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Messages - jeffdamann

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-23 09:31:24 »
It sucked when I was a part of the Donner Party :(

Wiki-   Read it!

Completely Unrelated / Do I have musical talent?
« on: 2010-07-23 09:29:45 »
These 2 videos were made on april 3rd, I had been practicing guitar since Valentines day.

This is megadeath symphony of destruction. If you dont wanna listen to me explain my set-up to my friends, skip halfway through to where I start.

This is my attempt at a finger tapping demonstration.

As an added bonus trivia question. What video game item do you see in these videos?

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-23 08:28:28 »
The Image posted above is a main thoroughfare on the top plate of midgar, where the beginning of the first scene takes place, thats why you jump the train and head down towards the slums.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-22 21:53:49 »
I had totally forgotten about the dark clouds...those were freakin AWESOME...who made those?...I fished too much lol.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Mix and match gaming.
« on: 2010-07-21 21:18:31 »
Lol does this count?

When we were kids we made stupid games and one was Freeze Baskerball. It had elements of freeze tag, basketball, baseball,kickball and something else. I cant remember how we actually implemented it but we were smart, and bored, so It was a fun game!

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-21 21:16:29 »
Yeah but texturing is my strong point, and I have room to evolve my skills here, Im not really good with 3d yet, but if someone would send me some texture maps I would prolly get a great result on some enemies/ other things.

I would also texture the field backgrounds, if each object can have its own texture map, I.E. Ladders, Pipes, Catwalks, Etc.

They want me to remodel the train, And I've been messing with it but my 3d skills are not up to par yet.

Anyways maybe Ill figure something out...

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-21 21:07:14 »
Is anyone still interested in this? Sithlord is busy with other projects and pyrozen is busy IRL, and I have basically lost motivation after my last round, because it seems interest has been lost in this WIP.

Please, continue to leave suggestions and critique as you all did before, I would really like to continue work on this, but have many projects IRL, so its hard to find motivation when no one is paying attention lol.

Completely Unrelated / Re: what i have been doing....
« on: 2010-07-21 00:46:23 »
Ima do that when I own a place instead of expensive ass marble lol.

Team Avalanche / Re: Verdana Font
« on: 2010-07-20 23:16:14 »
This was what i meant:

Wooooo!  Quoting Images.  Warned

Although in that last window the problem seems solved.

Lol in the original Image he only edited the Capitol S and lower case a, v, and e, Thats why it looks funny and also gives you a side by side.

General Discussion / Re: Mirenheart's Question Topic
« on: 2010-07-20 17:56:11 »
Yeah thats just because the WMRP didnt get 100% complete, they are working on it though.

General Discussion / Re: Over leveled at this point?
« on: 2010-07-20 17:53:08 »
Not on hardcore, and not if your not familiar with all the little tricks you can pull off.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-19 05:00:12 »
Here is what I have done on pjac...

If you will notice after my bricks there is a brown area and then more grey bricks. They actually look like this.

I think it would look pretty odd if I were to make tiny bricks and replace the current textures with them, but then again who knows. I would like your input on what to do with them, and I will do the best I can.

Also the building and wall in the BG look pretty good, should I just do some advanced sharpening on it or retexture it?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-18 01:07:42 »
All megaman games, I really like secret of mana and legend of mana, etc. Also like secret of evermore and Breth of fire 1 for that matter(was my first rpg)

I also love games like Forza Motorsports 3 or Grant Turismo series, anything with an upgrade system.

On the other hand I like Games like the Katamari series and harvest moon series as well.

These are just some games off the top of my head.

General Discussion / Re: Hardcore Mod Tips/Etc Topic.
« on: 2010-07-18 01:03:55 »
Yeah The blue one just has crap(x-potion), but one has a fairy ring and and the other has some armor I believe.

General Discussion / Re: Hardcore Mod Tips/Etc Topic.
« on: 2010-07-17 23:15:52 »
They gave me a tough time to, loco weeds, fire fangs, and bolt plumes help here. Yes they do get many more attacks than you, so watch out. Do not let the one that casts berserk berserk you, and make sure hews confused so he winds up berserking one of his party members instead.

First take out the Curing one, I believe hes the purple one, because he will cure and revive the other members ALL the time.
Next concentrate on the blue one, this guy can deal some serious damage, especially if he's berserked.
The other one sucks, and just does some sort of kill move when he dies, watch out for it.

Go up 2 floors although you cannot unlike the doors and fight the fights that have Soldiers and Robots. You can steal a Hardedge from these soldiers that may help you a good bit,I forgot what the robots steal was.Lvl up here until you feel confortable(fire fangs and bolt plumes come in handy on the lvling as well)head back down and save, and then give em your all.

