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Messages - Lion

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them saying aeris's death would be bad on ff7 remake baffles me. if that were done in modern day graphics, i would shed manly tears.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 News
« on: 2012-02-12 08:38:43 »
I dislike the fact that the ending


Has a "To be continued" tag.

I hated how depressing it was... even after all that. It sucks, I became attached to the characters damnit.

attached to the characters. damnnnn. that hasn't happened to me since ff8

I really would like to see a remake. The worst that could happen is maybe that they add, but I doubt they'll subtract too much unless it's inconsequential

General Discussion / Re: About games from FFX to today
« on: 2012-01-19 04:56:49 »
i loved how final fantasy always had towns with a gimmick.
Midgar had the plate
Fishermans Horizon had the solar panels
Was always really cool exploring interesting places and places with emotional value (nibelheim for example)

Even FFX didn't have that. Half the cities in FFX were almost forgettable with the exception of Zanarkand and maybe Bevelle.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 15 on PC?
« on: 2012-01-04 06:03:43 »
a surprise?

hope it's the FF7 remake like i've been dreaming of for so long

somewhere in japan, nobuo is expecting a large sum of money to return to the FF franchise

Completely Unrelated / Deus Ex HR was brilliantly done
« on: 2012-01-04 05:55:55 »
Seems fitting as a prequel to the legendary Deus Ex.

Just finished playing it and god I love this game. Though it had it's flaws (fucking energy cell system was TERRIBLE) and poor focus on characterization (instead supplementing it with a philosophical/belief themed game), I loved the actual game play itself.

Anyways having finished a game, I just have to write out my feelings lol; so watch out for spoilers!

I wish you weren't given the option to blow up panchea. I mean it seems like a good option, but it wasn't worth it. Sure you get more choice, but you know what? Now they can't add more to the endings of the other 3 choices you're given. Because Jensen is possibly dead, and that means the other 3 endings have a bunch of loose ends that aren't tied up. Jensen clearly feels strongly about Megan having tried to rescue her for months. How does his relationship end up. And Sarif. Does he confront him? He is of dubious character, and though I liked the guy I was kind of questioning.

I loved that it was a standalone title. It didn't rely on the plot of Deus Ex to create substance. Because in my experience it almost fails. Because when the original is so brilliant and then you try to make a sequel, it's hard to make a conflict that seems just as meaningful in the sequel. That's why FF succeeds (well I should past tense that....) They didn't try to improve on FF7 (initially) because how do you get better than Sephiroth, who was built up through the whole game as a monster. FFX-2 really failed here. I mean the game despite its cheesy girl power theme really relied on the strength of the first to do anything at all. Can you really create a character that surpasses Sin-Jecht? Anyways I digress.

Cover system was a good implementation. Really worked with the sneaking around thing. Seems really innovative though I have little experience with FPS games.

Small annoyances
-God rockets are so hard to find. Shoulda dropped my launcher after I depleted the ammo at first.
-Fucking energy cells were a terrible system. Food let's you spam on bosses. Stun then typhoon chain. GG easiest game ever. What you would think would be a strategic battle worthy of Deus ex is like use pheonix down on (insert undead boss-> Gi Nattak/Evrae etc etc).
-Cloaking/Run Silent/Vision were terrible. Energy cells were dumb unless you wanted to eat an energy bar everytime.
-Sniper Rifles got rebalanced. They suck now. Heavys don't get one shot even with a headshot. Scoping is a terrible idea. Laser sight>scope.
-Inventory management. Ammo takes up space =(
-Bombs/Grenades don't feel as useful. They trigger alarms. Typhoon is far better for taking out bots since bots are rarer, and typhoon ammo is plentiful.

General Discussion / Re: FF8 leveling mod anywhere?
« on: 2012-01-04 05:36:31 »
i see... is there any way to get the world map to stop turning at least? its a real pain

if you're playing FF8 PC i think there's a button for that in-game. though i haven't played it in months so i don't really recall.

General Discussion / Re: What Went Wrong?
« on: 2012-01-02 21:29:12 »
Not really, as that misses the point entirely and is the same lie that was told to apologise for FFXIII.  FFX was a step forward in MANY areas, although the lack of world map was a step back (even though the world map too had secrets).  Let's run through that nonsense:
I haven't touched FFXIII at all. Heard terrible reviews, apparently it's supposed to have even less exploration than FFX, was too scared to touch it.
Yeah sure, but there were many branches and sometimes places off the normal route.  There were also towns and wide open spaces.  It was not too far different from any other FF if you forget the world map.

