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Messages - Swampthing15

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2008-12-02 01:50:48 »
ok, redid my battle lpg, and im using all of your fines (except for the bustersword) and they all work great! except the one called excalibur, it does not appear at all in battle. anyone else have that problem?

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2008-11-30 04:29:58 »
ok i iskipped the step with the pcreator, and havent really used many of hte weapons yet, what am i goina be missing?

Archive / Re: black screen
« on: 2008-11-30 01:51:03 »
goina have to be more specific....u instal on vista or xp? did u use the 1.02 patch?

ok so i had FF7 on my other comp with windows xp for a while now, and i installed and uninstalled so many mods i was not sure what was on it. but i recently got another computer with vista on it and have spent all day getting ff7 to work on it. so far here is my mod list that works with minor bugs:

1.02 patch
true motion patch
k-lite codec pack (3.0.4)
movies on HD
YAMP-    9999 limit break
   Â        minigame fix
           Krucis default run
           transparent dialog box
prp char.lgp
APZFREAK bustersword
New Spell Patch  by zero88
Slayersnext's tiffa, yuffie, and weapons mod .62 (minus the buster sword)
and someones high res cloud battle model. im sorry that i cant give the creator credit, ive just looked at too many cloud models to remember.

ok the minor bugs that i mentioned are as follows:

sometimes at the end of a movie the screen stays black but the gypt mod fixes that when i hit ctrl-D

at the beginning when cloud looks up at the reactor and the screen goes to behind his shoulder, he stays small instead of gets bigger as the camera gets closer. (this is right after u name barret)

im still having the invisible materia problem, but i think that is just because i install the prp mod the way that i do, if you install normally then it shouldnt be an issue.

and for some reason, the scene in the train car right after cloud jumps in the train is silent.

ive only played for a little bit, but this is what ive run into so far, so ill post more if i find them

Archive / Re: any weapon mods?
« on: 2008-11-24 01:27:57 »
ok thx, i had apz buster sword, and had seen slayers,but couldnt find it again to download it so thx alot!

Archive / any weapon mods?
« on: 2008-11-23 21:47:02 »
ok i know there are a few old topics, but i didnt want to necro post.

ive been looking around and found alot of cool projects for the buster sword, and one or two for some others, but are there any releases out that change the weapons? either graphically or just their names? thx for the help

Archive / Re: NPC RP PROBLEM
« on: 2008-11-23 16:13:01 »
so which version of the mod  did u install the original or the prp? i had all kinds of problems with the original, but when the prp came out i installed it and got it  to work fine, i detailed how i got it to work in the prp topic. check page 2 of the prp topic and i explain how i installed it.

Releases / Re: [PROJECT] Edited: FF7 Turks Mod
« on: 2008-11-23 16:06:53 »
i think there might be some issues with using other peoples work for his own patch, unless they tell him its fine with them, however what would happen if u installed this mod, and then installed the prp mod over top of this one? would it revert the chars back to normal? or use the prp models in swapped roles?

i believe that issue was addressed a long time ago, although it was not an issue with me. i dont recall what fixed it, but look in some of the earlier pages it might help you.

Just encountered a few graphics errors during the whole Diamond Weapon event in Disc 2 yesterday.  Here's one of 'em:

Occurs during the buildup to the Cannon firing, when everyone's still on the Bridge.

There's another one before that, when Diamond is moving towards midgar.  The World map is missing textures all over the place.  There was one really bad spot when I tried it the other day, with entire landmasses acting as if they'd got Hidden Surface Removal'd.

Later on, when you're trying to get to Hojo, the entire screen, 2D background and all, was totally corrupt, and other 2D artifacts started appearing (improper colors, random border lines around the experience gauges and text boxes, etc.)

I haven't had these errors happen to me when I replayed the scene today, so I don't know if it's from the PRP patch or if my video card started screwing up randomly....

i didnt have any of these problems when i played thru it, sounds like a end user setup problem, i hope ur video card isnt going out.

ok thats what i thought...i read almost all of the posts on this today so i had an overload of information  :?

i did also download the highwind save file and was infact on the bridge...idk what the problem is...but ill be ok as long as the actual release works ill be happy!

hey i tracked down the demo from the old thread and ran it, but i got no voices...every time a dialog started it would make an error sound and when i alt-tabbed out of the game had a window claiming:

"Access violation at the address 0045C388 in module 'voices.exe'. Read address 00000000"

the title of the window was "voices"

i know this demo is old and possibly out of date...but i would think it should still work...but if this is expected let me know and ill drop it

EDIT: the voices program did not mention any errors and it had the text dialog of what was being said in it also

The release of this mod that i have is is def worth playing thru again...even if u think that its not for the story line (i think that is a crazy concept tho)

it makes the chars look 100x better than the original

not to be one of those hurry up finish it people...but its been a while for me to be on here...i was just wondering about how long for the next release? dont mean to be a bother just wondering...

sounds like to get my hands on it...but instead of burning new cds could u use ISOs of them? and how would u go about doing that?

