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Messages - Borde

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Hey, now that you mention it, Grandia 2 has also a PC version (which was the one I played, by the way). It's a good game, but by no means great.

Maybe Anachronox? It certainly had turn-based battles. I've heard it was pretty good.

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-03 15:51:31 »
I don't know if I can say this without being offensive, but I'll do my best: Creationism is a threat to sience and, don't doubt about it, a threat to society itself. But I just can't grasp the reason why the Christian church has come up with this absurd idea. It's because they are loosing belivers? Maybe it's because science has proven wrong theories mistaken as absolute truth by the church? If they really want to be taken seriously they should just accept that their duty is to confort people's heart's and give moral advice (even if religion isn't the only way), not to explain the world around us. If their sacred texts are wrong (or at least unlikely) why not just say that they are figurative? I think it would be the most elegant way to settle down this useless discussion of once and for all. When used correctly, religion cannot contradict science because they play in completly separeted fields.

Telling the students to simply ignore the currently accepted theories looks like a very dangerous lesson to me. Sure, anyone can come up with it's own theory about anything that hasn't been explained irrefutably (that is, nearly anything). And that's not bad, in fact this is the way science advances. But it just cannot be directly put at the same level of the current theory accepted by the sientific community. And the reason is that those theories are backed up with a collection of facts that make them more likely than all the others.

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-02 22:25:00 »
Wooo... man, sure you must have played a lot of times in order to remeber the script so accurately The Black-caped Man. Yes, that's the dialog I was refering to.

Exactly El Ammo Bandito! But even for those who resist to follow the basic implicit rules that keep our society working, we've got the law and the police to punish them without the need of a god.

Just to clarify something spyrojyros_Tail, hominids (not to talk about homo sapiens) didn't appeared exactly when the dinosaurs disappeared. There was a HUGE lapse of time between their death and the birth of our race.

Releases / Re: [Release] NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2008-01-02 10:45:40 »
I didn't know about that way, but you can keep a character from blinking by adding one small model at the beging of the RSD files list for the head bone (in it's HRC file).

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-02 10:34:54 »
Jejeje... when WWIII is over... IF there is a WWIII there will be no one to fight. I saw recently a very interesting fact: even after years of nuclear disarming it has been calculated that if you put together EEUU's and Rusia's arsenal, you've got enough destructive power to destroy the world around 200 times.

Beliefs are certainly a complex topic. Even a pure atheist like myself must belive in something without having any rational proofs to back it up (such as the hability of makind to not destroy himself), so I don't feel like bashing others for their beliefs. But there is something that just pisses me off. Why must we have some kind of eternal reward (or punishment) to stop us from comitting crimes? We already have our own laws, so we don't need any divine entity to give us a set of rules.

About your theory The Black-caped Man, I've allways thought that FF7 had a very intersting point of view about the life cycle too. It's well know for everyone that matter cannot be destroyed, just tranformed. And thus when you die the matter of your body it's certainly recycled into something else, very much like the way lifestream recycles energy. I can see that FF7 was just an update for your already existing beliefs, but I also understand why Squeeble thought it was a disturbing idea the way you put it at first.

As for the main topic, there has been one sentence of FF7 that certainly helped me. It's something that Cloud says when Aeris dies. I don't know how it was translated in english, but in Spanish it was "Se acabó el reir, se acabó el llorar..." (No more laughs, no more tears...). I used to be very worried about dying, about wasting my life. But after reading that sentence I understood I shouldn't care about that. No matter what I do or don't do. When I die, it will be the end, and I won't feel good or bad any more. I know I could have read this somewhere else, but it had a deep impact for me in that situation.

By the way, my father died when I was young, but I won't say I had no infancy. It just wasn't a very happy infancy...

DOH! Right. If my english teacher saw this...
As for the movie, that's right. This proves I didn't pay much anttention to the film :-P Then again, there is something a bit confusing here. Is Sephiroth's will what Kadaj and Co. are following or is it Jenova's will? I think it's the later. In fact, while playing FF7 I came to think that even Sephiroth himself was no more than a Jenova's puppet too.

Well, this is an interesting discussion, although in my opinion Advent of Children just messed up the story.
I've read "The maiden who travels the Planet" and it looked quiet reasonable. The lifestream certainly reciclated the energy of all living creatures to create more live, but it was a long term process. People spirtis were slowly destroyed, but not inmediatly. The time needed for this process to complete doesn't seems to be the same for everyone either. Besides Aeris is a Certa, and thus his spirit recives a diferent treatment. In the novel Aeris can travel through the lifestream and finds several old friends, such as Bigs, Jesse and Wedge.
I think the words of Cloud should be interpreted as a simple mistake.
As for Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz, your theory is interesting The Black-caped Man, but I don't think it's right. I think they are more like those poor black caped men controlled by Jenova's cells. In fact, doesn't Spehiroth even kill Kadaj? I don't remember this very well.

Yes, don't get me wrong magixts. It has nothing to do with your program, it already worked this way without the launcher. I just was curious if you knew something about it.
I meant that vertices show a strange movement, as if there was some kind of precision problem. Just like in the PSX version.

By the way, nice to hear about the black band. Sure you are fast :-P

FF8 isn't my favourite game, but this patch is great. Great job magixts.

