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Messages - James Pond

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 23
gg on reiterating what the past two posts have said.

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN rmco2003
« on: 2006-06-03 18:34:09 »
I laugh, because every extra post you make adds more to the fire, perhaps you should stop.  No fuel = No fire.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nintendo Wii ( 56k Warning )
« on: 2006-06-03 09:01:02 »
Im getting one. However before the Nintendo Press Conference at E3, I wasnt.... I dont know what changed for sure...but I love it now :S

As far as I am aware, storage and distribution of torrents is completely legal.

It only crosses into illegal territory the second one man uploads and another iniitiates the torrent downloading process, and downloads the file.  The torrent files are not illegal in any way, they simply point to a tracker AFAIK, which then conencts the uploader and downloader.

Of course, many places use torrents for legal purposes, a few linux distro's, The World of Warcraft Patcher uses it, I beleive also uses some torrenting to lower strain on their servers.

Its a grey area for sure...

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN rmco2003
« on: 2006-06-02 11:24:27 »
>_> Another day, another newbie who learns of Jari's....Post Destroying skills..

I will have nothing bad said about the Monster Raving loonies.  They're easily the best potential parliament we've ever had >_>

Completely Unrelated / Re: The day of rockening!
« on: 2006-05-25 06:56:06 »
I do beleive those are two of the greatest pictures known to man.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The day of rockening!
« on: 2006-05-22 10:31:45 »
Pff Metallica :/  Hate em..

Ill still see them at download though >_>

Completely Unrelated / Re: The day of rockening!
« on: 2006-05-20 21:29:59 »

Lordi will win >_>

Ill be having that £30 off my parents now then.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The day of rockening!
« on: 2006-05-20 15:22:21 »
I think the most Satanic Lordi have gotten is "The Devil is a looser and he is my bitch".

(Saw that live at download festival last year, Right at the front on the barrier ftw)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Colleges and such
« on: 2006-05-16 17:02:55 »
You obviously dont have a clue then, if you think thats all the expansion has to offer.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Colleges and such
« on: 2006-05-16 07:42:21 »
I study Forensic Science and A-Level computing.

And as for "it cant be interesting for more than 6 months"

Learn about MMO's before making stupid ass comments like that.

New content to play is released bi monthly, perhaps longer. Theres expansion packs, content patches, talent rebuilds to play a different section of your class.

Many things.

Hellgate London
Guitar Hero 2
 and most of all World of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade

Completely Unrelated / Re: Springtime for Engrish!
« on: 2006-05-11 22:53:33 »
Oh, BTW, i wote the abouve without touching the backspace key

and the last sentince too. ^_^

Maybe not backspace, but what about delete? ;)

Completely Unrelated / Re: How, umm, l33t am I.
« on: 2006-05-11 22:52:57 »
That medal is made of win.

Seriously though, it frustrates me to see some people's lack of basic English skills, especially if they are English!

I too streamed the Nintendo press conference, and I have actually decided to buy a Wii because of it.

I dont know what it was about the whole thing, but I have been convinced that the Wiicon isnt the faliure of a controller I first thought it was.

Still look like a prick playing it though.

I think that you need to wait and see what has actually been produced before judging it.

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-04-29 18:31:02 »
wooo (another) new desktop!  Only cause Windows had an aneurism and decided to delete itself.

>_> I might stay with this one.

<_< jeez, I know I mashed the keys on the filename, didnt know I mashed em THAT much though -_-

Completely Unrelated / ATTN: Alhexx
« on: 2006-04-27 22:44:00 »
Thank you. this should have been the original action imo.

Completely Unrelated / Bad Linux, bad!
« on: 2006-04-27 21:56:06 »
Either that guy is one of the most ignorant retards I have ever had the misfortune to have known of, or he is incredibly delusioned.

Completely Unrelated / ATTN: Alhexx
« on: 2006-04-27 21:52:28 »
Oh for fucks sake, that was a perfectly good Dekstop topic.

Completely Unrelated / Advent Children
« on: 2006-04-26 07:04:58 »
That IS the uk version.

At it pwns.

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-04-19 10:23:31 »
;_; Scary horsey

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