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Messages - Shard

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Troubleshooting / Re: Garden and field files
« on: 2014-05-04 00:20:48 »
I'm not seeing how to do it. Remember, I don't want the fl, fi, or fs files. I want the files inside them.

I guess my alternative is to study Deling's source code and write an extension for it myself, but I was hoping it would already do what I want.

Troubleshooting / Re: Garden and field files
« on: 2014-04-29 02:42:54 »
Deling does them one at a time (AFAIK). Is there a way to mass export all the field files at once?

I'll also need to be able to mass import field files from their folder structure.

Troubleshooting / Garden and field files
« on: 2014-04-29 00:37:08 »
I'm trying to use Garden to extract FF8's field files (the ones listed by the .fl files and contained within the .fs files), but every time I decompile, it decompiles everything BUT the field files. I only get the expected structure of /eng/battle, /eng/menu, /eng/world, and /magic.

I've used the exe linked from the main site, and also tried the Polish version that's floating around. Neither seems to work, though I'm pretty sure I've done this in the past.

My field files are modified, but not corrupt. Deling and the game open them with no problems.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Math Help Topic
« on: 2014-04-29 00:27:22 »
Actually I think it's because Square wanted to store angles in 8-bit addresses, which only go up to 256.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Math Help Topic
« on: 2014-04-28 23:14:27 »
I have a (not real) math problem: Why do circles only have 240 degrees in the Final Fantasy 8 engine?

That was a refreshing change from me listening to the Esthar theme for the last 2 hours :/

Graphical / Re: Graphic updates for Steam vers?
« on: 2014-03-30 09:19:56 »
I'm guessing you're asking about FF7?

There are a ton of alternate models, model textures, battle scene textures, and field background textures that people have made. You can find them all in this forum.

I don't know if it's the most updated, but this will give you a pretty good start:

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quick comment.
« on: 2014-03-20 23:08:17 »
Don't do the side quests that you hate?

General Discussion / Re: final fantasy 7 problem
« on: 2014-03-20 14:03:38 »
Got any log files to post?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quick comment.
« on: 2014-03-19 14:58:22 »
I didn't really mind the battle square. The slot machine idea was pretty cool to keep the battles challenging. (even though you could usually get lucky and roll the same slot over and over for no drawback).

LOL @ blitzball. God, that was awful.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quick comment.
« on: 2014-03-19 03:11:41 »
*looks at address bar*

Yup. This isn't square's website.

Also, were we supposed to guess which of Square's 50 games you're talking about? Cause if you're talking about FF13, that game doesn't have a battle system.

Troubleshooting / Re: Minigame crash
« on: 2014-03-18 20:29:29 »
That's it? Are you using the FF7 1.2 patch? Aali's driver? Literally list everything you are using that didn't come with the game.

Troubleshooting / Re: Minigame crash
« on: 2014-03-18 18:25:31 »
You know, we might be able to help you if you told us what mods or patches you're using.

Everyone hated Tidus because he was a whiny crybaby and also a giant moron. Yuna throws herself at him all game and he just shrugs it off. He tells every living soul in Spira he's from Zanarkand, even as much as three minutes after Rikku and Wakka keep telling him not to.

Honestly, it's the only playable character in FFX that I despised (Wakka was pretty annoying but at least he knew up from down). I would put FFX on the same level I put FF7 if the main character were anyone else.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Spring Break
« on: 2014-03-15 10:42:42 »
I spent my spring break trying to find work.

Unemployment sucks.

You can't. The CD change is built into the game's scripting engine. It asks you for disc changes even if they're already in your optical drive.

If you rip your own CDs and store the ISOs on your hard drive, you can use something like Daemon Tools to mount them to a virtual drive when it asks for switches, so you don't need to physically swap them yourself.

#First world problems.

WIP / Re: [Auditions Open] FF8 Voiceover Project
« on: 2014-03-14 18:31:51 »
Thanks. I think I also started a discussion there, but it's always good to get the word out!

Gameplay / Re: Is there any FFVIII Savestate for pc?
« on: 2014-03-12 15:16:02 »
Well, it took me about 5 seconds to find it on google. (you dont need to mod any script files this way, I didn't know someone did this already)

Gameplay / Re: Is there any FFVIII Savestate for pc?
« on: 2014-03-12 15:04:27 »
Unless you're emulating your PC, the answer is no.