Calm lands, Remiem temple, cave of stolen fayth, the main towns like Besaid (yeah towns, real towns), not to mention ships and other areas.  The game starts in an open area.  FFX was not perfect but it had a damn site more going for it and that is a FACT.
Oh man, definitely not. If you entered a dungeon in FF7 there was always multiple paths to walk. Of course they all led to the same place, but at least it was sort of fun navigating the map and doing parkour. Climbing up to Shinra HQ for example i remember jumping on all these random metal things. Or perhaps in FF7 where there are multiple doors, and multiple paths that make a dungeon explorable. A dungeon in FFX, we'll say the cavern of stolen fayth, was so dumbed down. It's a straight line with occasional dead ends branching off of it. Calm lands? Besaid? Come one there was nothing to explore there. Calm lands, bam we plopped down a huge circle of grass with 2 exits. Calm lands 2 was a bit better I guess. Besaid was literally a straight line with houses on the side and the back exit was the temple. Compare that to FF8's balamb garden or balamb itself.

He wrote 1/3 of the FFX soundtrack, and the other composers (including the one who composed XIII) are competent.  He wrote the main theme, and quite a number of the most memorable tunes.  Why you have placed this here as a negative point is frankly beyond me.  FFX was VERY well composed. (and do notice that people in the comments are referencing a difficult minigame).

and on and on and on.
I thoroughly enjoyed Nobuos contributions in FFX and will be one of the first to tell you that it is one of his better works. Granted early FF's had rather poor sound quality but whatever. My actual point was that it was signifying FF going downhill. Nobuo leaving didnt affect FFX as badly as it did FFXII/FFX-2/etc/etc.
There were far less lengthy sequences than XIII and you know it.  The DVD wouldn't let them do it even if they had wanted to.  They also weren't in gauntlet checkpoints. Again you use a vague similarity to claim it is exactly the same, a pathetic tactic that many used in order to lie to people about XIII in their reviews.
Again I have not played FFXIII. If you talked to me about FFXII i would be a bit better off. I enjoyed FFX's story. Just that it's guilty of starting a trend because it worked successfully.
Unlike "lightning" and the others, he was on a journey of self enlightenment in a world he did not know.  He had a personality and he was not "look I am emo caricature".  If people disliked Tidus that is their choice, but he was a well written character. So were the other characters who had depth.  Auron fulfilled the role of "cool", though why you believe characters have to be "bad ass" to be good, is again beyond me.
Well I disliked Tidus as a main character. And we're not talking about his terrible voice acting either. And really the main character is probably the one who makes or breaks a game/story. Nobody gives a fuck about your Vincent Valentines or Quistis Trepes. I thought Tidus was a bit of a tool. I hated how he looked (bro, check out my bling, bro, i might as well not be wearing a shirt, and that haircut..... ughhh). And his fake confidence annoyed me all the time.

How much of FFX did you actually play?  There is tons to do, including finding and upgrading weapons by way of miniquests, a number of minigames, spin off areas, super bosses, cloister of trial puzzle game, the ability to control all characters in battle and summons, and customise them, blitzball, a full open desert and towns, the ability to GO BACK to these areas and do more quests... and a story not made for 5 year olds. Off the top of my head.
Well I finished the game. Did not finish all the side quests. Didn't kill the superbosses. FFX probably had a better late-late game than earlier FF's just because they recoloured a lot of summons and changed some numbers around. It does beat earlier FF's in this regard. Of course there are sidequests. Every Final Fantasy has sidequests and minigames. There just wasn't as much as earlier versions. Just take the Jecht spheres for example. Compare it to FF8's Laguna sequence. Instead of playing as Laguna and team, you get to watch Jecht walk back and forth and text appears on the screen.

Story I enjoyed. Other games made for 5 year olds? IDK. FF7 has one of the most "you find out something new everytime you play it" type stories i've ever seen. On the other hand i sort of agree. I hated how every game I played, I had to save the world. How boring. How about killing sephiroth for pure revenge's sake. Saving the world, just doesn't feel awesome like you would think saving the world does. Story flaws exist in all FF's so I won't really say much about that. (Like wtf happened to Shinra....)
FFXIII is out of X's league, and again, that is an observable matter of fact.  Instead of scraping the barrel, admit to yourself that FFXIII is a shallow imitation.  It has had its guts ripped out, and only a carcass remains.  The fact the carcass is still slightly recognisable, does not make it alive, it makes it a carcass.