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-17 21:27:49 »
That is very true, and it would save hours of work. And I don't think people are running the game in such a high resolution. So if the faces are too detailed, the faces will just be a bunch of messed up pixels. But I like the way the face looks now. The question is if you will be able to blink?

I think in the original game the character could blink right? Removing the ability to blink will take away a lot of the realistic feeling you get when playing the game.

I am running the game near 1920x1440

Completely Unrelated / Re: FFVIII Elimination Challenge
« on: 2010-07-17 04:39:02 »
Attack Dr. Odine
Cure Biggs

Dr. Odine=200


Completely Unrelated / Re: Wooden Swords!!
« on: 2010-07-17 02:15:57 »
1. This is the wrong board. Go to completely unrelated with this. (I'm sure Obesebear will be along shortly to oblige you) (sl1982 beat him to it. Oh well. :) )

2. That image is a bit large for a forum. It took me dial-up time to load it and I'm on a Optic Fiber connection.

3. That sword is too weak to do anything with other than use as a decoration. When I opened this up I expected to see self-made Bokken or something. Then I would have asked you how you did it.

Lol your connection must be effed, the pic showed in 2 seconds for me and I have charter.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The sh*t Sucks thread
« on: 2010-07-17 00:47:04 »
crappy story cloud...but i would say growing pot in your house would fall into the "digging my hole deeper" catagory. I dont have a problem with pot, but i DO have a problem with people going to jail who don't present a danger to anyone but themselves.

I would, however, continue getting quality pot and using it to control your mood. If it works then stick with it, i have plenty of friends who have similar mood swings as you do, and pot definitly helps them out.

Thanks for your compassionate reply pyro lol, I dont really feel I need any because I feel like such a piece of shit most of the time, and it feels like I need a good kick in the ass more ya know?

As for growing I am doing so outside far from my house ATM, but it is the only way for me to get anything of quality, or to keep my hands on it, because all you can get here is bottom of the barrel stuff for lik 5$ a blunt lol, ridiculous.

When not working , I can sometimes not even support my habits, I might get my wife, who I need to love more and forget about that other girl(still the spark isnt there)to buy me a dime or a pack of cigs every now and again, if absolutely need be. I just dont feel like a very good person atm, and thats one of my troubles.

I really dont know where Im headed anymore, and feel so lost, but thats usually the depression, when Im normal I have goals that I try to attain, but then I get depressed and I just let everything go... Oh well, Ive whined enough, and let you people WAYYYY farther into my psyche than any IRL person can prolly get, so we'll just leave it at that.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The sh*t Sucks thread
« on: 2010-07-17 00:28:21 »
Edit, feeling better now :)

1. Was the *^&%*&% Censoring of language removed in the PC version?
Nope, it's still there.

2. If not is there a mod that un-censors it?
Not that I know of. It's difficult to do it well, since it's not always obvious what he's actually saying.

3. What are the general differences between the two versions? I have mostly played the ps1 version,and a friend has gotten me the pc version for my B-day.
The PC version has a few typos corrected (pretty sure there's no "touph ring" in the PC version), and it runs at a higher resolution (640x480 by default, which is twice that of the PSX). It plays pretty much exactly the same, though.

Covarr, I was always wanting 0% censorship in this game, and throughout my 30+ playthroughs, I have ALWAYS understood what he means by symbols. They even leave the same amount of characters.

If it was "Lets get the hell out of this b*tch!" It'd be lets get the hell out of this #$^&@!"
Or if it said"The shinra fuckers are destroying the planet" (Yes Ive seen instances where they meant fucker), Itd be "Those shinra $%*&^@! are destroying the planet!"

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-07-16 04:04:36 »
I just feel I needed to point this out before we get any further. The battle scene you are using above is the OR series sl.

Millenia used the exact same textures for the OQ series as well, which DOES have most of the same textures, yet different lighting/color of the floor,etc from OR...

The issue here is that the floors are clearly different in the original, and left as is here they will be exactly the same except with a + shaped metal grating instead of a - shaped one.

I can post the original files versus the new ones if I need to to show you what I mean.

I was going completely to fast late at nite when I posted that lol.
All I saw was Bo and assumed it was Bosola(and in my haste mis-typed his name)

Yeah just tell us Bosala

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-14 01:15:34 »
Im back on the prjoect, after a brief hiatus due to personal projects IRL,which are now completed, I am now continuing my work.

Question:When exactly does the bombing mission end in TA's view? After the explosion that burns wedge, or when you all get off the train in the slums?

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