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Messages - Lionfist

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I'm not a mod, take it up with Halkun. lol :lol:

Lmao, i just answered on your responses, i don't want to take it up with anyone  :-D

I think that talking about and showing screenshots etc on stuff you have stolen from someone else is just as much not legal as sharing it with others. (It can get the forum in trouble if Square doesn't like it.) Because if a lot of people does it because of this site, they will shut it down right. I agree with Halkun, these rules will encourage people to make all their mod content by themself instead of stealing it from someone else. And the site will not be in danger.  :-)

To be honest, I think Timusimusus Barret and Millenias weapons are a lot better than some of the models from Crisis Core and Dissidia. Timus Barret is in class with the Crisis Core models, while keeping the FFVII style. And Millenias weapons are commercial quality. I want to see more custom made stuff, ripped models are boring. Make a model Lionfist.  :wink: If you can't learn how to! :-)

World class reply!

I never said those aren't better, i agree that own models and textures beat others, 'cus its often a community project and made from zero.

And what you think (I don't wanna sound aggressive) is not important, 'cus information exchange, especially at in-game data, is not illegal.
For this site not to be in danger we always had that rule that we - DO NOT - release this stuff.
That's the point i mean.
Actually i think we are just moving backwards with modding if we do that.

And, what do you intend to do if i make a model? i never made ff7 models, only modified them in kimera, i prefer to work on jedi knight models.
So please, stop treating me as an idiot who's only lurking on here for models, 'cus as i said, i never asked in any thread for models.  :roll:

Lionfist, just learn to make something by yourself. No offense...

Read my posts on the first page, im not talking about getting stuff, i said only releasing is illegal, not the stuff we are now putting in a rule (information&talking about it etc)
Srsly, lrn 2 read. No offense...

i know how 2 make my stuff, thats why i never asked for models in the threads  :wink:
So, please be clever  :|

The real thought police seem to be the mods and some members who through fear, go much further than they have to.

Last time wasn't enough for you? :-D

halkun, please split if he wants another go at it.

You are not the boss of me! (Keep in mind in another, less generous forum, this would of included me giving you a temporary vacation from the forums)

Dude,he even said "please".
I think you misunderstood him.

And btw
Japanese people DO NOT think that we are destroying their art with modding, where do you heard that from? i love the j-culture and tbh, they are better modders then we are..especially the game companies themselfs  :wink:

Edit: does qhimm even know about this?
I mean seriously, he should be clever enough to know from all the years here, that this is just plain stupid right now. (don't take it personal halkun.)

This isn't a hacker site?  C'mon get real.  You are only here because of the hacking/programming others have done that allow the improvement of whatever Final Fantasy you like most.  Not because you enjoy the polite conversation.  There is almost nothing that can't be done to FF7 and soon FF8, same as the chrono compendium.

Showing only screens will bring about new posters begging to know how.
It will be OK I promise you.  I had no idea how to do any of this stuff..but I learned, and as you yourself said, there is a whole stickied thread on how to do it.  If you want the models that bad, get to workin'

YOU get real silly. I think you never were on a real "hacker" site.
And I'm not someone who's begging, for I'm lurking qhimm since ages.  :wink:
And still ,screens+talking do NO harm, in no way, with no copyright problems.
I know what I'm talking about.
And yes,there's a whole stickied thread, but you should've read better: it needs to be taken down with the new rule.
get some glasses, read exactly what i wrote, and see there is a NORMAL conversation in there.

And i agree with seifer there.

Quite stupid, for TALKING and showing SCREENS of it isn't harmful, and won't do anything to this forum and their ppl.
Releasing is something otherwhise, but for THIS we got already rules since ages.
this is just stupid and puts a stone in the way of newcomers + modding projects.

It still brings up questions of legality, since they are still breaking the EULA.

Square probably won't mind us all putting stuff into to FFVII, it's within acceptable limits, but hacking stuff out of their other games to do means passing content to people who possibly don't own the game the models were taken from.

Nop', not even for that user that question would exist.
We are a forum board, not a hacker site.

I'm not sure about Square, since they joined with enix they are kinda careful with their copyright stuff, but we had all this sh** before, it only depends on releasing it on here or not.
The Answer is "no".
Talking about it would still be "yes".

(otherwhise we would even need to delete some stickied threads and tutorials how to rip them lmao)

Quite stupid, for TALKING and showing SCREENS of it isn't harmful, and won't do anything to this forum and their ppl.
Releasing is something otherwhise, but for THIS we got already rules since ages.
this is just stupid and puts a stone in the way of newcomers + modding projects.

Sorry guys, with the new rules, this project can no longer continue.

Not like we were gonna release it anyway, but yeah.

Shows over.

As long as you don't release stuff here it should be ok, otherwhise halkun would be a retard and put the modding community a huge stone in the way.
Otherwhise, just make it like kula and the others and make a 1-minute-easy-website and put your updates there.