Archive / Re: battle lgp list
« on: 2008-06-09 00:12:39 »
is there a list like this for the field models?

Archive / Re: Opening Sequence Redux Project
« on: 2008-05-28 02:45:01 »
i havent played the demo...but anything that adds to the lore of the game or just a side stor for that matter i think would be great!

WIP / Re: Cloud Replacement Model
« on: 2008-05-27 02:37:37 »
hey....ive been reading this thread for a while now...but i guess uve put some new pics up and i didnt looks GREAT uve got real talent

Archive / Re: Some Questions - I'm new to this :/
« on: 2008-05-21 20:15:38 »
i ran thru the  entire game with the prp....yes there are some bugs but nothin that makes it unplayable

i had that same problem with vincent..i also had the character idk if it would happen with any1 else

yes i recall the tifa flashback thing too....forgot to mention that one

as for the speed of the mini game...theres a patch for MIGHT be yamp? im not real sure....something fixes it...its been to long since ive installed all my mods and patches...but as far as i know its got nothing to do with this mod

well for me they are invisible...all but a select few...however it may be my comp setup...from what i hear its not that way on some peoples for what files they are in...i assume they are in the char.lgp....its the only one ive got installed (by hand)

can any tell me if they apear correctly if u use the patcher to play?

well im glad its working for ya...the spell mod changes the names of the instead of ice 1 ice 2 and ice 4 uve got...blizzard blizzara and doesnt actually effect anything other than the names

u can find most of the mods ive used here:

some of them dont work with with prp (such as the npc rcp which is the last version of this)

and a question to the creators:

is the 01.lgp file the condor.lgp (modified obviously) file in the standard installation? its got some of the same files in it...and some extra

and i heard that some peoples 00 and 01 files are named something else...what are they named? why might it be that mine arent named that? the reason that im looking into this stuff is if i run the mod.exe i get a crash at the first fight that i try to hit some1 it freezes

as i said before...i have finished this game from start to finish with this it DOES work. i could not get it to work the way it is supose to with the patcher, but i got a work around for that. ive seen alot of ppl posting with problems, some related some heres a list of what i did to get things working...

first i installed the game (obviously)
install 1.02 patch
install the prp mod-after instalation i took the lgp files out of C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\data\ffprp and put them in appropriate places (if its like mine what u need to do is take the lgp file named 00 and rename it char and replace ur char file from the orignal game here: C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\data\field the other lgp file named 01 i left alone cause i dont know what it is or what it does...)
instal yamp
ff7 chocobo patch (lgp 01 maybe that patch...if u know where to put it)
i installed new spell patch by zero88 and default run by Kruci also...but not needed
i used isos of the disks to make it read better (my discs are in terrible shape) and i had plans to run the fmvs off of the hdd but never got around to that...
now run the game from the original game exe...not the prp one

to chaos breaker:
the battle crash is fixed by yamp and perhaps running the game from this style might fix the menu thing idk i never had that problem
EDIT: does it crash at the swirl part of battle or in battle like the first attack u do? because the yamp fixes battleswirl and i have the other problem when i try to play the prp exe
now for the upside down videos....thats not part of this mod...there is a patch here somewhere to fix that.

to nafeasonto:
yes i have success with this mod...played all the way thru the game and only problem was the materia on the ground is invisible (mostly i think i could see like 2 of em) it really sucks to deal with but if u pull up a strategy from game they will tell u what materia are in what areas...i just made a check list after i missed my first enemy skill...

im sorry if that is confusing to any1...ive never been to good trying to explain something to ppl without showing them lol...
ive got a few thigns im goina try to see if i can get some of the errors youve guys have had and see if i can fix/work around them...

just finished the game...completed most of the optional stuff too...defeated the weapons got the gold chocobo that kind of stuff...the chocobos seem kinda hard to determine the color...idk if thats ur guys stuff or the way the game was orrignally...nvr saw a chocobo with the standard pc i said before vincent had some weird animations during aeris death scene...and most of the materia that u pick up are invisible....thats about all of the problems ive ran into....i think it crashed on me randomly like 2x the whole way thru....

overall great job guys it made the game very entertaining for me....

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