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Messages - LordUrQuan

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7th Heaven / Re: "ERROR STARTING FF7"
« on: 2019-10-13 16:01:28 »
- Nice to see you're mostly figuring it out yourself already :)

- That's not your load order, that's a copy+paste from the FAQ.  Rather than hand typing it, or doing screenshot-crop to imgur, an easy way to export your load order is to click the "Profile Details" button to pop up a window with the relevant info, CTRL-A to select all, CTRL-C to copy to clipboard, then in a reply window (potentially within either /code/ or /spoiler/ tags to separate it out a little, CTRL-V to paste in.  As an example, this is my current load order:
Code: [Select]
ID: caa59e1b-7291-451b-8d46-0fbfca1503b9
Version: 1.0
weapons_aerith = 3
weapons_caitsith = 1
weapons_cloud = 2
weapons_sephiroth = 1
weapons_yuffie = 1

ID: 769a741c-df75-4e01-bf6b-af79f4d73a64
Version: 1.0
huge_materia = 1
materia = 2
potions = 1
save_point = 2

ID: cb40b319-5ce8-4769-99d1-3b9ce7d5127b
Version: 1.0
models_aerith = 1
models_barret = 2
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 1
models_cloud = 2
models_redxiii = 1
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 2
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1

ID: 93883d23-8caf-4489-812e-40fca238f311
Version: 1.0
models_diamond = 1
models_frogs = 2
models_scorpion = 1
models_jenova = 1
models_joker = 1
models_life_form = 1
models_motorball = 1
models_ruby = 2
models_soldiers = 1
models_sweeper = 1

ID: fed179da-e33e-4e7e-9834-7f557bff7f33
Version: 3.17
satkbattle = 1

ID: 68fa371c-af5a-4a4d-9742-8fdc4b029f23
Version: 1.0
models_aerith = 3
models_barret = 1
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 1
models_cloud = 3
models_redxiii = 1
models_sephiroth = 2
models_tifa = 3
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1

ID: ede46a21-6952-4d08-a2ed-54caef40f3ca
Version: 1.0
models_base = 2
models_biggs = 1
models_jessie = 1
models_wedge = 1

ID: b904096a-9f98-4d7e-86dd-ac101dc888e5
Version: 4.00
satkfields = 1

ID: aa4ca430-e342-427f-9781-b28b8a5c1ae4
Version: 1.00

ID: c6bc4e16-40af-4fd8-b798-db813aa11b27
Version: 1.0
music = 2
sound = 1

ID: a592d7ee-407a-4bec-af79-d5a47ee042a9
Version: 1.0
avatars_aerith = 1
avatars_barret = 1
avatars_cait_sith = 1
avatars_chocobo = 3
avatars_cid = 1
avatars_cloud = 1
avatars_cloud_young = 1
avatars_red_xiii = 1
avatars_sephiroth = 1
avatars_tifa = 1
avatars_vincent = 1
avatars_yuffie = 1
game_over = 1
prelude = 1
start_menu = 10

ID: f34a0838-21e0-429d-b3f0-aa6d33f3e6af
Version: 1.0
chocobo_models = 1
condor_models = 1
motorbike_models = 2
chocobo_textures = 1
coaster_textures = 1
condor_textures = 1
motorbike_textures = 1
snowboard_textures = 1
wonder_square = 1

ID: 8b5da3dc-40c7-4e61-beec-9f8559dd7159
Version: 1.02
satkelamag = 1

ID: 5adddbf2-c739-4426-ae2d-ed68bee9e48d
Version: 1.0
cid_world = 1
cloud_world = 3
tifa_world = 3

ID: 494f260f-2675-40fd-9a6a-9d13d97c1f0c
Version: 1.0
diamond = 2
emerald = 1
ruby = 1
ultima = 1

ID: faa22df7-f733-4263-bb71-c1a539ab0721
Version: 1.0
buggy = 1
chocobo = 1
highwind = 1
submarine = 1
tiny_bronco = 1

ID: 5751e692-f5c1-4dbd-9406-58b9cdee83e3
Version: 4.00
satkmap = 1

- Load order matters... *most* of Remako does not belong at the bottom, which is why it doesn't appear to be working.  Think to yourself "If this is where the catalog battle textures mod went, then the Remako version of that mod also belongs there."

