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Messages - Borde

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Put it on the shader directory, edit ff7_opengl.cfg and change the post_source variable.

Mmmm... you are right guys, this post-processing thing is trickier than I thought. Actually main.frag and main.vert should remain unchanged (unless you know what you're doing). What you should do is change the postprocessing shader file (by default This file is a fragment shader, so if your desidered filter does something on the vertex shader, it's not meant to be used here (I guess it can allways be adapted, though). So far I could only get Smart AA Bloom working partially. It smooths the GUI correctly, but the background remains blocky.

Edit: Got it working. I had to specify the original resolution on the shader. Here you have the shader:
3D gets filtered too, so things can get a little blurry, but I think it's fine. You can adjust the strength of the filter by changing the width and height variables (the lower the resolution, the bigger the strength).

Here are a couple of pics to show the effect:


If you want your backgrounds smoothed you will need to replace the code in main.frag and main.vert. I suggest you get some of the shaders used by Pete's OGL2 plug-in. Personally, I like one called Smart Bloom.

Archive / Re: Help me fix this problem please T_T
« on: 2009-07-13 12:08:15 »
Don't worry ?????, you don't need to be a programer in order to use an Hex editor. Just look at this image and you will see what you have to do:

By the way, *.d and ??aa files have exactly the same format. The only difference is the naming conventions.

Archive / Re: Help me fix this problem please T_T
« on: 2009-07-12 21:21:35 »
I guess the problem is that the number of textures is set to 0. I didn't know the meaning of the 24th byte (offset 0x18), but aparently that's what it contains. I suggest you to use an hex editor and change it by yourself. I'll have Kimera rewrite that value on the next version.

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2009-07-12 13:03:46 »
i'm working on getting quicksilver ingame... having a little trouble...

Stranger, stranger, stranger...! Now that's a WEAPON!!! (I couldn't resist :-P)

Great models and even better textures Millenia. They will be an excelent upgrade for the game.

FF7 Tools / Re: Image2Tex - 24bits textures for FF7
« on: 2009-07-12 12:31:45 »
Jejeje... you are right Aali. I missunderstood the formats supported by the VB6 version of LoadPicture. Nor PNG neither RLE are supported, sorry.

Update: Uploaded a new version. Now the bitcount is respected and TEX files can also be loaded.

As far as I recall there were no files with _ or - on their names on the PRP, so It shouldn't be a problem.

Hello everyone.

I've uploaded a little quick and dirty tool I coded to let you convert your 24 bits textures to the TEX format (as oposed to the 8 bits limitation we've had the last years). It should work with any BMP, JPG, GIF, ICO, WMF or EMF file. The original bitcount is respected. It can also save the textures as BMPs. I have barely tested it, so expect bugs.

Most of the credit should go to Aali for his specification of the TEX format and his help getting things working.

Have fun.

Binary (thanks to PitBrat for the mirror):

Lastest version uploaded on 2/8/2011

Nop, it wasn't Mimic7, it was called Meteor. I don't see why would you need the physical discs, you just need the flevel.lgp file. Unless we are talking  about the PSX version, Meteor just works for the PC version.

DOH! Thanks Aali, I completly missed the point of shift and mask fields. I can't get my textures working yet though. I guess I'll have to work on them a bit more...
EDIT: Ok, got it working finally. Looks like 32 bits textures are also supported by the new graphics driver (the original one just shows a grey texture) but the alpha channel seems to be ignored. I guess the blending would be troublesome anyway.

You are right Aali, defintly I screwed somewhere, because I can't even load my custom 8-bit TEX files. Here is the header of one of my 24-bit files:
Code: [Select]
        .Version = 1
        .unk1 = 0
        .ColorKeyFlag = 1
        .unk2 = 1
        .unk3 = 5
        .MinimumBitsPerColor = 24
        .MaximumBitsPerColor = 8
        .MinimumAlphaBits = 4
        .MaximumAlphaBits = 8
        .MinimumBitsPerPixel = 8
        .MaximumBitsPerPixel = 32
        .unk4 = 0
        .NumPalletes = 1
        .NumColorsPerPallete = 2 ^24
        .BitDepth = 24
        .width = 512
        .height = 512
        .BytesPerRow = (24*512) / 8
        .unk5 = 0
        .PalleteFlag = 0
        .BitsPerIndex = 0
        .IndexedTo8bitsFlag = 0
        .PalleteSize = 2^24
        .NumColorsPerPallete2 = 2^24
        .RuntimeData = 19752016
        .BitsPerPixel = 8
        .BytesPerPixel = 3
        .NumRedBits = 8
        .NumGreenBits = 8
        .NumBlueBits = 8
        .NumAlphaBits = 0
        .Red8 = 8
        .Green8 = 8
        .Blue8 = 8
        .Alpha8 = 8
        .RedBitMask = -1
        .GreenBitMask = -1
        .BlueBitMask = -1
        .AlphaBitMask = -1
        .RedMax = 2 ^ 8 - 1
        .GreenMax = 2 ^ 8 - 1
        .BlueMax = 2 ^ 8 - 1
        .AlphaMax = 2 ^ 8- 1
        .ColorKeyArrayFlag = 0
        .RuntimeData2 = 0
        .ReferenceAlpha = 255
        .unk6 = 4
        .unk7 = 1
        .RuntimeDataPalleteIndex = 0
        .RuntimeData3 = 34546076
        .RuntimeData4 = 0
        .unk8 = 0
        .unk9 = 480
        .unk10 = 320
        .unk11 = 512
And in case the porblem is outside the header, here is the file:

Hey Aali, I was mesing around with TEX files and found out the original 1.02 version of FF7 was actually able to load textures of 16 and 24 bpp. It was a bit absurd though, becase they were rendered as greysacle versions of the image. I've tested the same textures with the new graphics driver and it simply skips the textures (they are treated as if they were fully transparent). I was wondering, would It be possible to add support for these texture formats?

FF7 Tools / Re: Palmer
« on: 2009-07-09 14:22:04 »
If you were to filter the backgrounds, I think exporting a single image with all layers applied to it would be more effective. This could be a problem for background aniations though.
Also there is a serious limitation on how any palletes FF7 can handle. Heach tile is palletized with a 256 colors pallete, probably shared by several other tiles. Since you can't have as many palletes as tiles, the number of colors is limited. Althought maybe this limitation could be (or has already been) removed thanks to Aali's graphics driver.

I recall there was a program for viewing/editing the game script (found in field files contained in flevel.lgp). I can't remember the name, though. I guess you could see there which flags are manipulated by every event.

Well Aali, you won't have to convince me about the absurdity of VB. Truth is Kimera was never suposed to get this big. I just started doing something small that would let me do minor editing (resizing and changing colors, basically). So I began writting it on VB6 because it's very easy to produce simple standard windows interfaces with it. Then I began adding things here and there and VB6 started to look seriously unfit for the job (reading battle animations was specially problematic). But it was already too big and rewritting it on C++ looked too time-consuming. Keep in mind that I was working on the NPC RP back then and remodeling was way funnier than programming, so I didn't want to waste all my time coding. And that summarizes how Kimera ended up being the way it is now...

Nice to see you got around those groups issues NFITC1. As for your plans about rewritting Kimera, go on, you can use it's code as you wish. I'd be glad if you stated it somewhere if you do so. I spent quiet a few hours writting it. Anyway, good luck.

Hello NFITC1.

Ufortunately you CAN'T ignore groups. The vertex indices (and some other data) are relative to the group base. That's why any multi-group meshes will look screwed. You can take a look at Kimera's source code if you feel confused (yeah, probably not the best advice...).

Good luck.

Archive / Re: WIP - battle scene mods!
« on: 2009-07-08 01:14:13 »
Those extra polygons are there to add pre-calculated lighting to the scene. The floor is tiled and each tile has a different tone of white so when it gets textured, texels are darkened on the dark places.

Battle backgrounds are editable on Kimera since it's last version. And that's... quiet a long while :-P Biturn was also able to display them way earlier.

Actually, even just retexturing those models would be a nice improvement. Specially those trees at the forest battlefield look awful. The models are mostly composed by textured planes. The precalculated lighting aplied to them is also quiet bad (why they used flat shading instead of smoothed shading goes beyond my understanding).

Those are some nice models indeed.
As for changing the battle scenes, It's technically not very different from changing any other model. It could be artistically harder, though. Never tried it.

I see. Well, thanks everyone for the information. Guess It's out of my scope :-P

Hello everyone.

I was looking at the battle models and found those ??ba files. Biturn says they are FF8 models, but they obviously aren't. So I was wondering if anyone around here knows what they contain and what's their format.


That's right, we already have acces to the background images. No need to use extra equipment.
As for the topic, well, the bigger the better. I mean, you are allways in time of shrinking the images. You can even let the graphics driver himself do it and, If the aspect ratio is the same, it should still look pretty good.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-07-06 23:20:53 »
Good question Zack Fair. Actually I haven't tried it yet :-P. But it shoud work theorically.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Missing rwda?
« on: 2009-07-06 23:19:04 »
After more than one year without touching it I thought it was safe to say Kimera was dead. But the other day I kind of found some of my lost interest. So yeah, I'm working on a new version. Just don't ask what will it include, I still don't know how longer my interest will last.

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