay in vanilla versions due to staleness and predictability. Throwing a few surprises our way at least demands a modicum of attention and preparedness from us which is a good thing in my mind..

Yeah, I agree. In fact every time I've got a game over it was because I wasn't paying enough care about party and setup pre-combat.

Sorry I didn't catch this!  Removing all .dll files from /FINAL FANTASY VIII/HL_Files/DLL_in/  will ensure that the Lunatic Pandora mod does not have any conflicts with the Ragnarok Mod.  I use the UV Injector, Shunsq's buttons, and this mod flawlessly together.

If using Lunatic Pandora Mod Pack v1.0:
1. Delete the HL_Files/ folder.
2. Download THIS FILE to replace the UV Injector that comes with Lunatic Pandora
3. Place that file into RaW/GLOBAL/Hext along with the ragnarok mod and any other Hext files you have.
4. Run the game from the normal launcher.

Lunatic Pandora does not modify the game .exe and will never interfere with other mods as long as you don't use the HL_Files folder.
None of those mods will technically conflict, but you will not get the intended ragnarok experience.

Thank you very much for your reply.

So, it appears that I was incredibly unlucky during my tests. Every time I was testing with the cura junctioned to my VIT, I was meeting an enemy of level 13. Every time I had my VIT not junctioned, I was meeting an enemy of level 9 (or 11, I don't remember). This caused me to falsely believe VIT was not working as expected. Very unlucky I'd say.

So it turns up everything was working just fine.

On a different note, I'd like to suggest a change that could improve gameplay slightly and maybe it's not too hard to make.

I think it would be very helpful to have the number of magic currently in stock for the active players next to the name of the magic we want to draw from an enemy or source. That would help understand how close we are to the 100 cap without having to go back to the magic screen to manually check (making the char probably losing a turn for this since the ATB will not wait when we browse the draw and magic menus).

So far I found the balance quite good, some minor frustration due to some enemy appear to be not dangerous but suddenly use very powerful AOE skills that basically deal 90% of my party max HP. But I also recognise my party is not well structured and I am not doing all my best to make it more efficient.

@kekko1285: At this point, I would consider a complete reinstallation of the game using Steam functions. Then, after Lunatic Pandora contents are installed as well, immediately following this step mentioned on the Lunatic Pandora Page:

Your bug is very likely caused by the Hard Mode add-ons. Make sure to not start the game using FF8_Ultra_Launcher. It's looks like it's only needed for the Hard Mode add-ons and UV fix anyway, the latter being included in this mod as well.

Feel free to report back again. I hope you'll get the issue fixed.

Hey there, thanks for your answer again. So, I did some testing, and I tried the following:

- Clean installation, adding only your mod and RaW (not Lunatic Pandora mod pack): Quistis with VIT 11 gets around 33 dmg, while with VIT 41 gets around 45 dmg.
- Clean installation, only Lunatic Pandora mod pack installed without any of the dlls from the Hard mod: Quistis with VIT 7 gets around 20 dmg, while with VIT 35 gets 31 dmg.
- Clean installation, no mods whatsoever: Quistis with VIT 7gets around 21 dmg, while with VIT 35 gets 18 dmg.


Have you checked the troubleshooting section on the Lunatic Pandora mod page?

If none of that helped, try replacing your current FF8_en.exe with a clean one - it could be that it was altered by the LP Pack installer to apply the Hard Mode changes. If you didn't backup a clean exe before installing all the mods, you can redownload it from Steam.

Making the ATB stop when selecting targets would probably be easier than shortening the GF summons, but right off the bat, I wouldn't know how to do that either. I'll keep that idea in mind though. It would be a convenient change for sure.

Thanks for your answer again. Unfortunately I checked both pandora troubleshooting and tried to replace the exe with the original one, but still same issue with more physical damage when VIT is higher.

Any other suggestions or test I could try?