Archive / Re: CC Aeris successfully converted to ff7
« on: 2009-07-31 22:29:13 »
Wow, just as good as your Aerith!!

Unfortunately... new rule around here states all importing mods must cease  :|

He never said he'd release it...

(And we still got pms  :wink:)

Archive / Re: Model conversion
« on: 2009-07-31 19:06:38 »
You can still help him tho, as for this is information exchange.
If he exports it or not, is his problem.

(Millenia is warning you tho.
but as far as i know about WC3 Maps,
no map with copyright material has been sued yet etc.)

It would have been cooler is magic didn't get used up.

I hated that my options were use magic, get weaker, Or stay strong, no magic

Get enough magic = use it,still be strong

 :-P it really isnt taking that much time.

Completely Unrelated / Re: VIDEO GAMES ARE RACIST!
« on: 2009-07-19 01:24:48 »
I always equipped Barret with the Steal materia.

Am I racist? : D  :-D

haha now that would be tedious dont ya think? :-D

Depends if you can choose a lot of files for replacing or only one, i never tried it tho.
So i have no idea.

@Kudistos Megistos
:P lmao i know it was your idea, i just said it a lil bit simple XD

im afraid that wouldn't work coz kula's patcher just makes a new battle.lgp and you will have to overwrite your old one..

Lpg tools -> insert files (ptching one battle.lpg with one another  :-P)

Completely Unrelated / Re: VIDEO GAMES ARE RACIST!
« on: 2009-07-16 01:46:54 »
Old news are old =p
Capcom nearly got sued by some people 'cus of this,which is incredible stupid.
They made some White people into it now (like there are 5 whites between 50ty).
I wonder if we take that point, wouldn't it be even racism if there were only whites? lets make some black guys into it then!

...Some people should grow up  :roll:

Troubleshooting / Re: converting .tex to .bmp help
« on: 2009-07-15 00:39:51 »
TBH i have no idea.

Just save it two times  :wink:

Troubleshooting / Re: converting .tex to .bmp help
« on: 2009-07-14 23:24:45 »
rightclick on the bmp and look if its protected (it shouldn't tho, 'cus i myself played with some textures today via biturn converting)
otherwhise in photoshop try to open the lock (its next to the "index/background"), if you can open it you can edit the pic again.

Archive / Re: Aeris model wip
« on: 2009-07-14 15:05:20 »

Quote from: timu sumisu

hell i forgot about that model, i'm sry  :wink:

your aeris looks way better now, but it kinda looks like her feet need to be placed a lil bit backwards (if you look at it from the side; and not much, it just looks kinda missplaced with like, only one step, and noone has the legs exactly at the beginning of the skirt, only at walking maybe.  :-))

Archive / Re: Aeris model wip
« on: 2009-07-14 12:12:35 »
I understand this is the most basic of beginning places for the model, but here's my 2 cents as to where to go from here. You can take it or leave it! :wink:

Yeah the skeletal placement is most annoying, but really all you need as something that fits in that direction of the movement in the animation. This is my interpretation of making her more slender and curvy. Remember the "Line of Action" that is the spine that usually has that familiar "S" shape. The smart use of "S" curves helps to make a model more attractive, as a general rule for drawing pretty ladies!

But you probably know all of this, that's okay. But if any of this confusing jumbo makes sense or helps then that'll be cool!

Hell, if you can imagine how to make girls so sexy,start with a hot tifa model  :-D


I think aeris chest was actually kinda small and straight, so if he modifies it, he shouldn't do it too much.

Archive / Re: Aeris model wip
« on: 2009-07-14 00:03:20 »
looks awesome. even tho her legs seem a bit much to be apart? i remember her to be thiner, or look thiner.
actually,without the ponytail you could save her and use her as her mother, 'cus she looks exactly like that.

Lionfist  :wink:

Archive / Re: Help with char.lgp files
« on: 2009-07-10 19:40:13 »

Archive / Re: [WIP] Trishty mod
« on: 2009-07-09 08:37:42 »
Some new pic in my vincent project  :-D. Ill convert gun models rip from CS for vincent too ^^  :lol:

Those Vincent Limit models look awesome, I'm excited to see more from you  :wink:

just search for it on google engine or something...

i actually tried to google his nick (knight + kula_wende) but only found qhimm, lmao.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-06 23:16:24 »
to be honest, THIS was the stuff that made me curious about doing stuff for myself, so i'm reading Namespoofers Modding Class (damn its good) now.

Thx for the inspiration  :-D

Archive / Re: Some new Screenshots ^^
« on: 2009-07-06 00:34:35 »
^ And why are wondering as such?

'cus not everyone with the forum rank "newbie" is one.
I've been lurking here since forever. :-D

but let's get back to topic.^^

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