- Finally, because direct mode somehow got turned off, it's worth checking that another of the other under-hood settings is correct in ff7_opengl.cfg. Check about halfway down for "mod_path = Textures"

Completely Unrelated / Re: Let's build a time machine yo!
« on: 2019-10-13 15:47:59 »
Neverending Story
In Time

Not sure how far back you want this machine to go, but my phone booth's ready!

How are you going to celebrate Dan?
The word 'soused' seems ironically appropriate :)

7th Heaven / Re: Unable to download mods over 500mb
« on: 2019-10-10 01:58:35 »
Most mods have individual release threads here on the forum where you can download the respective .iro files.  If you do follow this route, be advised that many mods have seen numerous updates since what was put into the current catalog, while others weren't even around yet, so their names often won't match what's in the FAQ/Getting Started guide.  Just slot them using their equivalent is (e.g. Satsuki's FMV upscale pack is equivalent to "Media - Movies") and you should be fine.

That is absolutely confounding. Why would an offline game that doesn't really have any network features at all need the firewall to be disabled?
Because Steam?

7th Heaven / Re: Profile Details
« on: 2019-10-06 15:12:42 »
- You have two versions of battle textures, turn one off.
- In \Workshop\Aali Driver Settings\Rendering, make sure 'Direct Mode' is enabled

7th Heaven / Re: Errors with trying mods with discs
« on: 2019-10-05 17:03:09 »
I remember there being a problem with some versions of 7H paired with the catalog v2 "Media - Music and Sounds" mod that would crash it on extraction, but not exactly what the underlying cause was.  Try going to Strife's Mods of the Round thread and adding the Tsunamods Arranged Soundtrack and see if you have better luck with that.  Alternatively, we might be able to find a copy of 7H v1.54, which I don't think suffered from the extraction issue, either.

7th Heaven / Re: Errors with trying mods with discs
« on: 2019-10-04 12:58:16 »
1.  As suggested, I did use the native installer this time, but as I said previously it never asked me for discs 1-3 at all.  Does this not matter since the movies are all run from the mods anyway?  Also, do I now always need the thumb drive plugged in called FF7DISC1 whenever I play the game?  Can I just have the actual disc 1 in the drive or does that not work for some reason?
This is normal.  The original release plays the movies off the CD, even when choosing the 'Maximum' install option, that's why it's not asking for discs 1-3.  You do need to have a movie mod of some type active, though, otherwise you'll either lock or crash (I forget which).  As for the ff7disc1 thumb drive, yes, that needs to be there.  There are a couple of work-arounnd options, though, to make it less painful:
- Win10 can mount .ISO images natively.  Just right click on it, and choose "Open with > Windows Explorer"  This will result in the image being given a drive letter and working just as if it were a physical CD (this is what I do at home).  If you do decide to go this route, you'll need to re-run the conversion tool so that the new file location keys can be set (your image will have a different drive letter than the USB stick)
- Burn the FF7DISC1 image to a physical CD.  This is my solution for when I tote around one of my old laptops that still uses Win7.  Again, re-run the converter so the drive letter gets updated.

2.  Which mods are the mandatory ones?  Since the movies didn't copy, when I loaded it I found that no movies loaded and the game didn't really work.  It wasn't until I downloaded the movies mod that the movies played and then it worked though I only actually played through the first battle.  So is the movie one a mandatory mod to download/use?  Are there any other ones that you have to have or it won't work?
I'm going to answer this more generally... For a Steam user, there are no "mandatory" mods at all. For a CD user, you can actually copy the movie files over from the CDs manually and things will work just fine, but that's kind of a pain, putting movie upscale mods into a kind of "you'd be silly not to" category.  As for the rest, it's very much a "tweak to personal taste" sort of thing.  I exclusively use satsuki's upscale mods unless troubleshooting something specific, and catalog characters/sound/models for the rest.  EQ2Alyza is Real Close(tm) to releasing catalog v3, so I'm hoping to see some new character models and the like.  DLPB's Reunion/Beacause re-translation work is absolutely awesome, but the version in the current catalog is R03 (which is way old), and the most current release (R05c) was just taken down because he's about two weeks away from releasing R06.