I have just tested this under the exact same circumstances as yours (LV11 Quistis, Cura junctioned to her Vit, facing LV9 Grat) and the results were as follows:

Average damage when Vit was 7: 34 HP
Average damage when Vit was 37: 30 HP

So in my case, higher Vit did reduce the damage inflicted by Grat's standard physical attack, even though the differences within these ranges are rather negligible - the difference was there. Did you remove the Hard.dll from the Hard Mode? I can imagine this being the reason for your findings, as this one modifies both player and enemy melee damage.

As for your other two suggestions, I would really love to implement them, especially shorter GF summons, but it's not an easy thing to do, sadly. I think it hasn't even been achieved for FFVII either, and FFVII has been modded for quite a bit longer than FFVIII. Maybe it will be possible at some time, but probably not anytime soon.

Thanks for your answer!

Weird, I did remove all the dlls from the hard mode patch, so I should not have anything interfering with dmg calculation from your mod. Any further suggestion? Do you recommend to start a clean game removing hard dlls before starting?

Yeah, I can imagine shortening GF animation being a pain. I have to say though that it would be the least significant change amongst the two I mentioned in my previous message. I find incredibly annoying having to play at slower battle speed possible to mitigate the fact that the ATB is not actually frozen when choosing the enemy. Any hope for that in the future?

I'm a bit confused about a couple of things:

I'm right now in the training center (Where you meet T-Rex for first time). Party is just Squall and Quistis. I have 100 Curas (already!) from Siren ability. I noticed that if a junction these 100 Curas with VIT, my vitality goes from 7 to 37. Weirdly though, physical damage inflicted...increases! I tested with Grat enemies in the training center only, but when they whip my Quistis (LV11) when I have no magic in junction on my VIT, average damage is 35/36. If I junction 100 Curas and therefore get my VIT to 37, average damage inflicted is...45!! (Both Grat tested in these 2 scenarios were lv 9).
Any explanation? Suggestions how to fix this?

Another 2 points:
1) I play with ATB on "wait". But differently from FF7 and FF9, ATB keep going when I am on the "select target" phase e.g. it stops when I am selecting a spell, but it starts again when I have to select the target for the selected spell. I know this is not a mod issue and it's how is intended to originally work the game, but I wonder if someone released any mod to fix this annoying issue.

2) On the same point, is there any mod out there that allows to skip/reduce the GF animations? GF are quite strong with this mod, and I am relying on them heavily, but the length of the animation is really annoying.

I happen to be in a similar position, recently reinstalling FF8 for a rerun and want to give your mod a go, it sounds right up my alley with added difficulty and balancing things out in a tasteful way. But just wanna make sure that the lunatic pandora package doesn't mess with the balance you've intended, so I probably should delete all the files relating to the hard mode that were automatically installed with the package. So to make sure - do you reckon the following files ought to be deleted in order to play your mod without other gameplay modifications messing it up: "Damage.dll, Hard.dll, HP.dll, Magic.dll and Publish.dll"?

Yeah, good point.

I didn't know that Lunatica Pandora was also adding this HardMod that substantially changes the gameplay.

Any advice from more experienced modders it's highly appreciated.

There shouldn't be issues with using this mod and any of the graphics or music mods at the same time. I've been using some of them by myself and never noticed any incompatibilities. Maybe even the Hard-mode that is mentioned in the list from your link above works with it, but it would make the game harder than intended, so I would advise not using the Hard-mode on top of this mod.

The most convenient way to get it all installed is getting the Lunatic Pandora Mod Pack first, and then follow the instructions for installing this mod.  Of course you can also install each mod that comes with LP separately - it would just take longer. But no matter how you decide, there shouldn't be any incompatibilities. If there are, just report it and we'll see what we can do.

Thanks for your interest and have a good time reliving Final Fantasy VIII.

Thanks for your answer!

I used the lunatic pandora installer and your mod. Everything looks fine so far (I've just got Ifrit) but one thing. When I use magics during the battle, they don't decrease. They do though, when I use magics from the menu (to cure for example). Any way/suggestion I can fix this?

First, thank you very much for all the effort put into this mod. Really appreciated.

