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Messages - PurpleSmurf

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ok thanks :) i might make a thread at my site so qhimm doesn't get mad. if you want register and tell me we can work stuff out there.

ok i downloaded and installed LS. I have win2kpro :( . i set LS only to run under my user. I have photoshop so i'm kind of worried about that one. I'm gonna go look at the FAQ's, but just to get a head start how do you change backgrounds?

what is the compatibility with windows based program? and can you switch back and forth between LS and explorer shells?

what program do you use and where cani get it. i'm being lazy. might look for it

just move that little pentium you have in the back room and bring it out near your main one. oh and why don't you use your ISDN line on your main computer? firewall issues?

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2001-12-29 02:24:00 »
yea but most of the time he says "that was me".

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-28 17:35:00 »
joey said he didn't get anything..... is that true joey?

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-28 05:10:00 »
darkness is right.i have 4 cockatiels: birdy, punkin,archy, and krystal  and 4 parakeets: yoshi, spike, snow, sugar.if you want i'll put pictures of them up on my site. i'm in high school too and the birds arn't that much trouble. if you need help on this just pm me or im me on icq of aim or yahoo. :)

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-28 04:59:00 »
ok new update:

I now have logged 18 hors of FFX! mmmm..... my PS2 had been on for almost 24hours straight. forst day i got it i didn't sleep just played FFX through the night. anyway here the real update:

i now have all the characters in the game the newest one i have is rikku. she's kid of like selphie^10000000. maybe more she's loud & afraid of lightning. hehe. but she customizes weapons one of her limits(overdrives) it to combine wepons/potions/items and such then use them on the enemy normaly this deals around 3000 damage.

Shiva is the best she's ever been, diamond dust kicks ASS. she just sort of casts it out wait for a few seconds then with a snap of her fingers BOOM. deals about 8000 with diamond dust(her overdrive) and 2000 with her specific attack and 300 with regular attack.

Ifrit has a very different attutiude in FFX he's more low to the ground and fluid in FFX. his specific attack, not the overdrive) is to form a "meteor" then punch it at the enemy, deals about 1000 damage normaly.

Valfor the first summon you get. sort of a big bird. it's unique atack is to shoot a sonic boom out from it's wings. and it's overdrive is sort of like Ark's(FFIX).

i have more summons. I'll post the other 2 next update.

The world is called "Spira" and spira lacks a world map :( and the story has had very little deviation so far. The actual enemies you fight actualy are explained in this game they "arn't just there". [spoiler]1000 years ago(begining of the game) Sin destroyed many of the large cities on Spira. With out summoners to send them to the farplane they stayed on spira and grew so envios that they took on physical form and try to make other suffer the same fate. gamespot has a movie of this. the movies are avaliable for the summons and such, here,11100,197344,00.html <---- copy and paste

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-27 03:19:00 »
i have read them. not in order but i've read them. not a bad seiries but jeez the media hype is too much.

joey: i like cats even though i have 8 birds. had one till bout last week. nice show cat.

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-26 23:48:00 »
harry potter? wtf. D2:LoD is much better. i haven't played the game maybe i'll find a demo or dl the full verion and try it out. either way EEECCCH. no offence hough

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2001-12-26 22:04:00 »
it was amazing. the only fact i didn't like was the fact that they took out tom bombadil. he was the COOLEST. otherwise they followed to book very well.

