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Messages - Tenko Kuugen

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 57
so it crashes when it uses magic. huh.
So if replacing the scene.bin help, it must mean that Cure causes the crash? i just have no idea WHY it would do that.
i mean, if the spell works fine for YOU it should also work fine for the enemy since the scene.bin pulls player-usable spells the monsters use directly from the kernel and not from the scene.bin
if nobody else ever reports this, I have to write it off as a fuzzy install

if you use the full flevel there shouldn't be any issue when starting a new game.. nor when you use the slim one

have you seen it cast a healing spell? because that could be the other cause of the crash

thats odd. I have an idea what might cause it though

edit: hmmmm its not the main AI
there goes my idea
its weird because I played through that battle just fine.
he also has Cure 2 ( in vanilla ) and cure 3 in N7 but it would be weird if thats the crash... he generally casts cure before gamma and the attack IDs are correct

btw, bootleg should install the prerequisities automatically. the manual install is somewhat iffy iirc.

it could be the physical or magic counter script although they shouldn't cause a crash...
is there anything specific you do before it crashes? physical attack? magic attack? or does it randomly crash when he does something?
if replacing the scene.bin solves it, it must be either Cure or one of the AI scripts... very odd...

hm, thats very weird. ( and obviously not supposed to happen )
I'll check this right away ( scene.bin fixes are easy to do )

do you have any other mods installed? becuase other than the name, Gamma uses the exact same data as the vanilla Trine
do you have any other gameplay mods installed?
To narrow this down, try saving before him, make a backup of your scene.bin ( in ff7->data->battle )(scene.bin.backup) and then put the vanilla scene.bin there and see if it still crashes.
what attacks specifically have you seen that do NOT crash?
also, do you have the latest core files? ( see page 1  of this thread )

oh maybe i have the wrong version installed ? i have the version that came with tifas torrent for bootleg 0040

its the same one with the infinite megalixir in the room before the save point.

as for the bug..  maybe it has to do with either getting them out of order  .. like getting the 9th one first and the 1st one 9th..

or maybe it has to do with getting infinite megalixirs bug from the room before.. maybe those two bugs are relative?

i dont know what version the torrent comes with but thats not the latest version, more than likely.
And the out of order doesn't matter
the megalixir should use a different bit than the hidden items so I don't think they are correlated at all.

Gameplay / Re: mod suggestion: mobile trabia garden
« on: 2013-08-18 18:47:20 »
finally a use for the 15 billion gil I never spent.

Gameplay / Re: mod suggestion: mobile trabia garden
« on: 2013-08-18 09:31:02 »
Mobile Trabia Garden would completely change the storyline though. and I really mean completely.

Completely Unrelated / Re: FFVII hates me...
« on: 2013-08-17 14:49:18 »
In the future, when the game tells you that you got Death Joker, don't confirm. Just run. You can still escape from the battle without dying, as long as you're not surrounded and it's not a boss.

wow, thats so cheap... doing that would hurt me more in my pride of not being bad at games than having to grind over again

there are 9 items before the save point and 1 after the save point.
what are the details of the bug? because that really shouldn't happen anymore.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Tifa
« on: 2013-08-16 14:04:25 »
Tenko Kuugen is right, the Melons are Tifa's signature feature,

Aerith has only some some small flowers and Yuffie must hunt for Materia to compensate that she has so less of them.

by god did I laugh. I almost passed out.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Tifa
« on: 2013-08-16 10:07:05 »
How does her hair look from the back?
Are you going to incorporate her signature red tipped dolphin-tail split?

if there is anything "Signature" Tifa then her Melons are. not the tip being red or dolphin split.

Oh, the difficulty part extends to the end of CD1 and balancing it, changing the items everywhere and so on took quite a long time. New scenes and minigames end with midgar thoug
good to hear people actually feel accomplished getting through Midgar

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-12 22:46:08 »
I changed all enemy skills in the game for N7. I edited every single instance of all those enemy skills in the battle scene to match the kernel version. took <2 hours I think I recall

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-12 20:33:47 »
there aren't that many enemies that use the enemy skills
manually copy pasting them from enemy to enemy is not that time consuming.

Your good job has been officially withdrawn.
Bad Vgr, BAD!

When I reach the world map for the first time, it does the usual "Save on the world map" thing, but it also says the full Nightmare overhaul ends here. Was that a leftover from an earlier version or does that mean the rest is not fully done yet?

N7 original features ( scenes, hidden items, new story ) constitute the 'full' version where the difficulty scaling goes to the end of Disc 1. this includes changes to what items and materia you find and get as prizes in the gold saucer.
getting out of Midgar is no easy task btw, good job

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-11 05:31:19 »
Does that mean I imagined my one star Summons casting twice per battle?  It's entirely possible lol, I just wanted to be sure.

This is inspiring me to experiment with materia modifications again.  I have so many mod ideas, so little motivation to bring them to reality,

yes, you imagined that.

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-11 00:02:24 »
changing the number-of-use in the kernel for red materia does absolutely nothing
and its 1-2-3-4-5 uses for 1-2-3-4-5 stars.

Ok, should be fixed. not a major bug so it'll go live with the next version

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-07 17:43:39 »
Oh cool. Breaking the program's ability to handle something in order to get a result that I want - That suits me perfectly! ;D

Thanks for the quick replies guys, muchly appreciated.

Edit: Does this mean I could add stars (and abilities) to other Materia by giving them additional AP levels and corresponding Modifiers in place of a currently blank one?

however, this depends on the materia type
yellow and green work pretty much the same, they unlock abilities specific to the level of the materia ( 2nd star = ability 2, 3rd star = ability 3 ) where as purple, red, blue don't work quite like that. Red pretty much determines the number of use directly from the star level so adjusting the numbers there does actually nothing IIRC ( my memory is very wonky on the red materia part )
purple increases the potency and you can manipulatre the min&max values of each level but you can't pass a specific game threshold where maximum effect is obtained ( for example, modding the exp+ materia to give +1000000% exp won't actually give that much extra exp )
Blue materia I forgot but it should be pretty much level-of-materia=number-of-uses

Gameplay / Re: mod suggestion: mobile trabia garden
« on: 2013-08-06 22:21:50 »
I would lie if I put "not to be an ass" up here so I won't.
But I'll take some of that wind out of your sails
First of all, you'd have to find exactly where the models are stored, then how they are accessed on the world map, make a new model, inject it, make the game recognize it, eiter replace an existing entry and change how it's used, clone the balamb garden mobile functions, and so on

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-06 22:13:51 »
considering it's x * (100) for AP cost, 2 bytes is more than enough. actually, I'm not sure the game can handle a base value of >32767
I think I came across this when I set the KOTR cost in N7

Cherish ball was here, Nest ball is a loser

FF7 Tools / Re: Hojo 1.0 - enemies editor
« on: 2013-08-05 04:15:18 »
I always assumed it was the actual drop chance in hex but I remember that being not the case since the numbers were purely decimal

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Nightmare mod help
« on: 2013-07-25 06:55:14 »
thats not really supposed to be that way. What NPC are you talking about? And what stage specifically are you at? Finding out you have to crossdress? getting one of the crossdress items? etc

this should probably go into the nightmare thread, too.

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