That said, I am planning to use this mod to replay this amazing game I played for the first time almost 20 years ago. But in addition to a renewed and more balanced gameplay, I'd like to apply some other mods to improve graphic and music as well.

I had a look at and all these non-gameplay mods seem fabulous, but I wonder if there is a way to install all these mods together without messing things up.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-23 21:29:24 »
I think I might have missed a couple of important materia. I'm about to go into the City of Ancients for the first time (disk 1, just after having stolen the Tiny Bronko), and I haven't found neither the deathblow materia nor the titan summon materia. Have they been removed or moved further in the game? Or have I just missed those? If the latter, could you pls tell me where can I find these items?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-21 22:33:19 »
Thats not an issue with 7h. You are using the wrong exe. NT requires a custom exe that is included with the download. There is an ff7_en.exe for steam ff7_bc.exe to use with Menu overhaul. and a ff7.exe that is for 7h with no Menu overhaul. You CANNOT use beacause with NT as it edits field scripts.

I see, infact I haven't used the because mod, but only the menu overhaul mod, which is intended to use the ff7_mo.exe file, the one I used.

I don't think you can do it at your point in the game, but I know that later on (I think once you get the Highwind?) you can reset the rank of your characters, so you could obtain the stat ups again.

Thank you. I eventually ended up using the black chocobo tool to redefine the stats of my chars from the save file. It's quite handy and very unintrusive.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-21 10:51:17 »
If it was a few versions ago then this info may be out of date, but:

The split mechanic is the same as vanilla; at 50% HP, a physical attack will leave you with the magic side and a magic attack will give you the physical side. All 3 forms can be hit with Stop status (and Slow, which extends the duration of Stop) so an Hourglass item, Aeris' Seal Evil Limit, or Added Effect + Time in a weapon can help you pin him down a lot easier.

Poison will work on the first form but the other forms absorb it so use an Antidote to remove Poison once he changes. Earth deals 2x damage against all 3 forms so that's the element to stick with attack-wise.

The Magic form will attack with Ruin spells which upgrade over time. These are non-elemental but can be reflected back at the boss. You can also Silence this form to prevent him casting these spells. The Physical form has a self-heal he'll use at the end of his attack cycle which is based on the in-game timer.

So to summarise; set up to use Earth element, at the 50% mark use physical/magic attack to spawn your favoured side, and make use of Slow + Stop from Hourglass, Seal Evil, Added Effect, or the spell (but it's unlikely you'll have Stop unlocked by this point).

Thank you very very much for your quick and detailed answer.

After a bit of digging, I noticed that using your mod with 7H caused a weird situation where the stat modifiers on the materia are very different from what intended. For example, equipping a summon materia, will give you +25 magic and +25% max mp but also -25 strength and -25% max hp plus a bunch of other negative stats. I think this was due to the fact I was using the menu overhaul mod (therefore using ff7_mo.exe) in addition to the New Thread mod. Also the sources I used so fare are all +1 instead of +5 as it was meant to be. So now I disabled the menu overhaul mod and I am using the normal .exe file and things look easier.

I wonder if there is an easy way to tune a bit my chars stats from the less effective sources I used so far.

Anyway, thank you again for your time and your amazing mod, it really brought new life to this masterpiece.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-19 18:51:31 »
Hi guys, quite struggling here with the Lambda Calcule boss in the Shinra Masion. It appears to be almost invincible to me, especially the second form (both physical and magical versions) which, I understand, appears randomly after the initial version.

It's specifically unclear how to avoid/minimize the "R = (x ,y, z, ict)" move, which remove all negative statuses from the boss, restores approx 3000 hp (my strongest attack with quake 2 is 800) and activates shell (for the physical version) which makes everything damn ineffective. I tried to use debarr, but it looks that this increases the frequency with which the boss uses "R = (x ,y, z, ict)".

I feel I am on a standstill.

My party is approx lvl 33 (Cloud is 35) and I'm using Barret and Cait Sith.

I also noticed that the mod (I'm using 7H) is behaving differently from what is showed in here:

It rather seems more like it behaves like v 1.4 (here being

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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