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Messages - guitar_dudester91

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General Discussion / That time of year again.
« on: 2012-03-01 04:41:05 »
Hey everybody, long time no talk.

It's the annual FF7 playthrough, but since it's been a year since I figured out how to play it on my laptop, i've forgotten all of the steps I need to take to make sure it runs properly. Is there anything besides Aali's driver that I need?

Any recent damage? I had an issue like this once and had to replace my headphone jack. Dirt and shit gets in there once and a while and that causes problems. Otherwise run diagnostics on it and see if it's a driver issue.

Completely Unrelated / Re: MW3
« on: 2012-01-26 18:02:07 »
Ya I'm always up for GTA. Add me next time you're on and we can kick some ass.

Cool Lex, sounds like a plan.

PSN ID and XBOX GamerTag are both guitar_dude91

Completely Unrelated / Re: MW3
« on: 2012-01-26 04:24:33 »
Let's do it up man! I'm American though, I know most of the people on here aren't, so our time zones might be a little messed up.

Completely Unrelated / Re: MW3
« on: 2012-01-25 21:34:39 »
Hey e1sunz,

Got Mag, AC Revelations, GTA 4, Uncharted 2 and 3.

guitar_dude91 is the tag.

Completely Unrelated / Re: MW3
« on: 2012-01-25 06:35:18 »
Thanks, those were the types of replies I was looking for.

Completely Unrelated / MW3
« on: 2012-01-25 01:51:25 »
Anyone on here play on PS3?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Euclideon
« on: 2012-01-19 18:38:17 »
So basically there's no way to run this tech without playing a game in bullet-time the whole way through.

Completely Unrelated / Euclideon
« on: 2012-01-19 00:03:15 »
Anybody heard of these guys? I think its old news, but they're the guys with the unlimited detail gaming engine. Their video looks pretty awesome, maybe something will come of it. They said they'd be out in a few months, but I have yet to hear of any progress or any developers who are planning to buy or use this technology.

I originally stumpled on this via, but they're black today what with SOPA and PIPA and the government finally trying to take over the web.

I kinda felt the same way. Revalations did not take as long as either 2 or Brotherhod, and I was a little let down about the tailor options and that nothing from those two games was transferrable. Oh well, I still liked it.

Most recently I've listen to Leonardo's Inventions 1 + 2 from Assassin's Creed 2. I wish they would have brought more music like that into Revalations. And Duke Nukem 3D's music was good, his theme song still makes me wanna rock out like a ten year old.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Yo people.
« on: 2012-01-18 19:58:05 »
Good man haha. Maybe this time around I can contribute something other than an arguement, but I have no skill in any of these areas, so we'll see. ???

Completely Unrelated / Yo people.
« on: 2012-01-18 07:11:04 »
Hey kids.

So I'm surfing the web tonight and remember this forum I used to be a part of, and holy hell, its changed. Sorry to the mods for bringing up the past, but that shit with KM and DLPB was fun to read. I always wondered if those two would make it in this forum.

Anyways, its getting close to that time of year where I play through FF7 again, and I figured I'd holla at you guys, see what's up.

Hope everyone's Holidays went well!

I'm seriously considering calling troll on this.

I always thought it takes one to know one.

No actually, I just wanted to know what his opinion was. And you'er still falling back to hermoor? Wasn't that joke voted stupid a few weeks ago?

Well its a little hard to argue with a bunch of english ninnies about something none of us experienced. Clearly thinking I had any chance of successfully arguing a point with people who hate Americans with a passion wasn't the right thing to do. It does make me wonder what a Marine would have to say about any of it.

Something about jackwagons i reckon.

Haha well an Ex-Marine therapist wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Video Game College Advice
« on: 2010-12-12 23:04:11 »
Well you sure got your future covered ha. And I feel like a moron for not knowing people get paid around here. Now I just feel like a loser.

Well its a little hard to argue with a bunch of english ninnies about something none of us experienced. Clearly thinking I had any chance of successfully arguing a point with people who hate Americans with a passion wasn't the right thing to do. It does make me wonder what a Marine would have to say about any of it.

Well, I'm pretty sure Russia and England woulda been fucked if we hadn't gotten them supplies, told them how to fight, and been the ones to storm berlin and push Hitler to suicide. I also think that the number of death camps we freed says a little bit about how much ass we kick. And WW1, that was a different story. We kicked MORE ass. Basically, Europe was in a war, england was losing, so we came over and ended it within a year.

well what america stands for and what it has turned into are 2 different things. The fucking liberals have raped this country and all the morals the founders stood for. I agree if you hate america now, but don't hate on americans, because most of them who matter don't meddle in politics, and ruin this country. And if that doesn't work for you, just remember who pulled your sorry asses out of genocide and war, both in the 1910s and the 1940s. Whaa we can't defeat the nazis ourselves, come bail us out. There you go, that's my opinion.

I remember playing Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire on N64. It took forever to beat Boba Fett, and man, when we did, fuckin streamers came down from the ceiling. It was awesome.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Hiding online status
« on: 2010-12-08 19:37:48 »
Well that's the point, you can't hide from im ing because Qhimm doesn't do it. Ha still, ninja modding sounds cool, you probably have a lot less hassle that way.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Hiding online status
« on: 2010-12-08 04:27:30 »
That's kind of funny, because its not like you can avoid an IM or something on here.

Hell ya I forgot about Tomb Raider, that shit is hard. I never erally liked the "arcade" modes of games like Tekken or The Warriors, where you go down a bunch of streets fighting bunches of bad guys, with bosses at the end. I could do it fine in Streets of Rage or Golden Axe, but they set the difficulty too high in more modern games.

Dude, I agree, it took me forever with God of War. And I have to admit, Shadow of the Colossus had its hard times too, because whenever you failed, the trek to get back to the monster took fucking forever.

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