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-26 21:32:00 »
yes they are planniing o relaase a FFX copy to the pc it's just delayed because i is originaly a ps2 development. expect some time around spring break(march) to summer(july)

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-26 17:34:00 »
from a battle. not that hard to find i lost blitzball 3-2 IT WAS SO CLOSE. and th ei played later and i lost 0-4. i don't like blitzball

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-26 16:23:00 »
ok new FFX update:

Yuna is very selfkept and hits on Tidus in very disturbing ways like this:

Tidus - I'm just not sure anymore.
Yuna - So what do you want to do?
Tidus - Scream real loud
Yuna - *disapointed look like some who just lost the lottery by 1 number*

it's really strange. This game has a lot of sexualish content in it. Like physicly Lulu's top should have fallen off. and her finishing posed is to lean over a shake. and i'll i'm sitting here thinking is "I wish this were real and i want to be that doll". maybe it just me or maybe it not, darkness did you notice any of this?

anyway as everyone knows Lulu attackts with dolls. the original equiq she has ia a moogle doll. I have a CACTAUR doll ,it's great, and if you just choose to attack she puts the doll down and it runs over to the enemy and kicks them, flips backward and walks back. it's cool i'll try and make an mpg out of it.

theres a new minigame called blitzball. it's really bad for a lack of control and it allows the character to swim like dolpinhs and spin the air for like 30 seconds never gaining or losing height OUT OF WATER. Tidus has a lot in common with Zidane. hell shrink him down and give him a tail and he basicly would be Zidane.

The new junction system is the BEST one yet. I can't really explain so again i'll tryand make an mpg out of the tutorial on it.

More later :).

hmm... i should be putting this on my site
[edited] 275 2001-12-26 18:36

General Discussion / What did santa give you?
« on: 2001-12-26 16:07:00 »
(sing to "12 days of christmas")
On the only day of chrsitmas santa gave to me:
1 PS2
2 giftcards
3 headphones
4 little hobbits
5 things to eat
6 new books
7 thankyous to write
8 dollars cash
9 envious friends
10 tired fingers
11 sleepless hours playing FFX
12 hours playing FFX (actualy 13 but what ever)

thank you

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / .p Format News
« on: 2001-12-26 15:43:00 »
seph: you poor poor diluted bastard

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-26 15:38:00 »
he has stuff i just don't remember what it it i'll make a list sometime

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2001-12-26 12:44:00 »
YEA I WENT TO IT!!! you can order ticket online at

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-26 04:53:00 »
umm.... wakka has :
+200 max hp
+1 defence
+2 agality
+2 defence
and mre of the like

Kimahri has:
+200 max hp x 2 :D , he has 1000+ hp :)
+20 mp
+1 agility

WaterNul (?.forget name)
LightNul (or something like that)

anyway thats all i can remember i'll actualy look at my character in a bit

joey: i feel your pain my brother...... ok enough touchy feely stuff back to my *trumpts sound* BRAND NEW PS2!!!
[edited] 275 2001-12-26 05:54

General Discussion / FFX!!!!!!!!
« on: 2001-12-25 20:45:00 »

it's really a wonderful game. they went back to CTB(i know you know) the graphics are AMAZING. the story is a bit fast
Spoiler: show
tidus has already gone 1000 years into the future and made friends with wakka and Yuna
and i'm having a hard time with rikku telling if she trying to cover all BUT the erotic parts of her body for it's just peachish colored cloth. naughty little 15 year old. either way Tidus seems to like it.Lulu's kind of a b*tch-on-wheels. Wakka id the allaround nice guy. Yuna hasn't had a lot to do the story line so far but she seems to be like Rinoa. oh well thats all for now.

                                                                               Merry Christmas,

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2001-12-25 20:27:00 »
atleast you saw it. my dads not willing to go and wait in line for the tickets his reasoning is :
As soon I can buy it online the theatre won't be as packed and the movie will be a better experience
screw the better experience i just want an experience. hehe. that sounded wrong.
[edited] 275 2001-12-25 21:27

oh yea now i remember. answer is bieantworten or something around that

hehe all i can see so fay is "dodge this" and i love it. do you use linux or windows? "arbeitzsplat" istn't that like "answer" splat or something like that VERY loosy translated?

edit:ok now i see that you use XP
[edited] 275 2001-12-25 15:20

well i know have a background on my cpu. not chrismasy in the sense but a good show of how i feel around the holidays. here

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