3.  Although I was able to get it to run, I had no sound whatsoever.  When I ran the conversion tool, I picked an audio device and tested it and it worked fine, but when I actually loaded the game, I got no sound whatsoever, no video sound, music, or SFX.  The one thing that may be worth mentioning is that I do have the PC hooked up to a TV so when I ran the config tool and the dialog came up, the default choice for sound was the TV (via HDMI) and so I picked that (and it tested fine).  Anyway, once I found the sound didn't work, I tried running the conversion tool again and now the videos don't work at all, so maybe I need to try yet another fresh install but I will save that for next time.  In the meantime, any thoughts appreciated.
Can't say I've ever run into this particular problem before where it worked in test, but not in-game :(  The cat didn't accidentally bump your receiver and change the sound port, did it?  As for the videos breaking, open your ff7_opengl.cfg file and check that "mod_path = Textures" and "direct_mode = on"

4.  How to I get the FPS counter to go away?
In the ff7_opengl.cfg file I just mentioned, that option is towards the bottom.

Troubleshooting / Re: Trouble starting FF7 with mods
« on: 2019-09-28 21:49:56 »
In the compatibility options of ff7.exe, enable the checkbox for "Run in 640x480".  If you've recently had a Windows update, you may also need to re-run the converter program as well (choose 'overwrite' at the start)

Edit:  If you're using Reunion and/or Menu Overhaul, then edit ff7_bc.exe instead.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-09-28 14:28:30 »
What ruins it is Clouds hair. It were much more bad-ass looking and pointy in the old cover/game. I'd think they should have made it more pointy.
They couldn't.  Cloud used up all the AquaNet we had left from the 80s, and hair sculpting products since then are just plain inferior.

7th Heaven / Re: Errors with trying mods with discs
« on: 2019-09-26 13:50:36 »
Tried everything again after clearing my registry keys.
Unlike Alyza, I'm going to ask you to do this again :/

Using the native installer on the install disc I chose maximum but it finished before ever asking me for any of the other discs, so it seems not to work
This is totally normal, part of 1990s era copy protection and disk resource constraints. Once installed, the game is designed to look for disk 1/2/3 in the CD drive on start-up, and play the FMVs from the CD rather than the hard drive.  Don't worry, later steps will deal with this.

so I used Tom's installer, which seemed to work fine except it gives you an error if you choose anything other than the default path.
Except the default path makes life hard for mods because \Program Files\ and \Program Files (x86)\ are system protected folders.  That's why the tutorial tells you to avoid installing there.

But then I downloaded the conversion tool, which seemed to mostly work but gave me a file not found error though it didn't say which file.
Again, normal.  I'd have to look at the underlying code and my FF7_GC.log to see exactly what it's doing there, but I think it's part of the "Which version do you have?" checks.

Then I tried copying the 7th Heaven tool into the folder (which, again is C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII because Tom's installer wouldn't let me pick anything else) and it loads but the Aali driver option doesn't do anything when I pick it.  And when I exit out and run it again this is the error message I get.  Do I need to try manually moving it somewhere else?  If so do I need to manually modify the registry keys?