You can, however, modify the game's scripts to allow menu saving anywhere.

FFX would have been far more enjoyable if Tidus wasn't a worthless moron. It had a really good plot and the battle system was actually really good.

Him and Blitzball ruined that game. Pretty much the only reason I ever replay it is because of Auron.

WIP / Re: [Auditions Open] FF8 Voiceover Project
« on: 2014-03-09 13:57:49 »
For FF8... I'll consider auditioning. Maybe for Seifer (though probably not with a Will Friedle/Kingdom Hearts 2 impression). Probably not though, this role is a bit bigger than I want to commit to.
There are much smaller roles that I will probably have trouble filling. People with limited time are very welcome to submit auditions. There are some roles that will only need to read like five lines for the whole game. Remember, I'm voicing EVERY mandatory line in the game, and FF8 is a loooong game with a lot of NPCs.

I still insist you contact Shudo about your project... Cast has already been selected
I actually have a creative problem with that part. I disagree with some of the castings used in those dubs. There are castings I really like, but it's not worth compromising for. I want this project as high-quality as possible, not as easy as possible.
I have a specific vision for how this project will end up, and I feel that starting from scratch is the best way to get there. There are some actors that have done dubs who I would love to approach if they don't audition, but walking into another person's project and saying I don't like half of their casting isn't the way to go.

WIP / Re: [Auditions Open] FF8 Voiceover Project
« on: 2014-03-09 11:47:23 »
There are problems with using existing dubs. I would have to get the same actors/actresses to do the rest of the game, and that may not be possible. Additionally, I'm editing some of the game's dialogue to sound more natural when spoken (and to fix some awkward translation issues), so they would have to re-record a lot of the dialogue anyway.

Also, I can dub FMVs without replacing them (in fact, I'm adding voice credits to the opening movie).

WIP / [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« on: 2014-03-08 10:48:21 »
This mod will be available for all PC versions of FF8 (original, Square re-release, and Steam re-release). No release date is set.

We will be voicing all mandatory dialogue. That is, all the dialogue that the player has to view in order to get to the end of the game. Some additional dialogue will be voiced, especially dialogue which builds on the characters' histories, explains the game's lore, or just happens to be humorous. Much of the dialogue will be edited to fix localization issues, or to improve scenes that were previously lacking in emotional depth. While much of the game's dialogue will be different, the overall point and feel of each scene will be unaltered. We're still telling the original story in the same way, and almost all of the game's most memorable lines are untouched. Yes, Seifer still calls Zell a chicken-wuss.

We will also be adding new dialogue to the game that will play as you explore the world and carry out your missions. This will make many of the more boring areas of the game a little more fun to play through. In addition, you may find some alternate dialogue that characters will sometimes speak depending on how you've treated those characters with your dialogue choices earlier in the game. We will also voice over most of the game's battle dialogue, in the hopes that someday we will have the ability to modify battle scripts. The total size of the download is estimated to be between 500-600 MB before compression.

I'll post updates on my twitter feed for projects @ShardFenix

Cast List
Squall - Steven Kelly
Rinoa - Kawaii_Ash
Zell - SenorCape24 (BTVA)
Quistis - Guildencrantz (BTVA)
Selphie - Elle Boleyn Dekkard
Irvine - Christopher Dooley
Edea - Amy Perkins
Seifer - Joey Martin
Laguna - Ben Albright
Ellone -
Cid - MicTheMatt
Fujin - Bluewind61
Raijin - gameusurper (BTVA)
Odine - Alex Beckham
Dr. Kadowaki - Rose Franklin
NORG - Aussieroth
Completion Progress
Scripting: ~90%
Lines finished: 3631 / 6649 (54.6%)
Tech demo ft. Rinoa and Zell
Annoyance dialogue demo
Squall's Speech
Squad Assignments

Original announcement and audition threads:
Audition Thread 2

That field is in data/eng/field/mapdata/ti/tistud21 and the model is d040

I don't work with the model side of things, but I hope that helps.

I don't remember Edea ever having a mask. What part of the game can you see it in?

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