It was not X that doomed the series, it was the fans reactions to the cash in X-2, the spin offs of FFVII and the popularity of XII.  Those were the reasons.  The fact that they could get away with ripping out control of all characters, get away with not having towns and proper NPC, the fact they could get away with not having true minigames, or numerous sidequests away from battle.

They could get away with it.

Lol, FFX was successful. So they tried to copy its formula. It somewhat succeeded in later games. They assumed it was because of all the new stuff. It worked in FFX but FFX did start the trend.

Which emulator are you using? I have SNES9X and it works great but I have wanted to play PSX as well.

I'm using FPse. I think it costs a couple dollars but it's better than buying a PSP

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 15 on PC?
« on: 2011-12-31 23:33:29 »
i can't imagine an FF game working well without a controller, taking an example from FFXI's horrible keyboard setup.

well FF7 and FF8 did just fine on PC. For those of us who uploaded our FF9 and FF10 discs to our computer, they also worked quite well without any controllers.

though i admit, games back then didn't really use the right analog stick so who knows. though a mouse is a perfect substitute for right analog stick + the other keys. Left mouse confirm, right mouse cancel. menu can be a keyboard option.

Just found a playstation emulator for android and was hella excited. I took my playstation bios and old playstation discs and put them in my phone and now I'm playing FF7 whenever I'm waiting at the bus stop.

General Discussion / Re: What Went Wrong?
« on: 2011-12-31 23:25:35 »
ironically you can blame your beloved FFX for many of the shortcomings of the later final fantasys.

-Running in straight lines-CHECK
-Nowhere to explore-CHECK
-Nobuo leaving the company-Sort of Check (but you can't blame him for it)
-Interactive Movie-Check (I actually enjoyed it though)
-Girlier main characters until you got an actual girl in FF13-Check. No more badass Cloud, we have effeminate girly boy Tidus.
-Supplement exploration with random encounters so you get more game time-Check

General Discussion / Any good Final Fantasy backgrounds?
« on: 2011-11-24 23:20:24 »
Like pictures of the world and scenery-not the characters. Id prefer if there werent markings saying it was from FF. I like my backgrounds clean!

I really would like a FF7-2 but FF stories have been rather disappointing now to say the least.....
Advent Children - story was terrible
FFX-2 - story was terrible
FF12 - story was boring.
FF13 - story lackluster.
FF7CC - found the story to be quite interesting. though most of the groundwork had been laid by FF7.
I also miss the badass heros like cloud and squall. Seems like as the story goes on the males just keep getting more and more effeminate. Characters just havent been as lovable. I mean the whole FF12 cast sucked. FF13 cast I didnt like as much either.

And with AC + DoC and whatever else they've created so far, I'm not really hopeful to be honest. They need to ignore AC and DoC, and make FF7-2 something where Cloud isn't emo for the whole game. They need something of substance to happen, I mean AC was one of those stories where something is happening, yet changes nothing except how we feel about the original. Nothing of substance because there was no emotional build up to it at all and relied sheerly on the strength of the original title for any emotional value the player/viewer felt. AC had virtually no character development, no buildup for the enemy (I didnt really care about Loz and Kadaj at all), and noone even cared about geostigma. Who cared that geostigma was killing kids? The kids were never really close to my heart, not the way someone like aerith might have been. The disease was impersonal and there was no face to the evil. I really hope they rewrite AC and DoC out of canon with FF7-2 - and it'll be hard because sequels have expectations (well maybe not FF anymore...) but Square has to do it, because FF7 has been destroyed with all the new stuff.

General Discussion / Which first; Crisis Core or FF7
« on: 2011-08-24 20:17:16 »
Introducing a friend to ff7 and i'm not sure which one to introduce first. FF7 as a story is pretty complicated and you'll need several play throughs to understand it all. One big problem i have is that if you don't trigger the scene in the shinra mansion you'll probably understand very little about Zack+Cloud+the start of FF7.