Ok... like I said, while Alyza advises that the converter will offer to copy the folders and reset your keys, I think it's easier and safer in the long run (given MSFT's propensity to break crap during monthly patch cycles, more on that shortly) to uninstall everything, re-run the registry cleaners, then reinstall using the normal installer, choosing the "Maximum" option, and giving it a non-default folder like C:\Games\FF7.  I help a couple of the coder types with testing when they need someone who can actually replicate processes and errors, so here's what a typical "Install from scratch" cycle looks like to me...
1.  Clone a fresh virtual machine from my base library (snapshots are great within a testing tree, but for each new process, it's easier for me to start from scratch just to be sure)
2.  Install FF7 with the original installer (unless I'm actually testing an alternate). Options as you go along are
   Screen 1 - Install DirectX 5, Install DirectShow, do not install Yamaha (This is the default)
   Screen 2 - Maximum Install
   Screen 3 - Destination Folder = C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII
   Screen 4 - Program Folders = Final Fantasy VII  (This is the default)
   Reboot now (Because, well, crap back then just did these sorts of things.  Actually, crap *still* does this sort of thing because it's, well, crap.  Linux and BSD don't make me do this :( )
3.  Manually create C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\data\movies  (The game converter will tell you it's been done for you, but there's an order of execution bug where it doesn't create it until after you tell it this exists, and this can cause headaches.  It may also be one of your "File not found" messages.)
4.  Mount the dummy FF7DISC1.ISO file.
5.  Run the converter.  Make sure you include quotation marks when typing in your game and movie paths!!!  Here's what the game converter is doing:
   - Identifying where to look for a "game" CD
   - Apply the v1.02 patch, install aali's OpenGL driver, set registry keys for some stuff
   - Throw an error (System can't find file)
   - Run FF7Config and set new registry keys.  This is super important!! If you run FF7Config outside the converter, your keys will break and the game will crash.  If you ever decide to change sound settings, you need to do it by re-running the converter and choosing "Overwrite" when prompted at the start.
   - Splice in a couple of DLLs needed for mods to work, and a patch that lets you play with any FF7 CD, even the dummy one from the 7H tutorial.
   - Offer a laptop keyboard patch to make playing on a lappy easier (Since there's no numeric keypad on those)
6.  Install whatever version of 7H I'm either testing or using as baseline, along with whatever mods I'm enjoying or testing.
7.  Create a 7H shortcut on my desktop, with the 'Run as Admin' compatibility flag set
8.  Play time! :)  (Sometimes after setting the "Run in 640x480" compatibility flag on ff7.exe... this seems to always be needed on Win10, but not always on Win7.  Don't ask me why)

Now, about MSFT and breaking crap (and why I suggested redoing from start rather than copying/moving with the game converter)... On nearly every patch Tuesday, MSFT somehow breaks something, usually our registry keys, and causes the game to fall flat on its face when just the night before everything had been running smoothly.  In most instances, all that's needed to get running again is to run the game converter again (so keep it handy!), and choose "Overwrite" at the beginning of the process, then complete the rest of the steps as you normally would.

Troubleshooting / Re: Error when i try to start FF7
« on: 2019-09-25 23:21:42 »
Even when i use the 1.56 version, the dowload still fail
That's kind of the problem.. they *all* say version 1.56 :(  Are you using the one currently linked to in the tutorial, or one that says 1.56 (but could be any number of versions which claim that)?  Alternatively, try going to the particular mod's release thread that's giving you trouble, download it from there, and attempt to manually import it.  Do you still get an error that way?

Here's a hint... when someone just slaps stuff on their blog and says "Don't come to me with your problems, bother these other people instead," not only am I'm going to call them out on it, I'm sure as hell not going to encourage people to donate to them.

There are more deserving people and projects...

Troubleshooting / Re: Error when i try to start FF7
« on: 2019-09-24 19:34:46 »
Thanks somehow it works now, btw now i have another issue: whenever i try to donwload a mod from 7 heaven it gives me an error and the download stucks (only with the mods bigger than 1 gb), what can i do?
You may have one of the buggy RC series releases of 7H.  Download the one currently linked in the tutorial thread, which should be fully functional.

See first post.
Dude... url=http:\\
Even my wife doesn't tease me that hard!!!  :evil:

7th Heaven / Re: Errors with trying mods with discs
« on: 2019-09-24 13:14:36 »
I responded to you via Discord (since you had also posted there), but didn't get anything back.  Anyways, what happens if you uninstall everything, run the reg key cleaners, and then try installing with just the original installer?  I've personally never needed Tom's on Win7 x32 or x64, nor on Win10 x64, and the original lets you manually set the install path to something more "traditional" like C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII. 

