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Messages - Aali

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 48
That glitch message seems to be a new issue with 0.7.10b.
The other things you listed are problems with the game, not something that will be fixed anytime soon.

I guess you're missing some .dll or perhaps just one or two exports from some .dll. The driver doesn't need any kind of external runtime library.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 crashes when a key is pressed.
« on: 2011-02-06 16:59:06 »
Try turning off texture compression. Seems like ATI drivers are doing something stupid with that.

You know, you could fix that problem instead of hiding it. There's a fix floating around somewhere on the forums, I believe it was kranmer who made it.


This is the support thread for 0.7.10b and as it happens updating will also fix your problem.

Solved Problems / Re: FF7 using 100% CPU help
« on: 2011-02-02 14:21:59 »
Change resolution to 640x480 (or 1280x960 if you can) and you will see a massive improvement. Unfortunately thats just how the game works, the only way to make 800x600 glitch-free is very taxing on low-end graphic cards.

Solved Problems / Re: FF7 using 100% CPU help
« on: 2011-02-01 23:24:09 »
My money is on that graphics card not being powerful enough to do scaling. What resolution are you running in?

Solved Problems / Re: FF7 using 100% CPU help
« on: 2011-01-31 23:04:33 »
Hmm, my own advice is not even that helpful but it will atleast get you something.
Vsync means the game will wait for the screen to update before it starts drawing another frame (roughly). Since FF7 already tries to limit framerate on its own you will get stuck in the busy wait sometimes even with vsync on. But when the timing is right and you dont your CPU will be free to do other things.

The problem is that his ATI drivers are doing it wrong.

Solved Problems / Re: FF7 using 100% CPU help
« on: 2011-01-31 15:42:16 »
Or you could ignore the above posts (since they are mostly untrue and generally unhelpful) and just enable vsync.

I did not forget, most people dont need it and it can mess things up if you dont know what you're doing.

And that is why you turn off your screensaver.

And leave it off.


And ever.

Modpath in FF8 can only replace .tex files for now. Which is essentially nothing but the menu.

Okay so, ff8 does not launch, it crashes after eidos logo. Normally this is not because of my data changes, because the version 0.7.9b works well.

Okay, found it and fixed it :)
The same problem affects all versions of FF8, its not a problem with the french version. Its pseudo-random but there's no workaround :-\

Timber: show_fps (and any other text output) doesn't work with the low-res font.

Oh thats a nice one, something must be just a tiny bit off, everything looks okay but I can't reproduce it since I can't get past the intro FMV without french data files. I'm not sure how to proceed with that, the crash.dmp was not helpful at all.

Also, aali, Luksy has an issue..  crashes before the game can load from the save screen.

App log and crash dump here >


Looks alot like a driver bug, try updating. If that doesn't work maybe you can work around it by turning off/on texture compression.

Thats more like it.

The following shader looks good but the math doesn't really work out; 16 (0.0625) should be subtracted from the Y component in the non-full range case but if I do that its way too dark.

Code: [Select]
#version 110

uniform sampler2D y_tex;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
uniform sampler2D v_tex;

uniform bool full_range;

const mat3 mpeg_rgb_transform = mat3(
1.164,  1.164,  1.164,
0.0,   -0.392,  2.017,
1.596, -0.813,  0.0

const mat3 jpeg_rgb_transform = mat3(
1.0,  1.0,   1.0,
0.0, -0.343, 1.765,
1.4, -0.711, 0.0

void main()
float y = texture2D(y_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x;
float u = texture2D(u_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
float v = texture2D(v_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
vec3 yuv_color = vec3(y, u, v);
vec4 rgba_color;

if(full_range) rgba_color = vec4(jpeg_rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);
else rgba_color = vec4(mpeg_rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);

gl_FragColor = rgba_color;

Play the same file in a respectable media player, find a noticeable difference and we'll talk :)

Depends on how you look at it :)
Dark areas will be too dark and bright areas will be too bright.
Still, what are you comparing to and which movie are we talking about?

Playing a standard range movie as full range would make it too dark, the other way around will make it too bright. What are you comparing to?

All very difficult issues that I'm painfully aware of :)

The random crash could happen if you managed to trigger a certain sequence of fancy special effects in battle. Basically the driver would leave some data in an invalid state and if that data was later used in a certain way it would crash.

This was mostly a bugfix release to wrap up the 0.7 series. 0.8 will be alot more revolutionary than that ;)


1. Extract the archive into your ff7 or ff8 folder
2a. Run the modified FF7Config, pick custom driver in the list of renderers, you should get confirmation that the driver is working.
3a. Change your settings in ff7_opengl.cfg
2b. Make sure EAX is properly installed (run EAXUnified.exe to install it if unsure)
3b. Change your settings in ff8_opengl.cfg
4. Play!


  • Fixed YUV shader to account for non-full range formats (which is most of them).
  • Added refresh_rate setting, with this option you may be able to get a more suitable fullscreen mode, but there are no guarantees!
  • The "nolight" shaders are now included and activated automatically.
  • Added support for all official translations of FF8.
  • Added limited modpath support for FF8. (Only some textures can be replaced)
  • NPOT textures are no longer required to make FMVs work in FF8.
  • Fixed random crash bug for FF7 that has been in the driver since 0.1a
  • Removed kernel2 size limit.
  • Massive speedups in FF8.
  • FF8 battle swirl kind-of works.. sometimes.
  • Movie plugin is faster, more reliable, more accurate and supports more codecs.
  • Fixed some fancy_transparency issues (most notably KOTR) and made it alot less resource-intensive in general.
  • Textures load faster on newer graphics cards. (OpenGL 2.1 and up)
  • Fixed embarrassing screwup that made texture compression entirely useless and super slow.

If you find any issues, please post screenshots, relevant information from app.log and if possible, a savegame.
If you get a crash, provide a copy of crash.dmp and app.log (preferably in a zip archive, this will make it 10x smaller)

General Discussion / Re: Fort Condor donation bug
« on: 2011-01-26 07:51:48 »
You have to talk to the old man downstairs first.

When it is ready.

(Which is soon, god willing)

General Discussion / Re: PC Random Battles
« on: 2011-01-18 11:46:58 »
As far as I know (read; 99.9999% sure) its also different between world map and field. As in, the two are not sharing a common "random battle" function, but do their own calculations (which may or may not be identical) in two different places.


Also, does anyone know *exactly* how it works on the PSX?

Please link to the custom driver release thread instead of the direct download.

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