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Messages - Zophixan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Completely Unrelated / Degree choices
« on: 2006-04-19 00:52:01 »
I only find it dull because... its so watered down.. its quite hard to explain what I mean, but basically at the moment, its just stick in numbers into formulas... I know there is so much more behind it! I hate being given a formula and them not telling me how they derived it!

Completely Unrelated / Degree choices
« on: 2006-04-17 18:08:14 »
no idea lol... I'm thinking of just getting there and taking it as it comes at the moment!

Completely Unrelated / Degree choices
« on: 2006-04-15 06:46:40 »
Well apparantly, chemistry is also different at uni.. but I dunno :P.. I just want to take a degree and then get a job. I chose it because its basically the most well paid out of all the subjects I take (maths, physics, music, english lit)... I should mention, I'm not actually at uni yet... for those who don't know, in the Uk, you choose your degree+uni a year before you go etc.

Completely Unrelated / DragonForce!
« on: 2006-04-10 16:50:05 »
They're ok.. The solos are pretty good, but I really think they need to slow down...

Completely Unrelated / Degree choices
« on: 2006-04-08 11:15:33 »
Hey guys, I think I may have chosen the wrong degree... I've chosen physics, but unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm interested in the subject.. I mean , I find it painfully dull at A level, as its just stick in numberst etc, nothing concrete! I've heard its different at uni though.. could someone recomend me a physics textbook used at uni, so I can see what its like?

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-17 14:57:24 »
Granted, but you see all the spoilers as well (yeah that was awful)
I wish I had more chocolate!

Could someone pm those to me? Seems the link has expired :(

Archive / Music - Cello Remix Thread
« on: 2005-10-30 17:10:11 »
I like it...... Its very well arranged.... Cellos are my favourite string instrument... odd since I'm a violin player :P

Archive / FF8 Graphics Bug - All 'Blocky'..
« on: 2005-07-08 19:05:49 »
You've got a geforce graphics card; you need the patch!

If anyone ever decides to enhance the background,  s-spline is a program which makes scales images really nicely...

xspudx, its basically sticking it into a higher resolution, if you don't know what that is, open up any modern game which allows you to tweak graphics, then change resolution ie. 800x600 to 1024x768, trust me, you'll see the difference.

I've noticed that the patch only works if you don't tick the Riva box.... but maybe thats just me and my very very buggy machine :p.
Hey guys, where can I get the battle model to field model patch? Or is it a do it yourself job using Reunion's program?

Well Done! You are one very good programmer! It looks ace! :D I could swear the backgrounds look better than before... I wonder if its because its double the pixels within a better ratio?

General Discussion / FFX Seymour strategy?
« on: 2005-05-23 13:29:24 »
I thought ff10 was the best one yet, brillient story... plus I actually liked the gameplay unlike the other ff's ..... Seymour is quite easy compared to the dark aeons! You've got plenty of strategys already; so I won't bother adding my own (which is basically identical)!

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-05-07 09:39:32 »
The only interesting part of the movie is a new tidus video..... otherwise its pretty mediocre... oh I've started ff10 -2 :P

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-05-01 20:04:44 »
sorry... my mate says he's managed to get a copy of the disc for me.. so I'm fine :D.... still, what bits off ff7/ff8 would you want?>

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-04-30 18:19:54 »
sorry I didn't mean imply you as a pirate! Thanks for the offer.. I might accept.. depends on how much postage would be.. I'm in the UK....

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-04-30 16:04:58 »
Quote from: Synergy Blades
Isn't that a bit like saying, I've bought the Resident Evil series of games, so it's legal to download the movie? Anyway, if it's a commercial movie you have to buy seperately from the games (and I'm sure you know how to use Google to check) you won't get an answer here on how to download it.

haha nah.... I'm don't support piracy... I thought it was supposed to part of the package? :P..... I'm wait till someone comments on the legallity of it.. .I'm going to buy unlimated saga some day anyway :D

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-04-29 19:07:20 »
hmmm. could I get if off limewire? I 'm not quite sure what to search for! I presume its legal.... considering I Have both games....... even better if you could send it to me :)

General Discussion / FFX 2 movie..
« on: 2005-04-29 18:18:16 »
I've just got round to finishing the first ff10.... I've heard that there is a short movie connectiong ffX to FFX-2.. is that true? and if so.. where can I get this movie?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-04-07 06:42:42 »
looks great!

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / LOL
« on: 2002-10-31 22:20:01 »
Thanks but I solved it already!

There is a parse error on line 35

#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int age;

cout<<"plz input your age: ";


if (age<14)


cout<<"you are younger than me!";


else if(age==14)


cout<<"you are the same age as me";


else if(age>14)


cout<<"you are older than me!"




cout<<"I have no idea how old you are";


return 0;


Archive / Can someone confirm this
« on: 2002-09-07 09:01:04 »
The only reason I think its in a higher res, is because it seems to have less jaggles(thats without aa)

Archive / Can someone confirm this
« on: 2002-08-29 13:13:15 »
doh! Forgot to mention the game, its ff7 and u can get the patch here

Archive / Can someone confirm this
« on: 2002-08-20 18:26:35 »
Ok first download animevamps patch, then start the game, is it now in a higher resolution? I personally think it is.

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