Edit:  Said key cleaners can be found a couple of steps down in this thread

Troubleshooting / Re: Error when i try to start FF7
« on: 2019-09-23 14:35:23 »
Rerun the converter, choose "Overwrite" at the beginning, and change your sound settings via the FF7_Config program when the converter calls it.  If you use FF7_Config outside of the converter, your reg keys will break, causing exactly this kind of issue.

Ok, going to do a couple of things here, including asking some questions (and reminding you that direct_mode = on ;) )

- Where did the "chibi" mod come from, and what does it do?  I don't recognize it, and it didn't turn up with a quick'n'dirty search on Nexus, so I'm not sure if it's in the correct position as far as load order goes, or if it could be related to your troubles.
- Are those four the only mods you have running?  (I ask because your Cloud and Barret avatars look a LOT like the over-saturated ones from Remako)
- Did you previously use one of Sega Chief's installer versions of New Threat before adding in the v1.5 IRO?
- Did you previously use another mod (e.g. Reunion, Animations, or anything else that pops up a "Are you sure you want to run this" bubble) that affects the exe files?

Those last two are key... graphical corruption like you're seeing is almost always related to either a mod affecting the exe file without either proper IRO support, or a second (or even third, fourth, fifth....) IRO trying to alter a location, unaware that the first mod has moved it someplace else.  Finally, post up in the New Threat thread and ask for a hand in there a well.  I'll admit to not being nearly as well-versed in NT as I am with Reunion, mostly because it's such a moving target as Sega adjusts gameplay, balance, and other aspects of the mod.

I tried it with direct_mode set to on but nothing changed. I also don't have any menu mods installed at all so I don't think that's the problem.
Ok, let's try it this way.

direct_mode = on

Once you've done that, take a screenshot of your \Workshop\General Settings\ window, and finally click the 'Profile Details' button, copy everything there and paste it into here.

I was not being a whiny git, just asking a civil question for god sake.
That's why I included the "less git-ty" answer.  You'll need to forgive us for being a little cranky of late... one of the best coders is settling into a new job, other folks have personal issues in play, and then you have those special snowflakes (since muted) who demand personal attention RIGHT THIS D2MN3D MINUTE!!1!!!  It's been years since a lot of this stuff was last actively developed, and rather than just throw it out there like a steaming pile of Remako poo, the old guard and us fresh bloods are trying to bring everything up to modern standards so it Just Works(tm) without crazy workarounds (see "640x480 mode").  Much of what will find its way into Catalog v3 is available via Strife's "Mods of the Round" subscription URL, it just hasn't all been vetted to play nicely together, and a couple of things (like Reunion R06) haven't actually been released yet.

Edit:  And then there's the excitement of tearing apart FF8-Remake... some of the coders are wetting themselves just with how crazy dotEMU screwed things up on that, and seeing what might be possible.

direct_mode = on

Also check that you're using the correct .exe file... it appears as if you have Menu Overhaul and/or Beacause activated.  If that's the case, your ff7.exe value should actually point at ff7_bc.exe

Is there a ETA on a release of the latest catalog please.
The "stop being a whiny git: answer: When it's done(tm)

The less "stop being a whiny git" answer: Not only is the catalog being updated, but a ton of mods are also being re-checked for bugs and problematic interactions, the guides and tutorials are being updated, and depending on how much time certain people have and the testing time others have, 7H itself may even see an update.  In other words, this is going to be bigger than just a list of new mods to pick from.

7th Heaven / Re: HELP! Error Starting FF7 (CODE 5)
« on: 2019-09-19 06:05:17 »
Leor1c, two likely problems...
- The paths being referenced in the error indicate you're running a dev version of 7H, not the one Alyza linked to in the tutorial (unless she's changed it and I didn't catch it).
- After talking with a couple people, it seems as if Code 15 references an invalid drive.  It could be that you had FF7DISC1.ISO mounted as E: when you ran the converter, but now it's completely missing, or at a different letter.  Posting the contents of FF7_GC.LOG might help us figure out where the game expects to find it.

7th Heaven / Re: HELP! Error Starting FF7 (CODE 5)
« on: 2019-09-17 02:15:54 »
Could you screen shot it for us?  I can't remember ever seeing (or hearing about) a C:15 before.

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