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Messages - LordUrQuan

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General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-09-16 02:24:52 »
Some folks just want to use their time elsewhere.
Indeed... like spending the weekend removing this monstrosity, then chasing down why two of the new AFCIs kept tripping.

Well, ok, I didn't really *want* to use my time doing that, but it had to be done before I could do anything on my "want to do" list, like prep for a likely PHEV replacement for my 14 year old Civic.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-09-15 20:43:49 »
So here's my honest take after spending some time with the PS4 and Switch versions.

For Console players: Buy it. It's the only version that is available anyway and it's definitely worth the 20$. Especially on the Switch. Sure, you don't have the trophies (big deal anyway 🙄) but you get portability + the graphics don't look as bad on the 720p screen.

For PC users... Honestly, if you don't mind spending some time modding (and since you're on this forum, I'm gonna assume you don't), you don't need to buy this version. I think that the original, modded game might be a better fit. Unless you REALLY want the turbo option. Other than the turbo option, if you already own the original, you don't need to buy this one.
Have a karma +1  (because someone *cough cough*) is karma-bombing everyone these days out of spite.  Very honest, but still leaves me in the lurch being a PC'00 owner of FF8 and only a PS2 for consoles... I'll still have to wait for O8 it seems  :-[

7th Heaven / Re: Something totally broke my mods
« on: 2019-09-14 14:40:56 »
In your 7H aali driver config, make sure the tick box for 'direct mode' is enabled.  If you don't see that tick box, look in ff7_opengl.cfg for "direct mode = on"

Eww, yuck. Linking that movie should be against forum policies :P
For the most part, I'd agree, but I've yet to find anything Yoda has said in any of his appearances that isn't worth remembering.

I didnt even consider your fields to be worth showing off but I'm very very VERY glad to see that you stuck with it and continued to improve them again and again. Your work speaks for itself, and as someone who prefers to show rather than tell, I can offer you no higher praise.
Thank you again for your continued hard work and dedication, you're an inspiration.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and doing it well often requires a metric fsck-ton of failure.

O-VIII is nowhere near ready for that.  Right now, it's not much more than a way to view the world map, battle scenes, and menus.  Long ways off before it's something people can actually play the game with, or create mods for.

I mean that a little bit of searching (which you did after I posted) would have yielded your answer.

good , and this program openviii can be found here in this site or somewere else?
Orz are here now, but almost not yet.  Soon Orz are really here!  It is too funny.

why is it so hard to get mods to work on the ff8 remaster for
dotemu went and buggered up the whole file structure

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-09-05 12:39:48 »
You should all let this version die rather than bail Square out.  Steam version doesn't have the issues this one does and it works fine.

I'm just glad they fixed several small issues like the Quetzal sound though... no modder ever bothered to fix them, right? I'm just curious to know what they actually did.
Ripped off modders' work and passed it off as their own.

General Discussion / Re: ffVIII remastered
« on: 2019-09-05 01:54:42 »
Not going to happen.  Ripping official stuff is strictly forbidden here.

7th Heaven / Re: Windows 10 1903 update broke the game
« on: 2019-09-04 12:46:55 »
In your 7H workshop general settings, make sure "music" and "direct" are listed only once each.  There's a bug in some 1.56 builds where anything in that folder gets duplicated on launch, and that'll bog things down and potentially cause out-of-memory crashes if your system's that tight to start with.

Siren is censored in the remaster. Is possible to replace her with the Hellfire model?  :lol:
Won't know until it's actually out and folks get to see file structures, injection routes, and the like.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-30 01:57:01 »
It was cheap enough that a multi million pound company could keep a backup on various media very easily
Apparently not, since Square binned both 7 and 8.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-29 21:46:03 »
I can't believe those incompetent idiots lost both the source code AND the original high res backgrounds. Jesus Christ, the more I look at them the uglier they become, how's that even possible.
Because 20 years ago, storage wasn't nearly as cheap as it is today.

7th Heaven / Re: HELP! Error Starting FF7 (CODE 5)
« on: 2019-08-29 14:01:17 »
Thank you! It fixed it. However it does mess up the resolution so that the game isnt fully displayed :-(
Post up your ff7_opengl.cfg file and a screenshot... could be either wonky resolution settings or a DPI issue.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-29 12:45:39 »
Unlike Squall, I think this model is a huge improvement.
She still looks like a ticked off mermaid wanna-be.  No way I'm dashing myself upon her rocks.

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven 1278 Error - HELP! (Fixed)
« on: 2019-08-29 03:16:34 »
Hopefully I didn't jinx things by sharing :).
Hardly... it's an error I (and everyone I poked) hadn't seen before, so sharing your solution helps us all:)

7th Heaven / Re: Slow loading on world Map
« on: 2019-08-28 12:29:43 »
So I guess I must delete those entries anytime I start the game. Thanks a lot man!
Only when things get annoyingly slow.  It doesn't actually hurt anything, just makes the program cycle through those folders once for each time they're listed.

7th Heaven / Re: 7th heaven error - Error starting FF7
« on: 2019-08-28 03:03:27 »
In the compatibility settings of ff7.exe, enable the tick box for "Run in 640x480"

And turn off "Check for updates" (not related to your problem, but it'll cause others)

7th Heaven / Re: Slow loading on world Map
« on: 2019-08-27 12:33:10 »
In your 7H config window, make sure that the direct and music folders are only listed once each.  There's a bug in some of the 1.56 builds where they get duplicated on start, and that'll bog your system down something ugly.

Troubleshooting / Re: Game freezes at title screen
« on: 2019-08-27 01:42:02 »
Your load order is all messed up, and I have a feeling you have ff7.exe as your executable instead of ff7_bc.exe

DLPB - Able to replicate on my bare metal R05c install with 60fps enabled, but it's not Neo Bahamut with the issue, it's Bahamut ZERO.  Some flickering at the start of the summon, some of the mid-summon visuals missing, but nothing game-breaking.  Remako is NOT installed on my system.

7th Heaven / Re: New 7th heaven version?
« on: 2019-08-23 18:53:28 »
No.  It's actually stepped back a little bit and away from all the buggy RC releases.  When there's a real and well-tested update, you can be sure we'll throw a party ;)

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