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Messages - willis936

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Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-09-02 03:27:42 »
Very very nice. :-D

One thing I did notice while using your avatars is that there is some definite aliasing that occurs since it must be scaled down in game.

Would it be a good idea for me to scale the photo down in photoshop?

Another thing I noticed is that the main characters are getting done before Yuffie and Vincent my permanent party members. 8-)

avfe, though I haven't been able to successfully identify the corresponding .p files.
I experimented a tad but couldn't restore the original.

Troubleshooting / Re: Main menu background replacement
« on: 2009-09-02 03:03:58 »
Well does anyone know where I can download Grimmy's menu_us to see what he did? I lost mine lol

It's quite a quandary because changing out the buster.tex on his menu_us gave the same results as on the stock menu_us leading me to believe it can be achieved simply by doing something to the buster.tex.

I just don't know what.
Does anyone know where I can find tex2img tools?

Well according to Mirex's guide there is though I have yet to successfully replace anything beyond a few pieces of materia.

I used that for replacing the field materia with the originals since the ones in this mod don't work.
Some are still a little glitchy though. :|

Oh, well I guess I did word that to mean timing, but I meant in terms of tone and pitch. :-P

Excellent work, thank you for keeping this going. :-D
My only complaint is that I don't like this Cloud field model nearly as much as the last release. :-(
Though I am going to be picking up APZ's when he releases it. :roll:

What is ff7music remixer?  And the ostRe tracks are the cropped ones right?
Uncropped is so last month. :mrgreen:

EDIT:  Ah, apparently it incorporates some of ocremix's excellent work.  Of course I think Crystal Sermon would have been a better choice for the opening credits.  XD
Though personally the ff7music remix and FMV redux are not exactly my two most favorite mods.  I like mods that enhance rather than modify (lolcontradictionofterms).  Everything else is great and if so many of these mods were in final release I'd get this, but I know that this is still a very active forum and there is always moar work to be done.

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-31 02:08:33 »
 :-D :-D :-D

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-31 01:27:31 »
Well if this is winding down I'd like to put in my thanks now.

This add-on rocks and is a definite essential.

Thanks a ton sl1982 and everyone on Team Avalanche!

Thanks.   :-D

That's a good start, but I also want all the track updates listed on the front page.  They had megaupload links under them and there were 3 updates in total.

Being the neat freak I am I clean out my downloads folder (terrible habbit).
On the other hand I have less than 100 gigs left.

Also, this one's drivn' me nuts:
Under the rotting pizza.  The bass seems a little on the synth side in the original and the cymbals sound slightly off (though the cymbals could just be because the low quality of the ost).

I hate to bother you for this but I'm reworking the files in my iTunes to get this organized (I'm OCD about my iTunes) and the least amount of work for me (ie not redownloading and editing all the song info again) would be to download the updated files (which I didn't keep untrimmed XD).

I'm not sure if you kept the download links for your updates but if you did that'd be swell.   :-D

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-29 01:03:25 »
I would like to confirm, this does include your menu item redux?  :-D

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-28 23:10:35 »
Hmm.  When you ran it did the command prompt show up and do three operations (should take a few minutes total)?

That may be the issue.  Are the lgp/unlgp binaries in the same folder?

Also, disable UAC.

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-28 22:51:32 »
If you want everything released since the last release choose the Beta 6 on the OP.  It includes everything you need save aali's lgp/unlgp .5b binaries (you can find those in a sticky in programming feedback).  Follow the instructions strictly and you won't have an issue.

There is another texture set a few pages back sl1982 was kind enough to make ( :-D) that came out after the Beta 6 came out so that can go in one of the textures folders as well.


Okay, reuploading now.   :-D

EDIT:  Done.

Most recent track updates, bombing mission loops better, tweaked the ini to actually work with the psf track, and the buffer settings are optimized.

You'd need a nocd crack/patch.
Technically legal if you own the discs, but not allowed to be discussed here.  Not too hard to find one, very difficult to get it working (especially with 1.02/chocobo and other patches).

I personally don't buy that story, but not my place to say.

I did read a method a while ago saying if you edit the registry and change the data drive to C:\ and rename your C drive whatever the name of the disc is (eg FF7DISC2).

I have not tested this method but it's clever and I'm sure it works if you know what you're doing.

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-28 03:49:42 »
Melikes personally.

Updated my files yay!

I'd make a thread for it but there are already so many.

Ah, so then I'm fairly certain I have the most updated trimmed working OSTRe ff7music folder.

I just want to clarify that this is a revamp of most of the tracks, not just the individual ones already posted, correct?

I only ask (while waiting for the downloads to find out myself) because my trimmed versions of your musics include the two updates you made.

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-27 20:19:35 »
Ok for all you whiners out there  :-P I threw in the original items for now. Just put these files in the menuart folder (assuming you are using the latest beta, or else just put in the textures folder)
You DO care!

Troubleshooting / Re: FFVII PSP
« on: 2009-08-27 01:04:53 »

Well I wonder if a psx version could actually use the emulators built into the psp.

After all it IS available for PSP on PSN.


What do you mean "all tracks are redone for looping"?
Does that mean every single track now supports it and I need to redownload your musics and trim the edges off for ff7music?

I mean, it'd be a great improvement, but more work for me.  XD

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-08-25 23:07:19 »
I know you're getting around to it and I don't want to seem ungrateful (because I am VERY) but the items in the menu have that discoloration bug still and it seems like a relatively simple fix granted, I lack the understanding necessary of your texturing system to do anything about it.

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