With my x800XT, FSAAx16 and AFx8 it works very well. There are some corrupted graphics displayed on the black bands on the upper and lower part of the screen during movies and the backgrounds show some little cuts here and there, but nothing very noticiable.

By the way, I never noticed how unstable the 3D looks in this game. Doesn't it use perspective correction?

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2007-12-26 23:24:55 »
Yes, all my links are long tim dead, sorry. I've added the link to the last version provided by ice_cold513 to the first post.

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Battle Skeleton
« on: 2007-12-26 13:15:19 »
The information about skeleton heriarchy and bone lengths is stored on the xxAA files. The rotations must be retrived from the animations (stored on the xxDA files). I've never tried exporting an FF7 model, but If you tried with biturn and never got anywhere, I supose It only exports geomtry (which I understand, because geometry is far easier to deal with than anything else). I think no one made any program to export animation and skeleton data as text, but If you want Cloud's information I can log It using Kimera and send it to you.

Well mirex, actually even I got It working on Kimera... sort of (some bone don't rotate properly). It's all explained on the wiki right now.

Hey, that's an intersting pice of information seb. Don't know if the other knew about this, but it certainly explains some problems I had loading animations in Kimera. I'll keep in mind this information for my new version (yeah, when I finish my damn project, that is).
Thanks a lot.

Archive / Re: NPC RP
« on: 2007-11-01 11:21:24 »
When do you get that problem? In-game? If that's so, most likely the char.lgp you created is broken. That's probably due to a problem with your regional settings. LGPTools it's known to fail with some of them. If that's the problem, just change that setting to US befor creating the new char.lgp.

Archive / Re: NPC RP
« on: 2007-10-31 21:16:11 »
That link it's for an outdated version of the pacth. If you look a bit more down, you will se the links to the newest version (v0.6) with a much bigger font size.

Archive / Re: NPC RP
« on: 2007-10-31 16:32:49 »
nonnaseth, don't you think you are asking the same thing too many times? I'm not a mod, but I think they won't take this very well.

Releases / Re: [Release] NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2007-10-31 16:31:00 »
They are in the first post.

Releases / Re: [Release] NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2007-10-31 16:18:22 »
Tray again. All of them work for me.

Cyberman, currently I think that the buffer we are talking about is a vertex array or a vertex buffer. I don't think it's allocated into the VRAM. I don't think much code should be changed in order to enlarge a buffer. If it's initialized with a malloc or new it would be enough to change the number of element allocated in the arguments of the call (finding it can be a problem, though...). If it's statically allocated... well, I don't have the slightest clue about how to change that.
As for scrapping the original engine and adding a new one from a DLL, I don't think it's an easy task. Correct me if I'm wrong, but  think it hasn't even been uncovered completly what does FF7 do exactly to render the backgrounds. Baseides, who konws if the game is doing something else while rendering the backgrounds.
Sorry for not posting my notes yet, but I'm having some problems to find my old stuff.

Hello Meteor.
Sorry but I don't use to come around this sub-forum (and looks like ice_cold513 and stormmedia don't use to do it either). You could have tried sending us a PM.
Anyway, have you tried using teh windows 95 compatibility mode?

Hello khelben.
I'm gald to see someone got interested in that old experiment. Anyway, I'm just too bussy right now to work on anything besides my end of degree project. It should be finished by february so, If you are still interested by then we can talk about it. If you are bored meanwhile I can send you the work I did so you can take a look at it. As I said the last time, the problem is that limited buffer. If you know how to enlarge it, that could solve the problem.

Releases / Re: [Release] NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2007-10-24 21:48:13 »
Well paladin181, it's basically the same as with the field model,

As for your comments Salk, I undesrtand your point. Yes, certainly stormmedia said what he said: he is going to take a different approach and change his style radically. So yes, you could say that his models will clash with those made by me or ice_cold513. But they won't clash any more than the original lego models, so I can't see why could they harm the project.

Releases / Re: [Release] NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2007-10-23 17:15:15 »
paladin181, the wrold map models are stored in world_us.lgp

Thank for your sincerity Salk. Well, you see, to be sincere I wouldn't use Stormedia's Cloud either... in it's current state. But let him finish it, we will see how it comes along. I wouldn't even use proportioned models, mind you.
Anyway, I think the question stormmedia asked should be reversed: do you really want him to leave the project? Well, the biggest problem with that is obvious when you look at how old our last release is. It's been a looooooong while ago. And that's because it takes time to redo models and because we are having less and less free time. I started this project nearly 3 years ago with the idea of doing some models, getting some more talented people interested and leaving the project to them. And in all this time only 3 guys have worked on this project: myself, ice_cold513 and stormmedia. Which I must say it's quiet depressing.
As you can guess, the more people involved in this project, the faster it will get done. Removing one man from the team will only slow things down even more. But don't think that the models that are done will stay like they are forever. The idea is to have all the models done as fast as we can and then start changing what we don't like and, if we can't get to a common consent, then we will simply split up the project.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2007-10-22 17:24:33 »
Sorry ARMs, but I think there is no such an editor. And the reason is that, due to the way the game reads the data, it seems quiet unlikely that it will accept any externally created contents. I supose it won't be that problematic if you simply change a few values on a file I know, but I never tried.
By the way, battle model animations (not the models themsevles)  seem to share the same format in the PC version and the PSX version. I don't have a clue how weapon models work though. I've heard they have their own animations but I don't know where they are.

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