Crisis Core is the prequel and makes things a lot clearer but FF7 is the master piece and I kind of wonder which would make the story better.

sorry but trance already holds that title :]

actually, FF8 is not really full of plot holes. it's full of bad story telling (not introducing key elements very well, like the glossary). the deus ex machina in this story gives me nightmares. like when when you first get the ragnarok.

i think they sent squall because he and his team were the only people available from balamb at the time. and it seems like all they needed to do was support the sniper who is irvine.


but not a half jacket.

specifically like the white fur. looking for a quality jacket, willing to spend as much as i need for a good leather (since they last for years)

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - opinions?
« on: 2011-05-04 03:08:10 »
ff8 is my favourite final fantasy.

i personally found the characterization of the main enemy very very poor. she never gets fleshed out and you never really truly hate her, like you hated sephiroth. it was indifference you felt and it really ruined it.

spoilers incoming

i hated how edea and seifer never amounted to anything. in the end they were just there. they had so much going for them but then  they fall flat and do nothing.

i loved the ending though. the surprise twist at the end with laguna and raine being squalls father and mother just added so much. watching lagunas mature was really really pleasing. i feel like laguna should have a game made about him in the same way ff7's zack had a game made about him. at the start laguna wanted this hot chick (julia) without even talking to her. he makes a fool of himself and he's far too irresponsible at this point. he grows up and he marries raine and maybe he's still immature but you get the feeling he's not a complete idiot with women anymore. but i guess his sense of adventure takes hold of him and he has to leave.

ultimecia was just an absolutely terrible character. it's just bad story telling technique to have the main villain someone you barely know. no character development meant squall might as well have been fighting a tree because the feelings were the same.

so was seifer. at the start he is squalls rival, he's this cocky bully who seems like an asshole but you'd never imagine turns evil. by the end of disc 2 though he's just a puppet with nothing to him at all.

end spoilers

the first disc was probably the best disc. i liked how it was action packed and i loved the mission type feel of it. do this and kidnap the president. do this and assassinate the sorceress.

apart from the love story in the later discs and lagunas story, literally nothing of interest truly happens. im serious.


been listening to that song. it's a good song definitely worth a listen

man next thing you know apple will have start menus. i've never seen one before, but i've always imagined them as something you click and bam you can see almost every program on your computer.

no dude, I am sorry to say that the majority of the original Final Fantasy team has retired or moved on. This is fact my friend.

well it shouldn't matter too much. though the departures of sakaguchi, and everyone else does hurt. the essential storyline is the same and i'd imagine they can't mess it up too much. Essentially they've contributed everything that's needed anyways. Right now all Square can really add are graphical updates, script updates, sidequests, and maybe some minor combat tweaks.

most of the work is devoted to modeling and texturing. The time it takes to even make one model takes obscene amounts of time. Coding is a breeze compared to the amount of modeling is needed to be done and the quality. Which is why they say an FF7 remake probably won't happen, due to the sheer amount of work required and the quality it has to be done as. graphics, is squares specialty. they are amazing at it no question.

script updates should be minor and square is still pretty good at spinning a good story... sometimes. Crisis Core was not terrible.

sidequests are always optional so it doesn't harm the game much.

I personally don't know what's wrong with the remakes. 4 got remade, though I never play the remake I did play the GBA version, and from what I understand there were only improvements to 4.

It almost certainly has something to do with FF's transformation into a Pop-RPG...I mean, how many bands have you loved until they make it big and then their music goes down the toilet.  Evidently Square wasn't satisfied with only making 10s of millions of dollars, only 100s of millions will do now.  I also think that the time for a FFVII Remake has passed.  If they were going to do it, they should have done so like 6 months or a year after Dirge/CC/AC.  If they were to do so now or in the future, its pretty much guaranteed that it will blow ass.  Not to mention I don't want to see Enix's dirty fingerprints all over my beloved anymore than we've already seen.  Another important factor is, how many of the original VII team still work at SquareEnix?  Without the original team making the remake, I dare to say I wouldn't even want to play it.

Didn't mean to make this a VII Remake discussion, but the point is generalizable to all of the new FFs.  They will make Pop-Rpgs for the mainstream video gamers who may or may not have any place in their soul for the first IX FFs (many of you would include X, I don't).  These games will make many millions of moneys for them, so they lather, rinse, and repeat. 

The japanese have a different theory to work. In japan you can very well expect to have one job for your entire life if you are competent. Even in economic crisis japanese are hesitant to lay off workers. You could say Japanese keep jobs longer than most americans keep marriage.

Um...isn't Versus XIII going to include a world map?

That is, if it's ever released...

FFX-2 was supposed to include one i believe. square has lied to us before =/

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