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Messages - alloy

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Team Avalanche / Re: Shadow Play
« on: 2010-06-07 01:59:44 »
That wont make a big difference on the models. They already have lighting baked into them.

Tho adding per pixel lighting to ff7 would be a really huge accomplishment

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-06-04 07:17:52 »
That's how it really looks like lol. The model has really dark lighting ingame  also its really small so you can barely notice it.

See here

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-06-04 05:41:18 »
Something id like to submit around here :D

I have it running ingame but don't feel like getting pics at this time lol

The game model is really simple and since i cant find any concept art for it, I made my own changes.
Im still revising the design a bit. The tentacles are gonna change.

Also the texture is a very wip placeholder im not good at that, but i have an idea of what im gonna try to do with it

Thats an awesome start harro.

Couple of things that could help with the lighting/materials.

Some of the cartoony assets of that scene have a self lighted material.
Basically almost everything in that scene is self lighted if you look hard. Cept the floor it seems.
What software are you using? max? Look in the materials editor and turn self lighting to
50% or something like that. Its just a way to fake the glow in the dark look of the object.
That could help a lot to get that same look in the game.

Yeah 700 sounds like a lot but of course they arent all unique. 
Dont think people are gonna have to make 700 different areas.
You build one model and render a bunch different angles.
Of course the game does have a lot of interior areas..(caves, houses.. etc) which are unique.
But still the same process.
Most of the work goes into making a good high quality model of the area and
the renders take a hell of a lot less time to setup after the model is completed.

Lol sorry , just though id post that here. It was sorta related...anyways


Made it quickly doesn't fit the mesh really well.. it actually seems to be a little wider on the gba

The one though that kept going through my head was to sorta have a playable
"world map module for ff1" kinda thing, but running in full 3d in udk.

I was mostly inspired by the ending of dissidia. What i made is a test to see how well it would work.
But my goal is to have an similar version to what you seen in the ending cinema.
With the visuals downscalled to work on a graphiccard of course.

Anyways sorry i keep derailing your thread.. i will back out now lol

FF1 disassembly you say?

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2010-03-09 00:41:55 »
Np dude :D

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2010-02-28 02:39:59 »
Borde! If you are considering making an export script...

May i suggest Collada as the format of choice?

Its basically an opensource 3dfileformat, being pushed by the open gl people.

And as such its extremely well supported by a lot of 3d programs!
Max and maya alone have importers by 4 different developers!


Please consider this as an option :D

General Discussion / Re: animation help
« on: 2010-02-17 15:35:48 »
Yup we have the tools to export model and textures into ff7 but we dont have the ability to import new animations.
I guess if khimera or anything else was able to do that well be fine.

My idea is to have a middleman program that could convert An input file,

which could come from any 3d package like oh say a .dae file with animations

To the ff7 animation format, that would be sweet.

If someone did that with the khimera source that would kick ass lol

General Discussion / Re: animation help
« on: 2010-02-14 01:26:47 »
As it is right now the only way to view or edit the animations is with khimera.

Like i said in my thread we need a exporter that supports animations.
So that us with max or blender or maya or w/e can edit them.

I picked the collada 3d file format cause it makes it easier to share files between multiple 3d apps

General Discussion / Re: animation help
« on: 2010-02-13 21:25:33 »
I made a post about this in tech related. Tho i was asking for a file converter to collada so
that you can play around with the animation in 3d packages like blender or 3dsmax!

No one seems interested tho :\

Animating in kimera is a lot like stop motion.. you key in each frame and no support for ik or blending @_@;

Thanks for splitting this into a new thread.

.... also thats me up there seems i had two diff logins depending on what browser i was using >_>;

Been ripping my hair out trying to import .Ase into 3dsmax 2010... which apparently can export the files.

But no .ase importer exists for max2010... and the old ones do not work anymore..

Also tried b3d same problems and idk lightwave.

Is there another way of importing bone/vertex data into max2010?


in before 4 year old necrobump....


It's really not that difficult to make new topic...

and also, do not " in before..." your posts. I can fling comments to the darkest corners of the forum, making that term rather irrelevant.

I can put you in after.... Ohh I so can put you in after...

(I'm not entirely sure what I mean by that threat...)

FF8 Tools / Re: FF8w
« on: 2007-07-06 23:16:30 »
Link is dead :\

Well you guys dont have to worry about anything ffxi model related. The jp have prettymuch figured out everything possible with the format, ffxi modelviewer is a great example. Theres even a prog designed to edit the models and bones, wich is just now being translated into english. all we need is to do the same with ff7, and 8, maybe 9 once it comes to the pc..but not likely >.<;

General Discussion / FFXI sound effects?
« on: 2005-10-19 05:04:10 »
erm FFXI has THOUSANDS of souds effects, 5000+, gigabites...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Animation using OpenGL
« on: 2005-10-19 01:50:07 » Best tutorial website for open gl...sorry i cant directly help you with the rpograming but this is the best i can do  :-?

Troubleshooting / FF8W were?
« on: 2005-09-13 14:16:19 »
Nvm i changed the file extention to .rar and it worked. thanks for the DL :)

Troubleshooting / FF8W were?
« on: 2005-09-13 03:19:55 »
Thanks for the help but its still the same error >.<, maybe you should recompress it or used another algorithm  like rar or something.

Troubleshooting / FF8W were?
« on: 2005-09-12 13:19:58 »
you mean this post on that forum?

that zip dl is corrupt  for me. i cant open it at all..

Troubleshooting / FF8W were?
« on: 2005-09-11 22:53:17 »
FF8W were can i find a copy of this prog... the link provided on that other thread seems to be broken. Anyone help?

General Discussion / Final Fantasy XI - Online
« on: 2004-12-02 08:21:37 »
Youd think that your questions are simple to answer...but not really...go to this site.

Those guys should be able to aswer you

Quote from: James Pond
I think he means more crisp.

Yup thats what i meant. Area filter leaves a fuzzy blurry look to the rendered scenes. Catmull-rom was meant to address that flaw. Oh i think they have another name for the filter in mental ray. I think the last one in the list has the same qualities of camull-rom.

in 3dsmax change the filtering to Catmull-rom. The defaul area filter is cheap and it showld be burned in a butcket or somethin. Catmul rom will make the rendering way sharper thant what is it now.

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